英语 中的 after 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 after 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 after 的说明。

英语 中的after 表示在…以后 zài … yǐ hòu, 由于 yóu yú, 跟在…后面,随…之后 gēn zài … hòu miàn,suí … zhī hòu, 在…以后 zài … yǐ hòu, 在…后面 zài hòu miàn, 紧随其后地 jǐn suí qí hòu de, 之后,以后 zhī hòu,yǐ hòu, 低于 dī yú, 之后的 zhī hòu de, 后部的 hòu bù de, 后部的 hòu bù de, 追寻… zhuī xún, 按照…风格 àn zhào fēng gé, 关于… guān yú …, 以…的名字命名 yǐ de míng zì mìng míng, 与…一致 yǔ … yí zhì, 搜寻,寻找 sōu xún ,xún zhǎo, 问候 wèn hòu, 追逐 zhuī zhú, 追求 zhuī qiú, 追, 追求 zhuī qiú, 言语攻击,抨击 yán yǔ gōng jī,pēng jī, 随后就到 suí hòu jiù dào, 照顾,照看,照料 zhào gù,zhào kàn ,zhào liào, 照看 zhào kàn, 关心 guān xīn, 照看 zhào kàn, 追逐 zhuī zhú, 追赶 zhuī gǎn, 照顾 zhào gù, 追求 zhuī qiú, 开始追赶, 长得像 zhǎng de xiàng, 长得像 zhǎng de xiàng, 迫切想要 pò qiè xiǎng yào, 收拾某人制造的脏乱, 一会儿以后 yí huì er yǐ hòu, 终究, 终究,毕竟 bì jìng, 毕竟 bì jìng, 最后 zuì hòu, 下班后 xià bān hòu, 营业时间后,工作时间后, 想来想去, 酌古斟今, 放学后 fàng xué hòu, 课外的 kè wài de, 一段时间后 yí duàn shí jiān hòu, 然后 rán hòu, 事后 shì hòu, 事后的 shì hòu de, 在此之后 zài cǐ zhī hòu, 餐后的, 非营业时间的,下班时间的, 售后服务 shòu hòu fú wù, 晒后的, (视网膜上的)残留影像 shì wǎng mó shàng de cán liú yǐng xiàng, 余兴派对, 以…命名 yǐ mìng míng, 追女孩 zhuī nǚ hái, 出现在…之后, 渴望得到 kě wàng dé dào, 日复一日 rì fù yí rì, 渴望 kě wàng, 从此幸福地生活在一起,从此过着幸福快乐的日子 cóng cǐ xìng fú de shēng huó zài yì qǐ,cóng cǐ guò zhe xìng fú kuài lè de rì zi, 很高兴, 时时刻刻 shí shí kè kè, 勉强地 miǎn qiǎng de, 打听...的近况, …刚结束就…, 很久后, 得到照顾的, 照看,照料,照顾 zhào kàn ,zhào liào,zhào gù, 对…有极强的性欲, 渴盼 kě pàn, 使…模仿, 月复一月 yuè fù yí yuè, 以…命名 yǐ mìng míng, 不久后 bù jiǔ hòu, 在…之后不久, 一个接一个地 yí gè jiē yí gè de, 模仿 mó fǎng, 仿造…的, 搜寻 sōu xún, 紧接着 jǐn jiē zhe, 随即,立马 suí jí, 不久 bù jiǔ, 渴望 kě wàng, 不久以后 bù jiǔ yǐ hòu, 不久… bù jiǔ, 被追捧的, 一天后 yì tiān hòu, 第二天 dì èr tiān, ...的第二天, ...的第二天, 后天 hòu tiān, 后天 hòu tiān, 一再地 yí zài de, 持续不断地, 年复一年地 nián fù yì nián de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 after 的含义

在…以后 zài … yǐ hòu

preposition (time: later) (时间)

We can discuss it more after lunch.

由于 yóu yú

preposition (because of)

After all of our advice, he finally changed his mind.

跟在…后面,随…之后 gēn zài … hòu miàn,suí … zhī hòu

preposition (next in series) (顺序)

The letter 'c' comes after the letter 'b'.
字母 ”c" 跟在字母 “b" 之后。

在…以后 zài … yǐ hòu

conjunction (time: when, if) (时间)

You can watch TV after you've eaten. The fans went home after the match had finished.

在…后面 zài hòu miàn

preposition (position: behind) (位置)

Could you close the door after you, please?

紧随其后地 jǐn suí qí hòu de

adverb (behind)

We'll go first and you can follow after.

之后,以后 zhī hòu,yǐ hòu

adverb (informal (time: later) (时间)

He walked off in anger but came back two hours after.

低于 dī yú

preposition (lower in rank) (地位)

A lieutenant comes after a captain.

之后的 zhī hòu de

adjective (next, later)

He was wild in his youth but settled down in after years.

后部的 hòu bù de

adjective (nautical: farther aft) (船等)

A gym is located in the after part of the ship.

后部的 hòu bù de

adjective (aeronautics: farther aft) (飞机等)

There's a bullet hole in the after part of the plane.

追寻… zhuī xún

preposition (in search of)

He went off after another loaf of bread.

按照…风格 àn zhào fēng gé

preposition (in the style of)

Painting by Smith, after Monet.

关于… guān yú …

preposition (asking about)

She was asking after your mother. What should I tell her?

以…的名字命名 yǐ de míng zì mìng míng

preposition (named for)

Judith is named after her grandmother.

与…一致 yǔ … yí zhì

preposition (in accord with)

Now there's a man after my own heart!

搜寻,寻找 sōu xún ,xún zhǎo

(informal (search for [sth], [sb])

I'm after a new service provider; which one would you recommend?

问候 wèn hòu

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (enquire about health of: [sb])

I ran into your old friends Vicki and Peter yesterday, and they asked after you.

追逐 zhuī zhú

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (pursue [sb]) (人)

The police chased after the burglar and caught him in my neighbour's garden.

追求 zhuī qiú

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (seek [sth] unrealistic) (某些不切实际的事)

John is rather homely, but he's always chasing after the pretty girls.

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (pursue, chase)

The police came after the robbers in a patrol car.

追求 zhuī qiú

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (pursue)

Mark is now going after a Master's degree in science.

言语攻击,抨击 yán yǔ gōng jī,pēng jī

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal, figurative (attack verbally) (非正式用语)

He really decided to go after him when he saw him flirting with his wife.

随后就到 suí hòu jiù dào

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (be next, follow)

In the alphabet, the letter B goes after the letter A.

照顾,照看,照料 zhào gù,zhào kàn ,zhào liào

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (UK (child: be guardian) (对孩子)

Who will look after the children while we're away?

照看 zhào kàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (UK (pet, plant: tend) (宠物,植物)

Will you look after my fish while I'm away?

关心 guān xīn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (UK (concern yourself)

He's looking after his own interests, as usual.

照看 zhào kàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (UK (manage, run)

Could you look after the shop for ten minutes while I run a few errands?

追逐 zhuī zhú

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (dated (chase) (过时用语)

追赶 zhuī gǎn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (chase)

My dog loves to run after a ball.

照顾 zhào gù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (US (look after, take care of)

追求 zhuī qiú

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (search for, try to find)


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (begin chasing [sb/sth])

长得像 zhǎng de xiàng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (parent: resemble)

Many people say that Maria takes after her grandmother. Sam really takes after his father.

长得像 zhǎng de xiàng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (US (chase)

The boys took after the dog when it ran off with their ball.

迫切想要 pò qiè xiǎng yào

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (desire keenly)

Humanity has thirsted after knowledge since the dawn of time.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (clear up mess made by: [sb] else)

一会儿以后 yí huì er yǐ hòu

adverb (some time later)

At first he felt no pain. After a while, his arm began to ache.


adverb (ultimately)

After all, nobody but the patient has the right to refuse the treatment.

终究,毕竟 bì jìng

adverb (despite that)

Tina is feeling better now, so she can come with us after all.

毕竟 bì jìng

adverb (explanatory: because) (解释原因)

I'm definitely going to the concert - they are my favourite band after all.

最后 zuì hòu

expression (ultimately)

After all is said and done, the decision to have a baby is a personal one.

下班后 xià bān hòu

adverb (after official closing time)

Pubs aren't allowed to sell alcohol after hours.


adverb (law: outside of business time) (法律)


adverb (having considered [sth] carefully)


adverb (having discussed [sth] at length)

放学后 fàng xué hòu

adverb (when school day is over)

The teacher made Kyle stay after school to finish his homework.

课外的 kè wài de

adjective (extra-curricular)

Drama is a popular after-school activity at my school.

一段时间后 yí duàn shí jiān hòu

expression (after a while)

After some time, the architect delivered the plans for our new house.

然后 rán hòu

adverb (then, next)

We went to see a film, and after that had a meal in an Italian restaurant.

事后 shì hòu

expression (afterwards)

He had no knowledge of the robbery until after the fact.

事后的 shì hòu de

expression (added after concluded)

Conditions added to a contract after the fact are invalid unless both parties agree to them.

在此之后 zài cǐ zhī hòu

conjunction (and following this)

He took his morning shower, after which he dressed and began to prepare breakfast.


adjective (speech, etc.: following dinner) (致辞、演讲等)


adjective (law: outside of business time) (法律)

售后服务 shòu hòu fú wù

noun (customer care: repair, etc.)


adjective (for use after sun exposure)

(视网膜上的)残留影像 shì wǎng mó shàng de cán liú yǐng xiàng

noun (impression left on the retina)


noun (party following another event)

以…命名 yǐ mìng míng

verbal expression (be given the same name as)

I was named after my mother's best friend. The park was named for the town's mayor.

追女孩 zhuī nǚ hái

verbal expression (informal (try to seduce young women)

Ron seems to spend most of his time chasing after girls.


(follow in sequence) (顺序)

The letter Q comes after P in the English alphabet.

渴望得到 kě wàng dé dào

(desire, long for)

After years in an office job, Erika found herself craving after an opportunity to work outdoors.

日复一日 rì fù yí rì

adverb (every day)

I'm sick of doing the same thing day after day.

渴望 kě wàng

(yearn for [sth])

Micah has been hankering after a blueberry bagel all day.

从此幸福地生活在一起,从此过着幸福快乐的日子 cóng cǐ xìng fú de shēng huó zài yì qǐ,cóng cǐ guò zhe xìng fú kuài lè de rì zi

adverb (fairytale ending) (童话故事的结尾)

Cinderella married her Prince Charming and they both lived happily ever after.


adverb (happy outcome)

The lost cat was found in the attic and the family lived happily ever after.

时时刻刻 shí shí kè kè

adverb (continuously for many hours)

The police studied hour after hour of CCTV footage in order to identify the thieves.

勉强地 miǎn qiǎng de

adverb (so to speak, sort of)


(formal (ask for news of [sb])

Kate inquired after Ben's sister when she saw him at the store.


preposition (immediately following)

Just after she'd finished her speech, she collapsed from exhaustion.


preposition (for a long time following)

The feeling of good times lingered on in the house long after the party was over.


adjective (cared for, tended)

照看,照料,照顾 zhào kàn ,zhào liào,zhào gù

noun (UK, informal (care)


(desire sexually)

Don Juan lusted after every woman he saw.

渴盼 kě pàn

(figurative (want)

Tania is lusting after a new smartphone.


(base on [sth] else)

This amphitheatre was modelled on the Colosseum in Rome.

月复一月 yuè fù yí yuè

adverb (every month)

Month after month I have to pay so many bills.

以…命名 yǐ mìng míng

(give the same name as)

We'd like to name the baby after my mother if it's a girl.

不久后 bù jiǔ hòu

adverb (a short time later)


preposition (a short time following)

一个接一个地 yí gè jiē yí gè de

adverb (one at a time)

I couldn't believe it! He sat there and ate ten habanero peppers, one after the other!

模仿 mó fǎng

transitive verb (model, base: on [sth])

This design is patterned after the latest Paris fashions.


adjective (copied, based on [sth])

The airplane was patterned after the bird.

搜寻 sōu xún

(formal (seek, search)

The legend tells of how King Arthur's knights quested for the Holy Grail.

紧接着 jǐn jiē zhe

conjunction (at once when)

The ambulance came right after the police arrived. We saw it right after he did.

随即,立马 suí jí

preposition (immediately following)

We set off right after breakfast. Right after the wedding, the couple flew off to Jamaica for their honeymoon.

不久 bù jiǔ

preposition (just following)

Shortly after the Second World War, the Labour government in Britain set about establishing the welfare state.

渴望 kě wàng

(figurative (pine, yearn)

Rachel is still sighing after that promotion.

不久以后 bù jiǔ yǐ hòu

adverb (a short while later)

I was born at 3pm; my twin brother followed soon after.

不久… bù jiǔ

preposition (just following)

The team fired their manager soon after losing the game.


adjective (desired, desirable)

This area is one of the most sought-after locations in the city.

一天后 yì tiān hòu

noun (next day, following day)

We can stay out as late as we like on my birthday; the day after is a Sunday.

第二天 dì èr tiān

expression (on the following day)

I ate so much at supper that the day after, I felt quite ill.


expression (on the day following: an event)

They went on honeymoon the day after the wedding.


conjunction (on the day following: an action)

The day after he left her, she met someone new.

后天 hòu tiān

noun (2 days from now)

Today is Saturday, so the day after tomorrow is Monday.

后天 hòu tiān

adverb (2 days from now)

Don't worry, the meeting isn't until the day after tomorrow.

一再地 yí zài de

expression (repeatedly)


adverb (continously; without interruption)

We hear the same complaints year after year.

年复一年地 nián fù yì nián de

adverb (every year)

His Christmas parties seem to fail year after year. Year after year I say I'll quit smoking and I never do.

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。