英语 中的 ladies 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 ladies 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 ladies 的说明。

英语 中的ladies 表示女士,夫人,小姐,淑女 nǚ shì,fū rén,xiǎo jiě ,shū nǚ, 优雅的(有教养的)女士 yōu yǎ de yǒu jiào yǎng de nǚ shì, 女勋爵 nǚ xūn jué, 女厕所 nǚ cè suǒ, 妻子 qī zǐ, 女士 nǚ shì, 流浪女, 女老板, 猫女士, 优雅的女士 yōu yǎ de nǚ shì, 清洁女工 qīng jié nǚ gōng, 交通指挥员, 食堂女服务员, 监管学生用餐的女性, 第一夫人 dì yī fū rén, 一姐, 女领袖, 伟大的女性 wěi dà de nǚ xìng, 有女人缘的男人, 女性朋友 nǚ xìng péng yǒu, 师奶杀手 shī nǎi shā shǒu, 主妇 zhǔ fù, 妓女,流莺 jì nǚ ,liú yīng, 拖鞋兰, 女服务员们, 瓢虫 piáo chóng, 手指饼干 shǒu zhǐ bǐng gān, 秋葵,羊角豆 qiū kuí,yáng jiǎo dòu, 情人,恋人,意中人 qíng rén,liàn rén,yì zhōng rén, 演主角的女演员 yǎn zhǔ jué de nǚ yǎn yuán, 老年妇女 lǎo nián fù nǚ, 妻子,老婆子 qī zǐ ,lǎo pó zi, 母亲 mǔ qīn, 文心兰, 苎胥 zhù xū, 单身女性, 年轻姑娘 nián qīng gū niáng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 ladies 的含义

女士,夫人,小姐,淑女 nǚ shì,fū rén,xiǎo jiě ,shū nǚ

noun (polite (woman) (礼貌用语)

I asked the lady if I could help her carry the bags.

优雅的(有教养的)女士 yōu yǎ de yǒu jiào yǎng de nǚ shì

noun (refined woman)

She is a real lady. She treats everybody well.

女勋爵 nǚ xūn jué

noun (UK (royal title) (英国)

Lady Jane Grey was Queen of England for just nine days.

女厕所 nǚ cè suǒ

noun (women's toilets)

At intermission, there was a huge queue for the Ladies.

妻子 qī zǐ

noun (informal (wife)

Let me ask my lady if we have plans for Friday night.

女士 nǚ shì

noun (informal (impolite form of address) (称呼语)

Listen, lady, I was here first, so wait your turn!


noun (informal, potentially offensive (homeless woman: carries belongings)


noun (informal (woman in charge)


noun (informal, pejorative (woman: owns cats) (指和许多猫住在一起的单身老女人)

优雅的女士 yōu yǎ de nǚ shì

noun (informal (sophisticated and stylish woman)

I will miss Jessie, she was truly a classy lady.

清洁女工 qīng jié nǚ gōng

noun (woman: cleaner)

How much do you pay your cleaning lady each month?


noun (for crossing a road)

The crossing guard at this intersection is very friendly; he kids around with the children and chats with the adult pedestrians.


noun (informal (woman who serves school food) (学校)


noun (UK, informal (female: midday supervisor)

The dinner ladies at school never smiled.

第一夫人 dì yī fū rén

noun (wife of head of state)

The President and the First Lady will be attending the opening night of the play.

一姐, 女领袖

noun (leading female) (指女性领导)

She's more than just an actress - she's the first lady of French cinema.

伟大的女性 wěi dà de nǚ xìng

noun (woman: prominent)

The president's wife is a great lady.


noun (informal (man: seduces women)

女性朋友 nǚ xìng péng yǒu

noun (female companion)

My uncle will be bringing his new lady friend to the party.

师奶杀手 shī nǎi shā shǒu

noun (figurative, slang (seductive man) (比喻,俚语)

James had a reputation as a lady killer when he was young.

主妇 zhǔ fù

noun (dated (wife: manages home)

The telemarketer asked to speak to the lady of the house.

妓女,流莺 jì nǚ ,liú yīng

noun (euphemism (prostitute) (委婉语)

With her short dress, high heels and make-up she looked like a lady of the night.


noun (colloquial (orchid: flowering plant)

Lady slippers need shade and humidity.


noun (female attendant)

瓢虫 piáo chóng

noun (spotted beetle)

Ladybugs are very beneficial in a garden.

手指饼干 shǒu zhǐ bǐng gān

noun (US (small finger-shaped cake, sponge-finger)

秋葵,羊角豆 qiū kuí,yáng jiǎo dòu

noun (vegetable: okra) (一种蔬菜)

情人,恋人,意中人 qíng rén,liàn rén,yì zhōng rén

noun (poetic or humorous (female lover, girlfriend) (诗歌用语或幽默用语,指女性)

演主角的女演员 yǎn zhǔ jué de nǚ yǎn yuán

noun (actress in central role)

Katherine Hepburn often played the leading lady in her films.

老年妇女 lǎo nián fù nǚ

noun (elderly woman)

Jim helped the old lady carry her heavy shopping bags home.

妻子,老婆子 qī zǐ ,lǎo pó zi

noun (informal (girlfriend, wife)

My old lady will get upset if I go to the pub again tonight.

母亲 mǔ qīn

noun (informal (mother)


noun (plant)

苎胥 zhù xū

noun (variety of butterfly) (一种蝴蝶)


noun (woman without a partner)

年轻姑娘 nián qīng gū niáng

noun (polite (female child or youthful adult)

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ladies 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。