英语 中的 shown 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 shown 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 shown 的说明。

英语 中的shown 表示使露出, 向…展示, 给...演示, 展示 zhǎn shì, 放映, 上演, 上映, 演出, 出现 chū xiàn, 显露出来,流露出来 xiǎn lù chū lái,liú lù chū lái, 电视节目 diàn shì jié mù, 戏剧 xì jù, 演出 yǎn chū, 展示 zhǎn shì, 假象 jiǎ xiàng, 展览 zhǎn lǎn, 电影 diàn yǐng, 印象,外表,外观 yìn xiàng,wài biǎo,wài guān, 滑稽的场面,洋相 huá jī de chǎng miàn,yáng xiàng, 见红, 展出商品,展出产品 zhǎn chū shāng pǐn,zhǎn chū chǎn pǐn, 出现, 露面, 得第三名 dé dì sān míng, 显怀, 上映 shàng yìng, 陈列 chén liè, 显示出, 读数为, 给…看, 展示, 向...出示, 表现 biǎo xiàn, 给予 jǐ yǔ, 放送,播出 fàng sòng, 领...到, 把…领进 bǎ lǐng jìn, 炫耀,显摆 xuàn yào,xiǎn bǎi, 展示 zhǎn shì, 展示 zhǎn shì, 送...出门, 隐约显现出来, 出现,露面 chū xiàn,lòu miàn, 显现出来 xiǎn xiàn chū lái, 使显现出来, 使难堪, 超越 chāo yuè, 赛舟会,赛艇会 sài zhōu huì,sài tǐng huì, 百老汇演出, 滑稽歌舞杂剧 huá jī gē wǔ zá jù, 举手表决地 jǔ shǒu biǎo jué de, 喜剧表演, 烹饪节目, 手工艺品展, 罪案剧, (为取得人们支持而进行的)表演,展示 wèi qǔ dé rén mén zhī chí ér jìn xíng de biǎo yǎn,zhǎn shì, 犬展 quǎn zhǎn, 时装表演, 系列表演, 为了炫耀 wèi le xuàn yào, 奇异的演出, 怪诞的表演, 畸形秀,畸形人展 jī xíng rén zhǎn, 游戏节目, 说明 shuō míng, 做得好!干得漂亮! zuò de hǎo gàn de piào liang, 大热的电视连续剧 dà rè de diàn shì lián xù jù, 大热的舞台剧 dà rè de wǔ tái jù, 马术表演 mǎ shù biǎo yǎn, 灯光秀, 现场直播, 现场表演 xiàn chǎng biǎo yǎn, 魔术表演 mó shù biǎo yǎn, 失约 shī yuē, 爽约的人, 在展出, 独角戏, 西洋景 xī yáng jǐng, 木偶剧, 表演 biǎo yǎn, 组织演出, 假装..., 智力竞赛节目 zhì lì jìng sài jié mù, 广播节目 guǎng bō jié mù, 真人秀,真人秀节目 zhēn rén xiù, 路演, 做…的路演, 展示讲述课 zhǎn shì jiǎng shù kè, 带...参观, 领…参观 lǐng cān guān, 娱乐业 yú lè yè, 舞动合唱团, 表现出对…的尊重 biǎo xiàn chū duì de zūn zhòng, 关心 guān xīn, 演示 yǎn shì, 举手表决 jǔ shǒu biǎo jué, 表现出敬意 biǎo xiàn chū jìng yì, 对…表现出敬意 duì biǎo xiàn chū jìng yì, 态度恭敬 tài dù gōng jìng, 对…态度恭敬 duì tài dù gōng jìng, 电视节目表, 表现出…的迹象 biǎo xiàn chū de jì xiàng, 显示…的症状 xiǎn shì de zhèng zhuàng, 令人印象深刻的表演, 项目障碍, 传授秘诀, 指路 zhǐ lù, 给…指路, 给…指前往…的路, 做样子的公审, 展露真我, 露面 lòu miàn, 展示自己的某一特征, 爱炫耀的人, 卖弄的人, 娱乐界,娱乐行业,演艺圈 yú lè jiè,yú lè háng yè,yǎn yì quān, 歌舞女郎 gē wǔ nǚ láng, 超越障碍马术比赛 chāo yuè zhàng ài mǎ shù bǐ sài, 女表演者, 图片展示,幻灯片展示 tú piàn zhǎn shì,huàn dēng piàn zhǎn shì, 幻灯片展示 huàn dēng piàn zhǎn shì, 幻灯片放映 huàn dēng piàn fàng yìng, 幻灯片放映 huàn dēng piàn fàng yìng, 抢风头 qiǎng fēng tou, 有兴趣, 对…感兴趣 duì gǎn xìng qù, 才艺展示 cái yì zhǎn shì, 谈话节目,脱口秀 tán huà jié mù, 现场访谈 xiàn chǎng fǎng tán, 电视节目 diàn shì jié mù, 商品交易会 shāng pǐn jiāo yì huì, 电视节目 diàn shì jié mù, 杂耍(表演) zá shuǎ biǎo yǎn, 杂耍(表演) zá shuǎ biǎo yǎn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 shown 的含义


transitive verb (make visible)

He always shows his teeth when he smiles.


transitive verb (display)

He showed his collection of postcards to his visitors.


transitive verb (demonstrate)

He showed his daughter how to tie her shoes.

展示 zhǎn shì

transitive verb (exhibit)

Can you show me the correct way to tie a reef knot?

放映, 上演, 上映, 演出

transitive verb (present, perform)

The local theatre is showing "Salome" at the moment.

出现 chū xiàn

intransitive verb (be visible)

The spot showed on her shirt.

显露出来,流露出来 xiǎn lù chū lái,liú lù chū lái

intransitive verb (emotion: be evident) (感情等)

He was upset and it showed.

电视节目 diàn shì jié mù

noun (mainly US (TV programme)

My favourite show on TV is on Wednesdays at eight o'clock.

戏剧 xì jù

noun (theatre: play, musical)

We are hoping to see a show when we are in New York.

演出 yǎn chū

noun (performance)

Everyone became quiet and sat down in their seats as the show started.

展示 zhǎn shì

noun (display)

Christopher's show of his prize potatoes and leeks was impressive.

假象 jiǎ xiàng

noun (pretence)

Oh, his smile was just for show. He is really quite sad.

展览 zhǎn lǎn

noun (exhibition)

There is a new show on Matisse at the museum.

电影 diàn yǐng

noun (feature film at cinema) (电影院上映的)

I'm going to see the show at three o'clock. It's the new Disney film.

印象,外表,外观 yìn xiàng,wài biǎo,wài guān

noun (informal (impression)

When he dresses formally, it's an impressive show.

滑稽的场面,洋相 huá jī de chǎng miàn,yáng xiàng

noun (informal, figurative (spectacle) (非正式用语,比喻)

Did you see the way she was behaving? What a show!


noun (informal (childbirth: loss of mucus plug) (分娩)

The show means that childbirth has begun.

展出商品,展出产品 zhǎn chū shāng pǐn,zhǎn chū chǎn pǐn

intransitive verb (colloquial (display goods) (口语)

We usually show at the town garden festival.

出现, 露面

intransitive verb (informal (appear, turn up) (非正式用语)

Did Joe show at the party last night?

得第三名 dé dì sān míng

intransitive verb (horse racing: finish third) (赛马等)

The horse was expected to show in the race.


intransitive verb (informal (woman: be visibly pregnant) (孕妇)

Sally is fifteen weeks pregnant now and she's starting to show.

上映 shàng yìng

intransitive verb (film: be on at cinema) (电影)

What movies are showing at the cinema this week?

陈列 chén liè

transitive verb (put on display)

She likes to show all her china in her drawing room.

显示出, 读数为

transitive verb (measure, indicate) (仪表仪器等)

The thermometer showed twelve degrees.

给…看, 展示

transitive verb (offer for sale) (以出售为目的)

The agent will show the house to interested buyers.


transitive verb (produce facts, evidence)

She showed them the statistics to help prove her point.

表现 biǎo xiàn

transitive verb (express)

He showed his love for her by giving her flowers.

给予 jǐ yǔ

transitive verb (grant: favour, mercy)

He showed him great mercy by not executing him.

放送,播出 fàng sòng

transitive verb (broadcast: film, TV show) (广播、电视等)

They're showing a repeat of that comedy you used to like.



The waiter will show you to your table. The hostess showed her guests into the sitting room.

把…领进 bǎ lǐng jìn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (guide into a place)

炫耀,显摆 xuàn yào,xiǎn bǎi

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (behave boastfully) (非正式用语)

He's showing off to impress her.

展示 zhǎn shì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (display proudly)

When his famous mother came to school, he showed her off to all his friends.

展示 zhǎn shì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (draw attention to)

He bought a close-fitting shirt that showed off his newly developed muscles.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (escort to exit)

After the dinner party, Claire showed the guests out and said goodbye to them.


phrasal verb, intransitive (be visible through [sth])

The fabric of Heather's white pants was thin, and her black underwear showed through.

出现,露面 chū xiàn,lòu miàn

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (arrive, be present)

We were supposed to meet for tea at 5 o'clock, but she didn't show up.

显现出来 xiǎn xiàn chū lái

phrasal verb, intransitive (be visible)

Sometimes a tumor does not show up on an x-ray.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (make visible, obvious)

This picture really shows up Caroline's beautiful features.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (embarrass, expose)

Joan's husband got drunk and showed her up in front of the other guests.

超越 chāo yuè

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (surpass [sb])

This is my sister's first time playing tennis and she's beating me; she is really showing me up.

赛舟会,赛艇会 sài zhōu huì,sài tǐng huì

noun (exhibition of boats)

This year, the boat show will feature antique wooden vessels.


noun (performance in New York City)

滑稽歌舞杂剧 huá jī gē wǔ zá jù

noun (erotic comedy cabaret)

举手表决地 jǔ shǒu biǎo jué de

adverb (with an impromptu vote)

Our class decided to continue reading the novel by a show of hands.


noun (humorous tv or radio programme)


noun (TV programme involving cookery)


noun (handicrafts exhibition)


noun (TV drama about detective, police)

(为取得人们支持而进行的)表演,展示 wèi qǔ dé rén mén zhī chí ér jìn xíng de biǎo yǎn,zhǎn shì

noun (informal, figurative, pejorative (event: to gain support) (习语)

犬展 quǎn zhǎn

noun (competition involving dogs)


noun (event where models display clothes)


noun (nightclub entertainment) (夜总会)

为了炫耀 wèi le xuàn yào

adverb (in order to impress)

The recent series of police raids were only really for show.

奇异的演出, 怪诞的表演

noun (figurative (bizarre or exhibitionist display)

Did you see that talent show on the TV last night? What a freak show!

畸形秀,畸形人展 jī xíng rén zhǎn

noun (dated (circus act featuring deformities) (马戏团的)

Bearded women were a staple of the traditional freak show.


noun (tv or radio quiz) (电视或广播中)

It's one of television's most popular game shows. You don't have to be brilliant to win a game show.

说明 shuō míng

verbal expression (serve to illustrate)

That just goes to show that you can't trust anyone.

做得好!干得漂亮! zuò de hǎo gàn de piào liang

interjection (dated (excellent, that's good) (旧时用语,感叹语)

大热的电视连续剧 dà rè de diàn shì lián xù jù

noun (successful tv series)

Friends was a hit show on both sides of the Atlantic.

大热的舞台剧 dà rè de wǔ tái jù

noun (successful stage production)

马术表演 mǎ shù biǎo yǎn

noun (judged competition of horses)


noun (colorful display of lights)


noun (tv, radio: live broadcast) (广播、电视)

I prefer edited programs rather than live shows.

现场表演 xiàn chǎng biǎo yǎn

noun (stage: live performance)

This tape was recorded at his live show in New York.

魔术表演 mó shù biǎo yǎn

noun (performance by an illusionist)

The children at the birthday party loved the magic show.

失约 shī yuē

noun (informal (failure to be present)


noun ([sb] invited who isn't present)

Our surprise birthday party was a flop--the guest of honor was a no-show.


adverb (displayed for [sb] to see)


noun (entertainment)

西洋景 xī yáng jǐng

noun (erotic film viewed through peephole) (通过小孔看的画片)

It was hard to see the peep show: the glass peephole was totally misted up. Since it's so easy to watch pornographic DVDs at home, hardly anybody goes to peep shows these days.



表演 biǎo yǎn

verbal expression (perform)

Young children often like to put on a show for their friends.


verbal expression (organize a performance)


verbal expression (feign, give impression of)

The parents put on a show of unity so as not to worry their children.

智力竞赛节目 zhì lì jìng sài jié mù

noun (TV or radio programme testing knowledge)

This quiz show tests contestants' general knowledge.

广播节目 guǎng bō jié mù

noun (programme broadcast on radio)

真人秀,真人秀节目 zhēn rén xiù

noun (TV show featuring ordinary people) (指电视节目)

Contestants on this reality show are followed by cameras day and night.


noun (touring performance or display)

The road show will be touring the entire country at 15 venues.


transitive verb (US (put on as touring performance)

The producer decided to road-show the play.

展示讲述课 zhǎn shì jiǎng shù kè

noun (school: class speaking exercise)

Johnny, what did you bring for show-and-tell?


(guide round a new place)

Sally was asked to show her new classmate around.

领…参观 lǐng cān guān

(guide round a new place)

The real estate broker showed the couple around the apartment.

娱乐业 yú lè yè

noun (entertainment industry)

She's been in show business since before we were born.


noun (US (dancing choral group)

表现出对…的尊重 biǎo xiàn chū duì de zūn zhòng

verbal expression (exhibit respect for)

I try always to show consideration for old people.

关心 guān xīn

transitive verb (be kind towards)

Were you not taught to show consideration to your elders?

演示 yǎn shì

transitive verb (demonstrate the way that)

Can you show me how this machine works?

举手表决 jǔ shǒu biǎo jué

noun (vote)

The delegates elected a new chairman with a show of hands. By show of hands, how many of you want economic change?

表现出敬意 biǎo xiàn chū jìng yì

(show high regard)

It is important that hotel staff show respect when dealing with guests.

对…表现出敬意 duì biǎo xiàn chū jìng yì

verbal expression (show high regard)

We train all our employees to show respect for the customers.

态度恭敬 tài dù gōng jìng

(be deferential)

You have to show respect when you meet members of the royal family.

对…态度恭敬 duì tài dù gōng jìng

verbal expression (be deferential)

You need to show more respect to your father.


noun (timetable of TV shows)

表现出…的迹象 biǎo xiàn chū de jì xiàng

transitive verb (indicate possibility of)

The latest economic indicators show signs of an economic recovery.

显示…的症状 xiǎn shì de zhèng zhuàng

transitive verb (display symptoms of)

The car is starting to show signs of wear.


noun (outstanding stage performance)


noun (figurative (business: [sth] that halts a project) (商业)


verbal expression (teach a newcomer how to do things)

指路 zhǐ lù

verbal expression (guide)

I'd never been there before so Anthony showed the way.


verbal expression (guide)

The bell boy showed Lucy the way to her room.


verbal expression (guide)

Could you show me the way to the post office?


noun (trial with predetermined outcome)

Many show trials were conducted during Stalin's reign of terror. Show trials are meant to set an example.


verbal expression (figurative (reveal real nature)

露面 lòu miàn

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (not hide)

Come out of there and show yourself!


verbal expression (demonstrate that you are)

He showed himself to be an astute politician.

爱炫耀的人, 卖弄的人

noun (informal ([sb] who is boastful)

I don't like her – she's such a show-off.

娱乐界,娱乐行业,演艺圈 yú lè jiè,yú lè háng yè,yǎn yì quān

noun (informal (show business: entertainment) (非正式用语)

歌舞女郎 gē wǔ nǚ láng

noun (female cabaret dancer)

超越障碍马术比赛 chāo yuè zhàng ài mǎ shù bǐ sài

noun (horseriding event)

Joseph is good at riding horses and competes in showjumping.


noun (female performer)

图片展示,幻灯片展示 tú piàn zhǎn shì,huàn dēng piàn zhǎn shì

noun (figurative (computing: image display) (比喻,计算机)

Click here for a slide show of this property.

幻灯片展示 huàn dēng piàn zhǎn shì

noun (display: transparencies) (本义)

幻灯片放映 huàn dēng piàn fàng yìng

noun (sequence of projected images)

The professor showed the students a slideshow.

幻灯片放映 huàn dēng piàn fàng yìng

noun (figurative (sequence of images on a computer) (计算机)

The editor used his own program to look at the images in a slideshow on the computer.

抢风头 qiǎng fēng tou

verbal expression (figurative (be the most impressive)

At the 2010 Oscars, "The Hurt Locker" stole the show.


verbal expression (show curiosity or concern)

When it comes to football I find it really hard to take an interest.

对…感兴趣 duì gǎn xìng qù

verbal expression (show curiosity or concern)

My mother never took any interest in my hobbies.

才艺展示 cái yì zhǎn shì

noun (contest between amateur performers)

Talent shows are very popular on TV at the moment. I placed third in the talent show.

谈话节目,脱口秀 tán huà jié mù

noun (TV or radio discussion program)

The talk show host invited viewers to phone in with their opinions on the topic being discussed.

现场访谈 xiàn chǎng fǎng tán

noun (TV interview program)

I don't recognise any of the celebrities on this talk show.

电视节目 diàn shì jié mù

noun (programme broadcast on TV)

Television shows from the 70s seem pretty stupid to me now.

商品交易会 shāng pǐn jiāo yì huì

noun (exhibition by a particular industry)

Company reps demonstrated the new software at the trade fair.

电视节目 diàn shì jié mù

noun (informal, abbreviation (television programme)

I enjoy watching TV shows about nature. My favorite TV show of all time is "Scrubs".

杂耍(表演) zá shuǎ biǎo yǎn

noun (vaudeville performance)

The variety show featured comedians, magicians, and singers.

杂耍(表演) zá shuǎ biǎo yǎn

noun (variety performance)

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