英语 中的 fat 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 fat 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 fat 的说明。

英语 中的fat 表示脂肪 zhī fáng, 肥肉 féi ròu, 脂肪,油脂 zhī fáng,yóu zhī, 肥胖的,胖的 féi pàng de ,pàng de, 厚的 hòu de, 利润丰厚的 lì rùn fēng hòu de, 油脂多的 yóu zhī duō de, 肥沃的 féi wò de, 使…变胖 shǐ biàn pàng, 长胖 zhǎng pàng, 大的 dà de, 肿胀的 zhǒng zhàng de, 脂肪 zhī fáng, 闲谈 xián tán, 油炸锅 yóu zhá guō, 胖子,肥胖的人,死胖子 pàng zi ,féi pán de rén, 大款, 大亨 dà hēng, 有钱有势的人, 大款, 阔佬, 脂肪细胞, 可能性极小, 无脂的,脱脂的 wú zhī de,tuō zhī de, 对人进行肥胖羞辱, 肥胖羞辱, 脂溶性的,可溶于油脂的, 猪背部的肉 zhū bèi bù de ròu, 发胖 fā pàng, 过衣食无忧的生活, 显胖, 低脂的, 低脂奶, 不含脂肪的 bù hán zhī fáng de, 脱脂奶粉 tuō zhī nǎi fěn, 饱和脂肪, 将…上的脂肪撇去 jiāng shàng de zhī fáng piē qù, 腹部多余脂肪 fù bù duō yú zhī fáng, 转化型脂肪酸 zhuǎn huà xíng zhī fáng suān, 植物油脂,植脂,植物性脂肪。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 fat 的含义

脂肪 zhī fáng

noun (bodily substance)

All bodies have some fat.

肥肉 féi ròu

noun (oily substance in food)

She trimmed the fat off her steak before eating it.

脂肪,油脂 zhī fáng,yóu zhī

noun (component of food)

This cheese tastes so good because it is high in fat.

肥胖的,胖的 féi pàng de ,pàng de

adjective (potentially offensive (person: overweight) (人)

Eric admitted that he was fat and had to lose weight.

厚的 hòu de

adjective (figurative (thick)

She took a fat book out of her bag and opened to page 1002.

利润丰厚的 lì rùn fēng hòu de

adjective (figurative (lucrative)

The ex-politician won a fat contract from the city.

油脂多的 yóu zhī duō de

adjective (informal (fatty: greasy)

This burger is so fat! It's quite disgusting.

肥沃的 féi wò de

adjective (dated, Biblical (fertile) (土地)

The land was fat, and anything would grow there.

使…变胖 shǐ biàn pàng

transitive verb (archaic (make fat)

They fatted the calf for several months before killing it.

长胖 zhǎng pàng

intransitive verb (archaic (become fat)

大的 dà de

adjective (figurative, informal (large)

The truck was carrying a fat load.

肿胀的 zhǒng zhàng de

adjective (figurative, informal (swollen)

My ankles are fat from being on my feet all day.

脂肪 zhī fáng

noun (fat on body)

That athlete has almost no body fat; she is all muscle.

闲谈 xián tán

verbal expression (figurative, informal (have a long chat)

I'd love to stand around chewing the fat, but these bills aren't going to pay themselves.

油炸锅 yóu zhá guō

noun (food-cooking machine)

She dropped the balls of dough into the deep fryer to make donuts.

胖子,肥胖的人,死胖子 pàng zi ,féi pán de rén

noun (pejorative, vulgar, offensive, slang (overweight person) (俚语,侮辱用语)

Martin was given detention for a week for calling his classmate a fat ass.


noun ([sb] wealthy)

大亨 dà hēng

noun (important, influential person)


noun (lazy, privileged person)

大款, 阔佬

noun ([sb] rich by questionable dealings)




interjection (slang (unlikely)

Ha! Fat chance that he will ever pay you back.

无脂的,脱脂的 wú zhī de,tuō zhī de

adjective (food: containing no fats) (食物)

I bought some fat-free yogurt, but it doesn't taste as good as the real thing! It is a mistake to think that because a food is fat-free, it's also free of calories.


transitive verb (criticize for being fat)


noun (criticizing for being fat)


adjective (chemistry: dissolves in oils or fats)

猪背部的肉 zhū bèi bù de ròu

noun (US (cut of pork)

发胖 fā pàng

(informal (put on weight) (非正式用语)

I get fat when I don't exercise regularly.


verbal expression (enjoy plentiful lifestyle)


intransitive verb (appear overweight)

Darling, does this dress make me look fat?


adjective (food: skimmed, light)

Many low-fat foods contain more sugar than their full-fat equivalents.


noun (skimmed dairy product)

Low-fat milk contains 1% milk fat.

不含脂肪的 bù hán zhī fáng de

adjective (US (fat-free: containing no fat)

脱脂奶粉 tuō zhī nǎi fěn

noun (US (powdered skimmed milk) (美式拼法)

Nonfat dry milk is more tasty than skim milk.



将…上的脂肪撇去 jiāng shàng de zhī fáng piē qù

transitive verb (remove fat from top of)

After milking the cows, we skimmed the fat off the milk and made butter.

腹部多余脂肪 fù bù duō yú zhī fáng

noun (excess abdominal fat)

The only way to reduce your stomach fat is to lose weight overall.

转化型脂肪酸 zhuǎn huà xíng zhī fáng suān

noun (hydrogenated vegetable oil)

Your body has no natural mechanism for eliminating trans-fat.


noun (oil from plant source)

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fat 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。