英语 中的 lightning 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 lightning 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 lightning 的说明。

英语 中的lightning 表示闪电 shǎn diàn, 电光般的, 闪电 shǎn diàn, 避雷器, 球形闪电 qiú xíng shǎn diàn, 闪电 shǎn diàn, 萤火虫 yíng huǒ chóng, 萤火虫 yíng huǒ chóng, 避雷针 bì léi zhēn, 如避雷针一样的人,引火烧身的人 rú bì léi zhēn yí yàng de rén,yǐn huǒ shāo shēn de rén, 雷击, 突然罢工, 疾如闪电 jí rú shǎn diàn, 如风驰电掣, 疾如闪电地, 一道闪电, 雷电 léi diàn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 lightning 的含义

闪电 shǎn diàn

noun (weather: electrical discharge)

The old church was struck by lightning and caught fire.


adjective (figurative (reflexes, etc.: very fast) (比喻像闪电般迅速)

The martial artist had lightning reflexes.

闪电 shǎn diàn

intransitive verb (weather: emit electrical discharges) (天气)

It had been thundering and lightning all night.


noun (device: surge protector)

球形闪电 qiú xíng shǎn diàn

noun (ball-shaped lightning)

闪电 shǎn diàn

noun (electrical flash)

Zeus is sometimes depicted holding a lightning bolt. A nearby bolt of lightning lit up the sky.

萤火虫 yíng huǒ chóng

noun (flying insect that glows)

The children ran around the yard trying to catch fireflies.

萤火虫 yíng huǒ chóng


避雷针 bì léi zhēn

noun (electricity conductor)

All buildings should have a lightning rod at their highest point.

如避雷针一样的人,引火烧身的人 rú bì léi zhēn yí yàng de rén,yǐn huǒ shāo shēn de rén

noun (figurative (person: attracts response)

Sarah Palin is a lightning rod for controversy.


noun (instance of lightning hitting [sth])


noun (UK (sudden work stoppage as protest)

疾如闪电 jí rú shǎn diàn

adverb (moving: fast)

The winning horse shot out of the starting gate like a bolt of lightning.


adverb (figurative (thing: moves fast) (习语)

A cheetah can move like greased lightning for short distances.


adverb (figurative (fast)

The sprinter ran like lightning.


noun (flash: of lightning)

A streak of lightning flashed across the sky.

雷电 léi diàn

noun (electrical storm)

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