英语 中的 knife 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 knife 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 knife 的说明。

英语 中的knife 表示菜刀 cài dāo, 餐刀 cān dāo, 刀 dāo, 刺,砍 cì ,kǎn, 刀具, 刀片, 用刀切, 切面包刀 qiē miàn bāo dāo, 切黄油的刀 qiē huáng yóu de dāo, 切肉餐刀 qiē ròu cān dāo, 奶酪刀 nǎi lào dāo, 餐刀 cān dāo, 手术 shǒu shù, 猎刀 liè dāo, 折刀 zhé dāo, 屈身,弯腰 qū shēn,wān yāo, 屈体跳水, 弯折 wān zhé, 曲体跳水, 刀叉 dāo chā, 刀刃 dāo rèn, 在…背后捅刀子 zài bèi hòu tǒng dāo zi, 背叛 bèi pàn, 刀刃 dāo rèn, 调色刀,画刀, 削皮刀,水果刀, 小折刀, 随身折叠刀 suí shēn zhé dié dāo, 斯坦利刀, 吃牛排时用的餐刀 chī niú pái shí yòng de cān dāo, 瑞士军刀, 弹簧刀。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 knife 的含义

菜刀 cài dāo

noun (kitchen utensil)

The chef has his knife sharpened regularly.

餐刀 cān dāo

noun (eating utensil)

Excuse me, waiter, I've been given two forks and no knife.

刀 dāo

noun (cutting tool)

She used a Stanley knife to cut the cardboard.

刺,砍 cì ,kǎn

transitive verb (stab) (用刀)

The attacker knifed his victim three times.

刀具, 刀片

noun (machine: blade) (机械)

Then the machine knives cut the paper to the correct size.


transitive verb (cut)

He said you should knife the plant's bark to make it flower sooner.

切面包刀 qiē miàn bāo dāo

noun (tool for slicing bread)

I bake crusty artisan bread, so my husband gave me a really sharp bread knife.

切黄油的刀 qiē huáng yóu de dāo

noun (tool for cutting butter)

The butter knife is not sharp as it only has to cut through butter, which is very soft.

切肉餐刀 qiē ròu cān dāo

noun (utensil for carving meat)

He confidently used the carving knife to cut the roast.

奶酪刀 nǎi lào dāo

noun (utensil for cutting cheese)

I used to have a cheese knife that had tines on the end to pick up the slices I cut.

餐刀 cān dāo

noun (eating utensil)

My sister holds her dinner knife in her left hand.

手术 shǒu shù

verbal expression (informal (have surgery)

She is going under the knife on Tuesday.

猎刀 liè dāo

noun (cutting tool used in hunting)

He used his hunting knife to gut the rabbit.

折刀 zhé dāo

noun (tool: pocket knife) (本义)

Bob used his jackknife to open the box.

屈身,弯腰 qū shēn,wān yāo

noun (figurative (movement: folding in half)

It was obvious, from his jackknife, that the blow had really hurt the boxer.


noun (figurative (dive with bend)

The diver's jackknife was as perfect as could be.

弯折 wān zhé

intransitive verb (figurative (fold in half) (比喻)

A lorry had jacknifed on the motorway, causing massive tailbacks.


intransitive verb (figurative (dive)

The diver jackknifed cleanly into the water.

刀叉 dāo chā

plural noun (cutlery, eating implements)

When planning a party menu, avoid meats that require cutting up with a knife and fork.

刀刃 dāo rèn

noun (blade) (本义)

The knife edge was sharp and cut through the thick vegetables with ease.

在…背后捅刀子 zài bèi hòu tǒng dāo zi

verbal expression (informal, figurative (betray)

She knifed him in the back by telling the boss his plans.

背叛 bèi pàn

noun (informal, figurative (betrayal)

刀刃 dāo rèn

noun (blade)

A knife's edge is generally very sharp.


noun (tool for mixing paint)


noun (small kitchen blade)


noun (knife that fits in a pocket)

随身折叠刀 suí shēn zhé dié dāo

noun (small portable knife)

Bob accidentally packed a pocketknife in his carry-on luggage and was detained in the airport.


noun (UK, ® (work blade)

吃牛排时用的餐刀 chī niú pái shí yòng de cān dāo

noun (sharp eating utensil)


noun (multi-function folding tool) (组合式小折刀)


noun (retractable pocket knife)

The police discovered that the murder weapon was a switchblade.

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knife 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。