英语 中的 hope 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 hope 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 hope 的说明。

英语 中的hope 表示盼望, 期望, 希望, 期望,希望,预期 qī wàng,xī wàng,yù qī, 渴望 kě wàng, 憧憬,期望,盼望,期待,希望 chōng jǐng,qī wàng,pàn wàng,qī dài ,xī wàng, 期待,愿望,希望 qī dài ,yuàn wàng,xī wàng, 可以指望的人或物, 希望 xī wàng, 放弃希望 fàng qì xī wàng, 对...不抱希望, 不再奢望..., 希望的灯塔, 说实话,说到底 shuō shí huà,shuō dào dǐ, 虚假的希望, 希望渺茫 xī wàng miǎo máng, 满怀希望的 mǎn huái xī wàng de, 放弃希望 fàng qì xī wàng, 放弃对…的希望, 放弃做…的希望, 微弱的希望 wēi ruò de xī wàng, 抱希望, 抱有一线希望, 嫁妆箱子 jià zhuāng xiāng zi, 抱最好的希望 bào zuì hǎo de xī wàng, 对上帝的希望 duì shàng dì de xī wàng, 希望能 xī wàng néng, 丧失希望 sàng shī xī wàng, 希望渺茫 xī wàng miǎo máng, 没希望 méi xī wàng, 一线希望 yí xiàn xī wàng, 有希望 yǒu xī wàng, 不太可能,毫无希望,妄想,别指望 bú tài kě néng,háo wú xī wàng,wàng xiǎng,bié zhǐ wàng, 毫无希望地 háo wú xī wàng de, 毫无希望的 háo wú xī wàng de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 hope 的含义

盼望, 期望, 希望

transitive verb (desire) (期望)

I hope I win the lottery. We hope that you will recover quickly.

期望,希望,预期 qī wàng,xī wàng,yù qī

transitive verb (expect)

We hope that we'll be able to move house before the end of next year.

渴望 kě wàng

(desire sincerely)

We hope for better news soon.

憧憬,期望,盼望,期待,希望 chōng jǐng,qī wàng,pàn wàng,qī dài ,xī wàng

noun (desire) (憧憬)

He has a lot of hopes for the future.

期待,愿望,希望 qī dài ,yuàn wàng,xī wàng

noun (expectation)

She has high hopes of getting the job.


noun ([sb], [sth] you rely on)

You're our only hope!

希望 xī wàng

intransitive verb (feel [sth] may occur)

I don't know if it will work, but we can always hope.

放弃希望 fàng qì xī wàng

(give up all hope forever)

The relatives of the missing say they are not ready to abandon hope.

对...不抱希望, 不再奢望...

verbal expression (give up all hope of doing)

Jim abandoned hope of seeing Sarah again.


noun (figurative ([sth] giving hope)

说实话,说到底 shuō shí huà,shuō dào dǐ

interjection (infantile (promise) (引入语,强调陈述的事情属实)

Mum, I'll clean my room in the morning. Cross my heart and hope to die!


noun (misplaced optimism)

希望渺茫 xī wàng miǎo máng

noun (faint hope)

Her parents have a forlorn hope that she may still be alive.

满怀希望的 mǎn huái xī wàng de

adjective (very optimistic)

She is full of hope that they will discover a cure before it is too late.

放弃希望 fàng qì xī wàng

verbal expression (be pessimistic)

When looking for a job, the key is not to give up hope.


verbal expression (be resigned)

The team never gave up hope of victory.


verbal expression (be resigned)

The couple had given up hope of having a child.

微弱的希望 wēi ruò de xī wàng

noun (optimistic sign)

Recent data has offered a glimmer of hope that the European economy is improving.


verbal expression (stay optimistic)

Police do not hold out much hope of catching the culprits.


verbal expression (stay optimistic)

We are hoping against hope that one day he'll come home to us.

嫁妆箱子 jià zhuāng xiāng zi

noun (dated (woman's wedding trunk)

抱最好的希望 bào zuì hǎo de xī wàng

verbal expression (be optimistic)

I'm not sure whether it will rain; we'll just have to hope for the best.

对上帝的希望 duì shàng dì de xī wàng

verbal expression (hope sincerely)

Tim hoped to God the Wifi was working in the hostel. I hope to God that Anna will forgive me.

希望能 xī wàng néng

(eagerly anticipating that)

I am writing to you in the hope that you will be able to offer me a job.

丧失希望 sàng shī xī wàng

(become pessimistic)

It's been three days, I'm losing hope of ever finding my puppy again.

希望渺茫 xī wàng miǎo máng

noun (grim prospect or outlook)

There's no hope for him, his illness is too severe.

没希望 méi xī wàng

noun (not a chance)

My watch fell into the river, there's no hope I'll get it back.

一线希望 yí xiàn xī wàng

noun (reason for optimism)

There was a ray of hope for the economy when the stock market improved. The advances in medicine give a ray of hope for a cancer cure.

有希望 yǒu xī wàng

noun (a degree of optimism)

I answered all the questions, so I have some hope I'll pass the exam.

不太可能,毫无希望,妄想,别指望 bú tài kě néng,háo wú xī wàng,wàng xiǎng,bié zhǐ wàng

interjection (ironic, informal (that is unlikely) (反语,非正式用语)

“This time next year I'll be a millionaire.” “Ha! - some hope!”

毫无希望地 háo wú xī wàng de

adverb (desperately, helplessly)

After being stranded in the woods for three days, the hikers felt their situation was without hope.

毫无希望的 háo wú xī wàng de

adjective (desperate, helpless)

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hope 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。