英语 中的 egg 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 egg 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 egg 的说明。

英语 中的egg 表示鸡蛋 jī dàn, 卵 luǎn, 卵子,卵细胞 luǎn zǐ,luǎn xì bāo, 给…裹上一层蛋液, 人,家伙 rén,jiā huo, 朝…扔鸡蛋, 怂恿, 煽动, 鼓励, 坏蛋,混蛋,坏人,坏家伙 huài dàn,hún dàn,huài rén,huài jiā huo, 坏蛋,臭鸡蛋 huài dàn,chòu jī dàn, 打匀的蛋 dǎ yún de dàn, 煮鸡蛋 zhǔ jī dàn, 魔鬼蛋, 鸭蛋 yā dàn, 复活节巧克力蛋, 复活节彩蛋 fù huó jié cǎi dàn, 复活节彩蛋 fù huó jié cǎi dàn, 寻找复活节彩蛋的活动, 鸡蛋搅拌器,打蛋器 dǎ dàn qì, 鸡蛋包装盒, 卵细胞 luǎn xì bāo, 蛋花汤 dàn huā tāng, 蛋花汤 dàn huā tāng, 蛋卷, 春卷, 鸡蛋沙拉, 煮蛋的定时器 zhǔ dàn de dìng shí qì, 蛋液, 蛋白 dàn bái, 蛋黄 dàn huáng, 产卵的, 蛋形的, 打蛋器 dǎ dàn qì, 打蛋式踩水, 直升飞机 zhí shēng fēi jī, 蛋蜜乳,蛋奶酒 dàn mì rǔ,dàn nǎi jiǔ, 散养鸡蛋,草鸡蛋, 煎荷包蛋 jiān hé bāo dàn, 扁平的胸部,平胸, 肿起 zhǒng qǐ, 零蛋, 煮过心的鸡蛋 zhǔ guò xīn de jī dàn, 尴尬 gān gà, 生产 shēng chǎn, 留窝蛋 liú wō dàn, 鲕粒,鲕粒岩, 淡蓝绿色, 淡蓝绿色的, 苏格兰煎蛋, 炒鸡蛋, 溏心蛋, 吐司煎蛋。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 egg 的含义

鸡蛋 jī dàn

noun (eaten as food)

She ate two boiled eggs for breakfast.

卵 luǎn

noun (bird, reptile: shell with embryo) (鸟类、鱼或昆虫等)

Most birds lay their eggs in the spring.

卵子,卵细胞 luǎn zǐ,luǎn xì bāo

noun (woman, female mammal: ovum) (雌性哺乳动物)

A woman has a set number of eggs that she is born with.


transitive verb (cookery: coat in egg) (烹饪)

First you egg the chicken pieces, then you roll them in flour.

人,家伙 rén,jiā huo

noun (US, dated, figurative (fellow)

That guy is a difficult egg to crack.


transitive verb (often passive (throw eggs at)

The crowd booed and egged the politician's car.

怂恿, 煽动, 鼓励

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (encourage, urge) (非正式用语)

The fans cheered for their favorite team, egging them on.

坏蛋,混蛋,坏人,坏家伙 huài dàn,hún dàn,huài rén,huài jiā huo

noun (figurative, pejorative, informal (mean or dishonest person) (指人)

It's no surprise that he ended up in prison; he has always been a bad egg.

坏蛋,臭鸡蛋 huài dàn,chòu jī dàn

noun (egg that is rotten)

That bad egg smells awful!

打匀的蛋 dǎ yún de dàn

noun (eggs: whisked)

Brushing beaten egg over the bread dough produces a lovely golden glaze.

煮鸡蛋 zhǔ jī dàn

noun (egg cooked in boiling water)

Boiled eggs are handy for taking on a picnic.


noun (usually plural (stuffed halves of boiled egg) (万圣节的一种食物)

To make deviled eggs I mash the egg yolks with other ingredients.

鸭蛋 yā dàn

noun (egg laid by duck)


noun (chocolate egg given at Easter)

These Easter eggs are made of milk chocolate.

复活节彩蛋 fù huó jié cǎi dàn

noun (bird's egg decorated for Easter)

People originally painted Easter eggs with bright colours to represent Spring.

复活节彩蛋 fù huó jié cǎi dàn

noun (figurative (computer program: hidden feature) (计算机程序的隐藏功能)

There is an Easter egg inside the program.


noun (search for chocolate or decorated eggs)

Naomi organized an Easter egg hunt for the children.

鸡蛋搅拌器,打蛋器 dǎ dàn qì

noun (handheld whisk)


noun (box in which eggs are sold)

I recyle my egg cartons by planting seeds in the compartments.

卵细胞 luǎn xì bāo


蛋花汤 dàn huā tāng

noun (Chinese soup)

A typical appetizer on a Chinese restaurant menu is egg drop soup.

蛋花汤 dàn huā tāng

noun (Chinese soup)

In San Francisco, it's almost obligatory to start lunch with egg flower soup.

蛋卷, 春卷

noun (US (Chinese food)

Egg rolls filled with vegetables and shredded pork are a common appetizer in Chinese-American restaurants.


noun (chopped egg in mayonnaise)

My boss used to have an egg salad sandwich for lunch every day.

煮蛋的定时器 zhǔ dàn de dìng shí qì

noun (device: measures cooking time)


noun (pastry coating) (涂刷糕点表面)

蛋白 dàn bái

noun (albumen: non-yolk part of an egg)

You can't make meringues without egg whites.

蛋黄 dàn huáng

noun (yellow part of an egg)

The recipe requires one egg yolk.


adjective (animal: lays eggs)


adjective (oval)

打蛋器 dǎ dàn qì

noun (kitchen tool: whisk)


noun (swimming: kick used to tread water) (游泳)

直升飞机 zhí shēng fēi jī

noun (US, slang (helicopter) (俚语)

蛋蜜乳,蛋奶酒 dàn mì rǔ,dàn nǎi jiǔ

noun (frothy drink) (一种蛋、糖、白兰地及香料混合制成的饮料)

Egg nog is a traditional drink during the winter holidays.


noun (from chickens not kept in cages)

煎荷包蛋 jiān hé bāo dàn

noun (egg cooked in pan of fat)

Eating fried eggs every morning is not good for your health.


plural noun (figurative, pejorative, slang (woman's flat chest) (女人)

His previous girlfriends all had big breasts, but this one has two fried eggs.

肿起 zhǒng qǐ

noun (figurative (lump on body) (身体上的)


noun (figurative (on scoreboard: zero)

煮过心的鸡蛋 zhǔ guò xīn de jī dàn

noun (egg boiled until yolk is firm)

Hard-boiled eggs are frequently required for slicing and adding to salad dishes.

尴尬 gān gà

verbal expression (figurative (be embarrassed)

生产 shēng chǎn

transitive verb (produce: egg)

A hen can lay a few eggs per week, I think.

留窝蛋 liú wō dàn

noun (figurative (savings) (以引诱母鸡继续在窝中生蛋)

Matthew blew their nest egg on a fast car, and his wife was not pleased. The recent recession almost totally wiped out my nest egg.


noun (type of limestone)


noun (turquoise colour)


adjective (turquoise in colour)

The mother of the bride usually wears a robin's-egg-blue dress.


noun (boiled egg in sausage meat) (表面包着香肠和面包屑)


noun (often plural (eggs stirred while cooking)

Scrambled eggs and bacon is a favorite breakfast of mine.


noun (boiled egg with runny yolk)


noun (US (egg cooked in bread)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。