英语 中的 leave 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 leave 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 leave 的说明。

英语 中的leave 表示离开 lí kāi, 离开 lí kāi, 抛弃 pāo qì, 留下 liú xià, 为…剩下, 把…留给, 将..交托给, 忘记, 忘掉, 把…落下, 留下 liú xià, 许可 xǔ kě, 准假 zhǔn jiǎ, 假, 休假时间 xiū jià shí jiān, 长叶子, 剩,剩余 shèng,shèng yú, 给...剩下, 把…留在 bǎ liú zài, 将...遗赠给, 给…剩下, 拉下 lā xià, 超过 chāo guò, 超过,超越,把…落在后面 chāo guò ,chāo yuè, 摆脱 bǎi tuō, 停止 tíng zhǐ, 把…排除在外 bǎ … pái chú zài wài, 落下 là xià, 不请假外出 bù qǐng jià wài chū, 擅离职守地 shàn lí zhí shǒu de, 行政休假, 年休假 nián xiū jià, 带薪年假 dài xīn nián jià, 私事假, 家事假, 离职前带薪假期, 休假 xiū jià, 付小费 fù xiǎo fèi, 让…独自呆着 ràng dú zì dāi zhe, 停止骚扰, 不管 bù guǎn, 暂不考虑 zàn bù kǎo lǜ, 别干涉, 离开前往 lí kāi qián wǎng, 给...悬念, 没有理会, 抛弃..., 让…搁浅, 离家 lí jiā, 留下,留着 liú xià,liú zhe, 放弃 fàng qì, 走开 zǒu kāi, 还有很多待改进的余地 hái yǒu hěn duō dài gǎi jìn de yú dì, 想尽办法 xiǎng jìn bàn fǎ, 准假 zhǔn jiǎ, 假期 jià qī, 使停止 shǐ tíng zhǐ, 停止 tíng zhǐ, 行了,算了 xíng le, 离开本国 lí kāi běn guó, 为…保留可能性 wèi … bǎo liú kě néng xìng, 离开地面 lí kāi dì miàn, 开始实施 kāi shǐ shí shī, 离巢, 离巢, 离开…的现场 lí kāi … de xiàn chǎng, 允许修改, 放任 fàng rèn, 打下烙印, 告辞,告别 gào cí,gào bié, 给...留下深刻印象, 产假 chǎn jià, 在休假 zài xiū jià, 公休 gōng xiū, 带薪休假 dài xīn xiū jià, 产假,陪产假 chǎn jià, 陪产假, 上岸假, 上岸假期, 病假 bìng jià, 进修假, 向…告别。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 leave 的含义

离开 lí kāi

intransitive verb (depart)

Is John here? No, he's already left.

离开 lí kāi

transitive verb (go away: from a place)

I'm going to leave this town at three o'clock today.

抛弃 pāo qì

transitive verb (abandon)

He left his wife at home, and went out with his friends on Friday night.

留下 liú xià

transitive verb (let remain)

I enjoyed my meal, but left some of the potatoes as I was feeling rather full.


(let remain: for [sb] else)

He left only one piece of pizza for the others.


transitive verb (let [sb] keep, take)

Leave me your number in case I need to get in touch.



Can I leave my keys with you in case something happens?

忘记, 忘掉, 把…落下

transitive verb (forget to bring)

Oh, no. I left the present at home.

留下 liú xià

transitive verb (not bring)

I've left the keys on the kitchen table in case you want to go out.

许可 xǔ kě

noun (permission to act)

The commander gave the soldier leave to manage the situation as he wanted.

准假 zhǔn jiǎ

noun (permission for absence)

My boss gave me leave to study for three months.

noun (permitted absence)

I will be on leave until August the fifteenth.

休假时间 xiū jià shí jiān

noun (period of absence)

He has two weeks' leave in the summer.


intransitive verb (grow leaves)

Many trees leave in the spring, as the weather gets warmer.

剩,剩余 shèng,shèng yú

transitive verb (remainder) (数学:减法)

Five minus three leaves two.


transitive verb (have remaining)

The coat cost thirty-five dollars and the shoes cost twenty, so that leaves us only five dollars.

把…留在 bǎ liú zài

transitive verb (deposit, give)

He left his phone number on the answering machine.



In his will, her father left her the antique clock.


(have remaining)

If you take that twenty-pound note, you'll leave me with less than five pounds.

拉下 lā xià

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (fail to bring)

It wasn't until I got to the airport that I found I had left my passport behind.

超过 chāo guò

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (get ahead of)

The sprinter from Nigeria left all the other runners behind.

超过,超越,把…落在后面 chāo guò ,chāo yuè

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (perform better) (比喻)

From a very early age, Joseph has always left his peers behind.

摆脱 bǎi tuō

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (shed, escape [sth/sb] unwanted)

Brian has a good job now and has left his days of poverty behind him.

停止 tíng zhǐ

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (stop doing [sth])

Maisie's brother was taunting her about her new glasses, so she told him to leave off.

把…排除在外 bǎ … pái chú zài wài

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (person: exclude)

All the other children were invited to the party, but I was left out.

落下 là xià

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (omit)

The bread did not rise because I left out the yeast by mistake.

不请假外出 bù qǐng jià wài chū

adjective (soldier: missing)

He refused to go back to base after his home leave, so he was declared absent without leave.

擅离职守地 shàn lí zhí shǒu de

adverb (soldier: missing)


(time off work)

年休假 nián xiū jià

noun (UK (time allowed off work in a year)

I have got 22 days of annual leave this year.

带薪年假 dài xīn nián jià

noun (US (paid vacation from work)


noun (time off work for personal reasons) (尤指亲人去世)


noun (to care for baby or [sb] ill)


noun (UK: figurative (time off before end of contract)

休假 xiū jià

verbal expression (be absent from job)

The soldier will go on leave next week to visit his family.

付小费 fù xiǎo fèi

verbal expression (give gratuity for service)

让…独自呆着 ràng dú zì dāi zhe

(not disturb)

I just want to be left alone to get on with my novel.


(stop harassing)

She wished that the man beside her at the bar would leave her alone.

不管 bù guǎn

(stop fiddling with [sth])

暂不考虑 zàn bù kǎo lǜ

(figurative (exclude)

Leaving aside the two sunflowers, her garden did not have any flowers.


verbal expression (informal (not disturb)

Leave him be.

离开前往 lí kāi qián wǎng


Soon high school graduates will leave for college.


verbal expression (leave in suspense)

The ending of that show was so exciting; I can't believe the writers left us hanging like that!


verbal expression (not respond)

I tried to make up with Paul, but when I stuck out my hand to shake his, he just left me hanging.


verbal expression (often passive (person: abandon)


verbal expression (often passive (ship: ground, beach) (船)

The fishing boats were left high and dry when the tide went out.

离家 lí jiā

verbal expression (move out of family house)

She left home at 17 to go to university in another province.

留下,留着 liú xià,liú zhe

(let [sth] remain)

Leave that sentence in; I think it's good.

放弃 fàng qì

verbal expression (informal (abandon)

走开 zǒu kāi

interjection (go away)

Stop picking on me! Just leave me alone!

还有很多待改进的余地 hái yǒu hěn duō dài gǎi jìn de yú dì

verbal expression (be inadequate)

Your table manners leave much to be desired. The house was cute on the outside, but inside left much to be desired.

想尽办法 xiǎng jìn bàn fǎ

verbal expression (figurative (search thoroughly)

In the investigation to find the missing child, the police have left no stone unturned.

准假 zhǔn jiǎ

noun (permission for time off)

My company granted me a leave of absence to care for my father.

假期 jià qī

noun (time off)

I took a four-month leave of absence to travel.

使停止 shǐ tíng zhǐ

verbal expression (informal (stop doing [sth]) (非正式用语)

The mother told her son to leave off ripping the pages out of the book.

停止 tíng zhǐ

interjection (UK, informal (stop)

Leave off, mate! You're starting to annoy me.

行了,算了 xíng le

interjection (slang, UK (expressing disbelief) (感叹词)

Leave over - you're having me on!

离开本国 lí kāi běn guó

verbal expression (go abroad, go overseas)

I left the country five years ago when I moved to Spain.

为…保留可能性 wèi … bǎo liú kě néng xìng

verbal expression (figurative (allow possibility, access)

When the reigning gold medalist fell, she left the door open for her competitors. By not completely cutting ties with the country's former allies, the prime minister is leaving the door open for negotiations to be resumed in the future.

离开地面 lí kāi dì miàn

verbal expression (aircraft, bird: take off)

My flight was at 5:00, but we didn't leave the ground until 6:30.

开始实施 kāi shǐ shí shī

verbal expression (figurative (plan: succeed, be put in action) (比喻)

Without financing their plans would never leave the ground.


verbal expression (bird: reach maturity) (鸟)

Most birds leave the nest once they are able to fly confidently.


verbal expression (figurative (person: leave one's parents' home) (比喻)

The kids have finally left the nest and now it's just the two of us.

离开…的现场 lí kāi … de xiàn chǎng

verbal expression (flee the location of: accident or crime)

The hit-and-run driver was charged with leaving the scene of the accident.


noun (permission to alter: a plea, etc.) (请求等)

放任 fàng rèn

verbal expression (not supervise [sb])


verbal expression (figurative (make an impact)

Parents leave their mark on their children.

告辞,告别 gào cí,gào bié

noun (excusing yourself and leaving)


verbal expression (have enduring impact)

产假 chǎn jià

noun (time off work for a new mother)

Temps often provide cover while a full-time employee is on maternity leave.

在休假 zài xiū jià

adverb (taking time off)

I'll be on leave for the next two weeks. My husband is on leave from work indefinitely because he broke his leg last weekend.

公休 gōng xiū

adverb (on a year's paid/unpaid break)

带薪休假 dài xīn xiū jià

noun (being paid while absent)

产假,陪产假 chǎn jià

noun (time off work for a parent)


noun (time off work for a new father)


noun (permission for sailor to spend time on shore) (船员的)

All the crew will be given 48 hours' shore leave in Dover.


noun (time sailor spends on shore) (船员的)

When sailors are on shore leave, the bars in port make large profits.

病假 bìng jià

noun (time off work for illness)

Freddy's teacher has been on sick leave for three weeks or more.


noun (sabbatical)


expression (go away from [sb/sth])

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。