英语 中的 lily 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 lily 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 lily 的说明。

英语 中的lily 表示百合,百合花 bǎi hé ,bǎi hé huā, 马蹄莲 mǎ tí lián, 美人蕉, 铃兰 líng lán, 睡莲叶子 shuì lián yè zi, 荷花池, 胆小的 dǎn xiǎo de, 纯白的 chún bái de, 纯真的,纯洁的,毫无瑕疵的 chún zhēn de ,chún jié de, 萍蓬草,睡莲 shuì lián, 卷丹状植物 juǎn dān zhuàng zhí wù, 荷花 hé huā, 睡莲 shuì lián。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 lily 的含义

百合,百合花 bǎi hé ,bǎi hé huā

noun (flower)

Janine grows lilies in her garden.

马蹄莲 mǎ tí lián

noun (flower)


noun (flowering plant: American)

We were able to see cannas at the tropical botanical garden.

铃兰 líng lán

noun (plant with white bell-shaped flowers) (一种花)

Lily-of-the-valley is a popular garden plant with fragrant flowers.

睡莲叶子 shuì lián yè zi

noun (leaf of a water lily plant)

The frog sat on a lily pad in the pond, waiting for a fly to pass by.


noun (small ornamental lake with waterlilies)

A lily pond is a beautiful addition to any garden.

胆小的 dǎn xiǎo de

adjective (figurative, pejorative (cowardly)

纯白的 chún bái de

adjective (very pale)

纯真的,纯洁的,毫无瑕疵的 chún zhēn de ,chún jié de

adjective (figurative (pure)

萍蓬草,睡莲 shuì lián

noun (plant)

卷丹状植物 juǎn dān zhuàng zhí wù

noun (flower with spotted orange petals)

The tiger lily, cultivated in Asia, has an edible bulb.

荷花 hé huā

noun (flowering aquatic plant)

Pink water lilies were blooming on the surface of the pond. Monet is famous for his paintings of water lilies.

睡莲 shuì lián

noun (flowering pond plant) (植物)

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