英语 中的 release 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 release 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 release 的说明。

英语 中的release 表示释放, 放出, 放走, 放手 fàng shǒu, 发行, 发布, 开始公映, 放弃权利的文件,放弃权利的契约,放弃权利的文书 fàng qì quán lì de wén jiàn,fàng qì quán lì de qì yuē ,fàng qì quán lì de wén shū, 释放 shì fàng, 释放(动物) shì fàng dòng wù, 新影片的发布 xīn yǐng piàn de fā bù, (新书的)发行 xīn shū de fā xíng, 发行的唱片 fā xíng de chàng piàn, 消息的发布 xiāo xī de fā bù, 转接段 zhuǎn jiē duàn, 使...从...中解脱出来, 免除某人的某种义务, 发行 fā xíng, 释放出 shì fàng chū, 发售 fā shòu, 免除某人的...责任, 松开 sōng kāi, 松开 sōng kāi, 发布 fā bù, 释放 shì fàng, 情绪释放 qíng xù shì fàng, 医疗授权, 新闻稿 xīn wén gǎo, 不发布 bù fā bù, 预发布的, 预发布版本, 新闻发布稿 xīn wén fā bù gǎo, 发布日期, 豁免文件 huò miǎn wén jiàn, 使某人不必履行承诺, 信息发布, 再释放,再次放开, 再释放,再次放走, 再发行,再次发行,重新发布 zài fā xíng, 再释放, 再发行版, 缓释的, 缓释的, 缓释的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 release 的含义

释放, 放出, 放走

transitive verb (liberate)

The jail released the prisoner after four years.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 警察救出了被绑在车里的孩子。

放手 fàng shǒu

transitive verb (let go of, stop grasping)

The father released his hold on his daughter when she saw grandma.

发行, 发布, 开始公映

transitive verb (movie: make public) (电影)

They released the movie with a party in Los Angeles.

放弃权利的文件,放弃权利的契约,放弃权利的文书 fàng qì quán lì de wén jiàn,fàng qì quán lì de qì yuē ,fàng qì quán lì de wén shū

noun (law: agreement giving permission) (法律)

Please sign the release that says that you will not sue, so your son can play basketball.

释放 shì fàng

noun (prisoner, hostage: setting free) (罪犯或人质等)

Many former prisoners have difficulty finding employment after their release.

释放(动物) shì fàng dòng wù

noun (animal: setting free)

The release of the young birds into the wild was a success.

新影片的发布 xīn yǐng piàn de fā bù

noun (movie: coming to cinemas)

The movie's release occurred on the same day across the country.

(新书的)发行 xīn shū de fā xíng

noun (publication)

The publisher has scheduled June the first for the release of her new novel.

发行的唱片 fā xíng de chàng piàn

noun (recording)

This is the rock star's third release from this CD.

消息的发布 xiāo xī de fā bù

noun (announcement)

The company issued a press release to announce its new product.

转接段 zhuǎn jiē duàn

noun (music: bridge) (音乐)

The tambourine signals the release, which occurs three minutes into the song.


transitive verb (free from: debt) (债务等)

The final payment will release you from this debt.


transitive verb (free from: obligation)

His boss released him from the need to maintain the computers.

发行 fā xíng

transitive verb (publish)

The publisher will release the book next week.

释放出 shì fàng chū

transitive verb (emit: vapour, flames)

Stay away from that container; it is releasing dangerous fumes.

发售 fā shòu

transitive verb (put on sale)

The company released the new product on Tuesday.


transitive verb (free from legal responsibility)

This contract releases us from liability in case of injury.

松开 sōng kāi

transitive verb (ease off: brakes) (刹车)

Release the handbrake, and shift into first gear now.

松开 sōng kāi

transitive verb (ease off: clutch) (离合器)

When you release the clutch, the engine will engage.

发布 fā bù

transitive verb (publish: official statement) (正式声明等)

The government released a statement denying the scandal.

释放 shì fàng

transitive verb (let out: emotions) (情绪等)

You should have a good cry to release all those emotions.

情绪释放 qíng xù shì fàng

noun (catharsis)

Her death after such long and painful suffering was an emotional release for all of us.


noun (form authorizing [sb] to be treated)

This form authorizes medical release for a child.

新闻稿 xīn wén gǎo

noun (press release, bulletin)

The Lafayette Police Department announced in a news release that Smith was arrested Tuesday.

不发布 bù fā bù

adjective (confidential)

This announcement is restricted and is not for release.


adjective (film, etc: not yet widely released)


noun (film, etc., advance showing)

新闻发布稿 xīn wén fā bù gǎo

noun (news update or bulletin)

Jenkins authorized a press release denying the validity of the rumors.


noun (when [sth] is published or broadcast)

豁免文件 huò miǎn wén jiàn

noun (document: signed permission)

Parents must sign a release form before their children's work can be displayed.


verbal expression (remove an obligation from [sb])

Charles released Edward from his promise to help repaint the dining room.


noun (document: permission)

The hospital requires patients to sign a release of information in order for relatives to be notified about their condition.


transitive verb (let go of [sth/sb] again)


transitive verb (set [sth/sb] free again)

再发行,再次发行,重新发布 zài fā xíng

transitive verb (publish, make [sth] available again)


noun (act, instance of re-releasing [sth/sb])


noun ([sth] re-released)


noun as adjective (drug: gradual effect) (药物)

Take the slow-release morphine pills as prescribed, every morning and evening.


noun as adjective (food: gradual energy) (食物)

Slow-release carbohydrates have less impact on blood-sugar levels.


noun as adjective (drug: gradually releases its effect) (药物)

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release 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。