英语 中的 sharper 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 sharper 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 sharper 的说明。

英语 中的sharper 表示骗子 piàn zi, 锋利的 fēng lì de, 清楚的,清晰的 qīng chǔ de ,qīng xī de, 清晰的,清楚的 qīng xī de ,qīng chǔ de, 机智的 jī zhì de, 思维敏捷的 sī wéi mǐn jié de, 尖锐的,刻薄的 jiān ruì de ,kè bó de, 急剧的 jí jù de, 目光敏锐的 mù guāng mǐn ruì de, 寒冷的 hán lěng de, 轮廓清楚的 lún kuò qīng chǔ de, 突然的 tū rán de, 狡猾的 jiǎo huá de, 强烈的 qiáng liè de, 口味重的 kǒu wèi zhòng de, 尖利的,刺耳的 jiān lì de ,cì ěr de, 升半音的 shēng bàn yīn de, 偏高的 piān gāo de, …正, 突然地 tū rán de, 半升音调 bàn shēng yīn diào, 升音符号 shēng yīn fú hào, 专家 zhuān jiā, 细长针 xì cháng zhēn, 升音演奏 shēng yīn yǎn zòu, 使升半音 shǐ shēng bàn yīn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 sharper 的含义

骗子 piàn zi

noun (informal (con artist)

The sharper used a fake ID to enter the private event.

锋利的 fēng lì de

adjective (able to cut or pierce)

The new knife was sharp.

清楚的,清晰的 qīng chǔ de ,qīng xī de

adjective (vision: not blurry) (视力、视野等)

With his glasses on, his vision was sharp.

清晰的,清楚的 qīng xī de ,qīng chǔ de

adjective (image: distinct) (图像)

The image gradually came into focus until it was perfectly sharp.

机智的 jī zhì de

adjective (figurative (person: witty)

He was really sharp - always making funny comments.

思维敏捷的 sī wéi mǐn jié de

adjective (figurative (intelligent)

They decided to hire the sharpest of the candidates.

尖锐的,刻薄的 jiān ruì de ,kè bó de

adjective (figurative (comment: hurtful) (言语等)

His sharp comments really hurt her feelings.

急剧的 jí jù de

adjective (figurative (feeling, pain: intense)

I have a sharp pain in my back.

目光敏锐的 mù guāng mǐn ruì de

adjective (figurative (quick to see)

My editor's eye for typos is sharp.

寒冷的 hán lěng de

adjective (figurative (brisk, cold)

There was a sharp wind that a light jacket couldn't guard against.

轮廓清楚的 lún kuò qīng chǔ de

adjective (figurative, informal (clean-cut, well-dressed)

His sharp new look included short hair and an Italian suit.

突然的 tū rán de

adjective (figurative (abrupt)

Next, you need to make a sharp right turn onto the next street.

狡猾的 jiǎo huá de

adjective (figurative, informal (dishonest, sly)

John is a sharp one - you can't really trust him.

强烈的 qiáng liè de

adjective (figurative (temper: severe)

His sharp temper lost him his last job.

口味重的 kǒu wèi zhòng de

adjective (figurative (strongly flavored)

This is a really sharp cheese; I prefer something milder.

尖利的,刺耳的 jiān lì de ,cì ěr de

adjective (high-pitched and loud) (声音)

There was a sharp sound coming from the car's engine.

升半音的 shēng bàn yīn de

adjective (music: F sharp, etc.) (音乐)

Let's change that note from A to A sharp.

偏高的 piān gāo de

adjective (with too high a pitch) (声音)

The guitar string played sharp so he had to tune it.


adverb (time: precisely) (时刻)

Please be at the meeting at three o'clock sharp.

突然地 tū rán de

adverb (abruptly)

He turned the car sharp right.

半升音调 bàn shēng yīn diào

noun (musical note) (音乐)

You need to play a sharp here, not a natural.

升音符号 shēng yīn fú hào

noun (musical symbol: #) (音乐)

The pianist did not notice the sharp at the top of page two, and played the wrong note.

专家 zhuān jiā

noun (dated, informal (expert) (口语)

We better bring in the sharps to analyse this.

细长针 xì cháng zhēn

noun (needle)

Please deposit all sharps in a special container.

升音演奏 shēng yīn yǎn zòu

intransitive verb (US (music: be half a tone too high)

You sharped all through the first twenty bars.

使升半音 shǐ shēng bàn yīn

transitive verb (US (music: raise half a tone)

You need to sharp that F at bar sixteen.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。