英语 中的 freaking 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 freaking 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 freaking 的说明。

英语 中的freaking 表示怪人 guài rén, 畸形物, 狂热的爱好者 kuáng rè de ài hào zhě, 非同寻常的,不正常的,稀奇的,罕见的 fēi tóng xún cháng de ,bú zhèng cháng de ,xī qí de ,hǎn jiàn de, 吓得魂不附体 xià dé hún bú fù tǐ, 高度情绪化 gāo dù qíng xù huà, 反应强烈, 失去理智, 大发脾气, 为了…生气, 吓坏了, 让…不安, 马戏团怪物, 控制狂, 反常的事故 fǎn cháng de shì gù, 畸形的人或动植物 jī xíng de rén huò dòng zhí wù, 不正常的自然现象或事件 bú zhèng cháng de zì rán xiàn xiàng huò shì jiàn, 恐惧 kǒng jù, 强烈的反应, 极度兴奋, 焦虑不安, 冲动, 崩溃, 奇异的演出, 怪诞的表演, 畸形秀,畸形人展 jī xíng rén zhǎn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 freaking 的含义

怪人 guài rén

noun (informal, pejorative (person: appearance)

The kids at school said Karen was a freak because she dressed differently from everyone else.


noun (pejorative when used for people ([sth] or [sb]: abnormal)

The botanist explained how freaks like double-headed daisies sometimes occurred.

狂热的爱好者 kuáng rè de ài hào zhě

noun (informal (person: excessive interest)

Josh is a science fiction freak; he knows more about the genre than anyone else.

非同寻常的,不正常的,稀奇的,罕见的 fēi tóng xún cháng de ,bú zhèng cháng de ,xī qí de ,hǎn jiàn de

noun as adjective (rare)

Tornadoes are a freak occurrence in this part of the country.

吓得魂不附体 xià dé hún bú fù tǐ

intransitive verb (slang (show terror)

Paul freaked when he saw something move in the dark.

高度情绪化 gāo dù qíng xù huà

intransitive verb (slang (become extremely emotional)

Tim's mom freaked when he came home with a tattoo on his neck.

反应强烈, 失去理智, 大发脾气

phrasal verb, intransitive (slang (get angry)

When I tell my parents I'm quitting school, they are going to freak out.


(slang (get angry about)

Dad freaked out about the mess which the kids had made in the kitchen.


phrasal verb, intransitive (slang (be scared, upset)

Tina freaked out when she saw the snake.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (slang (disturb)

Stop looking at me like that! You're freaking me out!


noun (performer with unusual qualities)

In the olden days, disfigured people were often hired as circus freaks.


noun (slang ([sb] dominating and perfectionist) (俚语)

My brother is a control freak when it comes to using the computer.

反常的事故 fǎn cháng de shì gù

noun (accident: improbable)

He lost his big toe in a freak gardening accident.

畸形的人或动植物 jī xíng de rén huò dòng zhí wù

noun (deformed person or animal)

A calf born with three legs is a freak of nature.

不正常的自然现象或事件 bú zhèng cháng de zì rán xiàn xiàng huò shì jiàn

noun (unusual natural event)

It was a freak of nature to get snow so close to the equator.

恐惧 kǒng jù

noun (mainly US, slang (fear, nerves)

Rachel had a freakout when she looked at the exam paper; she ran out of the hall in tears.

强烈的反应, 极度兴奋, 焦虑不安, 冲动, 崩溃

noun (mainly US, slang (anger)

Clare had a freakout when she found out her son had been stealing from her purse.

奇异的演出, 怪诞的表演

noun (figurative (bizarre or exhibitionist display)

Did you see that talent show on the TV last night? What a freak show!

畸形秀,畸形人展 jī xíng rén zhǎn

noun (dated (circus act featuring deformities) (马戏团的)

Bearded women were a staple of the traditional freak show.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。