英语 中的 next 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 next 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 next 的说明。

英语 中的next 表示下一个,接下来的 xià yí gè ,jiē xià lái de, 下一个,接下来的 xià yí gè ,jiē xià lái de, 下一个人 xià yí gè rén, 下一个,接下来的 xià yí gè ,jiē xià lái de, 最接近的 zuì jiē jìn de, 邻近的 lín jìn de, 下一个 xià yí gè, 紧接着,接下来 jǐn jiē zhe,jiē xià lái, 之后 zhī hòu, 和平常人一样, 下一个是 xià yí gè shì, 几乎不花钱 jī hū bù huā qián, 讨好 tǎo hǎo, 次日,第二天 cì rì,dì èr tiān, 在隔壁 zài gé bì, 在…隔壁, 邻居的, 隔壁邻居 gé bì lín jū, 下一代,新一代 xīn yí dài, 下一代,下一代人, 下一个,下一位 xià yí gè ,xià yī wèi, 下一任继承者, ...的接班人, 来世 lái shì, 转世,来生 zhuǎn shì,lái shēng, 次月 cì yuè, 最近亲属, 下一步, 下次 xià cì, 挨着 āi zhe, 几乎 jī hū, 除...之外 chú zhī wài, 倒数第二的 dào shǔ dì èr de, 倒数第二 dào shǔ dì èr, 几乎没有 jī hū méi yǒu, 次周 cì zhōu, 次年 cì nián, 隔壁邻居 gé bì lín jū, 就在…旁边, 第二好的 dì èr hǎo de, 第二天 dì èr tiān, 下次再见 xià cì zài jiàn, 接下来是什么?。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 next 的含义

下一个,接下来的 xià yí gè ,jiē xià lái de

adjective (immediately after) (时间上)

We're going to take the next plane.

下一个,接下来的 xià yí gè ,jiē xià lái de

adjective (immediately behind)

I'll help the next person in line.

下一个人 xià yí gè rén

adjective (person: in line)

Who is next?

下一个,接下来的 xià yí gè ,jiē xià lái de

adjective (second most important) (重要性)

The next thing to do after gathering firewood is to put it all in a dry place.

最接近的 zuì jiē jìn de

adjective (nearest)

Proceed to the next open window.

邻近的 lín jìn de

adjective (adjacent)

My grandparents live in the next house.

下一个 xià yí gè

adjective (occasion: first to follow)

We're going to visit family next Christmas.

紧接着,接下来 jǐn jiē zhe,jiē xià lái

adverb (in the nearest time) (指时间)

Next, we will go to the beach.

之后 zhī hòu

adverb (after)

Clean the kitchen, and next the bathroom.


expression (just as much as anyone else)

下一个是 xià yí gè shì

verbal expression (follow, be next in sequence)

After the letter S, T comes next in the English alphabet.

几乎不花钱 jī hū bù huā qián

expression (very cheaply)

When we were first married, we bought an old couch for next to nothing. At a yard sale you can buy anything you want for next to nothing.

讨好 tǎo hǎo

verbal expression (US, figurative, informal (get into [sb]'s favor)

次日,第二天 cì rì,dì èr tiān

adverb (informal (on the following day) (非正式用语)

Next day he turned up on my doorstep with a big bunch of roses.

在隔壁 zài gé bì

adverb (in the next house along)

She lives next door with her mother and half a dozen cats.


(in the next house along from)


noun as adjective (neighboring)

The people in the next-door apartment are very nosy.

隔壁邻居 gé bì lín jū

noun (UK, informal (next-door neighbors)

I see that next door have visitors over the holidays.

下一代,新一代 xīn yí dài

noun ([sth] technologically advanced)


noun (children, young people)

The next generation will have to clear up the environmental mess we have created.

下一个,下一位 xià yí gè ,xià yī wèi

noun (person: front of queue) (队列中的)

The immigration officer called for the next in line to step forward.


noun (figurative (expected successor: to [sth]) (按顺序的)

Prince Charles is next in line to the throne.


noun (figurative (expected successor)

来世 lái shì

noun (Christianity: afterlife, existence after death) (基督教,指死后的生活)

When I die, I'm looking forward to being reunited with Harry in the next life.

转世,来生 zhuǎn shì,lái shēng

noun (Buddhism: reincarnation) (佛教)

I hope I don't come back as a flea in my next life.

次月 cì yuè

adverb (during the month after this one)

We're going to Aberdeen next month to visit Jim's parents.


noun (invariable (immediate family, closest relative)

My sister is listed as my next of kin on all my emergency forms. The authorities won't release the name of the victim until his next of kin have been notified.


noun (subsequent action to be taken)

I've stripped the wallpaper and primed the plaster, so the next step is to paint the walls.

下次 xià cì

adverb (informal (on the next occasion) (非正式用语)

Next time I go to the supermarket I must remember to buy some cheese.

挨着 āi zhe

preposition (beside, adjacent to)

The house next to the golf course has great views across the fairway.

几乎 jī hū

preposition (figurative (almost)

It's worth next to nothing in that condition.

除...之外 chú zhī wài

preposition (figurative (aside from, after)

I love William; next to my husband, he is my best friend.

倒数第二的 dào shǔ dì èr de

expression (penultimate, second to last)

My daughter was upset because her team finished next to last in the league. November is the next-to-last month of the year.

倒数第二 dào shǔ dì èr

noun (one before last)

The British cyclist didn't do very well in the race; he was next to last.

几乎没有 jī hū méi yǒu

noun (very little)

After paying that huge telephone bill, I have next to nothing left in the bank. She managed to prepare a sumptuous meal from next to nothing.

次周 cì zhōu

adverb (during the week after this one)

I'm away until Sunday, but can meet with you next week.

次年 cì nián

adverb (during the year after this one)

We hope to see you again next year.

隔壁邻居 gé bì lín jū

noun (often plural (person: in next house, apartment)

My next-door neighbor is always waking me up with his loud music.


expression (immediately beside)

I have a clock and a lamp right next to my bed.

第二好的 dì èr hǎo de

noun (good substitute)

I can't afford to buy a Volkswagen; the Toyota is the next best thing. Apples are not as sweet as candy, but I think they are the next best thing.

第二天 dì èr tiān

adverb (the day after)

I enjoyed the film so much that I went back to the cinema the next day and watched it again.

下次再见 xià cì zài jiàn

adverb (goodbye)


interjection (informal (expressing disbelief or mild dismay) (表达不相信或轻微的沮丧)

让我们学习 英语

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。