英语 中的 rock 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 rock 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 rock 的说明。

英语 中的rock 表示石头 shí tou, 岩石 yán shí, 岩石,岩 yán shí ,yán, 摇滚乐 yáo gǔn yuè, 使…猛烈摇晃 shǐ měng liè yáo huàng, 使…摆动 shǐ bǎi dòng, 摇动 yáo dòng, 使…轻轻摇晃, 牢固的基础 láo gù de jī chǔ, 彩色硬棒糖 cǎi sè yìng bàng táng, 钻石 zuàn shí, 可卡因 kě kǎ yīn, 摇晃 yáo huàng, 摇滚的 yáo gǔn de, 猛烈摇晃 měng liè yáo huàng, 演奏摇滚乐 yǎn zòu yáo gǔn yuè, 刺激,让人兴奋 cì jī,ràng rén xīng fèn, 随着摇滚音乐跳舞, 使…不安 shǐ … bù ān, 穿戴(某种风格的服装), 如痴如狂地听摇滚乐 rú chī rú kuáng de tīng yáo gǔn yuè, 另类摇滚, 处于两难境地, 别找麻烦了 bié zhǎo má fán le, 去攀岩 qù pān yán, 重金属摇滚 zhòng jīn shǔ yáo gǔn, 跌到谷底, 圆柱岩石, 尖顶岩石, 朋克摇滚, 摇滚,摇滚乐 yáo gǔn yuè, 摇滚乐 yáo gǔn yuè, 摇滚乐的, 摇滚乐队, 谷底, 棒棒糖 bàng bàng táng, 冰糖 bīng táng, 攀岩者 pān yán zhě, 攀岩 pān yán, 水晶 shuǐ jīng, 石面, 摇滚音乐节 yáo gǔn yīn yuè jié, 假山庭园 jiǎ shān tíng yuán, 摇滚音乐 yáo gǔn yīn yuè, 太棒了!太了不起了! tài bàng le tài liǎo bù qǐ le, 潮水潭, 岩盐 yán yán, 摇滚歌手 yáo gǔn gē shǒu, 岩崩 yán bēng, 摇滚明星, 英雄 yīng xióng, 惹是生非, 轻摇...哄睡觉, 石壁, 最低价 zuì dī jià, 剪刀石头布, 沉积岩 chén jī yán, 糖枫,糖槭, 火山岩 huǒ shān yán, 你真棒, 太感谢了。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 rock 的含义

石头 shí tou

noun (individual stone)

A demonstrator threw a rock.

岩石 yán shí

noun (stone mass)

A giant rock sits on the hill.

岩石,岩 yán shí ,yán

noun (uncountable (hard substance: mineral) (不可数)

We must dig through solid rock.

摇滚乐 yáo gǔn yuè

noun (pop music: rock and roll)

Elvis played rock.

使…猛烈摇晃 shǐ měng liè yáo huàng

transitive verb (shake violently)

The explosion rocked the building.

使…摆动 shǐ bǎi dòng

transitive verb (make unstable)

The rowers' movement rocked the boat.

摇动 yáo dòng

intransitive verb (move back and forth)

The chair began to rock.


transitive verb (baby: move side to side)

The mother sang her baby a lullaby as she rocked him in her arms.

牢固的基础 láo gù de jī chǔ

noun (figurative (point of stability)

My brother is my rock.

彩色硬棒糖 cǎi sè yìng bàng táng

noun (UK, uncountable (long stick of hard candy)

She brought back sticks of rock from her holiday at the seaside.

钻石 zuàn shí

noun (slang (diamond) (俚语)

That's quite a rock you're wearing.

可卡因 kě kǎ yīn

noun (slang (cocaine) (俚语)

The junkies are smoking rock.

摇晃 yáo huàng

noun (rocking)

The rock of the ship was hypnotic.

摇滚的 yáo gǔn de

noun as adjective (relating to rock and roll)

猛烈摇晃 měng liè yáo huàng

intransitive verb (shake violently)

The entire plane rocked.

演奏摇滚乐 yǎn zòu yáo gǔn yuè

intransitive verb (play rock music)

That new band likes to rock.

刺激,让人兴奋 cì jī,ràng rén xīng fèn

intransitive verb (slang (be exciting) (俚语)

This roller coaster rocks!


intransitive verb (dance to rock music)

The band is playing. Let's rock!

使…不安 shǐ … bù ān

transitive verb (disturb, upset)

The crisis rocked them from their routine.


transitive verb (slang (clothing, look: wear with style)

She's rocking the goth look today.

如痴如狂地听摇滚乐 rú chī rú kuáng de tīng yáo gǔn yuè

phrasal verb, intransitive (slang (listen to pop music)

Mary was wearing headphones and rocking out.


noun (genre of rock music)

The radio station plays a lot of alternative rock.


expression (figurative (facing a dilemma)

别找麻烦了 bié zhǎo má fán le

interjection (figurative (do not cause trouble) (比喻)

The arrangements are already made, so don't rock the boat.

去攀岩 qù pān yán

verbal expression (scale mountains)

Wendy went rock climbing in Snowdonia.

重金属摇滚 zhòng jīn shǔ yáo gǔn

noun (heavy form of popular music)

I prefer easy listening and jazz to hard rock.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (reach lowest, worst level) (比喻义)

Mike hit rock bottom when he failed all his exams.

圆柱岩石, 尖顶岩石

noun (rock formation)


noun (uncountable (anarchist music style)

Punk rock was popular in the late 1970s.

摇滚,摇滚乐 yáo gǔn yuè

noun (style of 1950s pop music) (一种音乐风格)

Rock and roll was considered scandalous in the early 1950s. Elvis Presley was perhaps the most famous rock 'n' roll performer ever.

摇滚乐 yáo gǔn yuè

noun (modern rock music) (音乐)

I don't care for hip-hop or rap - I prefer rock and roll.


noun as adjective (music, singer)


noun (heavy pop music group)

Geoff plays drums in a rock band.


noun (figurative (lowest point)

Dave was at rock bottom when his girlfriend left him.

棒棒糖 bàng bàng táng

noun (confectionery in hard stick form)

Rock candy is very bad for the teeth.

冰糖 bīng táng

noun (US, uncountable (sweet consisting of giant sugar crystals)

When I was a kid we had a kit for growing rock candy from a sugar solution.

攀岩者 pān yán zhě

noun ([sb] who scales mountains)

My friend the rock climber intends to scale Mount Everest this year.

攀岩 pān yán

noun (mountaineering)

Equipment for rock climbing is expensive at the professional level.

水晶 shuǐ jīng

noun (mineral: clear quartz)

Rock crystal is mined in the Ural mountains.


noun (rock: exposed vertical surface)

摇滚音乐节 yáo gǔn yīn yuè jié

noun (live rock-music event)

Most rock festivals last at least two days.

假山庭园 jiǎ shān tíng yuán

noun (rockery)

These plants are suitable for rock gardens.

摇滚音乐 yáo gǔn yīn yuè

noun (heavy form of pop music)

Alex was listening to rock music in his bedroom.

太棒了!太了不起了! tài bàng le tài liǎo bù qǐ le

interjection (slang (expressing approval) (俚语)

“I'm going to get a new tattoo!” she exclaimed. "Rock on!" I replied.


noun (small body of seawater among rocks) (海边岩石间)

My daughter was fascinated by the starfish in the rock pool.

岩盐 yán yán

noun (sodium chloride occurring in rocks)

Rock salt is mined at Carrickfergus in Northern Ireland.

摇滚歌手 yáo gǔn gē shǒu

noun ([sb] who sings rock music)

When I was a kid my favorite rock singer was Robert Plant.

岩崩 yán bēng

noun (landslide on a rocky slope)

Last night's rock slide completely flattened three houses.


noun (singer, musician: rock music)

英雄 yīng xióng

noun (figurative, informal (hero, icon)


verbal expression (figurative (cause trouble)


verbal expression (swing gently until asleep)

The father gently rocked his baby son to sleep.


(wall of stones)

最低价 zuì dī jià

plural noun (informal (extremely low costs)

I don't know how they make any money with such rock-bottom prices.


noun (game)

沉积岩 chén jī yán

noun (rock formed from compacted minerals)

Limestone is a sedimentary rock, mostly formed from the shells of marine animals.


noun (tree with sweet sap)

火山岩 huǒ shān yán

noun (rock solidified on Earth's surface)

Pumice stone is a type of volcanic rock.


interjection (slang (you are great)

Your painting is amazing—you rock!


interjection (slang (thank you)

You made lunch for me? You rock!

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rock 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。