英语 中的 leapt 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 leapt 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 leapt 的说明。

英语 中的leapt 表示跳 tiào, 跳 tiào, 突然移动, 跳过 tiào guò, 跃进,跃升,一跃而成 yuè jìn,yuè shēng,yí yuè ér chéng, 飞跃 fēi yuè, 突然转变 tū rán zhuǎn biàn, 妄下结论, 使…越过什么,使…跳过…, 跃现于...脑海中,跃然...的心中, 凭直觉的飞跃, 仓促得出结论, 抓住机会, 抓住机会, 闰日 rùn rì, 盲目的信仰 máng mù de xìn yǎng, 天马行空的想象 tiān mǎ xíng kōng de xiǎng xiàng, 忽然跳出 hū rán tiào chū, 跳出 tiào chū, 一跃而起 yí yuè ér qǐ, 跳起来 tiào qǐ lái, 闰年 rùn nián, 三思而后行 sān sī ér hòu xíng, 量子跃迁 liàng zǐ yuè qiān, 巨大突破,飞跃,跃进 jù dà tū pò,fēi yuè,yuè jìn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 leapt 的含义

跳 tiào

noun (jump)

Sarah jumped over the stream with a leap.

跳 tiào

intransitive verb (jump)

Kyle leaped over the fence.


intransitive verb (attack)

The lion leaped at the antelope.

跳过 tiào guò

transitive verb (jump over)

The horse leaped the barrier and ran away.

跃进,跃升,一跃而成 yuè jìn,yuè shēng,yí yuè ér chéng

noun (figurative (career: advancement) (快速晋级)

The promotion was a huge leap in David's career.

飞跃 fēi yuè

noun (figurative (abrupt change)

There was a big leap in the company's stock prices this week.

突然转变 tū rán zhuǎn biàn

noun (figurative (action involving risk)

The venture represents a bold leap for investors.


noun (figurative (bold conclusion)

It's a leap to say that because Isaac told a fib once, he is a habitual liar.


(cause to jump over)

The horseman leapt his horse over the gate.


(figurative (be obvious)

The detective was drinking his tea when suddenly the answer leaped out at him: the butler had done it.


noun (figurative (bold insight)

The scientist's intuitive leap will be difficult to prove since there is little data available.


verbal expression (judge hastily)

Stop leaping to conclusions about their relationship when you hardly even know them.


verbal expression (figurative (seize the opportunity)

When he asked me if I'd like to go on holiday to Hawaii with him, I leapt at the chance.


verbal expression (figurative (seize an opportunity)

She leapt at the chance to perform with her favourite singer.

闰日 rùn rì

noun (29th February)

People born on a leap day only get a birthday once every four years.

盲目的信仰 máng mù de xìn yǎng

noun (figurative (act of blind trust) (比喻)

Acceptance of the plan will require a leap of faith.

天马行空的想象 tiān mǎ xíng kōng de xiǎng xiàng

noun (figurative (creative insight)

忽然跳出 hū rán tiào chū

(jump out, emerge suddenly)

跳出 tiào chū

verbal expression (jump out, emerge from)

The assassin leapt out from his hiding place.

一跃而起 yí yuè ér qǐ

(jump to your feet)

When I saw the young mother leap up, I looked to see why.

跳起来 tiào qǐ lái

(spring, jump)

闰年 rùn nián

noun (year: February has 29 days)

Leap year always falls in even years.

三思而后行 sān sī ér hòu xíng

interjection (figurative (be aware of the risks involved in [sth]) (谚语)

Thinking of investing in a new business? Look before you leap!

量子跃迁 liàng zǐ yuè qiān

noun (physics: abrupt change in energy level of electron) (物理学)

巨大突破,飞跃,跃进 jù dà tū pò,fēi yuè,yuè jìn

noun (figurative (huge advance)

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