英语 中的 oil 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 oil 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 oil 的说明。

英语 中的oil 表示石油 shí yóu, 润滑油 rùn huá yóu, 油 yóu, 油画颜料 yóu huà yán liào, 油画 yóu huà, 油画 yóu huà, 给…上油润滑 gěi shàng yóu rùn huá, 油的 yóu de, 石油的 shí yóu de, 圣油 shèng yóu, 精油 jīng yóu, 油,乳 yóu ,rǔ, 桶 tǒng, 香柑油 xiāng gān yóu, 熬夜,挑灯夜战 āo yè, 芥花籽油 gài huā zǐ yóu, 蓖麻油 bì má yóu, 椰子油 yē zi yóu, 鱼肝油, 食用油 shí yòng yóu, 玉米油 yù mǐ yóu, 棉籽油, 石油 shí yóu, 柴油 chái yóu, 精油 jīng yóu, 鱼油, 亚麻籽油,亚麻油 yà má zǐ yóu,yà má yóu, 亚麻籽油 yà má zǐ yóu, 燃油 rán yóu, 柴油 chái yóu, 发油 fà yóu, 大麻籽油, 煤油 méi yóu, 燃油 rán yóu, 灯油 dēng yóu, 薰衣草精油 xūn yī cǎo jīng yóu, 亚麻籽油,亚麻油,胡麻油 yà má zǐ yóu,yà má yóu, 矿物油, 电动机润滑油 diàn dòng jī rùn huá yóu, 油和醋 yóu hé cù, 油井架, 油桶, 油田 yóu tián, 石油行业,石油产业,石油工业, 油灯 yóu dēng, 油画颜料 yóu huà yán liào, 油画 yóu huà, 油画 yóu huà, 承油盘, 油画棒,油画蜡笔, 钻井平台, 油厂 yóu chǎng, 油砂, 浮油 fú yóu, (海上的)浮油 hǎi shàng de fú yóu, 运油船 yùn yóu chuán, 油井 yóu jǐng, 油性的, 产油的, 烧油的,燃油的, 燃油的,烧油的, 油布, 防水布, 防水雨衣 fáng shuǐ yǔ yī, 防水服 fáng shuǐ fú, 橄榄油 gǎn lǎn yóu, 棕仁油, 棕榈油 zōng lǘ yóu, 广藿香油 guǎng huò xiāng yóu, 花生油 huā shēng yóu, 薄荷油 bò he yóu, 松树油 sōng shù yóu, 钻井, 钻井架, 玫瑰精油 méi guī jīng yóu, 檀香木油 tán xiāng mù yóu, 香油 xiāng yóu, 乳木果油, 蛇油, 假货 jiǎ huò, (大)豆油 dà dòu yóu, 向日葵花油 xiàng rì kuí huā yóu, 松节油 sōng jié yóu, 植物油 zhí wù yóu, 初榨橄榄油, 胡桃油 hú táo yóu, 鲸油 jīng yóu。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 oil 的含义

石油 shí yóu

noun (petroleum)

Saudi Arabia has a lot of oil.

润滑油 rùn huá yóu

noun (lubricant)

Martin sprayed some oil on the door hinge to stop it from squeaking. We need to change the car's oil.

油 yóu

noun (liquid fat for cooking)

He put a small amount of oil in the pan.

油画颜料 yóu huà yán liào

noun (uncountable (oil paint)

I sometimes paint in watercolor, but I prefer oil.

油画 yóu huà

plural noun (oil paints)

The artist was known mostly for painting in oils.

油画 yóu huà

noun (oil painting)

Art collectors will pay more for an oil than for works in other media.

给…上油润滑 gěi shàng yóu rùn huá

transitive verb (lubricate)

He oiled the door because it was squeaking.

油的 yóu de

noun as adjective (of or for oil)

The oil can was empty.

石油的 shí yóu de

noun as adjective (of petroleum)

Oil distillates are used as fuels.

圣油 shèng yóu

noun (Holy Oil) (基督教)

The priest anointed the dying man with oil.

精油 jīng yóu

noun (hair product) (护发用的)

Dana massaged oil into her hair to add moisture and shine.

油,乳 yóu ,rǔ

noun (product for body) (化妆品)

Using oil on your skin can be very beneficial in dry winter weather.

桶 tǒng

noun (unit of petroleum: 42 gallons) (石油容积单位)

The price of oil barrels has reached a record high.

香柑油 xiāng gān yóu

noun (uncountable (oil of bergamot fruit)

Bergamot is said to be good for the skin.

熬夜,挑灯夜战 āo yè

verbal expression (figurative (work late at night)

芥花籽油 gài huā zǐ yóu

noun (edible oil)

Canola oil is often used for frying food. Rapeseed oil is delicious in salad dressings.

蓖麻油 bì má yóu

noun (oil of castor bean)

Grandmother was convinced that a dose of nasty-tasting castor oil would cure any stomach ailment.

椰子油 yē zi yóu

noun (oil from coconuts)

Coconut oil can be used as a lip balm.


noun (oil of codfish liver)

Cod-liver oil contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids.

食用油 shí yòng yóu

noun (vegetable oil used in cooking)

Some say that olive is the healthiest cooking oil, while others prefer canola.

玉米油 yù mǐ yóu

noun (cooking oil made from corn)

Corn oil, or maize oil, is mainly used for cooking.


noun (oil from seeds of cotton plant)

石油 shí yóu

noun (unrefined petroleum)

When the price of crude oil goes up, so does everything else.

柴油 chái yóu

noun (diesel fuel)

The engine runs on diesel oil.

精油 jīng yóu

noun (oil: derived from plant)

Essential oils are made from aromatic plants.


noun (oil from oily fish)

Fish oil contains several essential nutrients.

亚麻籽油,亚麻油 yà má zǐ yóu,yà má yóu

noun (oil used in paints) (用于制备绘画颜料)

When used to treat wood or in paint, flaxseed oil is more commonly called linseed oil.

亚麻籽油 yà má zǐ yóu

noun (oil used as nutritional supplement) (食用)

Drizzle a little flaxseed oil on your muesli for good health.

燃油 rán yóu

noun (combustible oil used for power)

Leftover cooking oil can be converted into fuel oil.

柴油 chái yóu

noun (intermediate viscosity fuel)

发油 fà yóu

noun (hairstyling product)

Jared spiked his hair with hair oil.


noun (oil from hemp seeds)

煤油 méi yóu

noun (lamp oil) (照明用的)

Antique lamps run on kerosene.

燃油 rán yóu

noun (aircraft fuel)

灯油 dēng yóu

noun (kerosene)

The lights were made from old glass bottles with wicks dipped in lamp oil.

薰衣草精油 xūn yī cǎo jīng yóu

noun (oil extracted from lavender flowers)

For a good night's sleep, sprinkle a few drops of lavender oil on your pillow.

亚麻籽油,亚麻油,胡麻油 yà má zǐ yóu,yà má yóu

noun (oil from flaxseed)

Linseed oil is used for protecting and sealing wood.


noun (colourless oil from petroleum)

Mineral oil is commonly used as a laxative.

电动机润滑油 diàn dòng jī rùn huá yóu

noun (oil for engine lubrication)

Always use the correct grade of motor oil for your car engine.

油和醋 yóu hé cù

noun (vinaigrette, salad dressing)

Oil and vinegar is a salad dressing mix often recommended for people on diets.


(oil drilling)


noun (metal drum for oil)

油田 yóu tián

noun (area where oil is mined)

We plan to drill five exploration wells in this oil field.


noun (petroleum-processing business)

Wilson wrote an article about the environmental impacts of the oil industry.

油灯 yóu dēng

noun (lamp that burns fuel)

Oil lamps are useful to have when the electricity goes out.

油画颜料 yóu huà yán liào

noun (often plural (for art)

Many artists prefer to use oil paint, while others prefer watercolors or acrylics.

油画 yóu huà

noun (picture painted using oil paints)

The focal point of the room was a huge oil painting hung above the fireplace.

油画 yóu huà

noun (uncountable (art of painting with oils) (绘画方式)


noun (US (mechanics)


noun (often plural (art medium: sticks of waxy pigment)

The artist showed us one of his recent paintings in oil pastel.


noun (for offshore oil drilling)

Barry works on an oil platform in the North Sea.

油厂 yóu chǎng

noun (plant where crude oil is processed)

A typical oil refinery is capable of processing 200,000 barrels of crude oil per day.


noun (thick bitumen deposit)

The refinery uses oil sand to produce diesel.

浮油 fú yóu

noun (layer of spilt oil)

Dispersants can be used to remove the oil slick from the top of the water.

(海上的)浮油 hǎi shàng de fú yóu

noun (petroleum spillage)

The oil spill has contaminated more than 100 km of coastline.

运油船 yùn yóu chuán

noun (ship used for transporting oil)

The largest oil tankers can carry 500,000 tons of oil.

油井 yóu jǐng

noun (petroleum mine)

Their oil well turned out to be a gusher, producing over 1,200 barrels a day.


adjective (paint, perfume) (漆、香水等)


adjective (producing petroleum oil)


adjective (using oil as fuel)

There is an oil-burning stove in the kitchen.


adjective (boiler, central heating) (锅炉、中央供暖系统)

This oil-fired boiler is very efficient.

油布, 防水布

noun (uncountable (waterproof fabric)

防水雨衣 fáng shuǐ yǔ yī

noun (waterproof raincoat)

防水服 fáng shuǐ fú

plural noun (waterproof outfit)

橄榄油 gǎn lǎn yóu

noun (oil extracted from olives)

Elaine poured some olive oil over the salad.


noun (edible plant oil)

棕榈油 zōng lǘ yóu

noun (oil extracted from palm nuts)

Palm oil is used in hundreds of food products.

广藿香油 guǎng huò xiāng yóu

noun (scented oil of patchouli plant)

Aroma therapists use patchouli oil for its healing properties.

花生油 huā shēng yóu

noun (oil extracted from peanuts)

Peanut oil is frequently used in Asian cooking, instead of butter or olive oil.

薄荷油 bò he yóu

noun (essence of peppermint leaves)

Peppermint oil is supposed to be a good mice repellent.

松树油 sōng shù yóu

noun (oil extracted from pine trees)

Pine oil is used to scent various products from cleaners to aftershave.


noun (machine for drilling oil on land)

Onshore rigs are different from offshore rigs.


noun (informal (platform for drilling oil at sea)

Martin works on a rig, so he's away from home for several months at a time.

玫瑰精油 méi guī jīng yóu

noun (essence of rose petals)

My grandmother used to make her own perfume using rose oil.

檀香木油 tán xiāng mù yóu

noun (extract of fragrant Asian wood)

Sandalwood oil is used to make incense as well as expensive perfumes.

香油 xiāng yóu

noun (oil extracted from sesame seeds)

Sesame oil is widely used in Asian cooking and Eastern medicine.


noun (moisturizer made from shea seed) (用作保湿乳)


noun (medicine: fake)

假货 jiǎ huò

noun (figurative ([sth] deceptive)

(大)豆油 dà dòu yóu

noun (substance extracted from soybeans)

Soybean oil is one of the most widely used vegetable oils.

向日葵花油 xiàng rì kuí huā yóu

noun (oil obtained from sunflower seeds)

Fry the onion in sunflower oil until softened.

松节油 sōng jié yóu

noun (paint thinner, solvent)

Add a little turpentine to thin the paint.

植物油 zhí wù yóu

noun (cooking oil extracted from vegetables) (如菜油、橄榄油等)

Food fried in vegetable oil is healthier than food fried in peanut oil.


noun (edible oil)

Add two tablespoons of virgin olive oil to the pan and fry the garlic.

胡桃油 hú táo yóu

noun (oil obtained from walnuts)

For a unique flavor in cooking, you can use walnut oil instead of blended vegetable oil.

鲸油 jīng yóu

noun (oil made from whale blubber)

The Native Alaskans used whale oil in their lamps.

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