英语 中的 have 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 have 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 have 的说明。

英语 中的have 表示拥有 yōng yǒu, 具有, 有, 必须, 不得不, 只好, 得, 经历 jīng lì, 有 yǒu, 有, 怀有, 获得 huò dé, 吃,食用 chī,shí yòng, [用以构成完成时态] [ yòng yǐ gòu chéng wán chéng shí tài ], 富有 fù yǒu, 收到 shōu dào, 占有, 与…发生性关系, 使 shǐ, 允许 yǔn xǔ, 声称 shēng chēng, 邀请 yāo qǐng, 诸如此类,等等 zhū rú cǐ lèi,děng děng, 看起来已经, 碰巧,幸而,幸运的是 pèng qiǎo,xìng ér,xìng yùn de shì, 不巧地, 关心 guān xīn, 掌控 zhǎng kòng, 宣称做过, 面临挑战,面对困难, 受够了… shòu gòu le …, 和某人完了, 必须做某事, 理解 lǐ jiě, 比...更快出手, 让...处于劣势, 误解 wù jiě, 生孩子 shēng hái zi, 要孩子, 玩得很开心,玩得特别高兴 wán de hěn kāi xīn,wán de tè bié gāo xìng, 念念不忘 niàn niàn bú wàng, 对…有偏见 duì yǒu piān jiàn, 对...有意见, 怀孕 huái yùn, 起诉某人,提起诉讼 qǐ sù mǒu rén,tí qǐ sù sòng, 患…病 huàn … bìng, 有成功的机会 yǒu chéng gōng de jī huì, 有机会 yǒu jī huì, 得到…的机会 dé dào … de jī huì, 有机会 yǒu jī huì, 改变心意 gǎi biàn xīn yì, 心里不平衡, 感冒 gǎn mào, 独占某一行业, 垄断某种商品, 迷恋… mí liàn …, 行为鲁莽, 不计后果, 找死, 有死亡愿望, 挖苦某人, 会谈 huì tán, 喝(酒) hē jiǔ, 喝一杯, 喝点东西, 喝饮料, 大吃一顿, 尽情地吃 jìn qíng de chī, 对…有敏锐的洞察力 duì yǒu mǐn ruì de dòng chá lì, 感觉,直觉 gǎn jué ,zhí jué, 与…搏斗 yǔ … bó dòu, 与…争吵 yǔ … zhēng chǎo, 多管闲事 duō guǎn xián shì, 发脾气,生气 fā pí qì,shēng qì, 在…方面有天才 zài … fāng miàn yǒu tiān cái, 喜爱… xǐ ài …, 声音沙哑 shēng yīn shā yǎ, 一瞥 yì piē, 看一眼..., 瞧一瞧..., 试一下 shì yī xià, 攻击, 抨击, 跃跃欲试 yuè yuè yù shì, 有个好机会 yǒu gè hǎo jī huì, 好好聊聊 hǎo hǎo liáo liáo, 祝度过愉快的一天 zhù dù guò yú kuài de yì tiān, 有头脑 yǒu tóu nǎo, 对…非常了解 duì … fēi cháng liǎo jiě, 很有可能, 玩得开心 wán de kāi xīn, 祝你旅途愉快, 祝你一路平安, 祝周末愉快 zhù zhōu mò yú kuài, 善于园艺, 与…有关 yǔ … yǒu guān, 参与..., 宿醉 sù zuì, 处于困境 chǔ yú kùn jìng, 做...很难, 有同情心 yǒu tóng qíng xīn, 有点同情心!, 有美好的心灵, 有过一段感情,在一起过, 和…有过一段感情,和…在一起过, 有…的历史,有…的经历, 有…病史,有…史, 紧紧抓住 jǐn jǐn zhuā zhù, 暂时冻结, 把持, 直觉… zhí jué …, 有份工作 yǒu fèn gōng zuò, 做某事很困难,很吃力 hěn chī lì, 在…方面有技巧, 有…的本事, 开玩笑 kāi wán xiào, 没有立足依据, 比…有优势, 睡懒觉 shuì lǎn jiào, 与…谈一谈(认真地) yǔ … tán yi tán ( rèn zhēn de), 看一眼 kàn yì yǎn, 检查 jiǎn chá, 与…大有干系 yǔ … dà yǒu gān xì, 关于…有许多话要说 guān yú … yǒu xǔ duō huà yào shuō, 哽咽, 不听使唤, 想要做某事 xiǎng yào zuò mǒu shì, 险险逃脱, 祝拥有美好的一天 zhù yōng yǒu měi hǎo de yì tiān。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 have 的含义

拥有 yōng yǒu

transitive verb (own)

He has a big house and two cars.

具有, 有

transitive verb (feature: possess) (拥有特质、功能或性质)

She has a very strong personality. The program has a delete button.

必须, 不得不, 只好

verbal expression (must) (助动词)

I have to finish my homework.

transitive verb (suffer from)

She has the flu right now.

经历 jīng lì

transitive verb (experience)

My sons are having an adventure in South America.

有 yǒu

transitive verb (children, siblings: be related to)

They have two daughters and a son.

有, 怀有

transitive verb (mentally: have in mind)

She has a lot of plans.

获得 huò dé

transitive verb (obtain)

Could I have another cup of tea, please?

吃,食用 chī,shí yòng

transitive verb (eat, drink)

I had a drink and a biscuit.

[用以构成完成时态] [ yòng yǐ gòu chéng wán chéng shí tài ]

auxiliary verb (used in perfect tenses) (助动词)

We have won the race. I've been waiting here for hours.

富有 fù yǒu

intransitive verb (be wealthy)

Those who have, don't always understand those who have not.

收到 shōu dào

transitive verb (receive)

Have you had your exam results yet?

占有, 与…发生性关系

transitive verb (slang (have sex with) (俚语)

He's never had a girl before.

使 shǐ

transitive verb (arrange, cause)

I need to have my car fixed.

允许 yǔn xǔ

transitive verb (permit, allow)

He won't have such behaviour in his presence.

声称 shēng chēng

transitive verb (declare, assert)

Legend has it that the lakes are the footprints of a giant.

邀请 yāo qǐng

transitive verb (invite, entertain)

We're having his parents over for the holidays.

诸如此类,等等 zhū rú cǐ lèi,děng děng

expression (informal (and the like, and similar) (非正式用语)


verbal expression (person: seem) (人)

I appear to have lost my umbrella.

碰巧,幸而,幸运的是 pèng qiǎo,xìng ér,xìng yùn de shì

adverb (idiom (fortunately) (习语)

As luck would have it, the bus was late too, so I managed to catch it after all.


adverb (idiom, ironic (unfortunately)

As luck would have it, the strike started the day I was due to fly out on holiday.

关心 guān xīn

verbal expression (consider, be concerned with)

I have your best interests at heart.

掌控 zhǎng kòng

verbal expression (figurative (have control)

If he thinks he can lead the team better, let him have the driver's seat.


verbal expression (achievement: assert)

Weston claimed to have invented a new method for producing copper.


verbal expression (informal, figurative (have a hard task ahead)

The house Joe and Maggie have bought needs a lot of renovation; they certainly have their work cut out for them.

受够了… shòu gòu le …

verbal expression (slang (had enough, stop)


verbal expression (slang (relationship: finish, end)


transitive verb (informal (must) (非正式用语)

I have got to leave now.

理解 lǐ jiě

verbal expression (figurative, informal (understand)

I can't get a handle on this at all. Can you explain it again?


verbal expression (US, informal (draw gun faster than)


verbal expression (US, informal (have at a disadvantage)

误解 wù jiě

verbal expression (figurative, informal (misunderstand each other)

生孩子 shēng hái zi

verbal expression (give birth)

The Apollo Hospital is the safest and best place to have a baby.


verbal expression (become parents)

My good friend told me that he and his wife plan to have a baby soon.

玩得很开心,玩得特别高兴 wán de hěn kāi xīn,wán de tè bié gāo xìng

verbal expression (informal (enjoy oneself immensely) (非正式用语)

Thank you for a wonderful party; we all had a ball!

念念不忘 niàn niàn bú wàng

verbal expression (figurative, informal (be annoyed, obsessed by [sth])

对…有偏见 duì yǒu piān jiàn

verbal expression (be prejudiced against)

They have a bias against assertive women.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (want to reprimand)

I have a bone to pick with you! Did you forget to feed the cat?

怀孕 huái yùn

verbal expression (figurative, slang (be pregnant)

Looking at her from this angle I'd say she's got a bun in the oven.

起诉某人,提起诉讼 qǐ sù mǒu rén,tí qǐ sù sòng

verbal expression (legal: have evidence) (司法)

The judge has to decide if the prosecution have a case.

患…病 huàn … bìng

verbal expression (be ill)

Sue has a case of mild pneumonia.

有成功的机会 yǒu chéng gōng de jī huì

verbal expression (be able to succeed at [sth])

We have a chance of winning if we can carry on at this rate.

有机会 yǒu jī huì

verbal expression (be given the opportunity to do [sth])

If I have a chance I will try and win.

得到…的机会 dé dào … de jī huì

verbal expression (have opportunity)

Johnson has a chance at another world title.

有机会 yǒu jī huì

verbal expression (have opportunity to do)

Audrey has a chance at getting into Harvard.

改变心意 gǎi biàn xīn yì

verbal expression (go against your previous decision)

She's had a change of heart and is inviting her sister after all.


verbal expression (figurative (have a resentful attitude)

感冒 gǎn mào

verbal expression (be suffering from the cold virus)

I don't feel like going out today because I have a cold.

独占某一行业, 垄断某种商品

verbal expression (idiom (own enough of to control market)

I tried to have a corner on the silver market by buying low priced contracts, but I failed miserably.

迷恋… mí liàn …

verbal expression (be attracted to: [sb])

Wendy had a crush on a boy in her class.

行为鲁莽, 不计后果, 找死

verbal expression (figurative, informal (behave in a reckless way)

He drives that car as though he has a death wish.


verbal expression (psychiatry: wish for death)

A psychiatrist diagnosed James as having a death wish.


verbal expression (informal (make a critical remark: about [sb])

The sacked workers had a dig at their former boss in the press.

会谈 huì tán

verbal expression (converse, discuss, debate)

We need to have a discussion about where to vacation this year.

喝(酒) hē jiǔ

verbal expression (drink [sth] alcoholic)

He is quite talkative tonight; I wonder if he's had a drink.

喝一杯, 喝点东西, 喝饮料

verbal expression (socialize in a bar, pub, etc.)

Why don't we go and have a drink to remember the good old days?


verbal expression (eat celebratory meal)

The family had a feast to celebrate Chinese New Year.

尽情地吃 jìn qíng de chī

verbal expression (figurative (eat a lot)

We had a feast of homemade pasta and meatballs.

对…有敏锐的洞察力 duì yǒu mǐn ruì de dòng chá lì

verbal expression (understand instinctively)

She has a feel for golf.

感觉,直觉 gǎn jué ,zhí jué

verbal expression (suspect) (表推测)

I have a feeling that it will rain this afternoon.

与…搏斗 yǔ … bó dòu

verbal expression (physically: with [sb])

Jack had a fight with another boy, and now he has a black eye.

与…争吵 yǔ … zhēng chǎo

verbal expression (figurative, informal (argue)

He's in a bad mood because he had a fight with his wife.

多管闲事 duō guǎn xián shì

verbal expression (figurative (be involved in others' affairs)

发脾气,生气 fā pí qì,shēng qì

verbal expression (figurative, informal (become angry, upset)

When she sees how I smashed up her car she's going to have a fit!

在…方面有天才 zài … fāng miàn yǒu tiān cái

verbal expression (be talented)

Laura has a flair for garden design.

喜爱… xǐ ài …

verbal expression (like [sth])

I have a fondness for chocolate chip ice cream.

声音沙哑 shēng yīn shā yǎ

verbal expression (figurative, informal (be hoarse)

What's wrong? Have you got a frog in your throat?

一瞥 yì piē

verbal expression (slang (look)

They're filming a big Hollywood movie in the town centre today. Let's go and have a gander.

看一眼..., 瞧一瞧...

verbal expression (slang (look at [sth])

试一下 shì yī xià

verbal expression (informal (try [sth])

I'd never been water skiing before so I decided to have a go.

攻击, 抨击

verbal expression (slang (attack verbally) (口头)

Elena had a go at her husband for being late.

跃跃欲试 yuè yuè yù shì

verbal expression (informal (try)

Harry was having a go at solving the crossword puzzle.

有个好机会 yǒu gè hǎo jī huì

verbal expression (be likely to succeed)

I have a good chance of winning the race.

好好聊聊 hǎo hǎo liáo liáo

verbal expression (converse at length)

I had a good chat with an old friend down at the market yesterday. They hadn't seen each other for years and welcomed the chance to have a good chat.

祝度过愉快的一天 zhù dù guò yú kuài de yì tiān

interjection (pleasantry)

The shopkeeper greeted me with a cheerful "Have a good day!"

有头脑 yǒu tóu nǎo

verbal expression (figurative (be sensible)

I don't mind him dating my daughter. That boy has a good head on his shoulders.

对…非常了解 duì … fēi cháng liǎo jiě

verbal expression (be informed about)

Taxi drivers have to have a good knowledge of all the local streets.


verbal expression (likely chance) (如达到目标等)

I have a good shot at winning the scholarship this year.

玩得开心 wán de kāi xīn

verbal expression (enjoy yourself, have fun)

Whenever I go out with friends we all have a good time. I hope you have a good time in Spain!


interjection (pleasant holiday)


interjection (safe journey)

祝周末愉快 zhù zhōu mò yú kuài

interjection (used to wish [sb] a pleasant weekend)

Have a good weekend, and I will see you on Monday.


verbal expression (be skilled at gardening)

My mother has a green thumb: everything she touches grows well. All my cuttings took this year, so perhaps I do have green fingers after all.

与…有关 yǔ … yǒu guān

verbal expression (informal (be involved)

Wilson scored one goal and had a hand in two others.


verbal expression (informal (be involved)

Gwyneth had a hand in persuading Celia to change her mind.

宿醉 sù zuì

verbal expression (after too much alcohol)

Please don't breathe so loudly; I have a hangover.

处于困境 chǔ yú kùn jìng

verbal expression (experience difficulties)

Be kind to her - she's having a really hard time right now.


verbal expression (informal (find difficult)

We're having a hard time picking a suitable slogan for our marketing campaign.

有同情心 yǒu tóng qíng xīn

verbal expression (informal, figurative (be compassionate)

Have a heart and consider making a donation to this worthwhile charity.


interjection (informal, figurative (be more compassionate)

Have a heart! Timmy's only a child and didn't mean any harm.


noun (figurative (be kind, generous)

He may seem surly at first, but he really has a heart of gold.


verbal expression (have had a past relationship)


verbal expression (have had a past relationship with)


verbal expression (be known to have done [sth])


verbal expression (medical problem)

紧紧抓住 jǐn jǐn zhuā zhù

verbal expression (grasp firmly)

Sally had a hold on the horse's reins.


verbal expression (account: be blocked) (支票、账户等)

Any check I deposit has a hold on it for 7 days.


verbal expression (informal, figurative (exert control)

In New Jersey, Democrats have had a hold on the Senate seats for many years.

直觉… zhí jué …

verbal expression (informal (suspect, sense)

I have a hunch that the show will be cancelled; they haven't sold many tickets.

有份工作 yǒu fèn gōng zuò

verbal expression (be in employment)

做某事很困难,很吃力 hěn chī lì

verbal expression (slang (experience difficulty: doing [sth]) (俚语)

You'll have a job convincing him to give you a raise.


verbal expression (have a talent, skill for [sth])

Carly has a knack for solving impossible problems.


verbal expression (ironic (have a tendency to do [sth]) (讽刺)

My brother has a knack of annoying people.

开玩笑 kāi wán xiào

verbal expression (UK, informal (enjoy a joke, be amused)

We didn't mean to hurt his feelings, we did it just to have a laugh.


verbal expression (figurative (have no support for a claim, etc.)


verbal expression (figurative, informal (have an advantage: over [sb])

She's got a leg up on most of the kids in the team, as her dad's a professional player.

睡懒觉 shuì lǎn jiào

verbal expression (UK (sleep late)

与…谈一谈(认真地) yǔ … tán yi tán ( rèn zhēn de)

verbal expression (informal (discuss [sth] sensitive)

Young lady, I think it's time you and I had a little talk.

看一眼 kàn yì yǎn

verbal expression (look at)

These family photos are great. Have a look.

检查 jiǎn chá

verbal expression (examine, inspect)

Let the doctor have a look at your rash.

与…大有干系 yǔ … dà yǒu gān xì

verbal expression (be due to)

His success has a lot to do with his father's business connections.

关于…有许多话要说 guān yú … yǒu xǔ duō huà yào shuō

verbal expression (openly share one's opinions on)

As a working mother, she has a lot to say about childcare facilities and unpaid, unscheduled overtime.


verbal expression (figurative (be moved emotionally)


verbal expression (figurative ([sth] inanimate: malfunction) (指无生命的东西)

My hair has a mind of its own today.

想要做某事 xiǎng yào zuò mǒu shì

verbal expression (think about doing)

I have a mind to tell your parents about what you've been doing.


verbal expression (experience a brush with danger)

Mary had a narrow escape when a car nearly hit her.

祝拥有美好的一天 zhù yōng yǒu měi hǎo de yì tiān

interjection (pleasantry)

Thank you for shopping here; have a nice day! Have a nice day, he said as I left.

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