英语 中的 rooms 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 rooms 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 rooms 的说明。

英语 中的rooms 表示房间,小间,室 fáng jiān ,xiǎo jiān ,shì, 空间 kōng jiān, 容纳能力,接待能力 róng nà néng lì,jiē dài néng lì, 房间,客房 fáng jiān ,kè fáng, 房间里的人 fáng jiān lǐ de rén, 机会,可能,余地 jī huì ,kě néng ,yú dì, 卧室 wò shì, 安顿 ān dùn, 艺术课教室, 后屋 hòu wū, 密室,秘密工作室 mì shì,mì mì gōng zuò shì, 空间狭小 kōng jiān xiá xiǎo, 董事会会议室 dǒng shì huì huì yì shì, 锅炉房 guō lú fáng, 储藏室 chǔ cáng shì, 小房间 xiǎo fáng jiān, 休息室 xiū xī shì, 小组讨论室, 思考的时间 sī kǎo de shí jiān, 可供呼吸的空间 kě gōng hū xī de kōng jiān, 更衣室 gēng yī shì, 试衣间,更衣室 shì yī jiān,gēng yī shì, 聊天室 liáo tiān shì, 干净的房间 gān jìng de fáng jiān, 无菌房 wú jūn fáng, 公共休息室, 社区活动室,社区中心 shè qū zhōng xīn, 计算机房 jì suàn jī fáng, 会议室 huì yì shì, 诊疗室 zhěn liáo shì, 诊室,诊疗室 zhěn liáo shì, 控制室, 休息室 xiū xī shì, 日间休息室, 产房 chǎn fáng, 餐厅,饭厅 cān tīng, 餐厅的, 餐厅家具, 餐桌 cān zhuō, 双人间 shuāng rén jiān, 客厅 kè tīng, 更衣室 gēng yī shì, 活动空间 huó dòng kōng jiān, 急诊室 jí zhěn shì, 轮机房,引擎室 lún jī fáng,yǐn qíng shì, 急诊室 jí zhěn shì, 密室逃脱, 家庭活动室 jiā tíng huó dòng shì, 试衣间 shì yī jiān, 前厅,起居室,客厅 qián tīng,qǐ jū shì,kè tīng, 活动会议室, 游戏室 yóu xì shì, 游戏厅,游戏室 yóu xì shì, 会客室 huì kè shì, 大教室, 病房 bìng fáng, 旅店房间 lǚ diàn fáng jiān, 陪审团休息室, 女厕,女厕所 nǚ cè suǒ, (放置洗衣机等的)生活设施间 fàng zhì xǐ yī jī děng de shēng huó shè shī jiān, 讲堂 jiǎng táng, 腿部空间,伸腿空间, 客厅 kè tīng, 更衣室,衣帽间 gēng yī shì,yī mào jiān, 更衣室的, 酒吧 jiǔ bā, 起居室,客厅 qǐ jū shì,kè tīng, 收发室, 腾出空间 téng chū kōng jiān, (图书馆中的)地图阅览室 tú shū guǎn zhōng de dì tú yuè lǎn shì, 作战室 zuò zhàn shì, 多媒体室, 新闻室,新闻发布室, 会议室 huì yì shì, 男厕所 nán cè suǒ, 男厕所,男士洗手间,男士卫生间 nán cè suǒ, (刚进门的)衣帽间,储物室 gāng jìn mén de yī mào jiān,chǔ wù shì, 音乐室, 新闻编辑室 xīn wén biān jí shì, 不能有错 bù néng yǒu cuò, 手术室 shǒu shù shì, 手术室 shǒu shù shì, 女盥洗室 nǚ guàn xǐ shì, 祈祷室, 印刷室,印刷车间, 记者室, (电影)放映室 diàn yǐng fàng yìng shì, 娱乐室 yú lè shì, 会客室,客厅 huì kè shì,kè tīng, 复原室 fù yuán shì, 娱乐室 yú lè shì, 洗手间 xǐ shǒu jiān, 食宿 shí sù, 客房服务员, 房间隔板 fáng jiān gé bǎn, 提高空间,改进余地, 余地,调整空间 yú dì, 房间号, (酒店) 送餐服务 jiǔ diàn sòng cān fú wù, 室温 shì wēn, 常温, 多余的房间 duō yú de fáng jiān, 酒店单人间, 单人间 dān rén jiān, 起居室 qǐ jū shì, 冲洗室, 烟雾弥漫的房间 yān wù mí màn de fáng jiān, 吸烟室 xī yān shì。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 rooms 的含义

房间,小间,室 fáng jiān ,xiǎo jiān ,shì

noun (enclosed area in a building) (建筑)

Our flat has five rooms.

空间 kōng jiān

noun (space)

You can't buy that sofa. We have no room for it.

容纳能力,接待能力 róng nà néng lì,jiē dài néng lì

noun (capacity)

With room for 300 people, the hotel's conference centre is ideal for large gatherings.

房间,客房 fáng jiān ,kè fáng

noun (hotel, lodging: vacancy) (酒店、旅馆等)

Hello, do you have a room available for this weekend?

房间里的人 fáng jiān lǐ de rén

noun (figurative (persons in a room)

The room quieted as he began his announcement.

机会,可能,余地 jī huì ,kě néng ,yú dì

noun (figurative (opportunity)

Is there room for improvement with this product?

卧室 wò shì

noun (bedroom)

He went to his room to read a book.

安顿 ān dùn

intransitive verb (lodge)

Yes, he rooms here at the inn from time to time.


noun (classroom in school for art)

后屋 hòu wū

noun (private area to rear of a building)

密室,秘密工作室 mì shì,mì mì gōng zuò shì

noun (figurative (private area)

空间狭小 kōng jiān xiá xiǎo

verbal expression (informal (have little space)

Our house is so full of junk that we are cramped for room.

董事会会议室 dǒng shì huì huì yì shì

noun (room where committee meets)

The employees have no voice here: all the big decisions are made in the boardroom.

锅炉房 guō lú fáng

noun (room containing hot-water tanks)

During the winter, many homeless people sleep in the boiler room.

储藏室 chǔ cáng shì

noun (storage room)

小房间 xiǎo fáng jiān

noun (very small room)

休息室 xiū xī shì

noun (staff room)

All staff are invited to the break room for cake and coffee at 5 o'clock.


noun (online meeting: smaller group) (在线会议)

思考的时间 sī kǎo de shí jiān

noun (figurative (chance to think) (比喻)

We are going to separate for a while because we both need some breathing space.

可供呼吸的空间 kě gōng hū xī de kōng jiān

noun (enough space in which to breathe)

So many people lived in the small apartment that there was no breathing space.

更衣室 gēng yī shì

noun (sport: area for changing clothes) (体育比赛的)

The team left the changing room in chaos after celebrating their victory.

试衣间,更衣室 shì yī jiān,gēng yī shì

noun (clothing shop: fitting room) (商店)

Minna went to the changing room to try on a skirt.

聊天室 liáo tiān shì

noun (internet conversation site)

We met in a chatroom for singles, and later began dating.

干净的房间 gān jìng de fáng jiān

noun (room that is free of dust and dirt)

Hotel guests expect to find a clean room when they check in.

无菌房 wú jūn fáng

noun (laboratory: sterile environment)

Hardware manufacturing requires a clean room for creating central-processing chips.


noun (recreation area for students, etc.)

社区活动室,社区中心 shè qū zhōng xīn

noun (public meeting and events space)

计算机房 jì suàn jī fáng

noun (room where computers are used)

Computer rooms are kept very cold to protect the computers from overheating.

会议室 huì yì shì

noun (room where meetings are held)

The meeting will be in the conference room in 15 minutes.

诊疗室 zhěn liáo shì

noun (doctor's office)

Dr. McCarthy sees her patients in consultation room B.

诊室,诊疗室 zhěn liáo shì

noun (room where doctor sees patients)


(room with controls)

休息室 xiū xī shì

noun (room for leisure activities)


noun (hospital: patient recreation room) (医院)

产房 chǎn fáng

noun (birthing suite)

They rushed her to the delivery room for an emergency Caesarean delivery.

餐厅,饭厅 cān tīng

noun (room: where meals are eaten)

The family usually have their evening meal together in the dining room.


noun as adjective (relating to the room for eating meals)

Janice had her dining-room chairs reupholstered.


noun (table, chairs for eating meals)

The dining-room furniture is a few years old, but doesn't look outdated.

餐桌 cān zhuō

noun (table for meals)

A white linen tablecloth covered the dining-room table.

双人间 shuāng rén jiān

noun (hotel room: bed for two)

I'd like to book a double room for three nights.

客厅 kè tīng

noun (dated (parlour) (过时用语)

After dinner, the ladies retired to the drawing room.

更衣室 gēng yī shì

noun (theater: for changing costumes)

There are bright lights around the mirror in the actor's dressing room.

活动空间 huó dòng kōng jiān

noun (figurative, informal (space to move)

With the lift almost full there wasn't much elbow room.

急诊室 jí zhěn shì

noun (hospital: casualty department)

The ambulance took the injured man to the emergency room. The casualty department was filled with victims of the accident.

轮机房,引擎室 lún jī fáng,yǐn qíng shì

noun (ship: room containing the engine)

急诊室 jí zhěn shì

noun (initialism (emergency room) (emergency room 首字母缩写)

Where do you turn for the entrance to the ER?


noun (puzzle-solving activity)

家庭活动室 jiā tíng huó dòng shì

noun (US (living room, lounge)

We have a big-screen TV in our family room. I love to sit in the family room and read a good book all day.

试衣间 shì yī jiān

noun (booth for trying on clothes) (服装店)

Once I'd picked out a few dresses, I went into the fitting room to try them on.

前厅,起居室,客厅 qián tīng,qǐ jū shì,kè tīng

noun (living room, lounge)

Kids were not allowed to play in the front room.


noun (hired for parties, meetings)

游戏室 yóu xì shì

noun (recreation area)

The nursing home residents gathered in the game room to play bingo.

游戏厅,游戏室 yóu xì shì

noun (room with leisure facilities)

The game room had all sorts of home arcade games including a pool table, video arcade games, air hockey and foosball.

会客室 huì kè shì

noun (spare bedroom for guests)

Our guest room does double duty as a home office.


noun (US (school: room) (学生接受点名、信息宣传等)

Can you tell me where I can find my homeroom?

病房 bìng fáng

noun (patient's room in hospital)

旅店房间 lǚ diàn fáng jiān

noun (room in a hotel)

It is a spacious hotel room.



女厕,女厕所 nǚ cè suǒ

noun (Chiefly US (public toilets for women)

(放置洗衣机等的)生活设施间 fàng zhì xǐ yī jī děng de shēng huó shè shī jiān

noun (utility room)

The kitchen's a bit small but at least there's a laundry room.

讲堂 jiǎng táng

noun (conference hall)

Do you know which lecture room I need for the talk about Picasso?


noun (space to move one's legs)

Let´s sit in the emergency exit row, because there´s more leg room there.

客厅 kè tīng

noun (lounge, family room)

The whole family gathered in the living room to play cards. My apartment has a kitchen, living room, two bedrooms, and a bathroom.

更衣室,衣帽间 gēng yī shì,yī mào jiān

noun (sport: changing area) (学校、健身房等地所设的)

The school's locker room always smells bad after football games.


noun as adjective (relating to a locker room)

酒吧 jiǔ bā

noun (UK (bar)

起居室,客厅 qǐ jū shì,kè tīng

noun (UK (room for entertaining guests)


noun (sorting office for post)

腾出空间 téng chū kōng jiān

verbal expression (create enough space for [sb] or [sth])

Can we make room in the car for one more person?

(图书馆中的)地图阅览室 tú shū guǎn zhōng de dì tú yuè lǎn shì

noun (library where maps are kept)

作战室 zuò zhàn shì

noun (war room)


noun (room for movies, music, etc.)

Many new houses have luxurious media rooms--they almost look like theaters!


noun (news media: press room) (新闻媒体)

会议室 huì yì shì

noun (venue where discussions are held)

男厕所 nán cè suǒ

noun (toilets for males)

男厕所,男士洗手间,男士卫生间 nán cè suǒ

noun (public toilets for men)

(刚进门的)衣帽间,储物室 gāng jìn mén de yī mào jiān,chǔ wù shì

noun (US, Can (lobby, small room) (加拿大用法)


noun (room used to listen to, play music)

新闻编辑室 xīn wén biān jí shì

noun (office where news is compiled)

The news room, full of journalists today, is very busy.

不能有错 bù néng yǒu cuò

noun (accuracy required)

When designing airplanes, there is no room for error.

手术室 shǒu shù shì

noun (room where surgery is performed)

The surgeon went into his operating room to perform surgery. Operating theatres cannot be completely sterile.

手术室 shǒu shù shì

noun (surgery: operating theatre)

女盥洗室 nǚ guàn xǐ shì

noun (euphemism (bathroom, toilets)

Excuse me; could you please point me to the powder room?


noun (chapel: place for praying)


noun (room for printing presses)


noun (room for reporters)

(电影)放映室 diàn yǐng fàng yìng shì

noun (private cinema, room for screening films)

The projectionist works in the projection room.

娱乐室 yú lè shì

noun (abbr, informal (recreation room)

My house has a rec room in the basement with a pool table and air hockey.

会客室,客厅 huì kè shì,kè tīng

noun (lounge, dining room, etc.)

The original two reception rooms in this house have been knocked through to create one spacious lounge/dining room.

复原室 fù yuán shì

noun (hospital room for post-surgical care)

The recovery room is used for intensive monitoring of patients immediately after surgery.

娱乐室 yú lè shì

noun (games room)

The children often use the recreation room in the basement when their friends come over.

洗手间 xǐ shǒu jiān

noun (US (toilet facilities)

This restaurant has very unusual restrooms.

食宿 shí sù

noun (rental arrangement: room plus meals)


noun ([sb] employed to clean hotel rooms)

I can rely on my room attendant to clean my room.

房间隔板 fáng jiān gé bǎn

noun (partition)


noun (shortcoming, deficiency)

Although your attendance rate is good, your overall job performance leaves room for improvement.

余地,调整空间 yú dì

noun (figurative (leeway)


noun (sequential numeral given to a hotel room)

Electronic room keys don't have the room number on them, so you have to remember what room you're in.

(酒店) 送餐服务 jiǔ diàn sòng cān fú wù

noun (hotel service providing food in room)

I ordered room service half an hour ago! - where have you been? Instead of going down to the dining room tonight, let's call room service and have dinner right here.

室温 shì wēn

noun (informal (indoor temperature comfortable to humans)

For me the most comfortable room temperature's about 20°C.


noun (informal (food: temperature of surroundings)

It's dangerous to leave uncooked meat at room temperature.

多余的房间 duō yú de fáng jiān

noun (plenty of space)

It'll all fit in my suitcase with room to spare.


noun (accommodation for one person in a hotel)

单人间 dān rén jiān

noun (hotel room for one person)

The single rooms here are no wider than the beds they contain. I'd like to book a single room with shower, please.

起居室 qǐ jū shì

noun (lounge, living or family room)

Your mother's waiting for you in the sitting room.


noun (hospital area where items are rinsed out) (医院)

烟雾弥漫的房间 yān wù mí màn de fáng jiān

noun (figurative (hidden negotiating by politicians)

The discussions about their manifesto took place in smoke-filled rooms.

吸烟室 xī yān shì

noun (enclosed area for smokers)

Jim went into the smoking room so as not to disturb the other diners.

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rooms 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。