英语 中的 position 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 position 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 position 的说明。

英语 中的position 表示位置 wèi zhi, 恰当位置 qià dàng wèi zhì, 态度 tài dù, 地位 dì wèi, 停放 tíng fàng, 姿势 zī shì, 工作 gōng zuò, 情势 qíng shì, 阵地 zhèn dì, 位置,棋位 wèi zhi,qí wèi, 姿态,姿势 zī tài,zī shì, 位置 wèi zhi, 给...铺好道路, 定位 dìng wèi, 将...定位为, 申请工作 shēn qǐng gōng zuò, 替补计划,退路 tuì lù, 第四位 dì sì wèi, 保持原地不动, 就位 jiù wèi, 领先地位 lǐng xiān dì wèi, 失去社会地位 shī qù shè huì dì wèi, 打坐 dǎ zuò, 传教士体位(常见的男上女下的性交姿势) chuán jiào shì tǐ wèi ( cháng jiàn de nán shàng nǚ xià de xìng jiāo zī shì ), 杆位, 跑道内圈, 立场书 lì chǎng shū, 让某人处于尴尬境地 ràng mǒu rén chǔ yú gān gà jìng dì, 复苏体位, 社会地位 shè huì dì wèi。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 position 的含义

位置 wèi zhi

noun (location)

From his position on the ladder, Henry could see far.

恰当位置 qià dàng wèi zhì

noun (correct location)

The ladder is in position for use.

态度 tài dù

noun (opinion)

George has made his position clear.

地位 dì wèi

noun (source of power, opportunity)

Troy uses his position for personal gain.

停放 tíng fàng

transitive verb (put in place)

Prudence positioned the vase of flowers in the centre of the table. // The artist positioned his model in the exact pose he wanted to paint.

姿势 zī shì

noun (posture)

Her body was in an uncomfortable position.

工作 gōng zuò

noun (job)

Steve hopes for a position in sales.

情势 qíng shì

noun (situation)

The vote leaves some legislators in an awkward position.

阵地 zhèn dì

noun (strategic military location)

The platoon chose a position on a hill.

位置,棋位 wèi zhi,qí wèi

noun (chess pieces) (棋)

Gary moved his pawn into a favourable position.

姿态,姿势 zī tài,zī shì

noun (ballet posture) (舞蹈)

The dancers returned to first position.

位置 wèi zhi

noun (sports: player location) (运动: 球员位置)

My nephew is a keen footballer, but I'm not sure what position he plays.


transitive verb (arrange to advantage)

This merger positions the company to become the market leader.

定位 dìng wèi

transitive verb (product, business: identify as) (产品等)

The chef is positioning his new restaurant as a gourmet dining venue. // The company is positioning its product as this season's must-have gadget.


(regard or portray as)

申请工作 shēn qǐng gōng zuò

verbal expression (reply to employment advertisement)

My only task for today is to apply for a job.

替补计划,退路 tuì lù

noun (alternate plan) (一旦失败后的)

What's our fallback position if this campaign doesn't work either?

第四位 dì sì wèi

noun (4th place, 4th prize)


verbal expression (stay in place)

Just hold your position till I arrive.

就位 jiù wèi

adverb (placed so as to be ready for action)

The athletes were in position on the starting line ready for the race to begin.

领先地位 lǐng xiān dì wèi

noun (competitive advantage)

First quarter sales figures confirmed our copany's leading position in the market.

失去社会地位 shī qù shè huì dì wèi

noun (decrease in status)

What upset him most was not the loss of his fortune but the resulting loss of social position.

打坐 dǎ zuò

noun (cross-legged sitting position)

I learned the lotus position in Yoga class. Meditation is often carried out sitting in the lotus position.

传教士体位(常见的男上女下的性交姿势) chuán jiào shì tǐ wèi ( cháng jiàn de nán shàng nǚ xià de xìng jiāo zī shì )

noun (sex position: man on top of woman)

Most mammals use a rear-entry position for sex; humans prefer the missionary position.


noun (starting place: front of the grid) (赛车)

In today's qualifying session, he earned pole position for tomorrow's big race.


noun (racing: inside track)

立场书 lì chǎng shū

noun (study or report on policy)

According to this position paper, the US economy will collapse unless the government steps in.

让某人处于尴尬境地 ràng mǒu rén chǔ yú gān gà jìng dì

verbal expression (cause [sb] social embarrassment)

Her thoughtless remarks about Janet put us all in an awkward position.


noun (first aid: lying on side)

社会地位 shè huì dì wèi

noun (standing)

The banker is conscious and proud of his social position.

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position 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。