英语 中的 of 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 of 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 of 的说明。

英语 中的of 表示来自…,属于…的,是…的 lái zì …,shǔ yú … de ,shì … de, …的 de, …的,出自…的 de, [用于表示某物是由何种材料制成的], …的 de, [与名词连用], [表示数量或数值], [表示方向] [ biǎo shì fāng xiàng ], [与形容词相连], [用于表示两地之间的距离], 在…之前,差(多少时间到几点) zài … zhī qián,chà duō shǎo shí jiān dào jǐ diǎn, [表示剥夺或夺走], [表示同位语], [表示包括或包含的关系], [用于说明特性或属性], 就…而言 jiù … ér yán, 关于 guān yú, 因为,由于 yīn wèi ,yóu yú, 有点混乱, 有点糟糕,有点艰难, 有点杂乱,不整洁, 少量的某物, 一定量的某物, 些许安慰, 完全不同的事, 如离水之鱼, 大量 dà liàng, 大量努力 dà liàng nǔ lì, 一丝讽刺意味, 许多 xǔ duō, 很开心, 见仁见智的事情, 时间问题, 一些 yì xiē, 小菜一碟 xiǎo cài yì dié, 参与其中, 与众不同的人, 难搞定的人, 一点点 yì diǎn dian, 一点点 yì diǎn dian, 离…一箭之遥, 过去的事情 guò qù de shì qíng, 不再是问题, 很多 hěn duō, 充裕 chōng yù, 一句忠告, 数不清的 shǔ bù qīng de, ...的术语表, 对...不抱希望, 不再奢望..., 超出职责范围, 与...持平地, 与...并排地, 保持对最新...的了解, 缺乏 quē fá, 赦免…的罪, 宣判...无罪, 富足 fù zú, 滥用权力 làn yòng quán lì, 滥用权利, 包容, 控告某人…, 指责 zhǐ zé, 控告 kòng gào, 黑桃A, 确认收讫 què rèn shōu qì, 获得知识 huò dé zhī shí, 为了…的利益而采取行动 wèi le de lì yì ér cǎi qǔ xíng dòng, 信仰行为 xìn yǎng xíng wéi, 有信心的行为 yǒu xìn xīn de xíng wéi, 天灾 tiān zāi, 天灾 tiān zāi, 大赦令 dà shè lìng, 善意的举动 shàn yì de jǔ dòng, 爱心行动 ài xīn xíng dòng, 暴力行为 bào lì xíng wéi, 战争行为 zhàn zhēng xíng wéi, 使徒行传 shǐ tú xíng zhuàn, 到来 dào lái, 公开表明,等同于公开宣告 gōng kāi biǎo míng, 告知某人某事, 恋爱事件 liàn ài shì jiàn, 害怕…的, 害怕做某事的, 担心做某事的, 怕黑的, (两性关系上的)合法年龄 liǎng xìng guān xì shàng de hé fǎ nián líng, 领先于, 在某物前面, 早于,在...之前 zǎo yú, 在某人前面, 早于...,在...之前, 优于 yōu yú, 先进的 xiān jìn de, 超越其时代的,开明的 chāo yuè qí shí dài de,kāi míng de, 走在前端, 领先的 lǐng xiān de, 成为赢家, 提前 tí qián, 预先 yù xiān, 所有,全部 suǒ yǒu,quán bù, 所有,全部 suǒ yǒu,quán bù, 各种各样的 gè zhǒng gè yàng de, 各种各样的 gè zhǒng gè yàng de, 不少于 bù shǎo yú, 忽然 hū rán, 抛开这一切不管, 所有这些, 所有这些, 各种各样的 gè zhǒng gè yàng de, 各种舒适的设施 gè zhǒng shū shì de shè shī, 余生 yú shēng, 象征 xiàng zhēng, 沿着 yán zhe, 类似 lèi sì, 在…旁边, 在…旁边, 很多 hěn duō, 与…类似之物,与…相似之物, 以及所有类似的事物 yǐ jí suǒ yǒu lèi shì de shì wù。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 of 的含义

来自…,属于…的,是…的 lái zì …,shǔ yú … de ,shì … de

preposition (from: derivation, origin) (表示地域、国籍)

The label on the wine bottle read "Produce of Spain".

…的 de

preposition (possession, connection) (表示所属关系,联系)

She's a friend of my neighbour.

…的,出自…的 de

preposition (ownership, authorship) (表示文章等的所有权)

I'm not familiar with the writings of Peirce.


preposition (formed from: material)

This bowl is made of plastic.

…的 de

preposition (relation of part to whole) (表示其中一部分)

The back of the room was quiet.


preposition (connection between nouns)

The economy is the cause of the crisis.


preposition (relation of numbers, values, etc.)

We biked for a distance of 30 miles.

[表示方向] [ biǎo shì fāng xiàng ]

preposition (direction from)

There is a city north of here.


preposition (qualifies an adjective)

The secretary is tired of typing.


preposition (distance)

There is a city within five miles of here.

在…之前,差(多少时间到几点) zài … zhī qián,chà duō shǎo shí jiān dào jǐ diǎn

preposition (US (time: before, to) (时间)

It's five minutes of three o'clock.


preposition (separation)

He was deprived of his turn.


preposition (apposition)

That fool of a repairman left a wrench in the pipe.


preposition (inclusion)

John's colleagues make him feel like he's one of them.


preposition (indicating attributes)

The Duchess was a woman of refinement.

就…而言 jiù … ér yán

preposition (on the part of)

It was nice of you to give me a gift.

关于 guān yú

preposition (in respect of, with reference to)

I would like to talk to you of your future.

因为,由于 yīn wèi ,yóu yú

preposition (indicates cause) (表示原因)

She died of a broken heart.


noun (UK, informal (chaotic)

His love life's a bit of a mess.


noun (informal (difficult situation)

To say that the economy is in a bit of a mess is putting it mildly.


noun (informal (place: untidy)

My house is a bit of a mess, but please come in.


noun (modicum, small quantity)

You need to use a certain amount of caution when using that product.


noun (specified quantity)


noun (figurative (small consolation)


noun (figurative, informal (entirely different matter, thing)


noun (figurative ([sb] in unfamiliar place, situation) (比喻,指因处于陌生环境而感觉不适者)

Although a fantastic football player, he was a fish out of water on the golf course.

大量 dà liàng

expression (large amount of [sth])

Her presidential campaign had a great deal of success at the local level.

大量努力 dà liàng nǔ lì

noun (a lot of work)

I put a great deal of effort into this project, and I was really offended when management ignored it.


noun (slight sarcasm)

许多 xǔ duō

noun (informal (great quantity)

I'll cook up a load of chicken legs and we can take them on our picnic.


noun (informal ([sth] very entertaining)

Thank you for inviting me to your party. I had a lot of fun.


noun (subjective, debatable)

Fashion is a matter of opinion.


noun ([sth] which will happen eventually)

They've been dating for 5 years, so it's only a matter of time before he proposes.

一些 yì xiē

plural noun (some, several)

He has broken the rules a number of times.

小菜一碟 xiǎo cài yì dié

noun (figurative, informal ([sth] easy to do)

The new software installation was a piece of cake, no problems!


noun (informal (involvement, participation)

If I'm to help you, I want a piece of the action.


noun (US, figurative, informal (unusual character, individual)


noun (US, figurative, informal (unpleasant, difficult person)

Tommy's a real piece of work; I heard he blamed his mistake on the boss.

一点点 yì diǎn dian

noun (tiny amount of [sth])

She added a smidgen of cinnamon to the pie.

一点点 yì diǎn dian

noun (figurative (tiny amount)

It's a cliché, but there's a smidgen of truth in it.


expression (figurative, informal (near)

The shop is just a stone's throw from my house.

过去的事情 guò qù de shì qíng

noun (informal ([sth] obsolete)


noun (informal ([sth] no longer a problem)

很多 hěn duō

noun (figurative, informal (large quantity)

I have a ton of work to do this week.

充裕 chōng yù

noun (figurative (abundant amount of [sth])

There's a wealth of reasons why you should stay.


interjection (I warn or recommend the following)

Just a word of advice -- don't plant peas in Wisconsin in March, whatever the books may say!

数不清的 shǔ bù qīng de

noun (figurative (a great amount of [sth])

There is a world of difference between their politics.


noun (glossary, informative list)

The A-Z of Medical Terms covers the most common words used in the medical world.

对...不抱希望, 不再奢望...

verbal expression (give up all hope of doing)

Jim abandoned hope of seeing Sarah again.


expression (more than required)

He was honored for performing above and beyond the call of duty.

与...持平地, 与...并排地

adverb (level, side by side)


adverb (figurative (up to date with: events, etc.) (事件等)

Keep me abreast of any changes to the plan.

缺乏 quē fá

noun (lack)

There was an absence of remorse in John's apology.


(religion: free from sin) (宗教)

The priest absolved the man of all his sins.


(free from guilt)

The court absolved Richard of any blame for the accident.

富足 fù zú

noun (large quantity of)

We have such an abundance of tomatoes this year.

滥用权力 làn yòng quán lì

noun (corrupt use of power)

Sexual harassment of a subordinate is a boss's abuse of authority.


noun (using authority for own benefit)

Violence against children is an abuse of power.


(tolerant of [sth])

This community is accepting of people of all cultures and backgrounds.


(often passive (law: charge with a crime)

Mr Robertson's former employer has accused him of fraud.

指责 zhǐ zé

verbal expression (blame for doing)

They accused me of not setting aside enough time.

控告 kòng gào

verbal expression (law: charge with a crime) (司法)

He's accused of embezzling thousands of pounds.


noun (playing card) (纸牌)

确认收讫 què rèn shōu qì

verbal expression (confirm you have received [sth] sent)

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.

获得知识 huò dé zhī shí

noun (learning)

为了…的利益而采取行动 wèi le de lì yì ér cǎi qǔ xíng dòng

transitive verb (act to protect or help)

An attorney will always act in the best interests of her client.

信仰行为 xìn yǎng xíng wéi

noun (out of religious conviction)

Going on a religious pilgrimage is an act of faith.

有信心的行为 yǒu xìn xīn de xíng wéi

noun (demonstration of earnestness)

Putting down a deposit is considered an act of faith.

天灾 tiān zāi

noun (natural disaster)

天灾 tiān zāi

noun (law: unpreventable disaster)

The insurance company refused to pay out, ruling that the damages resulted from an act of God.

大赦令 dà shè lìng

noun (UK (amnesty)

善意的举动 shàn yì de jǔ dòng

noun (favour, considerate gesture)

In an act of kindness he gave me his sandwich.

爱心行动 ài xīn xíng dòng

noun (action motivated by love)

暴力行为 bào lì xíng wéi

noun (law: violent act, attack)

战争行为 zhàn zhēng xíng wéi

noun (action that provokes a war)

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was an act of war, provoking the US to enter WWII.

使徒行传 shǐ tú xíng zhuàn

plural noun (Bible: New Testament book)

For the second reading, the Lector read from the Acts of the Apostles.

到来 dào lái

noun (arrival)

The advent of spring always gets me excited about gardening.

公开表明,等同于公开宣告 gōng kāi biǎo míng

noun (public indication of [sth])

The scandal served as an advertisement of the company's internal problems.


(formal (notify [sb] of [sth])

Newcastle Council have advised us of a series of road closures.

恋爱事件 liàn ài shì jiàn

noun (love affair, romantic involvement)

Romance novels describe affairs of the heart.


adjective (scared of [sth], [sb])

When I was younger I was afraid of spiders.


adjective (scared to do [sth])

Joanne is afraid of trying new things in case she fails.


adjective (worried about [sth] happening)

Sam was afraid of losing his job.


adjective (scared of darkness)

She kept a nightlight on because she was afraid of the dark.

(两性关系上的)合法年龄 liǎng xìng guān xì shàng de hé fǎ nián líng

noun (age at which sex becomes legal)

In many countries, the age of consent is determined by the beginning of puberty.


preposition (in a race: in front)

The race is in its final lap, and Ivy is ahead of everyone.


(in front, before)

The truck ahead of ours has a flat tire.

早于,在...之前 zǎo yú

preposition (prior to, earlier than) (事物)

Thank goodness we finished that project ahead of the deadline.


preposition (in front, before)

We couldn't move because there was an accident ahead of us.


preposition (before, earlier than) (人)

John arrived at the restaurant ahead of his brother.

优于 yōu yú

preposition (superior to)

Jon is ahead of the other children in his reading ability. This car is far ahead of the others in overall handling and safety.

先进的 xiān jìn de

adjective (advanced) (技术等)

The company prides itself on bringing products to market that are ahead of their time.

超越其时代的,开明的 chāo yuè qí shí dài de,kāi míng de

adjective (enlightened) (见识、思想等)

This diary reveals that some men in the past were ahead of the times with regard to women's rights.


expression (figurative (more advanced than others)

领先的 lǐng xiān de

expression (informal, figurative (at an advantage)

Bruce was ahead of the game because he repaired the roof before the rains came.


expression (informal, figurative (beating competitors)

提前 tí qián

adverb (earlier than scheduled)

They estimated that the new Olympic stadium would be ready in September 2011 but actually it was finished ahead of time.

预先 yù xiān

adverb (in advance, earlier)

He was able to put the wallpaper up fast because I had primed the plaster ahead of time.

所有,全部 suǒ yǒu,quán bù

pronoun (every one of)

Someone has eaten all of the chocolates. All of his classmates went to his birthday party.

所有,全部 suǒ yǒu,quán bù

pronoun (every bit of)

I've spent all of my money.

各种各样的 gè zhǒng gè yàng de

adjective (a wide variety of)

I'll plant all kinds of flowers this spring and see which ones survive.

各种各样的 gè zhǒng gè yàng de

adjective (many different kinds of)

On our safari we saw only one lion, but all manner of antelopes.

不少于 bù shǎo yú

preposition (only)

She took all of twenty minutes to complete the puzzle.

忽然 hū rán

adverb (suddenly)

All of a sudden, a dark cloud blotted out the sun.


adverb (regardless, nevertheless)


plural noun (every item mentioned)

The cupcakes, all of which are gluten-free, are in the glass case.


noun (everything mentioned)

Greg stole his sister's purse and lied to his parents about it; all of which goes to show that you can't trust him.

各种各样的 gè zhǒng gè yàng de

preposition (many and varied)

The shelves were lined with all sorts of lotions and potions for the skin.

各种舒适的设施 gè zhǒng shū shì de shè shī

plural noun (amenities, facilities)

The hotel room has all the comforts of home.

余生 yú shēng

expression (for rest of your life)

象征 xiàng zhēng

noun (symbolic representation)

Marianne is a French national symbol; she is an allegory of freedom and justice.

沿着 yán zhe

preposition (all along, alongside)

She had strung miniature lights along the length of the patio for the party.

类似 lèi sì

expression (similar to)

You want purple wallpaper? I was thinking more along the lines of beige.


expression (the length of, beside)

We built a retaining wall along the side of the terrace.


preposition (US, informal (beside, alongside)

'Come sit alongside of me,' said Minnie to the new boy.

很多 hěn duō

expression (informal (large quantity)

There are an awful lot of violets growing among the rhubarb.


noun ([sth] comparable)

以及所有类似的事物 yǐ jí suǒ yǒu lèi shì de shì wù

expression (informal (and similar) (非正式用语)

They found sea shells, driftwood, and all that sort of thing at the beach.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。