英语 中的 free 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 free 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 free 的说明。

英语 中的free 表示免费的 miǎn fèi de, 释放了的 shì fàng le de, 有做某事的自由, 没有人的 méi yǒu rén de, 解放 jiě fàng, 使…免除, 有空的,空闲的,有时间的 kòng xián de, 有时间做,有空做, 有空…的,有时间…的, 自由的 zì yóu de, 政治独立的 zhèng zhì dú lì de, 视野畅通的,一览无遗的 shì yě chàng tōng de,yì lǎn wú yí de, 自由的 zì yóu de, 游离的 yóu lí de, 宽松的 kuān sōng de, 随意的 suí yì de, 不受拘束的 bú shòu jū shù de, 乐意的 lè yì de, 没有…的 méi yǒu … de, 免于…的 miǎn yú de, 自由地 zì yóu de, 免费地 miǎn fèi de, 解除某人的某种责任, 使某人摆脱某事, 将...从...中解开, 腾出来,空出来 téng chū lái,kòng chū lái, 无添加剂的,不含添加剂的, 无酒精啤酒, 冲破藩篱 chōng pò fān lí, 摆脱 bǎi tuō, 摆脱 bǎi tuō, 无错误的 wú cuò wù de, 不含咖啡因的,无咖啡因的 bù hán kā fēi yīn de,wú kā fēi yīn de, 放养的, 无笼饲养, 无子女的 wú zǐ nǚ de, 选择不生育, 零残忍的,未使用动物实验的, 免关税(的), 不含乳制品的,无乳质的, 免税的 miǎn shuì de, 免税商品 miǎn shuì shāng pǐn, 免税商店, 欧洲自由贸易协会, 逍遥自在的,不受束缚的, 无脂的,脱脂的 wú zhī de,tuō zhī de, 随意,别拘束,不用客气,随便点 suí yì,bié jū shù,bú yòng kè qì,suí biàn diǎn, 随意 suí yì, 免费地 miǎn fèi de, 罚球线,犯规线 fá qiú xiàn,fàn guī xiàn, 无味的,无香的 wú wèi de, 免费进入 miǎn fèi jìn rù, 自由人 zì yóu rén, (可以和任何球队签约的)自由球员 kě yǐ hé rèn hé qiú duì qiān yuē de zì yóu qiú yuán, 自由自在 zì yóu zì zài, 自由联想 zì yóu lián xiǎng, 自由交往 zì yóu jiāo wǎng, 自由选择 zì yóu xuǎn zé, 自由选择物 zì yóu xuǎn zé wù, 自由市民 zì yóu shì mín, 免费诊所 miǎn fèi zhěn suǒ, 自由竞争 zì yóu jìng zhēng, 自由企业 zì yóu qǐ yè, 自由落体, 自由下落, 急剧下跌 jí jù xià diē, 自由流动的 zì yóu liú dòng de, 不受约束的,不被限制的 bú shòu yuē shù de ,bú bèi xiàn zhì de, 自由形态,自由形式 zì yóu xíng tài,zì yóu xíng shì, 不含…的 bù hán de, 免费礼品,赠品 miǎn fèi lǐ pǐn,zèng pǐn, 放手处理问题的权力 fàng shǒu chǔ lǐ wèn tí de quán lì, 任意球 rèn yì qiú, 自由性爱 zì yóu xìng ài, 免费供餐, 免费午餐, 自由人 zì yóu rén, 自由市场, 自由市场的, 不含…的 bù hán de, 免费的 miǎn fèi de, 免费地 miǎn fèi de, 免费的 miǎn fèi de, 免费入场 miǎn fèi rù chǎng, 自由港, 自由港区,保税区, 自由媒体, 自由放养的 zì yóu fàng yǎng de, 自由放养动物制的,自由放养动物生产的 zì yóu fàng yǎng dòng wù zhì de,zì yóu fàng yǎng dòng wù shēng chǎn de, 完全自由, 不劳而获,无本获利,坐享其成 bù láo ér huò,wú běn huò lì,zuò xiǎng qí chéng, 不劳而获者 bù láo ér huò zhě, 自由奔跑, 免费样品,试用品 shì yòng pǐn, 空闲空间,自由空间 zì yóu kōng jiān, 言论自由 yán lùn zì yóu, 不遵守规范的人 bù zūn shǒu guī fàn de rén, 自由州 zì yóu zhōu, 罚球,任意球 fá qiú,rèn yì qiú, 免费票 miǎn fèi piào, 空闲 kòng xián, 自由贸易 zì yóu mào yì, 自由贸易区 zì yóu mào yì qū, 免费试用, 自由诗 zì yóu shī, 自由重量, 自由意志 zì yóu yì zhì, 自由女性, 自由世界 zì yóu shì jiè, 解放自己 jiě fàng zì jǐ, 使自己摆脱, 摆脱诺言的约束 bǎi tuō nuò yán de yuē shù, 不受责任的约束 bú shòu zé rèn de yuē shù, 自由浮动的,自由活动的, 可自由参加的竞赛, 即兴的 jí xìng de, 非寄生的,自生的, 无拘无束的 wú jū wú shù de, 散养鸡蛋,草鸡蛋, 自由自在的,无拘无束的 zì yóu zì zài de ,wú jū wú shù de, 干舷, 将...免费提供给别人以循环再利用, 自由潜水 zì yóu qián shuǐ, 自由职业的 zì yóu zhí yè de, 独立的, 自由的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 free 的含义

免费的 miǎn fèi de

adjective (no charge)

For you, there's no charge - it's free!

释放了的 shì fàng le de

adjective (not restrained physically)

The prisoner was free at last.


expression (at liberty)

The citizens were not free to criticize the government.

没有人的 méi yǒu rén de

adjective (seat: unoccupied)

Excuse me, is this seat free?

解放 jiě fàng

transitive verb (release, liberate [sb], [sth])

Slaves were freed in 1865 in the USA.


(figurative (exempt [sb] from duty)

Household appliances have freed us from many of the time-consuming chores our grandparents had to do.

有空的,空闲的,有时间的 kòng xián de

adjective (person: available) (人)

Are you free this Saturday?


adjective (person: available to do [sth]) (人)

Sandra said that she would be free to help us tomorrow.


(person: available for [sth]) (人)

I'm free for coffee tomorrow morning if you fancy meeting up.

自由的 zì yóu de

adjective (not literal)

The newspaper gave a free interpretation of events.

政治独立的 zhèng zhì dú lì de

adjective (politically independent)

The former colony became free last year.

视野畅通的,一览无遗的 shì yě chàng tōng de,yì lǎn wú yí de

adjective (view: unobstructed) (视野)

We have a free view of the stage from here.

自由的 zì yóu de

adjective (unfettered)

After the divorce, he was given free access to his children.

游离的 yóu lí de

adjective (chemistry: uncombined) (化学)

Substances conduct because of free electrons.

宽松的 kuān sōng de

adjective (loose) (衣服)

I prefer clothes that are free and light.

随意的 suí yì de

adjective (unrestrained)

Feel free to ask questions.

不受拘束的 bú shòu jū shù de

adjective (frank)

If I can be free with you, I'll tell you what's wrong.

乐意的 lè yì de

adjective (somewhat pejorative (lavish)

He was very free with his advice.

没有…的 méi yǒu … de

adjective (as suffix (without: [sth] undesirable) (后缀)

This tube station has step-free access.

免于…的 miǎn yú de


Your life will be free from stress. // I try to use personal care products that are free of artificial scents.

自由地 zì yóu de

adverb (freely)

I love to run free along the beach.

免费地 miǎn fèi de

adverb (gratis)

I got this book free.



His hearing problem freed him from military service.


(relieve of)

Buying online will free you of the need to go to the shops.



He couldn't free the fishing line from the weeds.

腾出来,空出来 téng chū lái,kòng chū lái

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (make [sth] available) (非正式用语)

The rental company said all their cars were reserved, but they might be able to free up a sedan in the afternoon.


adjective (no artificial ingredients)


noun (beer containing no alcohol)

Bob drinks alcohol-free beer when he is the designated driver.

冲破藩篱 chōng pò fān lí


Stan works in an office, but dreams of breaking free and joining a rock band.

摆脱 bǎi tuō

verbal expression (escape)

The hostage broke free from his captors and ran to safety.

摆脱 bǎi tuō

verbal expression (escape)

The two convicts were finally able to break free from the chain gang.

无错误的 wú cuò wù de

adjective (code, software) (编码、软件)

不含咖啡因的,无咖啡因的 bù hán kā fēi yīn de,wú kā fēi yīn de

adjective (without caffeine)


adjective (US (hen, egg: free range)


adverb (US (hen, egg: free range)

无子女的 wú zǐ nǚ de

adjective (having no children by choice)


expression (voluntarily having no children)

Glen and his wife are childless by choice, although they have three dogs.


adjective (obtained without harming animals)


adjective (law: no duty)


adjective (containing no milk products)

免税的 miǎn shuì de

adjective (law: exempt from customs tax)

Airports are a great place to do some duty-free shopping.

免税商品 miǎn shuì shāng pǐn

plural noun (merchandise free of customs tax)

Duty-free goods can be purchased only by those who are over 18 years of age.


noun (UK (airport: untaxed goods store)

You must show your boarding pass at the checkout counter of the duty-free shop.


noun (initialism (European Free Trade Association)


adjective (no commitments, carefree)

无脂的,脱脂的 wú zhī de,tuō zhī de

adjective (food: containing no fats) (食物)

I bought some fat-free yogurt, but it doesn't taste as good as the real thing! It is a mistake to think that because a food is fat-free, it's also free of calories.

随意,别拘束,不用客气,随便点 suí yì,bié jū shù,bú yòng kè qì,suí biàn diǎn

interjection (informal (please do, go ahead) (非正式用语)

If you ever want to borrow a book, feel free.

随意 suí yì

verbal expression (informal (do [sth] freely) (非正式用语)

Please feel free to call if you need any help.

免费地 miǎn fèi de

adverb (informal (free of charge, without paying)

Joe somehow managed to get hold of some concert tickets for free.

罚球线,犯规线 fá qiú xiàn,fàn guī xiàn

noun (on basketball court) (篮球)

The crowd fell silent as the player stepped up to the foul line.

无味的,无香的 wú wèi de

adjective (unscented)

免费进入 miǎn fèi jìn rù

noun (no cost to enter)

Tickets cost $20, except on Tuesdays when the museum offers free admission.

自由人 zì yóu rén

noun ([sb] independent)

(可以和任何球队签约的)自由球员 kě yǐ hé rèn hé qiú duì qiān yuē de zì yóu qiú yuán

noun (sports: non-contract player)

His contract with the Yankees has expired so now he's a free agent.

自由自在 zì yóu zì zài

adjective (informal (really free)

When this school year is over, I'll be free as a bird.

自由联想 zì yóu lián xiǎng

noun (spontaneous response to words)

Let's do free association: I'll say a word and you say the first word that comes to mind.

自由交往 zì yóu jiāo wǎng

noun (right to associate with anyone)

We have the right to free association in this country.

自由选择 zì yóu xuǎn zé

noun (unrestricted options)

You can only control your own life by exercising your own free choice.

自由选择物 zì yóu xuǎn zé wù

noun ([sth] chosen freely)

自由市民 zì yóu shì mín

noun (has unrestricted freedoms)

免费诊所 miǎn fèi zhěn suǒ

noun (offers free medical care)

This free clinic has been providing health care to the uninsured since the '60s.

自由竞争 zì yóu jìng zhēng

noun (business: no trading restrictions)

Free competition cannot exist where the government is controlling the market.

自由企业 zì yóu qǐ yè

noun (liberal economics)

The G8 is a group of nations who share a belief in free enterprise as the best route to growth.


noun (fall: subject to gravity)

The plane went into free fall when both engines stalled.


noun (part of jump: no parachute)

Baumgartner is going to perform a free fall from 120,000 feet.

急剧下跌 jí jù xià diē

noun (figurative (sharp decline)

The global economy went into free fall in the fall of 2008.

自由流动的 zì yóu liú dòng de

adjective (fluid, moving easily) (液体等)

A little work with this plunger and we'll have this drain free flowing again. The Yellowstone River is free flowing: it has no dams anywhere on its course.

不受约束的,不被限制的 bú shòu yuē shù de ,bú bèi xiàn zhì de

adjective (figurative (without constraints) (比喻)

Their free-flowing discussion touched on everything from their jobs to their relationships.

自由形态,自由形式 zì yóu xíng tài,zì yóu xíng shì

noun (improvised style) (音乐)

Free form is a type of jazz introduced in the 1950s.

不含…的 bù hán de

adjective (not containing)

The river was free from pollution before the factory was built nearby.

免费礼品,赠品 miǎn fèi lǐ pǐn,zèng pǐn

noun ([sth] offered free with a purchase) (购买商品赠送的)

放手处理问题的权力 fàng shǒu chǔ lǐ wèn tí de quán lì

noun (unrestricted freedom)

任意球 rèn yì qiú

noun (sport: kick awarded after a foul) (足球运动中犯规后罚球的一种)

自由性爱 zì yóu xìng ài

noun (dated (extra-marital or promiscuous sex) (旧时用语,指不受婚姻等约束的随便的性爱)


noun (food provided to attract customers)


noun (figurative ([sth] given with no expectations) (比喻)

自由人 zì yóu rén

noun ([sb] who is not in prison) (与囚犯相对)

He'll be on probation for the rest of his life, so he isn't really a free man. After ten years of a bad marriage, I am once again a free man.


noun (economic system with price competition)


noun as adjective (relating to free market)

不含…的 bù hán de

expression (not containing)

I try to use personal care products that are free of artificial scents.

免费的 miǎn fèi de

adjective (having no cost)

The film was rubbish but it's okay because the seats were free of charge.

免费地 miǎn fèi de

adverb (at no cost)

Breakfast is provided free of charge.

免费的 miǎn fèi de

adjective (not requiring payment)

Anti-pollution measures are never free of cost.

免费入场 miǎn fèi rù chǎng

noun (access to [sth] at no cost)

The package includes free passes to all the park attractions.


noun (port open to commercial vessels)


noun (area open to commercial vessels)


(uncensored press) (不受审查的媒体)

自由放养的 zì yóu fàng yǎng de

adjective (farm animal: roaming freely) (农场动物)

Free-range chickens are not kept in small cages.

自由放养动物制的,自由放养动物生产的 zì yóu fàng yǎng dòng wù zhì de,zì yóu fàng yǎng dòng wù shēng chǎn de

adjective (produce: from free-range animals) (产品)

Eggs generally cost more if they're free range.


noun (full control, unhampered freedom)

不劳而获,无本获利,坐享其成 bù láo ér huò,wú běn huò lì,zuò xiǎng qí chéng

noun (slang (get without working for it) (俚语)

There are no free rides here: if you don't work, you don't eat.

不劳而获者 bù láo ér huò zhě

noun (slang (person: freeloader) (俚语)


noun (activity: type of parkour)

免费样品,试用品 shì yòng pǐn

noun (taster of [sth] offered at no charge)

When I was a child, I loved to eat free samples at the grocery store.

空闲空间,自由空间 zì yóu kōng jiān

noun (unused memory or storage)

言论自由 yán lùn zì yóu

noun (speech unrestrained by censorship)

Seventy percent of Americans agreed that people should have the right to free speech.

不遵守规范的人 bù zūn shǒu guī fàn de rén

noun (non-conformist)

She's a free spirit: she wears what she likes, does what she likes, and doesn't care what anybody thinks.

自由州 zì yóu zhōu

noun (US, historical (US state prohibiting slavery) (历史用语,指禁止奴隶制度的州)

Not all of the Union states were free states; four were slave states.

罚球,任意球 fá qiú,rèn yì qiú

noun (basketball throw) (篮球运动中犯规后罚球的一种)

免费票 miǎn fèi piào

noun (entitlement to [sth] at no cost)

I've got some free tickets to the theatre – would you like to come?

空闲 kòng xián

noun (leisure hours)

She often reads in her free time.

自由贸易 zì yóu mào yì

noun (unrestricted commerce)

The USA has a free trade agreement with Mexico and Canada.

自由贸易区 zì yóu mào yì qū

noun (country: unrestricted commerce)

The purpose of NAFTA is to make North America a free trade area.


noun (sample of [sth] at no charge)

If you want to check our new vehicles, just give us a call and we'll schedule a free trial.

自由诗 zì yóu shī

noun (poetry format)

Walt Whitman wrote free verse in the 19th century.


plural noun (handheld weights used for exercise) (用于锻炼)

I work out with 5-lb free weights and a resistance band.

自由意志 zì yóu yì zhì

noun (choice, freedom to choose)

Are all things preordained by God or does the individual have free will?


noun (female: not captive or incarcerated)

自由世界 zì yóu shì jiè

noun (democratic nations) (民主国家)

The Cold war divided the world into two halves: the free world and the communist world.

解放自己 jiě fàng zì jǐ

intransitive verb (unburden yourself of [sth])

No one else can cure your addiction; you must free yourself.


transitive verb (reject, throw off)

摆脱诺言的约束 bǎi tuō nuò yán de yuē shù

verbal expression (undo a promise)

不受责任的约束 bú shòu zé rèn de yuē shù

verbal expression (avoid having to fulfil a duty)


adjective (not attached to anything)


noun (informal (fight, argument open to everyone) (非正式用语)

即兴的 jí xìng de

noun as adjective (improvised or unplanned)


adjective (plant, animal: not parasitic) (植物、动物)

无拘无束的 wú jū wú shù de

adjective (person: indulging appetites) (人)


noun (from chickens not kept in cages)

自由自在的,无拘无束的 zì yóu zì zài de ,wú jū wú shù de

adjective (independent)


noun (distance: deck to water) (轮船)


transitive verb (recycle by giving away)

自由潜水 zì yóu qián shuǐ

noun (sport: skin diving)

The resort offers a number of activities for guests, including scuba diving and freediving.

自由职业的 zì yóu zhí yè de

adjective (working for self)

Mike worked as a freelance journalist.

独立的, 自由的

adjective (work: independent) (职业)

The teacher did some freelance tutoring in the evenings to make extra money.

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。