英语 中的 ship 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 ship 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 ship 的说明。

英语 中的ship 表示船 chuán, 寄出, 邮寄, 把…发送给某人, 运送 yùn sòng, [表示技术或技巧], [表示状态], [表示头衔或身份], 送…去别的地方工作 sòng qù bié de dì fāng gōng zuò, 飞船,飞机 fēi chuán,fēi jī, 恋爱关系, 恋情, 宇宙飞船,太空船,飞船 yǔ zhòu fēi chuán,fēi chuán, 把...放进船内, 支持, 赞同, 用船送走 yòng chuán sòng zǒu, 发送 fā sòng, 船的内部, 货船 huò chuán, 货柜船 huò guì chuán, 游轮 yóu lún, 护航舰 hù háng jiàn, 医疗船 yī liáo chuán, 弃船潜逃, 母船, 海盗船 hǎi dào chuán, 火箭飞行器, 纪律严明, 执行严苛的规矩, 帆船 fān chuán, 海豹捕猎船, 啊嗨!, 船舶供应商, 航行日志 háng xíng rì zhì, 舵柄,舵轮 duò bǐng,duò lún, 装船日期, 姐妹船 jiě mèi chuán, 贩卖奴隶的船 fàn mài nú lì de chuán, 供给船 gōng jǐ chuán, 高桅帆船 gāo wéi fān chuán, 训练船, (军用)运输船 jūn yòng yùn shū chuán, 战舰 zhàn jiàn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 ship 的含义

船 chuán

noun (large boat)

The ship with all the merchandise should arrive on January 24.

寄出, 邮寄

transitive verb (send: goods)

We will ship the books tomorrow.


(send or post to) (货物等)

I requested that the company ship my order to my home address.

运送 yùn sòng

intransitive verb (goods: be sent)

The product will ship tomorrow.


suffix (noun: denotes skill) (后缀)

For example: penmanship, swordsmanship, workmanship


suffix (noun: denotes state) (后缀)

For example: friendship, fellowship, comradeship


suffix (noun: denotes rank) (后缀)

For example: Ladyship

送…去别的地方工作 sòng qù bié de dì fāng gōng zuò

transitive verb (figurative (relocate)

His company shipped him to Richmond to open a new office.

飞船,飞机 fēi chuán,fēi jī

noun (informal (plane) (口语)

Let's get this ship off the ground!

恋爱关系, 恋情

noun (abbreviation, slang (romantic relationship)

Ross and Rachel are my favourite ship on that show.

宇宙飞船,太空船,飞船 yǔ zhòu fēi chuán,fēi chuán

noun (abbreviation (spaceship)


transitive verb (stow: oars) (船桨)

The rowers shipped their oars as they pulled into shore.

支持, 赞同

transitive verb (romantic relationship: support, endorse) (恋爱关系,恋情)

I really ship those two; they're adorable together.

用船送走 yòng chuán sòng zǒu

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal, figurative (leave or quit)

发送 fā sòng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (send, post)


plural noun (figurative (vessel's interior)

货船 huò chuán

noun (freighter, container ship)

货柜船 huò guì chuán

noun (tanker)

Container ships can carry vast amounts of cargo over huge distances.

游轮 yóu lún

noun (large passenger liner)

My ideal vacation is to relax on a cruise ship in the Caribbean for seven days.

护航舰 hù háng jiàn

noun (ship that accompanies another)

医疗船 yī liáo chuán

noun (vessel used as medical facility)

After the naval battle the wounded were taken to the hospital ship for treatment.


verbal expression (figurative (flee without permission)



海盗船 hǎi dào chuán

noun (vessel sailed by sea robbers)


noun (type of spacecraft)

If I had a rocketship, I could fly to the moon!


verbal expression (be a strict, efficient manager)


verbal expression (figurative (enforce firm rules)

帆船 fān chuán

noun (vessel rigged with sails)


noun (boat from which seals are hunted)


interjection (nautical: used on sighting a vessel)

Captain Murphy yelled "Ship ahoy!" when he sighted the other ship in the fog.


noun (dealer in ship supplies)

航行日志 háng xíng rì zhì

noun (book for recording ship's data)

The ship's log showed that the ship was heading northeast at the time of the collision.

舵柄,舵轮 duò bǐng,duò lún

noun (helm: steering wheel of a sailing vessel)


noun (day when a consignment is sent out)

姐妹船 jiě mèi chuán

noun (vessel of same design)

贩卖奴隶的船 fàn mài nú lì de chuán

noun (vessel carrying people to slavery)

The slave ship sank in the storm and was never found.

供给船 gōng jǐ chuán

noun (vessel carrying supplies)

The supply ship did not arrive in port on time.

高桅帆船 gāo wéi fān chuán

noun (type of large sailing ship)

The tall ships came into the harbor with sails unfurled at each mast.


(ship for novice sailors)

(军用)运输船 jūn yòng yùn shū chuán

noun (vessel carrying military equipment)

战舰 zhàn jiàn

noun (seagoing combat vessel)

The warship was capable of firing guns, torpedoes, and missiles.

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ship 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。