英语 中的 rise 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 rise 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 rise 的说明。

英语 中的rise 表示上涨,升高,增长 shàng zhǎng ,shēng gāo,zēng zhǎng, 上升,上涨,增长 shàng shēng,shàng zhǎng ,zēng zhǎng, 站起 zhàn qǐ, 上涨,涨价,提价 shàng zhǎng ,zhǎng jià ,tí jià, 上涨, 涨价, 提价, 加薪,涨工资 jiā xīn,zhǎng gōng zī, 提高,上升,崛起 tí gāo,shàng shēng,jué qǐ, 升高,升起,斜坡 shēng gāo,shēng qǐ,xié pō, 升高,上升 shēng gāo,shàng shēng, 增加,增强 zēng jiā,zēng qiáng, 升起 shēng qǐ, 兴起 xīng qǐ, 提高,增高 tí gāo,zēng gāo, 涨,上涨 zhǎng,shàng zhǎng, 升起 shēng qǐ, 高涨 gāo zhǎng, 上涨 shàng zhǎng, 增加,升级,上升 zēng jiā,shēng jí,shàng shēng, 增加 zēng jiā, 发酵,膨大 fā jiào,péng dà, 起义 qǐ yì, 生长,长 shēng zhǎng, 起床 qǐ chuáng, 兴建 xīng jiàn, 凸起 tū qǐ, 向上伸展 xiàng shàng shēn zhǎn, (能力等)增强(到足以胜任) néng lì děng zēng qiáng dào zú yǐ shèng rèn, 不受…影响, 向上移动 xiàng shàng yí dòng, 起义反抗, 有意惹…生气, 给…加薪,给…涨工资, 引起 yǐn qǐ, 高楼大厦,多层建筑, 高层的,多层的 gāo céng de,duō céng de, 层数少的, 短裆的, 低层楼房, 增长 zēng zhǎng, 改进 gǎi jìn, 涨工资 zhǎng gōng zī, 加薪 jiā xīn, 超过 chāo guò, 反抗,起义 fǎn kàng,qǐ yì, 波动,起伏 bō dòng,qǐ fú, 起伏,成功与失败 qǐ fú,chéng gōng yǔ shī bài, 快起床 kuài qǐ chuáng, 产自于, 死而复生,复活 sǐ ér fù shēng,fù huó, 声名鹊起, 名声大噪,出名, 掌权 zhǎng quán, 上当受骗, 迎接挑战, 应变, 突涨,激增,陡然上升 jī zēng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 rise 的含义

上涨,升高,增长 shàng zhǎng ,shēng gāo,zēng zhǎng

intransitive verb (move upwards) (价格、数量等)

Heat rises.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 物价上涨幅度很大。

上升,上涨,增长 shàng shēng,shàng zhǎng ,zēng zhǎng

intransitive verb (increase in value) (股票指数)

The stock market rose 2% today.

站起 zhàn qǐ

intransitive verb (stand up)

Will everyone please rise for the National Anthem?

上涨,涨价,提价 shàng zhǎng ,zhǎng jià ,tí jià

noun (price increase) (价格)

The rise in the price of gas made people angry.

上涨, 涨价, 提价

noun (economy: increase in value) (价格、价值等)

Homeowners were happy with the rise in home values.

加薪,涨工资 jiā xīn,zhǎng gōng zī

noun (UK (pay raise: pay increase)

Rose is too scared of her boss to ask him for a rise.

提高,上升,崛起 tí gāo,shàng shēng,jué qǐ

noun (figurative (ascension to power) (地位、权力等)

His rise to power was not expected. The rise of the Nazi party in Germany was a sad event.

升高,升起,斜坡 shēng gāo,shēng qǐ,xié pō

noun (elevation) (高度或水平)

The rise in the street from east to west was barely noticeable.

升高,上升 shēng gāo,shàng shēng

noun (high water level) (水平面)

They worried the rise of the river would lead to flooding.

增加,增强 zēng jiā,zēng qiáng

noun (increase in pressure) (压力)

The rise in gas pressure is dangerous.

升起 shēng qǐ

noun (rising of moon or sun) (太阳、月亮等)

The rise of the sun is a beautiful event.

兴起 xīng qǐ

noun (figurative (development)

The rise of the sleepy town to become a major financial centre occurred over the course of twenty years.

提高,增高 tí gāo,zēng gāo

intransitive verb (voice: go higher) (音量)

Her voice rose when she heard the news.

涨,上涨 zhǎng,shàng zhǎng

intransitive verb (tide: come in) (潮水)

The tide is rising.

升起 shēng qǐ

intransitive verb (sun, moon: come up) (太阳、月亮等)

The sun rises at 6:32 this morning.

高涨 gāo zhǎng

intransitive verb (figurative (spirits: improve) (情绪)

Their spirits rose when they saw another ship.

上涨 shàng zhǎng

intransitive verb (water level: get higher) (河水)

When the snow melts, the river often rises.

增加,升级,上升 zēng jiā,shēng jí,shàng shēng

intransitive verb (figurative (be promoted, climb ranks) (等级)

He rose to the rank of colonel in just a few years.

增加 zēng jiā

intransitive verb (salary: increase) (薪酬)

Salaries have risen little more than inflation.

发酵,膨大 fā jiào,péng dà

intransitive verb (dough: leaven) (面团)

You need to let the dough rise for three hours before putting it in the oven.

起义 qǐ yì

intransitive verb (figurative (show opposition)

The protesters will rise in opposition if this law is passed.

生长,长 shēng zhǎng

intransitive verb (plants: grow) (植物)

This type of corn rises to more than six feet.

起床 qǐ chuáng

intransitive verb (get out of bed)

I rose at 7 AM to make coffee.

兴建 xīng jiàn

intransitive verb (be constructed)

In the 1950s, tower blocks rose all over the city.

凸起 tū qǐ

intransitive verb (become prominent)

A blister rose on her finger after she burned it on the kettle.

向上伸展 xiàng shàng shēn zhǎn

intransitive verb (extend upward)

The buildings in New York seem to rise into the clouds.

(能力等)增强(到足以胜任) néng lì děng zēng qiáng dào zú yǐ shèng rèn

intransitive verb (prove adequate)

The star basketball player rises to the occasion for important games.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (be unaffected by)

Prudence hoped she could rise above the petty gossip and narrow-minded behavior of those in the neighborhood.

向上移动 xiàng shàng yí dòng

phrasal verb, intransitive (move upwards)

The morning sun sweetly convinces the flowers to rise up and greet it.


(figurative (revolt, protest)

The oppressed people will rise up against their autocratic government.


verbal expression (informal (provoke: [sb])

He's just making faces to get a rise out of you.


verbal expression (informal (increase [sb]'s pay)

引起 yǐn qǐ

verbal expression (cause)

The lack of food gave rise to riots.


noun (multi-story block: of flats, etc.)

A lot of the high-rises that were built in the 1960s have now been demolished.

高层的,多层的 gāo céng de,duō céng de

adjective (building: multi-storey) (建筑物)

Kenny lives downtown in a high-rise apartment building.


adjective (building: short) (建筑)


adjective (pants: low waistband) (裤子)


noun (building)

增长 zēng zhǎng

adjective (increasing)

Job growth is on the rise this year.

改进 gǎi jìn

adjective (figurative (improving)

涨工资 zhǎng gōng zī

noun (increase in wages, salary)

Staff are expected to settle for a pay rise of around 1%.

加薪 jiā xīn

noun (US, informal (pay rise: increase in pay)

He got a raise of 4%.

超过 chāo guò

(be higher than)

Dawn occurs when the sun rises above the horizon.

反抗,起义 fǎn kàng,qǐ yì

(resist, protest against)

The slaves plan to rise against their masters.

波动,起伏 bō dòng,qǐ fú

noun (undulating motion)

Watching the rise and fall of the waves made him ill.

起伏,成功与失败 qǐ fú,chéng gōng yǔ shī bài

noun (figurative (success and subsequent failure)

The rise and fall of the Roman empire has been well documented.

快起床 kuài qǐ chuáng

interjection (get out of bed)

Rise and shine! It's six o'clock and you have to get ready for school.


(emerge from)

The mythological bird, the phoenix, was said to rise from its ashes.

死而复生,复活 sǐ ér fù shēng,fù huó

verbal expression (come back to life, be resurrected) (源自《圣经》)


verbal expression (become well known and popular)


noun (becoming well known and popular)

掌权 zhǎng quán

noun (process of gaining political power)


verbal expression (figurative (give in to provocation)


verbal expression (be equal to a task)


verbal expression (meet a challenge)

When facing a difficult problem, try to rise to the occasion and face it directly.

突涨,激增,陡然上升 jī zēng

noun (sudden and dramatic increase)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。