英语 中的 like 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 like 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 like 的说明。

英语 中的like 表示喜欢 xǐ huān, 喜欢, 喜爱, 倾心于, 觉得好, 喜欢,喜爱,乐于接受 xǐ huān,xǐ ài,lè yú jiē shòu, 愿意 yuàn yì, 喜欢做某事, 和…相像,接近于,类似于 hé … xiāng xiàng,jiē jìn yú ,lèi sì yú, 接近于,差不多,大概,近乎 jiē jìn yú ,chà bù duō,dà gài,jìn hū, 同样的 tóng yàng de, 相似的事物,类似的东西 xiāng shì de shì wù,lèi sì de dōng xī, 相似的,相像的 xiāng shì de ,xiāng xiàng de, 类似的 lèi sì de, 可以说,简直就是 kě yǐ shuō ,jiǎn zhí jiù shì, 几乎…了,快要…了, 类似的人或物 lèi sì de rén huò wù, 像…一样好的人或物 xiàng yí yàng hǎo de rén huò wù, 赞, 与…同一类的人,与…相似的人, 具有…的特征 jù yǒu de tè zhēng, [加强语气,无实义] wú shí yì, 比如,诸如 bǐ rú,zhū rú, 那样,说,一副(态度) nà yàng, 给…点赞, 好恶,爱憎, 好像…一样行事 hǎo xiàng … yí yàng xíng shì, 模仿 mó fǎng, 之类 zhī lèi, 多少有点象 duō shǎo yǒu diǎn xiàng, 猩猩似的 xīng xīng shì de, 非常整洁, 想多频繁就多频繁 xiǎng duō pín fán jiù duō pín fán, 不惜一切代价避开, 无论怎样都要避免, 体格健壮的, 某人的典型方式, 与…相似 yǔ xiāng sì, 对牛弹琴, 似鸟的, 像鸟的, (你)想怎样就怎样 nǐ xiǎng zěn yàng jiù zěn yàng, 像狗的, 装扮成…的, 狂饮, 酩酊大醉, 胃口小, 大吃特吃, 想 xiǎng, 想要做某事 xiǎng yào zuò mǒu shì, 感觉像是, 让人感觉像是, 好像是要, 心情极好, 感觉好, 感觉正常, 打成一团, 非常合适,刚好,恰好,完全相合 fēi cháng hé shì,gāng hǎo,qià hǎo ,wán quán xiāng hé, 类似感冒症状的 lèi sì gǎn mào zhèng zhuàng de, 非常成功, 慢慢喜欢, 我喜欢它 wǒ xǐ huān tā, 我喜欢你 wǒ xǐ huān nǐ, 我想要, 我想要… wǒ xiǎng yào, 立刻 lì kè, 以相同的方式 yǐ xiāng tóng de fāng shì, 和…非常像, 就是…的典型风格, 就像那样突如前来 jiù xiàng nà yàng tū rú qián lái, 风驰电掣地 fēng chí diàn chè de, 疾如闪电 jí rú shǎn diàn, 如鱼离水 rú yú lí shuǐ, 很火热, 一见如故, 像个男人 xiàng gè nán rén, 像个男子汉, 立刻,飞快地 lì kè,fēi kuài de, 偷偷摸摸地 tōu tōu mō mō de, 普通的,平常的 pǔ tōng de ,píng cháng de, 最喜欢, 更喜欢 gèng xǐ huān, 进展顺利 jìn zhǎn shùn lì, 发疯似地 fā fēng shì de, 很可能 hěn kě néng, 有其父必有其子, 相当的 xiāng dāng de, 如风驰电掣, 非常 fēi cháng, 绝不会, 无论愿不愿意, 疾如闪电地, 疯了似地 fēng le shì de, 像新的一样 xiàng xīn de yí yàng, 像新的一样 xiàng xīn de yí yàng, 特别 tè bié, 特别的 tè bié de, 出类拔萃 chū lèi bá cuì, 出类拔萃的 chū lèi bá cuì de, 长得一模一样, 极为困难, 像这样 xiàng zhè yàng, 像那样 xiàng nà yàng, 像风一样地, 就像没有明天似的, 像这样地 xiàng zhè yàng de, 同比销售额, 具有相似意见或目的的, 看起来像 kàn qǐ lái xiàng, 好像,看起来好像 hǎo xiàng,kàn qǐ lái hǎo xiàng, 似乎,预示着要 sì hū ,yù shì zhe yào, 倒像是, 以非常类似的方式 yǐ fēi cháng lèi sì de fāng shì, 非常相像 fēi cháng xiāng xiàng, 不想做, 看上去不像, 看起来不像, 与…完全不同 yǔ wán quán bù tóng, 想法相似的 xiǎng fǎ xiāng shì de, 熟睡 shóu shuì / shú shuì, 闻起来像 wén qǐ lái xiàng, 差不多就是这样, 声音和…很像 shēng yīn hé hěn xiàng, 听起来像…,听上去像…, 听起来很有趣, 春天般的,像春天的, 有…的味道 yǒu de wèi dào, 吃起来像, 如实道来 rú shí dào lái。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 like 的含义

喜欢 xǐ huān

transitive verb (find personable) (友谊)

I like him. He seems like a good guy.

喜欢, 喜爱, 倾心于

transitive verb (be romantically attracted to) (爱情)

He really likes her a lot.


transitive verb (consider good)

I like that idea. Let's suggest it to the boss.

喜欢,喜爱,乐于接受 xǐ huān,xǐ ài,lè yú jiē shòu

transitive verb (be fond of)

Do you like pizza?

愿意 yuàn yì

transitive verb (desire, prefer)

You can do what you like till I get home, then we are cleaning the house.


verbal expression (activity: enjoy)

Liz likes cooking Thai food.

和…相像,接近于,类似于 hé … xiāng xiàng,jiē jìn yú ,lèi sì yú

preposition (informal (in the same way as) (非正式用语)

She talks like her brother.

接近于,差不多,大概,近乎 jiē jìn yú ,chà bù duō,dà gài,jìn hū

adverb (US, slang (approximately, more or less) (俚语)

He's like six feet tall.

同样的 tóng yàng de

adjective (formal (the same, identical)

We always agree: We are of like mind.

相似的事物,类似的东西 xiāng shì de shì wù,lèi sì de dōng xī

noun (something similar)

What a strange car. I've never seen the like.

相似的,相像的 xiāng shì de ,xiāng xiàng de

adjective (formal (similar)

Like poles repel; opposite poles attract.

类似的 lèi sì de

adjective (formal (analogous, comparable)

Writing poems, odes, and like forms requires linguistic skills and imagination.

可以说,简直就是 kě yǐ shuō ,jiǎn zhí jiù shì

adverb (UK, regional, slang (as it were) (地方用语,俚语)

But I really wanted that job, like.


expression (US, regional (almost)

The poor kid like to froze.

类似的人或物 lèi sì de rén huò wù

noun (counterpart)

I don't think they have his like in any other firm.

像…一样好的人或物 xiàng yí yàng hǎo de rén huò wù

noun (equal)

He is the kindest man I know. I have never met his like.

noun (social media: approval) (社交媒体)

I posted a photo and it got 60 likes.


plural noun (informal (people similar to [sb])

My mother wouldn't let me go round with the likes of him. You'll end up in trouble if you go out with the likes of her.

具有…的特征 jù yǒu de tè zhēng

preposition (in the way that)

It was hot again today, like summer should be.

[加强语气,无实义] wú shí yì

preposition (intensifier) (表强调)

He ran like hell.

比如,诸如 bǐ rú,zhū rú

preposition (informal (such as) (非正式用语)

So you want a new challenge; like what? I visited many famous monuments on my trip to France, like the Eiffel Tower.

那样,说,一副(态度) nà yàng

verbal expression (slang (say: expressing attitude) (俚语)

He was like, "I don't want to do that".


transitive verb (social media: favorite) (社交媒体)

I wished Danny a happy birthday and he "liked" my post.


plural noun (informal (preferences)

好像…一样行事 hǎo xiàng … yí yàng xíng shì

(informal (behave as if)

She acts like she thinks she is the queen.

模仿 mó fǎng


Richard made everyone laugh by acting like a monkey.

之类 zhī lèi

expression (and similar)

There are a lot of waterfowl out on the lake—mergansers, geese, coots, and the like.

多少有点象 duō shǎo yǒu diǎn xiàng

expression (at all like)

She doesn't look anything like her mother.

猩猩似的 xīng xīng shì de

adjective (simian)

Bigfoot is reported to be an apelike creature.


expression (very neat and tidy)

想多频繁就多频繁 xiǎng duō pín fán jiù duō pín fán

adverb (informal (whenever you wish)

Come and visit me as often as you like.


verbal expression (informal (stay away from)

Jenny is the most annoying person in the office; I avoid her like the plague.


verbal expression (informal (not do)

Many teenagers avoid cleaning their room like the plague.


(vulgar, slang (person: be big and muscular)


verbal expression (informal (be typical, expected of [sb])

It's just like Alice to lock herself out of her own hotel room.

与…相似 yǔ xiāng sì


Michael is just like his father: he loves to play tennis.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (not be listened to)

Talking to Esther is like talking to a brick wall; neither one will listen!

似鸟的, 像鸟的

adjective (resembling a bird)

(你)想怎样就怎样 nǐ xiǎng zěn yàng jiù zěn yàng

verbal expression (do whatever you wish to do)

Since you've finished your work, do what you like for the rest of the day.


adjective (resembling a dog)


expression (in costume, disguised as)

Mandy was dressed up like a witch for Halloween.

狂饮, 酩酊大醉

verbal expression (figurative (be an alcoholic)

He may not be an alcoholic but he certainly drinks like a fish.


verbal expression (figurative (consume little or in small amounts)

No wonder she's so skinny, she eats like a bird!


verbal expression (eat large quantities)

想 xiǎng

verbal expression (want to have)

I feel like a cup of tea.

想要做某事 xiǎng yào zuò mǒu shì

verbal expression (want to do)

I feel like going out for dinner tonight.


verbal expression (informal (have sensation)

I feel like there are little ants running around on my skin.


verbal expression (give sensation)

It's really starting to feel like spring!


verbal expression (seem likely)

It feels like it's going to rain.

心情极好, 感觉好

verbal expression (US, figurative, slang (feel good)


verbal expression (feel normal)


verbal expression (figurative (disagree ferociously)

Those three boys are always fighting like cats and dogs.

非常合适,刚好,恰好,完全相合 fēi cháng hé shì,gāng hǎo,qià hǎo ,wán quán xiāng hé

verbal expression (fit perfectly)

I had to buy a replacement bumper for my car from a junk yard, but it fits like a glove.

类似感冒症状的 lèi sì gǎn mào zhèng zhuàng de

adjective (resembling influenza)

She had flu-like symptoms: a cough and a fever.


verbal expression (US, figurative, slang (be successful)


verbal expression (appreciate after time)

Mangoes didn't appeal to me at first, but I've grown to like them.

我喜欢它 wǒ xǐ huān tā

interjection (I find it appealing)

What a lovely dress! I like it.

我喜欢你 wǒ xǐ huān nǐ

interjection (I find you appealing)

I like you. You seem like such a nice person.


expression (polite (with object: I want) (一种礼貌的表达方式)

I would like the coq au vin, please.

我想要… wǒ xiǎng yào

expression (polite (I want) (一种礼貌的表达方式)

I would like you to be more involved in the community website.

立刻 lì kè

adverb (very quickly, in an instant)

Wait right there – I'll be back in a flash!

以相同的方式 yǐ xiāng tóng de fāng shì

adverb (in a similar way)

I thought her ideas were stupid. In like manner, she thought mine were idiotic.


preposition (informal (very similar to)

Amy has got a pair of shoes just like yours.


preposition (informal (typical of: [sb])

Just like Henry to be late on his own wedding day!

就像那样突如前来 jiù xiàng nà yàng tū rú qián lái

adverb (informal (suddenly)

One minute Lucy was here, then she disappeared – just like that!

风驰电掣地 fēng chí diàn chè de

adverb (very fast)

The cat ran into the house like a bat out of hell.

疾如闪电 jí rú shǎn diàn

adverb (moving: fast)

The winning horse shot out of the starting gate like a bolt of lightning.

如鱼离水 rú yú lí shuǐ

adverb (out of place, out of one's element)

I always feel like a fish out of water at formal gatherings.


expression (with energy or enthusiasm)


expression (get along: very well)

像个男人 xiàng gè nán rén

adverb (in a masculine way)

She walks like a man.


adverb (informal, figurative (with stoicism)

Ben gritted his teeth and prepared to take his punishment like a man.

立刻,飞快地 lì kè,fēi kuài de

adverb (very quickly)

偷偷摸摸地 tōu tōu mō mō de

adverb (silently, stealthily)

The fog crept down the valley like a thief in the night. The cat crept through the garden like a thief in the night.

普通的,平常的 pǔ tōng de ,píng cháng de

expression (ordinary, unremarkable)

It was a day like any other when the car crashed into their living room.


(prefer overall)

Reading detective novels is what I like best.

更喜欢 gèng xǐ huān


I cannot think of anything I like better, on a hot day, than a swim in the pool.

进展顺利 jìn zhǎn shùn lì

expression (regularly, predictably)

The cat shows up like clockwork every time we eat fish. Like clockwork, my phone always rings as soon as I fall asleep.

发疯似地 fā fēng shì de

expression (informal (intensively)

I've been working like crazy all day - I need a beer!

很可能 hěn kě néng

adverb (informal (probably) (口语)

My little sister will want to come with us, like enough.


expression (he behaves like his father)

相当的 xiāng dāng de

adjective (equivalent)


adverb (figurative (thing: moves fast) (习语)

A cheetah can move like greased lightning for short distances.

非常 fēi cháng

expression (a lot)

I hit my elbow and it hurt like hell!


interjection (absolutely not)


expression (slang (whether or not it pleases you)

You're coming shopping with me, like it or lump it.


adverb (figurative (fast)

The sprinter ran like lightning.

疯了似地 fēng le shì de

adverb (furiously, intensely)

Susan had to scrub like mad to get the grass stains out of her pants. He was working like mad in order to meet the deadline.

像新的一样 xiàng xīn de yí yàng

adverb (in excellent condition)

Mending the shirt made it like new. A coat of paint and this room will look like new.

像新的一样 xiàng xīn de yí yàng

adjective (in excellent condition)

I sent the watch to the makers for repairs, and now it's like new.

特别 tè bié

adverb (literary (incomparably)

Pedro promised to love her like no other.

特别的 tè bié de

adjective (incomparable, unique)

This holiday offers tourists a holiday like no other.

出类拔萃 chū lèi bá cuì

adverb (in a unique way)

The sound of babies crying irritates me like nothing else.

出类拔萃的 chū lèi bá cuì de

adjective (unique)

The train ride through the Swiss Alps was like nothing else.


verbal expression (figurative (identical to one another)

The two little girls were as alike as two peas in a pod.


expression (figurative (very difficult)

Trying to call the insurance company is like pulling teeth—I can never seem to talk to the right person!

像这样 xiàng zhè yàng

adverb (in this manner)

You just turn the door handle like so and the door should open.

像那样 xiàng nà yàng

adverb (in that way)

If you do it like that, you will only hurt yourself. If you translate the sentence like that, it's going to sound funny in the target language.


expression (very fast)


adverb (informal, figurative (in a frenzied way) (比喻义)

像这样地 xiàng zhè yàng de

adverb (thus, like so)

We can't go on like this. If you do it like this, you'll get a better result.


plural noun (equivalent commercial success)


adjective (people, organizations)

Sometimes it's difficult to meet like-minded people when you move to a new city.

看起来像 kàn qǐ lái xiàng


This table looks like the one we have at home. Lucy looks like her aunt.

好像,看起来好像 hǎo xiàng,kàn qǐ lái hǎo xiàng

(informal (appear that) (非正式用语)

It looks like we'll have to cancel our holiday.

似乎,预示着要 sì hū ,yù shì zhe yào

(informal (indicate) (非正式用语)

It's beginning to look like rain.


adverb (informal (in more accurate terms)

It isn't overhearing by accident, it's more like eavesdropping.

以非常类似的方式 yǐ fēi cháng lèi sì de fāng shì

preposition (in the same way as)

非常相像 fēi cháng xiāng xiàng

preposition (very similar to)


verbal expression (not want to do)

I don't feel like going out tonight.


verbal expression (not resemble)


verbal expression (informal (not appear that)

Well, Robert's over an hour late; it doesn't look like he's going to come after all.

与…完全不同 yǔ wán quán bù tóng

expression (completely unlike)

Chicken tastes nothing like shrimp.

想法相似的 xiǎng fǎ xiāng shì de

adjective (having similar opinions)

I'm glad to know that we are of like mind on this topic.

熟睡 shóu shuì / shú shuì

verbal expression (figurative (sleep heavily)

You were already sleeping like a log when I came to bed.

闻起来像 wén qǐ lái xiàng

verbal expression (have the same scent as)

This soap smells like sweets!


noun (a similar thing)

Clive claimed he was late because his car broke down or something like that.

声音和…很像 shēng yīn hé hěn xiàng

(have same sound as)

My kids call it music, but their band sounds like noise to me.


(informal (would seem that)

From what you say, it sounds like he's an unpleasant person.


interjection (informal (accepting a suggestion or invitation)


adjective (seeming like springtime)

有…的味道 yǒu de wèi dào

intransitive verb (have as a flavour)

This tastes like chicken.


verbal expression (have the same flavour as)

They say that snake tastes like chicken.

如实道来 rú shí dào lái

verbal expression (informal (be honest and direct)

Okay, I'll tell it like it is, but I don't think you'll like it.

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。