英语 中的 green 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 green 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 green 的说明。

英语 中的green 表示绿色 lǜ sè, 绿的,绿色的 lǜ de ,lǜ sè de, 长满绿色植物的,长满青草的 zhǎng mǎn lǜ sè zhí wù de,zhǎng mǎn qīng cǎo de, 环境保护的,环保的 huán jìng bǎo hù de,huán bǎo de, 绿党成员, 绿党, 嫉妒的 jí dù de, 绿色蔬菜 lǜ sè shū cài, 未成熟的,生的 wèi chéng shú de ,shēng de, 脸色发青的 liǎn sè fā qīng de, 不成熟的 bù chéng shú de, 年轻且无经验的 nián qīng qiě wú jīng yàn de, 新伐木材, 攻击区,球穴区 gōng jī qū ,qiú xué qū, 草场,草地 cǎo chǎng ,cǎo dì, (村庄中心的)草坪,公共草地 cūn zhuāng zhōng xīn de cǎo píng,gōng gòng cǎo dì, 绿灯 lǜ dēng, 钞票,钱 chāo piào,qián, 大麻 dà má, 变绿 biàn lǜ, 使变绿 shǐ biàn lǜ, 推球区,轻击区,球穴区 tuī qiú qū,qīng jī qū,qiú xué qū, 黄绿色, 孔雀石绿, 蓝绿色 lán lǜ sè, 蓝绿色 lán lǜ sè, 草地滚球场, 覆盖作物, 蓝藻, 蓝藻细菌, 深绿色, 深绿色的, 翠绿色 cuì lǜ sè, 翠绿色的 cuì lǜ sè de, 森林绿, 森林绿的, 环保, 绿藻 lǜ zǎo, 青苹果 qīng píng guǒ, 四季豆 sì jì dòu, (城市周边等的)绿化带 chéng shì zhōu biān děng de lǜ huà dài, 绿带, 绿腰带级运动员, 绿皮书, 绿皮书, 绿卡 lǜ kǎ, 绿色能源, 果岭费, 绿手指 lǜ shǒu zhǐ, 绿灯 lǜ dēng, 绿灯 lǜ dēng, 给…开绿灯, 青葱 qīng cōng, 豌豆,青豆 wān dòu,qīng dòu, 青椒 qīng jiāo, 蔬菜沙拉 shū cài shā lā, 青蛇 qīng shé, 绿茶 lǜ chá, 绿拇指 lǜ mǔ zhǐ, 青菜 qīng cài, 妒忌 dù jì, 绿色啄木鸟 lǜ sè zhuó mù niǎo, 绿眼的, 嫉妒 jí dù, 美洲绿翅鸭 měi zhōu lǜ chì yā, 善于园艺, 翠绿色 cuì lǜ sè, 翠绿色的 cuì lǜ sè de, 浅绿色 qiǎn lǜ sè, 酸橙绿色的 suān chéng lǜ sè de, 酸橙绿 suān chéng lǜ, 酸橙绿的 suān chéng lǜ de, 使…眼红 shǐ yǎn hóng, 薄荷绿色, 薄荷绿的, 橄榄绿 gǎn lǎn lǜ, 橄榄绿的 gǎn lǎn lǜ de, 淡草绿色, 灰绿色的, 灰绿色, 松石绿 sōng shí lǜ, 村镇的公用绿地 cūn zhèn de gōng yòng lǜ dì, 黄绿色 huáng lǜ sè, 黄绿色的 huáng lǜ sè de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 green 的含义

绿色 lǜ sè

noun (color)

Green is my favourite colour.

绿的,绿色的 lǜ de ,lǜ sè de

adjective (in color)

The green grass was blowing in the wind.

长满绿色植物的,长满青草的 zhǎng mǎn lǜ sè zhí wù de,zhǎng mǎn qīng cǎo de

adjective (verdant, natural)

The city set aside a green area where no development was allowed.

环境保护的,环保的 huán jìng bǎo hù de,huán bǎo de

adjective (figurative (eco-friendly)

The candidate always talked about green issues. The government is introducing some new green policies to protect the environment.
候选人总是谈论环保问题。 政府正在推出一些新的环保政策来保护环境。


noun (politics: member of the Green Party) (政治党派)

Of the candidates in the upcoming local election, only one is a Green.


plural noun (figurative (politics: Green Party)

The Greens are usually small political parties in Europe.

嫉妒的 jí dù de

adjective (figurative (envious)

She was green with envy about his new car.

绿色蔬菜 lǜ sè shū cài

plural noun (leafy vegetables)

You need to eat your greens! How about a salad?

未成熟的,生的 wèi chéng shú de ,shēng de

adjective (unripe) (水果)

The bananas were still green. Maybe they will be ripe enough to eat in a couple of days.

脸色发青的 liǎn sè fā qīng de

adjective (sickly in complexion)

You should lie down. You're looking a little green.

不成熟的 bù chéng shú de

adjective (figurative (immature, naïve)

The basketball player is still green, but will definitely get better as he matures.

年轻且无经验的 nián qīng qiě wú jīng yàn de

adjective (figurative (fresh, youthful)

She is still green at the moment, but the pressures of motherhood may change her.


adjective (wood: unseasoned)

Green wood is softer than seasoned timber.

攻击区,球穴区 gōng jī qū ,qiú xué qū

noun (golf: putting area) (高尔夫)

The golfer got to the green in just two strokes, then putted the ball in.

草场,草地 cǎo chǎng ,cǎo dì

noun (grassy area for other sports) (用作运动场地的)

The students are playing croquet on the green.

(村庄中心的)草坪,公共草地 cūn zhuāng zhōng xīn de cǎo píng,gōng gòng cǎo dì

noun (village square) (村庄中心的)

There is a festival today on the village green.

绿灯 lǜ dēng

noun (traffic light) (交通指示灯中的)

You must not drive until the green shows.

钞票,钱 chāo piào,qián

noun (US, uncountable, slang (money) (俚语)

Do you have any green on you? I don't have a cent to pay for this.

大麻 dà má

noun (uncountable, slang (marijuana) (俚语)

This green is cheap, but I like it!

变绿 biàn lǜ

intransitive verb (become green)

The grass greened a couple of days after the rain.

使变绿 shǐ biàn lǜ

transitive verb (make green)

Years of rain had greened the church roof.

推球区,轻击区,球穴区 tuī qiú qū,qīng jī qū,qiú xué qū

noun (area around a golf hole) (高尔夫球运动)

黄绿色, 孔雀石绿

noun (yellowish-green colour)

蓝绿色 lán lǜ sè

noun (color: turquoise)

The sea around the island is a beautiful blue-green.

蓝绿色 lán lǜ sè

adjective (turquoise in color)

It's so relaxing to watch the blue-green sea lapping at the shore.


noun (lawn where bowls is played)


noun (crop grown to protect soil)

蓝藻, 蓝藻细菌

plural noun (photosynthetic bacteria)


noun (deep green color)


adjective (deep green in color)

翠绿色 cuì lǜ sè

noun (brilliant green color)

翠绿色的 cuì lǜ sè de

adjective (brilliant green in color)

Cindy is wearing an emerald green dress.


noun (olive-green color) (颜色)


adjective (olive green in color)


intransitive verb (figurative (protect the environment)

If you really want to go green you have to start by giving up meat and gasoline.

绿藻 lǜ zǎo

plural noun (type of seaweed)

Green algae tend to grow close to the low-tide mark.

青苹果 qīng píng guǒ

noun (variety of apple with green skin)

A green apple is crisp and has a tart flavor.

四季豆 sì jì dòu

plural noun (legume: French bean)

The African nation of Burkina Faso produces green beans for export to Europe.

(城市周边等的)绿化带 chéng shì zhōu biān děng de lǜ huà dài

noun (land: conservation area)

The need for housing puts the biggest strain on planners to build in the green belt.


noun (karate rank)

Gavin recently earned his green belt in karate.


noun (karate: person of green belt rank)


noun (business: financial institution guide) (指金融机构等的指南)


noun (UK (published list of vaccines) (英国,指疫苗册)

绿卡 lǜ kǎ

noun (US (residence permit)

I wanted to live and work in the States but couldn't get hold of the necessary green card.


noun (figurative (renewable power)


noun (golf course charge) (高尔夫球场收费)

绿手指 lǜ shǒu zhǐ

plural noun (figurative, mainly UK (fondness for or skill at gardening)

My grandmother kept a beautiful garden and was known for her green fingers.

绿灯 lǜ dēng

noun (traffic signal: go) (交通)

We'll never make it to the green light in time.

绿灯 lǜ dēng

noun (figurative (authorization to begin) (比喻)

Today we got a green light from the director to begin the new project. The committee gave my project the green light.


transitive verb (figurative (authorize)

The Federal Aviation Administration has green-lighted a request to extend the airport runway.

青葱 qīng cōng

noun (scallion)

豌豆,青豆 wān dòu,qīng dòu

noun (vegetable) (蔬菜)

青椒 qīng jiāo

noun (green capsicum, green bell pepper)

蔬菜沙拉 shū cài shā lā

noun (salad consisting of lettuce, etc.)

This restaurant makes a fabulous green salad.

青蛇 qīng shé

noun (non-venomous North American snake)

During his trip to the mountains Mark was startled by a green snake.

绿茶 lǜ chá

noun (Oriental herbal tea)

My sister loves green tea with a slice of lemon.

绿拇指 lǜ mǔ zhǐ

noun (figurative, mainly US (skill at gardening)

The garden is looking beautiful, thanks to Jill's green thumb.

青菜 qīng cài

plural noun (green edible plants)

The young boy didn't like eating green vegetables.

妒忌 dù jì

adjective (figurative (envious)

绿色啄木鸟 lǜ sè zhuó mù niǎo

noun (yaffle: green songbird)


adjective (having green eyes)

嫉妒 jí dù

noun (figurative (jealousy)

In the play Othello, Iago calls jealousy a "green-eyed monster".
在戏剧奥赛罗中,伊阿古把嫉妒称为“green-eyed monster(绿眼怪)”。

美洲绿翅鸭 měi zhōu lǜ chì yā

noun (freshwater duck)


verbal expression (be skilled at gardening)

My mother has a green thumb: everything she touches grows well. All my cuttings took this year, so perhaps I do have green fingers after all.

翠绿色 cuì lǜ sè

noun (turquoise-green colour)

翠绿色的 cuì lǜ sè de

adjective (turquoise green in colour)

浅绿色 qiǎn lǜ sè

noun (pale green colour)

酸橙绿色的 suān chéng lǜ sè de

noun as adjective (acid green)

Lisa had her car spray-painted a garish lime color.

酸橙绿 suān chéng lǜ

noun (bright yellowish-green colour)

I'm going to be bold and paint my kitchen in lime green.

酸橙绿的 suān chéng lǜ de

adjective (bright yellowish green in colour)

Her lime green pants were far too bright for such a solemn occasion.

使…眼红 shǐ yǎn hóng

verbal expression (cause to feel envious)

When I wore my new Prada shoes, I knew I could make Sally green with envy.


noun (pale green colour)

Ray painted the baby's room in mint green.


noun as adjective (pale green in colour)

Sharon wore a mint-green dress and open-toed sandals.

橄榄绿 gǎn lǎn lǜ

noun (dull yellowish-green colour)

Although olive green used to be popular decades ago, I wouldn't advise wearing a dress this color nowadays.

橄榄绿的 gǎn lǎn lǜ de

adjective (dull yellowish green in colour)


noun (color: pale green)

Kent painted the walls pistachio.


adjective (grayish-green)

I prefer the sage curtains; the lime-green ones are too bright.


noun (color: grayish-green)

Sage is a calming colour, perfect for bathroom walls.

松石绿 sōng shí lǜ

noun (greenish-blue colour)

村镇的公用绿地 cūn zhèn de gōng yòng lǜ dì

noun (park or common in a village)

In the early 1950s, a fun fair was an annual event on the village green.

黄绿色 huáng lǜ sè

noun (color made of yellow and green)

黄绿色的 huáng lǜ sè de

adjective (color made of yellow and green)

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