英语 中的 parts 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 parts 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 parts 的说明。

英语 中的parts 表示部件 bù jiàn, 部分,章节,部 bù fèn ,zhāng jié ,bù, 一份 yí fèn, 部分 bù fèn, 角色,人物 jué sè ,rén wù, 角色 jué sè, 地区 dì qū, 部分地 bù fèn de, 头发的分缝 tóu fà de fēn fèng, 部,声部 bù,shēng bù, 声部 shēng bù, 特性,特质 tè xìng,tè zhì, 一份 yí fèn, 有份参与 yǒu fèn cān yù, 职责 zhí zé, 分开,分叉 fēn kāi,fēn chà, 分开 fēn kāi, 离开 lí kāi, 分开 fēn kāi, 分配,分摊 fēn pèi,fēn tān, 迫使分开, 放弃 fàng qì, 作为…的一部分 zuò wéi de yí bù fèn, 作为…的一份子, 汽车配件 qì chē pèi jiàn, 参与 cān yù, 一大半,…的大半部分,大部分 dà bù fèn, 小角色 xiǎo jué sè, 身体部分, 计算机零件 jì suàn jī líng jiàn, 发挥你的作用 fā huī nǐ de zuò yòng, 备用零件 bèi yòng líng jiàn, 多半 duō bàn, 构成…的一部分, 参与表演 cān yù biǎo yǎn, 百分之一 bǎi fēn zhī yī, 虚数部分,虚部 xū shù bù fèn,xū bù, 友好地 yǒu hǎo de, 大部分 dà bù fèn, 部分地 bù fèn de, 不可或缺的部分, 看上去像回事,看上去像模像样, 就…来说 jiù … lái shuō, 有机组成部分, 断绝来往,分道扬镳 fēn dào yáng biāo, 与…分开 yǔ fēn kāi, 词性 cí xìng, 兼职的 jiān zhí de, 兼职工作 jiān zhí gōng zuò, 分期杂志, 分头发, 合唱曲,合唱歌曲 hé chàng qǔ, 兼职工作 jiān zhí gōng zuò, 兼职员工 jiān zhí yuán gōng, 兼职者, 担任角色, 在…中发挥作用, 负部分责任, 扮演…的角色 bàn yǎn … de jué sè, 尽本分 jìn běn fèn, 附件 fù jiàn, 有台词的角色 yǒu tái cí de jué sè, 积极参与, 积极参与, 没有参与 méi yǒu cān yù, 参加 cān jiā, 参加 cān jiā, ...最精彩的部分, 大部分 dà bù fèn, 最佳, 最精彩, 最高部分 zuì gāo bù fèn, 跑龙套的角色 pǎo lóng tào de jué sè。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 parts 的含义

部件 bù jiàn

noun (piece)

The child assembled the parts of the model train. The aircraft exploded in the air and parts of it were scattered over a wide area.

部分,章节,部 bù fèn ,zhāng jié ,bù

noun (section) (文学作品等的)

The novel is divided into three parts.

一份 yí fèn

noun (portion)

Mix one part cement to two parts water.

部分 bù fèn

noun (segment)

How many parts should I slice this cake into?

角色,人物 jué sè ,rén wù

noun (theatre: role) (戏剧)

I'm playing the part of Ophelia.

角色 jué sè

noun (cinema: role) (电影)

She got a small part in his new film.

地区 dì qū

plural noun (areas of a country, region)

It's safer not to venture into certain parts of London.

部分地 bù fèn de

adverb (partly)

Sometimes I think my dog is part human.

头发的分缝 tóu fà de fēn fèng

noun (US (parting: combed divide in hair)

Which side do you wear your part on?

部,声部 bù,shēng bù

noun (music: written piece) (音乐作品中)

Do you have a copy of the soprano part?

声部 shēng bù

noun (music: voice, instrument)

The violin part was more challenging than the others.

特性,特质 tè xìng,tè zhì

noun (attribute)

He is a man of many parts.

一份 yí fèn

noun (share)

When do I get my part of the money?

有份参与 yǒu fèn cān yù

noun (participation)

That extremist group surely has a part in this plot.

职责 zhí zé

noun (duty, contribution)

You must do your part in the cleaning too.

分开,分叉 fēn kāi,fēn chà

intransitive verb (become divided)

Go left when the path parts.

分开 fēn kāi

intransitive verb (people: separate)

And here is where we must part.

离开 lí kāi

intransitive verb (person: leave)

She parted without saying a word.

分开 fēn kāi

transitive verb (divide)

A police officer parted the crowd.

分配,分摊 fēn pèi,fēn tān

transitive verb (archaic (apportion)

He parted the winnings among his friends.


transitive verb (force apart)

The director parted the curtains and stepped onto the stage.

放弃 fàng qì

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (give up, give away)

I just couldn't part with my childhood teddy bear.

作为…的一部分 zuò wéi de yí bù fèn

preposition (in the wider context)

As part of a school project, we must write and perform a short play.


preposition (as a member)

As part of a team, you must be able to work together with other people.

汽车配件 qì chē pèi jiàn

noun (car component)

You'll need to order that auto part from the mechanic.

参与 cān yù

verbal expression (be involved)

Taking part in the protest made John feel that he was a part of something big.

一大半,…的大半部分,大部分 dà bù fèn

noun (most of [sth])

They spent the better part of the vacation hiding from the rain.

小角色 xiǎo jué sè

noun (acting: small role) (表演)

I got a bit part in the play. I only have two lines.


noun (human body: limb, organ, etc.) (人类)

The anatomy students were required to dissect human body parts.

计算机零件 jì suàn jī líng jiàn

noun (physical component of a computer)

Computer parts vary enormously in price.

发挥你的作用 fā huī nǐ de zuò yòng

verbal expression (mainly US (contribute, participate)

Martha did her part to make the event a success.

备用零件 bèi yòng líng jiàn

noun (spare piece)

The website sells extra parts for Renault cars.

多半 duō bàn

adverb (mostly, largely)

I agree with you for the most part, but still have a problem with the timing of the plan.


verbal expression (be a component)

Our solar system forms part of a galaxy we call the Milky Way.

参与表演 cān yù biǎo yǎn

verbal expression (be partly responsible)

Lewis denied having a part in the attempted murder.

百分之一 bǎi fēn zhī yī

noun (1 per cent)

A centimetre is a hundredth part of a metre.

虚数部分,虚部 xū shù bù fèn,xū bù

noun (mathematics) (数学)

The teacher explained how to calculate the real and imaginary part of the numbers.

友好地 yǒu hǎo de

adverb (in friendly manner)

Richard always took in good part everything that was said to him.

大部分 dà bù fèn

adverb (informal (largely)

We prepared everything for the party on time, in good part thanks to the help of my brother.

部分地 bù fèn de

adverb (partially)

I agree with you in part but not completely. Your answer is correct in part, but it needs further elaboration.


noun (inextricable aspect)

The computer has become an integral part of our business operation.


verbal expression (appear suitable for role)

I don't know if John is prepared for the performance, but he certainly looks the part.

就…来说 jiù … lái shuō

preposition (by)

There is a strong desire on the part of new citizens to help shape the places in which they live.


noun (figurative (integral part of whole)

断绝来往,分道扬镳 fēn dào yáng biāo

verbal expression (end relationship)

与…分开 yǔ fēn kāi

(leave [sb]'s company)

The young woman parted from her parents and went out into the world. The lovers parted tearfully from one other.

词性 cí xìng

noun (grammatical category of a word)

Can you identify the part of speech of this word? Is it a noun, a verb, or an adjective?

兼职的 jiān zhí de

adjective (work: fewer hours)

I finally got a job working as a part-time bartender.

兼职工作 jiān zhí gōng zuò

adverb (work: for fewer hours)

I got a job working part time for the delivery company.


noun (magazine series)

The novel was originally published as a part work.


verbal expression (hair: comb into parting)

Charles parts his hair in the middle.

合唱曲,合唱歌曲 hé chàng qǔ

noun (choral piece for several voices)

Elgar composed a part-song called "Owls," which he dedicated to Pietro d'Alba.

兼职工作 jiān zhí gōng zuò

noun (work: not full time)

When I was a student I had a part-time job working in a pub.

兼职员工 jiān zhí yuán gōng

noun (employee: not full time)

Many mothers are part-time workers: they can't work full-time because of their children.


noun (colloquial (worker)

Nina works as a part-timer at the supermarket.


verbal expression (act)

I'd like to play a part in the school musical, so I'm going to audition.


verbal expression (participate)

This was a real community effort, nearly everyone here played a part in creating the newsletter.


verbal expression (be partly responsible)

Oliver's tendency to trust people too easily played a part in his downfall.

扮演…的角色 bàn yǎn … de jué sè

verbal expression (act the role of)

Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman starred in "Casablanca", and Dooley Wilson played the part of Sam.

尽本分 jìn běn fèn

verbal expression (mainly UK (contribute, participate)

Each of us needs to play our part to make the world a better place.

附件 fù jiàn

noun (often plural (replacement component)

Do you have a spare part for my bike?

有台词的角色 yǒu tái cí de jué sè

noun (role: with spoken lines)

I never had a speaking part in my short acting career, just walk-on roles.


verbal expression (be fully involved)

Emily takes an active part in the chess club.


verbal expression (be involved)

He refused to take an active part in the discussion.

没有参与 méi yǒu cān yù

verbal expression (not participate)

Shirley hates dancing, and says she'll take no part in it.

参加 cān jiā

verbal expression (participate)

Join us at our rehearsal tonight if you'd like to take part.

参加 cān jiā

verbal expression (join in)

She was angry and did not take part in the festivities.


noun (best section of [sth])

The best part of the film was the final scene.

大部分 dà bù fèn

noun (most)

It took us the best part of the morning to finish the job.

最佳, 最精彩

noun (best bit)

You think that's funny? You haven't even heard the best part yet!

最高部分 zuì gāo bù fèn

noun (uppermost portion or area)

Wedding figurines are typically found on the top part of the cake.

跑龙套的角色 pǎo lóng tào de jué sè

noun (acting role with no spoken lines)

She asked for a walk-on part so that she wouldn't have to memorize lines.

让我们学习 英语

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parts 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。