英语 中的 French 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 French 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 French 的说明。

英语 中的French 表示法国的 fǎ guó de, 法语的 fǎ yǔ de, 法语的 fǎ yǔ de, 法语 fǎ yǔ, 法国人 fǎ guó rén, 把…切成条状 bǎ qiē chéng tiáo zhuàng, 将肉从骨头上剔下来, 法式深吻, 英国法语, 反法的 fǎn fǎ de, 法郎 fǎ láng, 法国印第安人战争, 四季豆 sì jì dòu, 法棍面包, 法裔加拿大人 fǎ yì jiā ná dà rén, 法裔加拿大人的 fǎ yì jiā ná dà rén de, 滑石 huá shí, 翻边袖口, 落地玻璃门 luò dì bō lí mén, 法式色拉酱 fǎ shì sè lā jiàng, 玛丽玫瑰酱, 炸薯条 zhá shǔ tiáo, 炸, 法国号,圆号 fǎ guó hào,yuán hào, 舌吻,湿吻 shé wěn,shī wěn, 舌吻,湿吻 shé wěn,shī wěn, 深吻..., 舌吻..., 法国长条面包 fǎ guó cháng tiáo miàn bāo, 法式洋葱汤, 法式甜馅饼 fǎ shì tián xiàn bǐng, 法国大革命, 法式土司 fǎ shì tǔ sī, 法式盘发,法式髻, 落地窗 luò dì chuāng, 说法语的, 炸薯条 zhá shǔ tiáo, 诺曼底语, 请原谅我说脏话, 里维埃拉,蔚蓝海岸 lǐ wéi āi lā。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 French 的含义

法国的 fǎ guó de

adjective (of or from France)

That shop has a good choice of French wine. He's French but his wife's from Spain.

法语的 fǎ yǔ de

adjective (lesson, teacher: of French) (课程、老师等)

Solange gives my children private French lessons.

法语的 fǎ yǔ de

adjective (relating to the French language) (语言)

Tania spent the afternoon revising irregular French verbs.

法语 fǎ yǔ

noun (uncountable (French language)

She speaks French fluently.

法国人 fǎ guó rén

plural noun (people of France) (总称,常用作复数)

The French are known for their wine.

把…切成条状 bǎ qiē chéng tiáo zhuàng

transitive verb (mainly US (culinary: cut into slivers) (烹饪)

It is a good idea to French the beans before cooking them.


transitive verb (mainly US (culinary: separate meat from bone)

You can usually buy the lamb already Frenched.


transitive verb (US, slang (kiss with tongues)

A teacher found Susie and Jimmy Frenching each other behind the bleachers!


noun (French dialect)

反法的 fǎn fǎ de

adjective (hostile to the French)

The cyclist denied making anti-French comments about other riders in the race.

法郎 fǎ láng

noun (historical (pre-euro currency of France)

It's been so long since I last went to France; actually, I still have some francs!


noun (18th-century war) (18世纪的战争)

England took control of Quebec in the French and Indian War.

四季豆 sì jì dòu

noun (green vegetable)

One of my favorite meals is a simple plate piled high with freshly steamed French beans.


noun (baguette)

Good french bread has a crispy crust and a soft interior.

法裔加拿大人 fǎ yì jiā ná dà rén

noun (Canadian person of French ancestry)

法裔加拿大人的 fǎ yì jiā ná dà rén de

adjective (of French-Canadian origin)

Céline Dion is a French-Canadian singer.

滑石 huá shí

noun (talc used to mark fabrics, etc.)


noun (shirtsleeve style: folded at end)

French cuffs require cuff links.

落地玻璃门 luò dì bō lí mén

noun (often plural (door with floor-length window)

The French doors bring a lot of light into the room.

法式色拉酱 fǎ shì sè lā jiàng

noun (UK (vinaigrette)

Could I have a mixed salad with French dressing on the side please?


noun (US (Marie Rose sauce)

I ordered a shrimp salad with French dressing.

炸薯条 zhá shǔ tiáo

noun (mainly US, often plural (thin fried stick of potato)

I'll take my hamburger with a side of french fries, please.

transitive verb (US (fry in deep fat) (烹饪方法)

法国号,圆号 fǎ guó hào,yuán hào

noun (brass wind instrument) (管乐器)

The French horn is a difficult instrument to play well.

舌吻,湿吻 shé wěn,shī wěn

noun (slang (kiss with tongues) (俚语)

What kind of kiss was it? A French kiss?

舌吻,湿吻 shé wěn,shī wěn

intransitive verb (slang (kiss with tongues) (俚语)

The couple argued about whether it was appropriate to French kiss at a wedding.

深吻..., 舌吻...

transitive verb (slang (kiss using tongue)

法国长条面包 fǎ guó cháng tiáo miàn bāo

noun (baguette, long stick of bread)


noun (soup with caramelized onions)

I like a broiled cheese crust on French onion soup.

法式甜馅饼 fǎ shì tián xiàn bǐng

noun (patisserie, sweet baked goods)

I love to have French pastry with a hot cup of chocolate.


noun (France: 1789 overthrow of monarchy) (1789年推翻君主政体)

The French Revolution was inspried by the success of the American Revolution, so they say.

法式土司 fǎ shì tǔ sī

noun (bread slices cooked in egg)

As a treat for breakfast I'll make you French toast sprinkled with cinnamon.


noun (pinned-up hairstyle)

French pleats were very popular in the 1940s.

落地窗 luò dì chuāng

noun (glazed door)


adjective (can speak French language)

The book has been translated for French-speaking audiences.

炸薯条 zhá shǔ tiáo

plural noun (US (serving of french fries)

That place serves the best steak and fries in town.


noun (language)


interjection (informal, figurative (excuse me for swearing)

That guy's a real bastard, if you'll pardon my French.

里维埃拉,蔚蓝海岸 lǐ wéi āi lā

noun (Côte d'Azur) (欧洲地中海南岸的度假胜地)

My family vacationed on the Riviera this year.

让我们学习 英语

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。