英语 中的 school 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 school 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 school 的说明。

英语 中的school 表示学校 xué xiào, 小学 xiǎo xué, 中学,初中 zhōng xué,chū zhōng, 上学 shàng xué, 大学 dà xué, 系, 艺术流派 yì shù liú pài, 全校师生 quán xiào shī shēng, (鱼)群 yú qún, 校舍 xiào shè, 使…受教育 shǐ shòu jiào yù, 训练, 驯, 表演学校 biǎo yǎn xué xiào, 放学后 fàng xué hòu, 课外的 kè wài de, 艺术学校 yì shù xué xiào, 在上学 zài shàng xué, 在学校 zài xué xiào, 学龄的 xué líng de, 上学 shàng xué, 返校季, 返校的 fǎn xiào de, 美容学校, 寄宿学校 jì sù xué xiào, 商业学院 shāng yè xué yuàn, 天主教学校, 礼仪学校 lǐ yí xué xiào, 特许公立学校 tè xǔ gōng lì xué xiào, 教会学校, 英国国教教会学校, 综合学校, 烹饪学校, 函授学校 hán shòu xué xiào, 牙科学院, 驾校, 小学 xiǎo xué, 小学老师, 工程学院 gōng chéng xué yuàn, 表现不佳的学校, 精修学校, 上学 shàng xué, 研究生院 yán jiū shēng yuàn, 小学 xiǎo xué, 研究生院 yán jiū shēng yuàn, 中等学校 zhōng děng xué xiào, 小学 xiǎo xué, 高中 gāo zhōng, 高中 gāo zhōng, 高中的 gāo zhōng de, 高中毕业生, 高中毕业证 gāo zhōng bì yè zhèng, 高中生 gāo zhōng shēng, 在家教育, 幼儿学校, 初级中学 chū jí zhōng xué, 法学院 fǎ xué yuàn, 磁石学校,特色学校, 医学院 yī xué yuàn, 初级中学 chū jí zhōng xué, 中级学校, 军校 jūn xiào, 音乐学院 yīn yuè xué yuàn, 海军学院 hǎi jūn xué yuàn, (成人)夜校 chéng rén yè xiào, 幼儿园 yòu ér yuán, 保守派 bǎo shǒu pài, 保守派的, 逾矩的,过分的,不合本分的 guò fèn de, 不上学的,失学的,辍学的, 课外的 kè wài de, 过分的,不可接受的,离谱的 guò fèn de ,bù kě jiē shòu de,lí pǔ de, 学前班, 预备学校 yù bèi xué xiào, 预备学校 yù bèi xué xiào, 预备学校 yù bèi xué xiào, 幼儿园 yòu ér yuán, 幼儿园的 yòu ér yuán de, 学龄前的 xué líng qián de, 学龄前儿童 xué líng qián ér tóng, 幼儿教师,幼师, 小学 xiǎo xué, 小学老师, 私立学校 sī lì xué xiào, 公学 gōng xué, 公立学校 gōng lì xué xiào, 教养院 jiào yǎng yuàn, 骑术学校 qí shù xué xiào, 学龄, 班会, 书包 shū bāo, 上下课铃 shàng xià kè líng, 学校董事会 xué xiào dǒng shì huì, 校车 xiào chē, 小学生 xiǎo xué shēng, 学校辅导员, 学校上课的时间 xué xiào shàng kè de shí jiān, 上课的日子 shàng kè de rì zi, 课桌 kè zhuō, 学生餐, 学区, 交换生项目, 学费 xué fèi, 学龄儿童 xué líng ér tóng, 辍学生, 学校生活, 学校里的寄物柜 xué xiào lǐ de jì wù guì, 学校午餐,学校供餐, 校报, 学校护士 xué xiào hù shì, 建筑学院 jiàn zhù xué yuàn, 艺术学院 yì shù xué yuàn, 继续教育学院 jì xù jiào yù xué yuàn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 school 的含义

学校 xué xiào

noun (place of instruction)

Everyone must go to school as a child.

小学 xiǎo xué

noun (place of instruction for children)

She goes to the local primary school.

中学,初中 zhōng xué,chū zhōng

noun (place of instruction for adolescents)

I took two years of Spanish in school.

上学 shàng xué

noun (uncountable (formal education)

School is compulsory for children in France from the age of six.

大学 dà xué

noun (US, informal (university)

Helena graduated from a good school.

noun (university faculty) (大学)

The History Department is part of the School of Social Sciences.

艺术流派 yì shù liú pài

noun (a unifying style or belief)

The Florentine School was founded by Giotto. As a philosopher, she is part of the school of Platonism.

全校师生 quán xiào shī shēng

noun (student body)

The whole school was outraged when the headmaster was fired.

(鱼)群 yú qún

noun (fish)

The North Atlantic is home to many schools of cod.

校舍 xiào shè

noun (building)

This school was built in 1956.

使…受教育 shǐ shòu jiào yù

transitive verb (educate)

She was schooled at one of the nation's best institutions.

训练, 驯

transitive verb (horse: train) (马)

The rider is schooling her horse to perform jumps.

表演学校 biǎo yǎn xué xiào

noun (drama school, stage school)

放学后 fàng xué hòu

adverb (when school day is over)

The teacher made Kyle stay after school to finish his homework.

课外的 kè wài de

adjective (extra-curricular)

Drama is a popular after-school activity at my school.

艺术学校 yì shù xué xiào

noun (school: teaches art)

He wants to study illustration, so he will attend art school in the fall.

在上学 zài shàng xué

adverb (attending classes)

Sara isn't home right now; she's at school.

在学校 zài xué xiào

adverb (US (at university) (指大学)

学龄的 xué líng de

adjective (UK (of school age)

上学 shàng xué

verbal expression (go to classes)

We attend school from Monday through Friday.


expression (return to school after vacation)

The sign above the supermarket shelf laden with books and stationery read "Back to school".

返校的 fǎn xiào de

adjective (relating to return to school)

We like to buy our children's clothes at back-to-school sales, when the prices are low.


noun (trains hair stylists, etc.)

寄宿学校 jì sù xué xiào

noun (school: residential)

Paul misbehaved so badly that his parents sent him to a boarding school.

商业学院 shāng yè xué yuàn

noun (teaches business, management)

Julia is studying for a master's degree in marketing at a business school.


noun (educational establishment)

His mother sent him to Catholic school as she was a devout Catholic.

礼仪学校 lǐ yí xué xiào

noun (teaches etiquette)

特许公立学校 tè xǔ gōng lì xué xiào

noun (US (publicly funded autonomous school)

Many charter schools have a better curriculum than public schools.


noun (US (school run by a church)


noun (UK (school run by Church of England)


noun (UK (non-selective secondary school)


noun (place where cooking is taught)

Many chefs train for their careers by going to cookery school.

函授学校 hán shòu xué xiào

noun (distance-learning school)

Correspondence schools may be the only choice for people living in rural areas.


noun (institution that trains dentists)


noun (vehicle operation lessons)

小学 xiǎo xué

noun (US (primary school)

Children usually start elementary school at five or six years old. My wife taught elementary school.


noun (US (educator in primary school)

Ms. Talton is an excellent elementary school teacher.

工程学院 gōng chéng xué yuàn

noun (institution: trains engineers)


noun (underperforming school)

Inspectors judged it to be a failing school.


noun (school of etiquette) (礼仪学校)

Some say the college is little more than a finishing school.

上学 shàng xué

verbal expression (attend classes)

Children start going to school at age 5.

研究生院 yán jiū shēng yuàn

noun (abbr (school of postgraduate studies) (缩写)

You'd better go to grad school if you want to be hired here.

小学 xiǎo xué

noun (US (kindergarten through 6th) (美国)

Karen starts grade school next year.

研究生院 yán jiū shēng yuàn

noun (university division)

What do you intend to do after finishing graduate school?

中等学校 zhōng děng xué xiào

noun (UK (secondary school)

I attended the grammar school for seven years before going on to university.

小学 xiǎo xué

noun (US (elementary school)

She learned to play the trumpet while she was still in grammar school.

高中 gāo zhōng

noun (written, abbreviation (high school)

高中 gāo zhōng

noun (secondary education institution)

The high school has a new French teacher.

高中的 gāo zhōng de

noun as adjective (of secondary school)

The local high school football team beat the visitors.


noun (US ([sb]: passed secondary-school)

Very few high school graduates are able to speak a foreign language.

高中毕业证 gāo zhōng bì yè zhèng

noun (US (school-leaving qualification)

Many jobs require at least a high school diploma.

高中生 gāo zhōng shēng

noun (pupil: at secondary school)

I started studying Spanish (and dating girls) when I was a high-school student.


transitive verb (teach at home)

Private schools were expensive and public ones were dangerous so she decided to home-school her children.


noun (UK (school for ages 4-8)

初级中学 chū jí zhōng xué

noun (US (lower secondary)

Karen is in her third year at junior high school.

法学院 fǎ xué yuàn

noun (university where law degrees are taught)

He graduated from law school with full honours.


noun (US (publicly funded school attracting diverse students) (公立学校)

医学院 yī xué yuàn

noun (for a medical degree)

I want to be a doctor so I will have to spend many years at medical school.

初级中学 chū jí zhōng xué

noun (US (junior high)

Parental support plays a vital role in helping preteens and teens succeed in middle school.


noun (UK (school for ages 9-13) (面向9到13岁学生)

My 11-year-old son is at middle school.

军校 jūn xiào

noun (for military training)

West Point is a highly-respected military academy.

音乐学院 yīn yuè xué yuàn

noun (college where music is studied)

海军学院 hǎi jūn xué yuàn

noun (training institution for the navy)

(成人)夜校 chéng rén yè xiào

noun (adult evening classes)

I am learning Russian at night school every Thursday evening.

幼儿园 yòu ér yuán

noun (pre-school)

My 3-year-old daughter goes to nursery school as I have to go to work.

保守派 bǎo shǒu pài

noun (figurative (tradition)

Davies belongs to the old school of sports commentators.


adjective (figurative (traditionalist)

He teaches the old-school method of boxing.

逾矩的,过分的,不合本分的 guò fèn de

adverb (figurative, slang (in an unacceptable or inappropriate way)

You shouldn't talk out of school like that to your elders.


adjective (person: not attending school)

课外的 kè wài de

adjective (activity: not part of school) (活动)

过分的,不可接受的,离谱的 guò fèn de ,bù kě jiē shòu de,lí pǔ de

adjective (figurative, slang (unacceptable, inappropriate)

Whoa, that's an out-of-school comment.


noun (UK, informal, abbreviation (preparatory: primary school) (小学之前的)

He went to an expensive prep school.

预备学校 yù bèi xué xiào

noun (US, abbreviation (preparatory: secondary school) (中学之前的私立小学)

Most of the prep schools in New England offer on-campus living accommodations to the students.

预备学校 yù bèi xué xiào

noun (UK (private primary school) (指为上中学作准备的私立小学)

The preparatory school offers education to approximately 150 boys.

预备学校 yù bèi xué xiào

noun (US (private secondary school) (指为上大学作准备的私立中学)

This private boarding school is among the most selective preparatory schools in the U.S.

幼儿园 yòu ér yuán

noun (nursery school)

The children started preschool at age 3.

幼儿园的 yòu ér yuán de

noun as adjective (of a preschool)

Several of the preschool teachers had no qualifications.

学龄前的 xué líng qián de

noun as adjective (of early childhood)

What educational activities work with preschool kids?

学龄前儿童 xué líng qián ér tóng

noun (child under 5)

Pre-school children must be accompanied by both parents.


noun (educator at nursery school)

小学 xiǎo xué

noun (UK (junior, elementary school)

There's a very good primary school in the area we're moving to.


noun (UK (of elementary school)

私立学校 sī lì xué xiào

noun (privately-run school)

Did you attend public or private school?

公学 gōng xué

noun (UK (private secondary school) (指私立学校)

公立学校 gōng lì xué xiào

noun (US (publicly-funded school)

Their children attend the public school in their neighborhood.

教养院 jiào yǎng yuàn

noun (correctional facility for young offenders)

The young pickpocket was sent to a reform school.

骑术学校 qí shù xué xiào

noun (place where horse-riding is taught)

The girl attended a riding school, where she had weekly lessons.


noun (age: in-school years)


noun (gathering of pupils and teachers)

书包 shū bāo

noun (bag carried by school pupil)

上下课铃 shàng xià kè líng

noun (signal: start or end of class)

When the 8:00 school bell rings, students should be seated at their desks.

学校董事会 xué xiào dǒng shì huì

noun (education committee)

The school board met to decide the district's budget for new classrooms.

校车 xiào chē

noun (vehicle transporting schoolchildren)

School buses are usually painted yellow in the U.S.

小学生 xiǎo xué shēng

noun (pupil)

Three school children said they saw your dog running around the playground.


noun (person employed to advise students)

学校上课的时间 xué xiào shàng kè de shí jiān

noun (daily hours when school takes place)

The school day begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 2:15 p.m.

上课的日子 shàng kè de rì zi

noun (day on which school takes place)

I can go to the movies on the weekends and holidays but not on school days.

课桌 kè zhuō

noun (table in a classroom)


noun (meal served at educational institution)


noun (official region of school)


noun (reciprocal visits abroad by school pupils)

Our daughter went to France on the school exchange, and Emilie and Stéphanie came to stay with us in the U.S.

学费 xué fèi

plural noun (fees required of students)

学龄儿童 xué líng ér tóng

noun (informal (child of school age)

When I was a school kid I had to walk miles to school.


noun (stops education after secondary school)


noun (time spent at school)

学校里的寄物柜 xué xiào lǐ de jì wù guì

noun (secure compartment for pupils' belongings)

She put her purse in her school locker every day to keep it safe.


noun (lunch served at educational institution)


noun (publication produced by school pupils)

学校护士 xué xiào hù shì

noun (medical attendant at a school)

The school nurse will send the child home if his symptoms are serious.

建筑学院 jiàn zhù xué yuàn


艺术学院 yì shù xué yuàn

noun (college where art is studied)

Admission is highly competitive at many schools of art.

继续教育学院 jì xù jiào yù xué yuàn

noun (further education college)

Many adults turn to schools of continuing education to learn new skills.

让我们学习 英语

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school 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。