英语 中的 riding 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 riding 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 riding 的说明。

英语 中的riding 表示马术 mǎ shù, 骑马的 qí mǎ de, 骑 qí, 选区 xuǎn qū, 骑 qí, 乘车 chéng chē, 骑马 qí mǎ, 骑马 qí mǎ, 骑马 qí mǎ, 一程,一段 yì chéng,yí duàn, 乘坐装置,供乘坐的游乐设施 chéng zuò zhuāng zhì,gòng chéng zuò de yóu lè shè shī, (短途)旅程,(骑马、驾车)兜风 duǎn tú lǚ chéng,qí mǎ jià chē dōu fēng, 车,车辆 chē ,chē liàng, 开车的人, 不停地数落, 往上缩(垮在臀部) wǎng shàng suō kuǎ zài tún bù, 乘车 chéng chē, 架,骑,支撑在…上而动 jià,qí ,zhī chēng zài shàng ér dòng, 抛锚停泊 pāo máo tíng bó, 适合骑乘 shì hé qí chéng, 骑在…上 qí zài shàng, 困扰, 压迫, 骑马走了, 驮着 duò zhe, 使…漂浮于水上, 骑自行车 qí zì xíng chē, 骑牛赛, 短的马鞭 duǎn de mǎ biān, 去骑马 qù qí mǎ, 骑马 qí mǎ, 骑马 qí mǎ, 骑马 qí mǎ, 小红帽 xiǎo hóng mào, 马靴 mǎ xuē, 马裤 mǎ kù, 骑手帽 qí shǒu mào, 短马鞭, 选美比赛马, 骑手上衣 qí shǒu shàng yī, 骑术学校 qí shù xué xiào。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 riding 的含义

马术 mǎ shù

noun (sport: horses)

Maggie enjoys riding and goes out on her horse every day.

骑马的 qí mǎ de

noun as adjective (relating to horse riding)

If you want to learn to ride a horse, you'll need proper riding equipment.

骑 qí

noun (act of riding [sth])

Alan's bizarre riding of the bike earned him a lot of stares.

选区 xuǎn qū

noun (Can (electoral area)

骑 qí

transitive verb (travel by: bicycle, motorbike)

He rides his bike to school every day.

乘车 chéng chē

transitive verb (travel by: bus, train)

I ride the bus into work every day.

骑马 qí mǎ

transitive verb (go on: a horse)

The girls love to ride horses.

骑马 qí mǎ

transitive verb (jockey) (赛马)

The jockey was riding the favourite horse.

骑马 qí mǎ

intransitive verb (go on horseback)

She loves to ride and has her own horse.

一程,一段 yì chéng,yí duàn

noun (US, informal (transport: lift in a vehicle) (开车的一程)

Thanks for the ride! I'd never have made it here on time without it.

乘坐装置,供乘坐的游乐设施 chéng zuò zhuāng zhì,gòng chéng zuò de yóu lè shè shī

noun (fairground attraction) (游乐场)

The Ferris wheel is my favourite ride at the park.

(短途)旅程,(骑马、驾车)兜风 duǎn tú lǚ chéng,qí mǎ jià chē dōu fēng

noun (informal (trip)

It was an enjoyable ride through the mountains of West Virginia.

车,车辆 chē ,chē liàng

noun (US, slang (car, truck) (俚语)

Man, you have a nice ride! When did you get that car?


noun (US, informal (person: providing lift in vehicle)

There's Emily; she's my ride, so I have to go.


verbal expression (US, informal, figurative (harass)

She kept riding him to get him to follow the rules.

往上缩(垮在臀部) wǎng shàng suō kuǎ zài tún bù

intransitive verb (clothing: shift upwards) (衣服下摆)

His pants tend to ride on his hips.

乘车 chéng chē

intransitive verb (travel by vehicle)

We rode for 50 miles but then the car broke down.

架,骑,支撑在…上而动 jià,qí ,zhī chēng zài shàng ér dòng

intransitive verb (be supported or carried) (某装置)

The conveyor belt rides on a series of rollers.

抛锚停泊 pāo máo tíng bó

intransitive verb (lie at anchor) (船)

There was a fishing boat riding in the bay.

适合骑乘 shì hé qí chéng

intransitive verb (automobile: perform) (车辆)

This new car rides so smoothly!

骑在…上 qí zài shàng

(be carried)

His son likes to ride on his shoulders.

困扰, 压迫

transitive verb (usually passive (fill, overwhelm: with an emotion) (常用于被动语态)

He was ridden with anxiety about his exams.


transitive verb (travel, traverse: distance) (指距离)

We rode 30 km today on our bikes.

驮着 duò zhe

transitive verb (carry)

I ride my son on my shoulders.


transitive verb (be carried on: water, wave)

The surfer rode the wave.

骑自行车 qí zì xíng chē

noun (informal (cycling)

I enjoy bike riding during the summer.


(rodeo event)

短的马鞭 duǎn de mǎ biān

noun (whip)

If the horse refuses to walk, just use the crop.

去骑马 qù qí mǎ

verbal expression (UK (ride horses for pleasure)

Would you like to go horse riding this afternoon?

骑马 qí mǎ

verbal expression (US (ride horses for pleasure)

Tourists staying at the ranch will have an opportunity to go horseback riding.

骑马 qí mǎ

noun (activity: riding on a horse)

I love horse riding but it makes my muscles ache afterwards.

骑马 qí mǎ

noun (US (activity: riding a horse)

One of my favorite summer activities was horseback riding.

小红帽 xiǎo hóng mào

noun (fairytale character) (童话故事中的人物)

The wolf disguised itself as Red Riding Hood's grandmother.

马靴 mǎ xuē

plural noun (long boots worn for horse-riding)

My riding boots were absolutely covered in mud.

马裤 mǎ kù

plural noun (trousers worn for horse-riding)

You could tell he'd fallen off his horse by the mud all over his riding breeches.

骑手帽 qí shǒu mào

noun (soft hat worn for horse-riding) (骑马用)

Riding caps aren't worn here any more; nowadays, everyone wears a helmet.


(riding whip)


noun (show horse)

Riding horses are selected from many different breeds.

骑手上衣 qí shǒu shàng yī

noun (coat worn for horse-riding)

A riding jacket used to be worn for fox hunting; now the term is used for a style of jacket.

骑术学校 qí shù xué xiào

noun (place where horse-riding is taught)

The girl attended a riding school, where she had weekly lessons.

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riding 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。