英语 中的 housing 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 housing 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 housing 的说明。

英语 中的housing 表示房屋 fáng wū, 房地产 fáng dì chǎn, 外壳 wài ké, 住宅,房子,房屋 zhù zhái,fáng zi ,fáng wū, 房子 fáng zi, 一家人 yì jiā rén, 保存 bǎo cún, 窝 wō, 让某人住在, 建筑物 jiàn zhù wù, 议会大厅 yì huì dà tīng, 家族 jiā zú, 议会 yì huì, 公司 gōng sī, 大学学院 dà xué xué yuàn, 大学某学院的全部成员 dà xué mǒu xué yuàn de quán bù chéng yuán, 赌场 dǔ chǎng, 观众 guān zhòng, 女修道院 nǚ xiū dào yuàn, 教堂 jiào táng, 舍, 一队,一组 yí duì,yì zǔ, 容纳 róng nà, 为...提供工作场所 wèi tí gōng gōng zuò chǎng suǒ, 收藏 shōu cáng, 地方政府建的公共住宅, 联邦住房管理局, 住宅区 zhù zhái qū, 住宅开发 zhù zhái kāi fā, 住宅区 zhù zhái qū, 房地产市场 fáng dì chǎn shì zhǎng, 住房问题 zhù fáng wèn tí, 经济适用房区 jīng jì shì yòng fáng qū, 住宅补助计划 zhù zhái bǔ zhù jì huà, 公共租赁住房,政府廉租住房。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 housing 的含义

房屋 fáng wū

noun (uncountable (accommodation for a family)

It's important that the government helps refugees find housing.

房地产 fáng dì chǎn

noun (uncountable (industry, economy: property)

Pam works in housing as a real estate agent.

外壳 wài ké

noun (casing for object)

Ben opened the housing of the computer to see what was going on inside.

住宅,房子,房屋 zhù zhái,fáng zi ,fáng wū

noun (group of houses) (总称)

The housing on the other side of the river is more affordable and quieter as well.

房子 fáng zi

noun (residence building)

Their new house has three bathrooms.

一家人 yì jiā rén

noun (household)

The whole house was in mourning for Mr. Saunders.

保存 bǎo cún

transitive verb (provide a storage place)

This cabinet houses all our stationery.

窝 wō

noun (shelter)

Some animals build their houses out of straw.


(keep in a dwelling)

The university houses its students in very old buildings.

建筑物 jiàn zhù wù

noun (building)

There's a florist between the coffee house and the schoolhouse. The legislature meets in the State House.

议会大厅 yì huì dà tīng

noun (hall)

The British Parliament meets in the House of Commons.

家族 jiā zú

noun (family)

The House of Tudor ruled from 1485 to 1603.

议会 yì huì

noun (legislative body)

Most parliaments have an upper and a lower house.

公司 gōng sī

noun (business firm)

He works for a publishing house.

大学学院 dà xué xué yuàn

noun (university college)

The university is divided into several houses.

大学某学院的全部成员 dà xué mǒu xué yuàn de quán bù chéng yuán

noun (members of a college)

The two houses will be competing in the rowing regatta.

赌场 dǔ chǎng

noun (gambling: casino)

It never pays to gamble because the house always wins.

观众 guān zhòng

noun (audience)

The producer was pleased to see there was a good house on the play's opening night.

女修道院 nǚ xiū dào yuàn

noun (convent or abbey)

There used to be lots of religious houses in this area.

教堂 jiào táng

noun (church, mosque, synagogue)

Speak quietly when you enter God's house.

noun (UK (residential division in boarding school)

The school had 6 houses.

一队,一组 yí duì,yì zǔ

noun (UK (team in British school) (学校比赛或游戏的)

I'm in Newton house at school; our colour is red.

容纳 róng nà

transitive verb (provide housing)

The hall will house two hundred people.

为...提供工作场所 wèi tí gōng gōng zuò chǎng suǒ

transitive verb (provide a workplace)

This building houses the workshop.

收藏 shōu cáng

transitive verb (secure)

The machine can be housed in its case for transit.


noun (UK (public housing)


noun (initialism (Federal Housing Administration)

住宅区 zhù zhái qū

noun (housing estate, residential area)

The new housing development has easy access to the highway.

住宅开发 zhù zhái kāi fā

noun (residential planning)

Housing development is vital in urban planning.

住宅区 zhù zhái qū

noun (UK (residential development)

She lives on one of those anonymous housing estates, full of tiny houses that all look alike.

房地产市场 fáng dì chǎn shì zhǎng

noun (property trade)

The housing market suffered a big drop during the financial crisis of 2009.

住房问题 zhù fáng wèn tí

noun (shortage of housing)

经济适用房区 jīng jì shì yòng fáng qū

noun (US (inner city)

He is in charge of the municipal housing project. Rappers often sing about growing up in housing projects.

住宅补助计划 zhù zhái bǔ zhù jì huà

noun (UK, regional (subsidized housing plan)

The housing scheme provides affordable homes for local residents.


noun (government-assisted)

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housing 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。