英语 中的 paint 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 paint 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 paint 的说明。

英语 中的paint 表示涂刷, 画 huà, 油漆 yóu qī, 花马, 禁区 jìn qū, 绘画 huì huà, 涂油漆 tú yóu qī, 给…涂色 gěi tú sè, 为…化妆 wèi huà zhuāng, 用言语描述, 描绘, 丙烯颜料 bǐng xī yán liào, 涂漆层 tú qī céng, 给…涂伪装漆, 乳胶漆 rǔ jiāo qī, 面部彩绘颜料, 手指画颜料 shǒu zhǐ huà yán liào, 用手指涂颜料 yòng shǒu zhǐ tú yán liào, (演员化妆用的) 油彩 yǎn yuán huà zhuāng yòng de yóu cǎi, 乳胶涂料 rǔ jiāo tú liào, 铅基涂料,含铅涂料,铅基油漆, 刷一点油漆, 油画颜料 yóu huà yán liào, 绘制图画 huì zhì tú huà, 描绘场景 miáo huì chǎng jǐng, 漆刷 qī shuā, 油漆罐, 油漆滚子 yóu qī gǔn zi, 狂欢,欢庆 kuáng huān,huān qìng, 涂料稀释剂 tú liào xī shì jì, 喷漆, 给...上喷漆, (美洲印第安人)战斗前涂在脸上的颜料 měi zhōu yìn dì ān rén zhàn dòu qián tú zài liǎn shàng de yán liào, 化妆品 huà zhuāng pǐn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 paint 的含义


transitive verb (cover with paint)

He painted the wall.

画 huà

transitive verb (create or draw with paint)

She painted a picture, using oil paint.

油漆 yóu qī

noun (coloured coating)

We need to buy some tins of blue paint.


noun (abbreviation (horse breed: Paint horse) (马的品种)

The Paint is an American horse breed.

禁区 jìn qū

noun (basketball: part of court) (篮球)

The player remained in the paint for longer than three seconds, so the referee signaled a violation.

绘画 huì huà

intransitive verb (make a painting)

She loves to paint.

涂油漆 tú yóu qī

intransitive verb (colour [sth] with paint)

Working on the house, he painted all day long.

给…涂色 gěi tú sè

transitive verb (colour with paint)

He painted the room blue.

为…化妆 wèi huà zhuāng

transitive verb (nails: apply varnish to)

She spends hours painting her nails.

用言语描述, 描绘

transitive verb (figurative (describe with words)

The book painted the picture of the ideal family.

丙烯颜料 bǐng xī yán liào

noun (synthetic art medium)

涂漆层 tú qī céng

noun (layer of paint)

That door needs another coat of paint.


transitive verb (warship: paint with camouflage) (军舰)

The British and Americans dazzled their warships to confuse the enemy.

乳胶漆 rǔ jiāo qī

noun (emulsion paint)

The painters applied white emulsion to the walls of the living room.


noun (paints for decorating face)

手指画颜料 shǒu zhǐ huà yán liào

noun (paint children apply with fingers)

The child smeared the blobs of brightly colored finger paint all over the paper.

用手指涂颜料 yòng shǒu zhǐ tú yán liào

intransitive verb (use fingers to apply paint)

When he finger paints, he uses his fingers, the side of his hand, and even his forearm.

(演员化妆用的) 油彩 yǎn yuán huà zhuāng yòng de yóu cǎi

noun (stage make-up)

乳胶涂料 rǔ jiāo tú liào

noun (paint containing a rubber binder)

The flat roof was leaking so we gave it a coat of latex paint.


noun (wet pigment containing lead)

Old houses often have dangerous lead-based paint on the walls.


noun (figurative, informal (light coat of paint)

This door could do with a fresh lick of paint.

油画颜料 yóu huà yán liào

noun (often plural (for art)

Many artists prefer to use oil paint, while others prefer watercolors or acrylics.

绘制图画 huì zhì tú huà

verbal expression (create an image in paint)

描绘场景 miáo huì chǎng jǐng

verbal expression (figurative (describe or depict [sth])

No more job means no more paycheck, which means we cannot go to Hawaii this spring. Do I need to paint a picture for you?

漆刷 qī shuā

noun (tool for applying pigment)

I'm not into painting much but I do have a good collection of paint brushes.


noun (tin container holding paint)

油漆滚子 yóu qī gǔn zi

noun (tool for rolling paint onto walls)

A paint roller is useful for painting large areas. I am using a paint roller to paint the wall of my bedroom.

狂欢,欢庆 kuáng huān,huān qìng

verbal expression (figurative (go out and celebrate) (比喻)

To celebrate their win, the whole football team went out to paint the town red.

涂料稀释剂 tú liào xī shì jì

noun (solvent for diluting paint)

The painter told me he needed more paint thinners as he used the whole bottle cleaning his brushes.


noun (paint in aerosol form)


transitive verb (paint using an aerosol)

She spray-painted her car but it looks very blotchy.

(美洲印第安人)战斗前涂在脸上的颜料 měi zhōu yìn dì ān rén zhàn dòu qián tú zài liǎn shàng de yán liào

noun (warriors' face paint) (本义)

The Apache warrior was wearing war paint and an elaborate headdress.

化妆品 huà zhuāng pǐn

noun (informal, figurative, humorous (make-up) (比喻,幽默用语)

Susan put on her full war paint for the grand ball.

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paint 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。