英语 中的 rated 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 rated 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 rated 的说明。

英语 中的rated 表示比率 bǐ lǜ, 价格 jià gé, 速度 sù dù, 给...分级, 评价 píng jià, 将…评为, 对(影片等)分级 duì yǐng piàn děng fēn jí, 财产税 cái chǎn shuì, 分级 fēn jí, 财产税率,财产税额 cái chǎn shuì lǜ,cái chǎn shuì é, 等级 děng jí, 被认为重要 bèi rèn wéi zhòng yào, 为…划分等级 wèi huà fēn děng jí, 给…估价 gěi … gū jià, 认为 rèn wéi, 值得 zhí dé, 给…评定分数等级 gěi píng dìng fēn shù děng jí, 对…征税 duì zhēng shuì, 尊崇 zūn chóng, 年利率 nián lì lǜ, 无论如何 wú lùn rú hé, 按照这种速度, 退学率,退课率, 基本利率 jī běn lì lǜ, 基本工资 jī běn gōng zī, 基准利率, 出生率 chū shēng lǜ, 犯罪率 fàn zuì lǜ, 减价的 jiǎn jià de, 质量粗劣的 zhì liàng cū liè de, 死亡率 sǐ wáng lǜ, 折扣率 zhé kòu lǜ, 欧洲汇率机制,欧洲货币兑换率结构 ōu zhōu huì lǜ jī zhì,ōu zhōu huò bì duì huàn lǜ jié gòu, 汇率 huì lǜ, 供应率, 射速,发射速度, 一流的 yī liú de, 一流, 固定汇率,固定兑换率, 统一费用 tǒng yī fèi yòng, 浮动汇率, 流量 liú liàng, 流速 liú sù, 帧率, 批发折扣 pī fā zhé kòu, 增长率 zēng zhǎng lǜ, 心跳速率 xīn tiào sù lǜ, 最低资本回报率,门槛收益率, 通货膨胀率, 利率 lì lǜ, 识字率 shí zì lǜ, 锁定利率 suǒ dìng lì lǜ, 对…评价不高,贬低 duì … píng jià bù gāo,biǎn dī, 死亡率 sǐ wáng lǜ, 抵押贷款利率, 名义利率 míng yì lì lǜ, 最优惠贷款利率 zuì yōu huì dài kuǎn lì lǜ, 脉率 mài lǜ, 门市价,全价, 一等水兵, 二流的 èr liú de, 即期汇率,即期利率, 应变率,应变速率, 成活率 chéng huó lǜ, 税率 shuì lǜ, 三流的 sān liú de, 失业率 shī yè lǜ。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 rated 的含义

比率 bǐ lǜ

noun (measurement, ratio)

The birth rate is steadily increasing.

价格 jià gé

noun (price, fee)

What is your rate for this service?

速度 sù dù

noun (speed, pace)

The rate of growth is amazing.


transitive verb (film, etc.: classify) (电影、游戏等)

All new films must be rated by the censors before they can be screened in public.

评价 píng jià

transitive verb (evaluate)

The boss will rate your performance.


transitive verb (book, film: give a rating) (图书,电影)

I rate this book five stars.

对(影片等)分级 duì yǐng piàn děng fēn jí

transitive verb (film, etc.: classify)

The board rated the movie "R."

财产税 cái chǎn shuì

plural noun (UK (property tax)

Rates are levied on business property.

分级 fēn jí

transitive verb (be ranked)

He rates second in the world.

财产税率,财产税额 cái chǎn shuì lǜ,cái chǎn shuì é

plural noun (UK (public utility charges)

Rates are high for property in this area.

等级 děng jí

noun (rank, class)

Leo's rate in the Navy is E3.

被认为重要 bèi rèn wéi zhòng yào

intransitive verb (be important)

His concerns do not rate.

为…划分等级 wèi huà fēn děng jí

transitive verb (assess numerically)

Movie critics rate films on a scale of one to five.

给…估价 gěi … gū jià

transitive verb (assign a financial value to)

The company value was rated at 10 million dollars.

认为 rèn wéi

transitive verb (consider)

I rate him among my friends.

值得 zhí dé

transitive verb (merit)

She rates consideration.

给…评定分数等级 gěi píng dìng fēn shù děng jí

transitive verb (grade)

The teacher rated her paper an "A".

对…征税 duì zhēng shuì

transitive verb (UK (tax)

The property was rated at £5 a year.

尊崇 zūn chóng

transitive verb (informal (esteem)

I know he's one of the most famous directors of all time, but I don't rate him.

年利率 nián lì lǜ

noun (rate of interest on a loan)

My credit card offers a low annual percentage rate.

无论如何 wú lùn rú hé

adverb (anyway, in any case)

I didn't want to go to the party at all, but it's over now, at any rate.


adverb (informal (if progress continues this quickly)

He's got five medals for diving already? At this rate, he'll be in the Olympics before he's 16.


noun (of students, employees, etc.) (学生)

The introductory physics class has a high attrition rate because the professor is very difficult.

基本利率 jī běn lì lǜ

noun (interest rate: to set lending rate)

Banks use the base rate as their starting point when deciding on individual lending rates.

基本工资 jī běn gōng zī

noun (wages)

We're paid £55 a day as a base rate of pay.


noun (UK (interest rate: Bank of England) (英国)

The Bank of England set the base rate at 0.5 per cent.

出生率 chū shēng lǜ

noun (ratio of babies born in an area to population)

犯罪率 fàn zuì lǜ

noun (level of illegal activity)

Having more policemen should lower the crime rate.

减价的 jiǎn jià de

adjective (cheap, discounted)

You can't expect quality when you only buy cut-rate stuff.

质量粗劣的 zhì liàng cū liè de

adjective (informal (of poor quality)

死亡率 sǐ wáng lǜ

noun (number of people dying)

A country's population increases if the birth rate is higher than the death rate.

折扣率 zhé kòu lǜ

noun (lower price)

I get a discount rate at that shop because my husband's the manager.

欧洲汇率机制,欧洲货币兑换率结构 ōu zhōu huì lǜ jī zhì,ōu zhōu huò bì duì huàn lǜ jié gòu

noun (initialism (European Exchange Rate Mechanism) (缩写)

The ERM was established in 1979.

汇率 huì lǜ

noun (relative value of currency)

The current exchange rate makes it expensive for Americans to travel in Europe.


noun (business: level of demand met) (商业:满足需求水平)


noun (speed of rounds fired by a weapon)

一流的 yī liú de

adjective (excellent)

The dinner was absolutely first rate, Joan.


adverb (informal (very well)

You did first-rate on your English test.


noun (finance: set rate of exchange)

统一费用 tǒng yī fèi yòng

noun (single, fixed fee)


noun (fluctuating exchange rate)

流量 liú liàng

noun (amount of liquid flowing)

The flow rate depends on the size of the pipe.

流速 liú sù

noun (output speed of a fluid)


noun (film: image frequency) (电影)

批发折扣 pī fā zhé kòu

noun (discount for several people)

Parties of 12 or more qualify for a reduced group rate.

增长率 zēng zhǎng lǜ

noun (increase per unit)

There has been a rise in the growth rate of the UK economy.

心跳速率 xīn tiào sù lǜ

noun (rhythm of the heart)

Your heart rate increases when you exercise.


noun (finance: minimum return rate) (金融)


noun (economy: price increase) (经济学)

The inflation rate in the UK actually decreased due to the recession.

利率 lì lǜ

noun (amount added to money borrowed)

When interest rates are high, savers get a better return on their investments. I'm looking for a credit card with a lower interest rate.

识字率 shí zì lǜ

noun (percentage of people able to read)

Cuba enjoys the highest literacy rate in the western hemisphere. The literacy rate in Ireland is high.

锁定利率 suǒ dìng lì lǜ

verbal expression (fix an interest rate)

Prequalifying for a loan allows you 30 days to lock in a rate.

对…评价不高,贬低 duì … píng jià bù gāo,biǎn dī

transitive verb (not value highly)

死亡率 sǐ wáng lǜ

noun (number of deaths in a population)


noun (finance: interest)

名义利率 míng yì lì lǜ

noun (interest rate not adjusted for inflation) (未调整通货膨胀因素的利率)

The bank charges a nominal rate on the loan.

最优惠贷款利率 zuì yōu huì dài kuǎn lì lǜ

noun (bank's lowest interest rate) (银行)

Currently, the prime rate in the U.S. is 3.25%.

脉率 mài lǜ

noun (pace at which the heart is beating)

After exercising for 15 minutes my pulse rate was 152 beats per minute.


noun (full charge for a hotel room)


noun (UK (junior Royal Navy member) (英国皇家海军)

二流的 èr liú de

adjective (pejorative (not the best, inferior)

The film was second rate; the acting was poor and the special effects were not convincing.


noun (trading: immediate price) (交易)


noun (engineering: change in strain over time) (工程)

成活率 chéng huó lǜ

noun (percentage of people who survive)

税率 shuì lǜ

noun (percentage of income liable to tax)

Your tax rate depends on your income. The local sales tax rate is 8.61%.

三流的 sān liú de

adjective (low quality)

失业率 shī yè lǜ

noun (percentage of population without jobs)

The unemployment rate is climbing towards 11%.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。