英语 中的 range 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 range 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 range 的说明。

英语 中的range 表示在…范围内变化 zài … fàn wéi nèi biàn huà, 范围 fàn wéi, 山脉 shān mài, 范围,覆盖范围 fàn wéi,fù gài fàn wéi, 炉灶,煤气灶 lú zào,méi qì zào, 范围 fàn wéi, (变化的)幅度 biàn huà de fú dù, (视野)范围 shì yě fàn wéi, 一系列,各种各样 yí xì liè,gè zhǒng gè yàng, 整个范围 zhěng gè fàn wéi, (武器的)射程 wǔ qì de shè chéng, 射击场 shè jī chǎng, 牧场 mù chǎng, 加一次油可以行驶的路程 jiā yí cì yóu kě yǐ xíng shǐ de lù chéng, 音域 yīn yù, 范畴 fàn chóu, (物种的)分布范围 wù zhǒng de fēn bù fàn wéi, 值域, 游荡 yóu dàng, 范围延伸 fàn wéi yán shēn, 从…与…之间转换, 从…到…(范围), 涉及, 包括, 排列 pái liè, 年龄范围, 近距离 jìn jù lí, 近距离的 jìn jù lí de, 练习场,练球场 liàn xí chǎng ,liàn qiú chǎng, 练靶场 liàn bǎ chǎng, 自由放养的 zì yóu fàng yǎng de, 自由放养动物制的,自由放养动物生产的 zì yóu fàng yǎng dòng wù zhì de,zì yóu fàng yǎng dòng wù shēng chǎn de, 散养鸡蛋,草鸡蛋, 煤气炉 méi qì lú, 在射程内 zài shè chéng nèi, 即将, 厨灶 chú zào, 远程, 远程的, 长远的, 长期计划 cháng qī jì huà, 长远规划 cháng yuǎn guī huà, 山脉 shān mài, 太远的 tài yuǎn de, 太远, 价格范围, 产品系列, 抽油烟机, 可视范围 kě shì fàn wéi, 测距仪, 薪资等级,薪金幅度, 靶场 bǎ chǎng, 短程的,近程的,近距离的 jìn jù lí de, 潮差, 顶级的 dǐng jí de, 视程 shì chéng, 大范围 dà fàn wéi, 多种多样 duō zhǒng duō yàng, 在听力所及范围内 zài tīng lì suǒ jí fàn wéi nèi, 在范围之内 zài fàn wéi zhī nèi, 在…范围之内 zài fàn wéi zhī nèi。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 range 的含义

在…范围内变化 zài … fàn wéi nèi biàn huà

intransitive verb (vary within limits)

The possible values range from five to fifty.

范围 fàn wéi

noun (limits)

The range of acceptable values is from four to eleven.

山脉 shān mài

noun (mountains)

There is a pass through the mountain range a few kilometres north of here.

范围,覆盖范围 fàn wéi,fù gài fàn wéi

noun (reach)

I think our mobile phones are out of range of the nearest radio tower.

炉灶,煤气灶 lú zào,méi qì zào

noun (stove) (用煤火、煤气、电力)

She cooked the meat on the range instead of using the oven.

范围 fàn wéi

noun (extension)

The range of the collection covered several centuries of paintings.

(变化的)幅度 biàn huà de fú dù

noun (amplitude)

Statistics can measure the range from smallest to largest, and determine the average.

(视野)范围 shì yě fàn wéi

noun (capability, scope)

Inside the hiding place, he had a limited range of vision.

一系列,各种各样 yí xì liè,gè zhǒng gè yàng

noun (variety) (种类)

They have a nice range of cheeses at the store.

整个范围 zhěng gè fàn wéi

noun (gamut)

The music on that radio station ran the range from country to hip hop.

(武器的)射程 wǔ qì de shè chéng

noun (reach of a weapon)

This artillery piece has a range of six miles.

射击场 shè jī chǎng

noun (shooting)

We went to the range to practise shooting our guns.

牧场 mù chǎng

noun (pasture)

The cows prefer to eat the grass on the range instead of in the barn.

加一次油可以行驶的路程 jiā yí cì yóu kě yǐ xíng shǐ de lù chéng

noun (aircraft, vehicle) (飞机、车辆等)

This plane has a range of one thousand miles. Any further will require more fuel.

音域 yīn yù

noun (voice)

The opera singer's voice had a range of three octaves.

范畴 fàn chóu

noun (class, order)

This novel is in the range of literature, rather than popular fiction.

(物种的)分布范围 wù zhǒng de fēn bù fàn wéi

noun (habitat of species)

The range of the elephant is over much of Asia and Africa.


noun (math: set of values) (数学)

The graph shows the range of values for the function.

游荡 yóu dàng

intransitive verb (wander)

A wild animal will often range for the entire dry season.

范围延伸 fàn wéi yán shēn

intransitive verb (extend)

The defensive bunkers ranged along the ridge.


(vary) (情感等)

His reactions ranged from anger to happiness.


(span [sth])

The age of the audience members ranged from young to quite elderly.

涉及, 包括

(cover a variety of subjects)

The discussion ranged over topics from medieval skin complaints to the effects of technology on modern life.

排列 pái liè

transitive verb (arrange people, things)

You should range the specimens from smallest to largest.


noun (span of ages)

近距离 jìn jù lí

adverb (from near the target)

Despite security checks, the assassin managed to smuggle a pistol into the press conference, and shot the President from close range.

近距离的 jìn jù lí de

adjective (figurative (position: close-up)

It was a close-range shot and there was no way the police officer could miss.

练习场,练球场 liàn xí chǎng ,liàn qiú chǎng

noun (golf practice area) (高尔夫)

Tony was out on the driving range practising his golf swing.

练靶场 liàn bǎ chǎng

noun (venue for shooting practice)

You can practice shooting at the firing range.

自由放养的 zì yóu fàng yǎng de

adjective (farm animal: roaming freely) (农场动物)

Free-range chickens are not kept in small cages.

自由放养动物制的,自由放养动物生产的 zì yóu fàng yǎng dòng wù zhì de,zì yóu fàng yǎng dòng wù shēng chǎn de

adjective (produce: from free-range animals) (产品)

Eggs generally cost more if they're free range.


noun (from chickens not kept in cages)

煤气炉 méi qì lú

noun (cooking stove that runs on gas)

At home I have an electric oven and a gas range.

在射程内 zài shè chéng nèi

adverb (within a gun's sights)

When the enemy came in range we waited for the order to open fire.


(US (close to doing [sth])

After years of study, I'm finally in range of graduating.

厨灶 chú zào

noun (cooker with oven and hob)

My stainless steel kitchen range is the centrepiece of my kitchen.


noun (considerable distance)

The device allows the police to convey important messages over a long range in a noisy environment.


noun as adjective (covering a considerable distance)

Long-range jets can fly non-stop across the Pacific.


noun as adjective (figurative (into the future)

Right now I am focused on my studies, but my long-range ambition is to get a great job and start a family.

长期计划 cháng qī jì huà

noun (figurative (plan for distant future)

Our long-range plan calls for building three new facilities in the next twenty years.

长远规划 cháng yuǎn guī huà

noun (figurative (for distant future)

Senior managers use long-range planning to further the company's mission.

山脉 shān mài

noun (series or chain of mountains)

The Andes are the longest mountain range in the world.

太远的 tài yuǎn de

adjective (too far away)

The deer were out of range, and the hunters could not shoot them.


adverb (too far away)

The enemy had moved out of range.


noun (scale of prices)

The price range of real estate varies from 4,500 to 8,000 euros per square metre. I need to buy a new car, but it's hard to find a reliable one in my price range.


noun (variety of merchandise within a brand)


noun (US (vent for steam from a cooker)

可视范围 kě shì fàn wéi

noun (field of view)

The army set up camp just beyond the enemy's range of vision. The car came toward me from the left, just outside my range of vision.


noun (gun, camera: distance-measuring device)


noun (pay scale)

靶场 bǎ chǎng

noun (place for practising with guns)

He practices at the shooting range at least once a week.

短程的,近程的,近距离的 jìn jù lí de

noun as adjective (covering a limited distance)


noun (height variation between high and low tide)

顶级的 dǐng jí de

adjective (de luxe, expensive)

视程 shì chéng

noun (distance at which [sth] is visible)

Fog has reduced visibility to less than 150 metres.

大范围 dà fàn wéi

noun (large area)

This electronic tag allows animals to be tracked over a wide range.

多种多样 duō zhǒng duō yàng

noun (great variety)

The company offers a wide range of services to customers.

在听力所及范围内 zài tīng lì suǒ jí fàn wéi nèi

adverb (closely enough to be heard)

She insulted me in a loud enough voice that everyone within hearing range turned to look.

在范围之内 zài fàn wéi zhī nèi

adverb (closely enough)

The car went through the mud, splashing everyone within range.

在…范围之内 zài fàn wéi zhī nèi

preposition (closely enough to)

Don't start shooting until you're within range of the target.

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range 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。