英语 中的 grass 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 grass 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 grass 的说明。

英语 中的grass 表示草 cǎo, 草坪,草地 cǎo píng,cǎo dì, 牧场 mù chǎng, 大麻 dà má, 线人 xiàn rén, 禾本科, 用草覆盖, 给…喂草, 钓到,捕到, 撞倒 zhuàng dǎo, 击落,射杀 jī luò, 供出, 告发…, 翦股颖, 段,截 duàn, 叶片 yè piàn, 一棵草, 鳗草, 牛筋草,蟋蟀草 niú jīn cǎo,xī shuài cǎo, 碎草,草屑, 草地网球场 cǎo dì wǎng qiú chǎng, 草坪 cǎo píng, 基层,基础,根源 jī céng,jī chǔ,gēn yuán, 草根阶层 cǎo gēn jiē céng, 刈草铰剪 yì cǎo jiǎo jiǎn, 割草机,修草机 gē cǎo jī, 用草科喂养的, 基础的 jī chǔ de, 草根的, 平民的, 基层组织, 夏布,麻布 má bù, 夏布的,麻布的, 银须草 yín xū cǎo, 柠檬草 níng méng cǎo, 黑麦草, 潜在危机,隐患 qián zài wēi jī,yǐn huàn, 鬣刺属, 小麦草。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 grass 的含义

草 cǎo

noun (green herb)

I think they use different types of grass on a golf course.

草坪,草地 cǎo píng,cǎo dì

noun (uncountable (lawn) (不可数)

The kids are out playing in the grass.

牧场 mù chǎng

noun (pasture)

The cattle are grazing on the grass.

大麻 dà má

noun (slang (marijuana) (俚语)

I've got some grass and I'm going to get high tonight smoking it.

线人 xiàn rén

noun (UK, slang (informant)

A grass helped the police break the case.


noun (botany: plant family) (植物)

Cereal plants and bamboo are grasses.


transitive verb (cover [sth] with grass)

If you want bees to visit your garden, you should grass the whole area.


transitive verb (animal raising: feed [sth] with grass)

The cowherd grasses his cattle on this prairie.


transitive verb (fishing: catch [sth]) (鱼)

The angler grassed a trout weighing 10 kilos.

撞倒 zhuàng dǎo

transitive verb (rugby: knock [sb] down) (橄榄球)

One of the opposing team grassed him before he could score.

击落,射杀 jī luò

transitive verb (bird hunting: shoot [sth] down) (猎鸟)

The hunter grassed two pheasants.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (UK, slang (inform on)

His sister-in-law grassed on him and he was arrested.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (UK, slang (inform on)


noun (grass)

The bent in this lawn requires minimal care.

段,截 duàn

noun (grass: one stalk) (草的量词)

The bird fluttered away with a bent of grass in its beak.

叶片 yè piàn

noun (part of leaf) (草的)

My cousin uses grass to make music by blowing on the blade while holding it taut.


noun (thin grass leaf)

Jack had blades of grass stuck to his pants after he mowed the lawn.


noun (botany: marine plant)

牛筋草,蟋蟀草 niú jīn cǎo,xī shuài cǎo

noun (shrub: silverweed) (植物)


plural noun (cuttings from a mown lawn)

When I cut the lawn, I use the grass clippings to make compost.

草地网球场 cǎo dì wǎng qiú chǎng

noun (tennis: grass-covered playing surface)

In contrast to the other Grand Slam tournaments, Wimbledon is played on grass courts.

草坪 cǎo píng

noun (plot of cropped grass)

基层,基础,根源 jī céng,jī chǔ,gēn yuán

noun (figurative (origin, foundation)

草根阶层 cǎo gēn jiē céng

noun (figurative (ordinary people)

刈草铰剪 yì cǎo jiǎo jiǎn

plural noun (large scissors for cutting grass)

I have to use the grass shears to cut the grass next to the house because the lawnmower can't get close enough.

割草机,修草机 gē cǎo jī

noun (tool for cutting grass)

Grass trimmers are great for areas that are too small for a lawn mower.


adjective (animals: allowed to forage)

基础的 jī chǔ de

noun as adjective (figurative (basic, fundamental)

草根的, 平民的

noun as adjective (figurative (of the common people)


noun (local political group)

夏布,麻布 má bù

noun (type of fabric)


noun as adjective (relating to grasscloth)

银须草 yín xū cǎo

noun (tall, tufted grass)

柠檬草 níng méng cǎo

noun (plant with citrus scent)

Lemon grass is frequently used in oriental cooking.


noun (plant)

潜在危机,隐患 qián zài wēi jī,yǐn huàn

noun (figurative ([sb] deceitful, traitor)

Herbert's just a snake in the grass: he's having dinner with our rivals now!


noun (spiny grass: Australia)


noun (health food) (一种食品)

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grass 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。