英语 中的 shell 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 shell 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 shell 的说明。

英语 中的shell 表示壳 ké, 壳 ké, 硬壳 yìng ké, 果壳 guǒ ké, 壳,外壳 ké ,wài ké, 外壳,空壳 wài ké ,kōng ké, 炮弹 pào dàn, 用户界面, 炮击 pào jī, 给…剥壳 gěi bāo ké, 给…去壳 gěi qù ké, 轰击, 她会, 支付(钱) zhī fù ( qián ), 花钱 huā qián, 空壳,躯壳 kōng ké, 石鳖, 蛤壳, 蚌壳, 蛤壳状挖泥器, 平压印刷机, 蚌壳式的, 贝壳样的, 海螺壳 hǎi luó ké, 半边贝壳 bàn biān bèi ké, 硬壳的, 顽固的,不妥协的 wán gù de ,bù tuǒ xié de, 空壳 kōng ké, 精疲力尽 jīng pí lì jìn, 外壳 wài ké, 牡砺壳 mǔ lì ké, 蛏子, 贝壳 bèi ké, 藏豆游戏 cáng dòu yóu xì, 骗局 piàn jú, 弹坑,弹痕, 炮弹休克, 使...患上炮弹休克, 患弹震症的, 震惊的 zhèn jīng de, 软壳的, 软壳螃蟹 ruǎn ké páng xiè, 龟壳 guī ké。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 shell 的含义

壳 ké

noun (hard outer layer of an egg) (蛋壳)

Eggs can be boiled in the shell.

壳 ké

noun (mollusc's exoskeleton) (软体动物,如蜗牛、贝壳等)

Clams have a hard shell.

硬壳 yìng ké

noun (hard covering)

The shell of the phone protects it.

果壳 guǒ ké

noun (nut: outer casing)

Brazil nuts have an extremely hard shell.

壳,外壳 ké ,wài ké

noun (crustacean's exoskeleton) (甲壳纲动物)

The newly moulted lobster has a tender shell.

外壳,空壳 wài ké ,kōng ké

noun (skeleton of a building) (建筑物)

The shell of the building was all that remained after the fire.

炮弹 pào dàn

noun (weapon: projectile)

The shell blew up the target.


noun (computing: user interface) (计算机)

The DOS window is a command-line shell.

炮击 pào jī

intransitive verb (drop bombs)

The artillery unit will shell all night.

给…剥壳 gěi bāo ké

transitive verb (remove pod from: peas) (给豌豆等)

Shell the peas, then cook them.

给…去壳 gěi qù ké

transitive verb (remove outer casing from: nut) (给坚果等)

Shell the nuts and eat them.


transitive verb (bombard)

The artillery unit will shell the enemy positions.


contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (she will) (口语,缩略形式)

Don't tell mom that I broke the vase; she'll be so mad at me.

支付(钱) zhī fù ( qián )

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (spend, pay)

I shelled out a lot more than the used car was worth.

花钱 huā qián

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (spend money)

We missed our flight and then had to shell out for new tickets.

空壳,躯壳 kōng ké

noun (figurative (weakened person) (人状态欠佳)

He is just a shell of his former self.


noun (sea mollusk)

蛤壳, 蚌壳

noun (shell of a clam)


noun (mechanical engineering: dredging device)


noun (printing: platen press)


noun as adjective (can open and close like a clamshell)


noun as adjective (shaped like a clamshell)

海螺壳 hǎi luó ké

noun (shell of sea snail)

The boy put a conch to his ear and closed his eyes to listen.

半边贝壳 bàn biān bèi ké

noun (half of an oyster shell)

In Botticelli's famous painting, Venus is depicted rising from the sea on a half-shell.


noun as adjective (having a hard shell)

顽固的,不妥协的 wán gù de ,bù tuǒ xié de

noun as adjective (mainly US, figurative (person: strict, rigid)

空壳 kōng ké

noun (animal: empty carapace)

During the summer, Cicadas molt and leave behind their hollow shells.

精疲力尽 jīng pí lì jìn

noun (figurative (person: exhausted)

The experience had left him a hollow shell, barely able to function.

外壳 wài ké

noun (exterior casing)

The outer shell of the helmet is made up of carbon-fibre material.

牡砺壳 mǔ lì ké

noun (oyster's hard outer covering)


noun (mollusk: shellfish)

贝壳 bèi ké

noun (outer casing of a marine mollusc)

藏豆游戏 cáng dòu yóu xì

noun (guessing game)

I'm pretty sure there's some kind of trickery involved in shell games.

骗局 piàn jú

noun (figurative (cheat, fraud)

The investment scheme was a fraud - a real shell game.


noun (hole made by bomb)


noun (psychiatry: war trauma)


transitive verb (act of war: cause trauma)


adjective (suffering from shell fire)

震惊的 zhèn jīng de

adjective (figurative (stunned)


noun as adjective (zoology: having a flexible shell) (动物学)

软壳螃蟹 ruǎn ké páng xiè

noun (crustacean with edible shell)

Fried soft-shell crab on French bread is my favorite sandwich.

龟壳 guī ké

noun (carapace of aquatic tortoise)

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shell 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。