英语 中的 fly 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 fly 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 fly 的说明。

英语 中的fly 表示飞 fēi, 乘飞机 chéng fēi jī, 驾驶飞机 jià shǐ fēi jī, 苍蝇 cāng ying, 裤裆拉链, 驾驶 jià shǐ, 空运 kōng yùn, 用飞机运送, 酷的, 假蝇 jiǎ yíng, 帐篷的帘子 zhàng péng de lián zi, 飞行 fēi xíng, 单马马车, 悬吊系统,悬吊挂景, 飞鸟, 快速浏览 kuài sù liú lǎn, 飘扬,飞扬 piāo yáng,fēi yáng, 逃跑 táo pǎo, 快速离开,快速离去 kuài sù lí kāi,kuài sù lí qù, 飞逝,流逝 fēi shì,liú shì, 乘飞机旅行 chéng fēi jī lǚ xíng, 升起 shēng qǐ, 放飞(风筝), 攻击 gōng jī, 飞逝 fēi shì, 石蛾, 大蚊, 放风筝, 试探舆论, 飞走, 吹走 chuī zǒu, 飞回, 假饵盒,装假蝇的盒子 jiǎ ěr hé,zhuāng jiǎ yíng de hé zi, 展翅高飞, 乘飞机抵达, 与...形成鲜明对比, 白璧微瑕, 突然离去,离开 tū rán lí qù,lí kāi, 发火 fā huǒ, 乘飞机出去 chéng fēi jī chū qù, 苍蝇拍, 灭蝇拍, 离巢, 长大离家,独立生活, 不可靠的,欺诈的 bù kě kào de ,qī zhà de, 不可靠的人, 飞蝇钓, 接卫, 接卫, 乱倒垃圾,非法弃置废物, 近空探测飞行 jìn kōng tàn cè fēi xíng, 庆典飞行表演, 飞轮 fēi lún, 果蝇 guǒ yíng, 虻 méng, 家蝇 jiā yíng, 在飞行中 zài fēi xíng zhōng, 沙蝇, 西班牙调情液,欧芫菁,斑蟊 xī bān yá tiáo qíng yè,ōu yán jīng,bān máo, 采采蝇, 舌蝇。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 fly 的含义

飞 fēi

intransitive verb (move through the air)

You can see the birds flying every day.

乘飞机 chéng fēi jī

intransitive verb (travel by plane)

We flew to San Francisco last summer.

驾驶飞机 jià shǐ fēi jī

intransitive verb (pilot a plane)

The pilot flew often.

苍蝇 cāng ying

noun (insect) (昆虫)

The fly kept bothering us during our meal.


noun (clothing: fastening on crotch)

Hey, your fly is down. Zip it up.

驾驶 jià shǐ

transitive verb (pilot) (飞机)

The pilot flew a 747.

空运 kōng yùn

transitive verb (transport by plane)

The pilot flew cargo between the two cities.


transitive verb (transport by plane)

The helicopter flew the injured climber to hospital.


adjective (slang (cool)

That guy thinks he's fly in his designer shades.

假蝇 jiǎ yíng

noun (bait in fishing) (钓饵)

I bought a new fly. Let's see if the fish bite when they see it.

帐篷的帘子 zhàng péng de lián zi

noun (flap on tent)

Don't forget to close the fly of the tent after you enter.

飞行 fēi xíng

noun (US, slang (flight)

It wasn't a bad fly. I slept through most of it.


noun (historical (one-horse carriage)

The doctor took the fly to Lady Grey's residence.


noun (theater: space over the stage) (剧场)

The scenery was lowered from the flies.


noun (fitness: arm exercise) (健身动作)

快速浏览 kuài sù liú lǎn

intransitive verb (figurative (move quickly)

I am flying through these sample sentences.

飘扬,飞扬 piāo yáng,fēi yáng

intransitive verb (flag: be blown by wind) (旗帜等)

You could see the flag flying in the wind.

逃跑 táo pǎo

intransitive verb (run away)

He flew out of the room when he remembered his appointment.

快速离开,快速离去 kuài sù lí kāi,kuài sù lí qù

intransitive verb (leave quickly) (口语)

I'm sorry to leave you, but I must fly.

飞逝,流逝 fēi shì,liú shì

intransitive verb (figurative (time) (时间)

Time flies when you are having fun.

乘飞机旅行 chéng fēi jī lǚ xíng

transitive verb (travel across by plane)

We flew the continent in less than five hours.

升起 shēng qǐ

transitive verb (flag: raise) (旗帜)

The fort was flying the British flag.


transitive verb (kite: make airborne)

It's not windy enough today to fly a kite.

攻击 gōng jī

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (attack [sb])

飞逝 fēi shì

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (time: pass quickly) (时间)

The hours fly by when I'm with you.


noun (flying insect)


noun (flying insect: daddy longlegs)


verbal expression (play with flying toy)


verbal expression (figurative (test public opinion)

The company is flying a kite to see how consumers react to the new product.


(insect, bird: take flight) (鸟儿)

After the bird was rescued from the cat, he shook himself, then flew away.

吹走 chuī zǒu

(figurative (be carried off by wind) (被风)

The loose sheets of paper flew away in the wind.


(return by plane)

假饵盒,装假蝇的盒子 jiǎ ěr hé,zhuāng jiǎ yíng de hé zi

noun (fishing: box for storing bait) (钓鱼时)

I keep my fishing hooks and lures in my fly box.


verbal expression (figurative (be successful) (比喻义)


(arrive by plane)

Justin is planning to fly in on Monday.


verbal expression (figurative (contradict completely)


noun (figurative (small flaw, impediment)

突然离去,离开 tū rán lí qù,lí kāi

(insect, bird: take flight)

The startled bird flew off.

发火 fā huǒ

verbal expression (figurative, informal (lose temper)

My dad flew off the handle when I told him I'd crashed the car.

乘飞机出去 chéng fēi jī chū qù

(depart by plane)

We are due to fly out on holiday just before Christmas. My plane will fly out of Atlanta tomorrow at four in the morning.

苍蝇拍, 灭蝇拍

noun (implement for killing flies)


verbal expression (bird: leave nest) (鸟)


verbal expression (figurative (leave parents' home)

不可靠的,欺诈的 bù kě kào de ,qī zhà de

adjective (figurative (dishonest, scamming)


noun (figurative, slang ([sb] dishonest) (俚语)

He's no fly-by-night operator: he's got years of experience and will do a good job.


noun (method to catch fish)


noun (rugby position) (英式橄榄球)


noun (rugby player) (英式橄榄球)


noun (illegal dumping of garbage)

'No fly-tipping' said the sign, but the hillside was covered with household garbage.

近空探测飞行 jìn kōng tàn cè fēi xíng

noun (flight close to [sth])


noun (aircraft: flypast)

The pilot did a flyover above the children's birthday party.

飞轮 fēi lún

noun (rotating wheel in a machine)

Flywheels are used in some machines to regulate the speed of operation or store kinetic energy.

果蝇 guǒ yíng

noun (small flying insect)

Fruit flies are used in genetic research.

虻 méng

noun (large flying insect)

Tom was having a nice day until a horsefly bit his arm.

家蝇 jiā yíng

noun (common flying insect)

在飞行中 zài fēi xíng zhōng

adverb (informal (while moving)

The app will come in very handy when you are on the fly.


noun (flying parasitic insect)

西班牙调情液,欧芫菁,斑蟊 xī bān yá tiáo qíng yè,ōu yán jīng,bān máo

noun (aphrodisiac obtained from beetles) (从一种产于西班牙的小甲虫中提取出来的性药)

采采蝇, 舌蝇

noun (disease-carrying flying insect) (一种可传播疾病的苍蝇)

While on vacation in Africa he was bitten by a tsetse fly.

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fly 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。