英语 中的 positive 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 positive 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 positive 的说明。

英语 中的positive 表示肯定的 kěn dìng de, 积极的 jī jí de, 有把握的 yǒu bǎ wò de, 积极的 jī jí de, 赞许的 zàn xǔ de, 正电荷的 zhèng diàn hè de, 正的 zhèng de, Rh阳性的, 明确的 míng què de, 确信的 què xìn de, 完全的 wán quán de, 阳性的 yáng xìng de, 有进步的, 阳性的 yáng xìng de, 原级的, 正像的,正片的, 赞同的 zàn tóng de, 优点 yōu diǎn, 原级, 正像,正片 zhèng xiàng,zhèng piàn, 艾滋病毒呈阳性的,艾滋病毒阳性的,感染艾滋病毒的, 从好处看, 还好的是, 正面反馈 zhèng miàn fǎn kuì, 正面强化 zhèng miàn qiáng huà, 积极一面,积极的方面, 积极想法,正向思维, 正义的,正股的 zhèng yì de, 保持积极, 检测呈阳性, ...检测呈阳性, 保持乐观。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 positive 的含义

肯定的 kěn dìng de

adjective (affirmative)

Karen has asked Richard to marry her and is hoping for a positive answer.

积极的 jī jí de

adjective (good, beneficial)

There were some problems with Ann's behaviour last term, but I'm pleased to say there have been positive changes this term.

有把握的 yǒu bǎ wò de

adjective (certain, sure)

I'm positive I saw someone run across the garden.

积极的 jī jí de

adjective (attitude: optimistic)

Everyone likes Joe, because he's always so positive. A positive attitude isn't a guarantee of success, but it helps.

赞许的 zàn xǔ de

adjective (favourable)

Alex's project proposal got a positive reception.

正电荷的 zhèng diàn hè de

adjective (electricity: positively charged) (电)

You need to get the positive terminal and the negative terminal of the battery the right way round, or the device won't work.

正的 zhèng de

adjective (greater than zero)

This equation contains positive numbers and negative numbers. After a few days of extreme cold, we should finally see positive temperatures again today.


adjective (blood type: rhesus positive) (血型)

Alan's blood type is A positive.

明确的 míng què de

adjective (definite, clear)

The company issued a positive denial in respect of the allegations.

确信的 què xìn de

adjective (beyond doubt)

The police confirmed a positive sighting of the missing man.

完全的 wán quán de

adjective (informal (complete)

Bill thinks Shakespeare wrote Pride and Prejudice? The man's a positive idiot!

阳性的 yáng xìng de

adjective (medical test results) (医学测试结果)

I'm sorry, Mrs Smith, your results are positive; you do have MS.


adjective (showing progress)

The economy is showing positive signs of recovery.

阳性的 yáng xìng de

adjective (chemistry) (化学元素)

Ions can have a positive or a negative charge.


adjective (grammar: base form) (语法)

"Good" is a positive adjective.


adjective (photography) (摄影)

Positive images are produced from negatives.

赞同的 zàn tóng de

interjection (yes, I'm certain)

"Are you sure you saw someone run across the garden?" "Positive!"

优点 yōu diǎn

noun (good attribute)

Marilyn is good with money, so that's a positive.


noun (grammar: positive degree) (语法)

Today we will be learning about positives, comparatives, and superlatives.

正像,正片 zhèng xiàng,zhèng piàn

noun (photography) (摄影)

Now you have your negatives, you need to develop them into positives.


adjective (infected with HIV virus)


expression (in an optimistic way)


expression (pointing out [sth] favorable)

There wasn't much to do at our hotel in Greece, but on a positive note, the view was stunning.

正面反馈 zhèng miàn fǎn kuì

noun (good report, favourable comments)

They gave her some positive feedback on her article but didn't publish it. It's always nice to get positive feedback when you're doing things right.

正面强化 zhèng miàn qiáng huà

noun (encouragement)

Positive reinforcement works better than punishment with children.


noun (good point or aspect)


noun (optimistic or cheerful idea)

正义的,正股的 zhèng yì de

adjective (biology: of DNA) (生物学:DNA)


intransitive verb (keep an optimistic outlook)


(have positive result)

Out of all the patients screened for the virus, only 20% tested positive.


verbal expression (have positive result for a condition)


(be optimistic)

You'll do fine on the test. Keep thinking positive!

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positive 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。