英语 中的 flip 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 flip 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 flip 的说明。

英语 中的flip 表示翻转 fān zhuǎn, 翻转 fān zhuǎn, 空翻 kōng fān, 翻身 fān shēn, 发狂 fā kuáng, 愤怒 fèn nù, 轻抛 qīng pāo, 空翻 kōng fān, 空翻 kōng fān, 气死了!, 竖中指 shù zhōng zhǐ, 失控,失去自控能力,发火 shī kòng,shī qù zì kòng néng lì,fā huǒ, 发疯 fā fēng, 翻过来 fān guò lái, 转到, 后空翻, 快速翻阅 kuài sù fān yuè, 不断换台, 会议展示架, 活动挂图 huó dòng guà tú, 把…快速地翻过来 bǎ kuài sù de fān guò lái, 翻盖手机, 反面 fǎn miàn, 负面, 竖中指 shù zhōng zhǐ, 夹趾拖鞋 jiá zhǐ tuō xié, 突变 tū biàn, 常变观点, 突然转变, 突然改变, 易拉盖的, 前空翻, 掷硬币。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 flip 的含义

翻转 fān zhuǎn

transitive verb (turn over)

Tim flipped the card to look at the back.

翻转 fān zhuǎn

transitive verb (pancake, coin: toss) (硬币)

Jim flipped the pancake in the pan.

空翻 kōng fān

intransitive verb (gym: turn head over heels) (体操等)

Richard flipped twice before landing.

翻身 fān shēn

intransitive verb (turn over)

Kate flipped onto her back.

发狂 fā kuáng

intransitive verb (figurative, slang (go insane)

Ryan completely flipped and attacked his stepfather.

愤怒 fèn nù

intransitive verb (figurative, slang (get upset, angry)

Ben flipped when his friend tattled on him.

轻抛 qīng pāo

transitive verb (throw casually)

Tom flipped the rock into the fountain.

空翻 kōng fān

noun (gymnastics: head-over-heels) (体操等)

Erin did a flip as she came off the bars and stuck the landing.

空翻 kōng fān

noun (act of turning over)

We saw the fish do a flip in the water before it swam away.


interjection (UK, dated, informal (expressing irritation) (感叹词)

Oh, flip! I've left my keys on the kitchen table.

竖中指 shù zhōng zhǐ

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (US, slang (gesture obscenely)

I was extremely offended when the boy who stepped out in front of my car flipped me off.

失控,失去自控能力,发火 shī kòng,shī qù zì kòng néng lì,fā huǒ

phrasal verb, intransitive (slang (lose your temper) (俚语)

She is so volatile; it takes the slightest little thing to make her flip out.

发疯 fā fēng

phrasal verb, intransitive (slang (have a mental breakdown)

I am flipping out right now about the twenty-five page paper I have due tomorrow.

翻过来 fān guò lái

phrasal verb, intransitive (turn upside down)

The car hit a pothole, flipped over and landed on its roof.


(informal (change: TV channel)

I wasn't enjoying the film so I flipped over to the sports channel.


noun (backwards somersault)

快速翻阅 kuài sù fān yuè

(book, pages: leaf through)

I spent hours on that report and he just flicked through it before dismissing it!


(TV channels: browse) (电视)

I spent ten minutes flicking through the TV channels and didn't find anything worth watching.


noun (easel for large sheets of paper)

The flip board was set up in the meeting room, but nobody had had the foresight to provide a flip chart to put on it.

活动挂图 huó dòng guà tú

noun (pad of paper on an easel)

Try to prepare your flip chart pages in advance.

把…快速地翻过来 bǎ kuài sù de fān guò lái

(turn upside down)

Marie flipped her notebook over when Roger tried to see what she was writing. When turning out a jelly, hold the plate over the mould before flipping it over.


noun (abbr (mobile telephone: clam-shell style)

反面 fǎn miàn

noun (reverse, other side)

The flip side of the album also had some good songs.


noun (figurative (another, less attractive, aspect)

The flip side of the new product is that it wastes electricity.

竖中指 shù zhōng zhǐ

verbal expression (US, slang (make vulgar middle-finger gesture)

夹趾拖鞋 jiá zhǐ tuō xié

noun (usually plural (thong: beach shoe)

I always wear flip-flops to the beach.

突变 tū biàn

noun (figurative, informal (sudden policy change) (政策等的)

His new position on troop withdrawal is a big fat flip-flop.


intransitive verb (figurative, informal (change opinions often)

Mark can never make up his mind; he flip-flops constantly.

突然转变, 突然改变

intransitive verb (figurative, informal (change policy suddenly) (政策等)

The candidate flip-flopped on questions of healthcare and the environment.


adjective (container: attached lid on top)


noun (gymnastics: forward somersault)

The gymnast performed a front flip and landed gracefully on her feet.


verbal expression (let chance decide between 2 options) (做决定)

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flip 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。