英语 中的 short 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 short 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 short 的说明。

英语 中的short 表示短的 duǎn de, 矮的,矮小的 ǎi de ,ǎi xiǎo de, 短小的 duǎn xiǎo de, 短的 duǎn de, 短的,近的,里程少的 duǎn de ,jìn de ,lǐ chéng shǎo de, 短的,短暂的,时间少的 duǎn de ,duǎn zàn de ,shí jiān shǎo de, 简短的 jiǎn duǎn de, 是…的缩写, 简短的,短促的 jiǎn duǎn de ,duǎn cù de, 不足的 bù zú de, 卖空的,空头交易的 mài kōng de,kōng tóu jiāo yì de, 短音的 duǎn yīn de, 一小杯的 yì xiǎo bēi de, 简短的,简略的,缩写的 jiǎn duǎn de ,jiǎn lüè de, 缺少…,缺乏…,欠缺…, 唐突地 táng tū de, 未达到目标 wèi dá dào mù biāo, 处于游击手位置地 chǔ yú yóu jī shǒu wèi zhì de, 缺少地 quē shǎo de, 短的影片 duǎn de yǐng piàn, 短路,短路故障 duǎn lù,duǎn lù gù zhàng, 短尺寸,个子矮的尺寸 duǎn chǐ cùn,gè zi ǎi de chǐ cùn, 游击手 yóu jī shǒu, 短裤 duǎn kù, 内裤 nèi kù, 除了 chú le, 短路 duǎn lù, 使短路 shǐ duǎn lù, 卖空 mài kōng, 少付, 无计可施的, 中断 zhōng duàn, 达不到(要求、目标等) dá bú dào yāo qiú mù biāo děng, 缺乏 quē fá, 不久 bù jiǔ, 缩写 suō xiě, 容易发脾气,易怒, 很快 hěn kuài, 短期内 duǎn qī nèi, 不一会 bù yī huì, 短时间内 duǎn shí jiān nèi, 总之 zǒng zhī, 供应不足 gōng yìng bù zú, 在短期内,短期内 duǎn qī nèi, 短期内 duǎn qī nèi, 迅速完成,迅速做, 立即处理,立刻处理, 只有 zhǐ yǒu, 十足,简直 shí zú, 短期通知 duǎn qī tōng zhī, …短缺,…快用完了, 快用完,短缺 duǎn quē, 低估自己, 短暂而甜蜜 duǎn zàn ér tián mì, 简答 jiǎn dá, 短路 duǎn lù, 简短描述 jiǎn duǎn miáo shù, 短距离 duǎn jù lí, 短片 duǎn piàn, 坏脾气 huài pí qì, 短发 duǎn fà, 短途旅行 duǎn tú lǚ xíng, 短途的, 健忘 jiàn wàng, 短时记忆 duǎn shí jì yì, 临时通知 lín shí tōng zhī, 除…外 chú wài, 除做…外, 不足,短缺 bù zú,duǎn quē, 呼吸短促 hū xī duǎn cù, 快餐 kuài cān, 短裤 duǎn kù, 短时间 duǎn shí jiān, 亏本出售, 热裤 rè kù, 短裙 duǎn qún, 人手不足的 rén shǒu bù zú de, 短篇小说 duǎn piān xiǎo shuō, 短篇小说作家 duǎn piān xiǎo shuō zuò jiā, 急性子 jí xìng zi, 短期的 duǎn qī de, 短时间 duǎn shí jiān, 减工,缩减工时, 缩写版 suō xiě bǎn, 缩略概括 suō lüè gài kuò, 捷径 jié jìng, 短路 duǎn lù, 导致…短路, 使…绕过, 阻碍 zǔ ài, 短期的 duǎn qī de, 短毛的, 短暂的,短期的 duǎn zàn de ,duǎn qī de, 短程的,近程的,近距离的 jìn jù lí de, 短期的 duǎn qī de, 短袖的 duǎn xiù de, 暂住的,短期停留的, 易怒的 yì nù de, 短时记忆 duǎn shí jì yì, 气喘吁吁的, 上气不接下气的, 少找零钱, 欺骗, 骗取, 小脆皮糕点 xiǎo cuì pí gāo diǎn, 在…上走捷径, 走捷径 zǒu jié jìng, 人手不足的 rén shǒu bù zú de, 缺乏球员的, 决选名单 jué xuǎn míng dān, 将…列入决选名单 jiāng liè rù jué xuǎn míng dān, 近视的,近视眼的 jìn shì de,jìn shì yǎn de, 目光短浅的,没远见的,鼠目寸光的 mù guāng duǎn qiǎn de,méi yuǎn jiàn de,shǔ mù cùn guāng de, 近视 jìn shì, 鼠目寸光,目光短浅 mù guāng duǎn qiǎn, 没有成为, 不做某事, 笨得像木头, 短吨 duǎn dūn, 太短的 tài duǎn de, 太矮的 tài ǎi de, 非常简短的 fēi cháng jiǎn duǎn de, 非常短的 fēi cháng duǎn de, 非常简慢地 fēi cháng jiǎn màn de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 short 的含义

短的 duǎn de

adjective (length) (长度)

Please hand me the short rope.

矮的,矮小的 ǎi de ,ǎi xiǎo de

adjective (height: not tall) (高度)

The boy is too short to reach.

短小的 duǎn xiǎo de

adjective (clothing: not long) (衣物)

His trousers were short, so you could see quite a bit of hairy leg above his socks when he sat down. Is this skirt too short to wear to a wedding?

短的 duǎn de

adjective (hair: not long) (头发)

Short hair is easier to take care of.

短的,近的,里程少的 duǎn de ,jìn de ,lǐ chéng shǎo de

adjective (distance: not far) (距离)

It's only a short walk from here.

短的,短暂的,时间少的 duǎn de ,duǎn zàn de ,shí jiān shǎo de

adjective (of brief duration) (时间)

That movie was very short.

简短的 jiǎn duǎn de

adjective (concise)

Her speech was short and to the point.


(abbreviation of)

The name "Betty" is sometimes short for "Elizabeth".

简短的,短促的 jiǎn duǎn de ,duǎn cù de

(informal (abrupt, curt)

When I asked him if he could help, he was rather short with me.

不足的 bù zú de

verbal expression (informal (short of: not enough)

We're short on printer ink.

卖空的,空头交易的 mài kōng de,kōng tóu jiāo yì de

adjective (figurative (finance: of a short sale) (证券、股票等)

He held a short position on the stock.

短音的 duǎn yīn de

adjective (phonetics) (语音学)

The short vowels are common in English.

一小杯的 yì xiǎo bēi de

adjective (of a small drink) (酒、饮料等)

I'd like a short cocktail, please.

简短的,简略的,缩写的 jiǎn duǎn de ,jiǎn lüè de

adjective (abbreviated)

I'm is the short form of I am.
“I'm”是“I am”的缩写形式。


(pejorative, informal (lacking)

The new leader of the party is short on charm; he'll never win over the voters.

唐突地 táng tū de

adverb (suddenly)

The sight of the accident made us stop short.

未达到目标 wèi dá dào mù biāo

adverb (on near side of a target)

The arrow fell short.

处于游击手位置地 chǔ yú yóu jī shǒu wèi zhì de

adverb (baseball: position) (棒球)

The outfielders were playing short.

缺少地 quē shǎo de

adverb (insufficient)

The cashier came up short.

短的影片 duǎn de yǐng piàn

noun (cinema: brief film)

Bill produced a short that won a prize.

短路,短路故障 duǎn lù,duǎn lù gù zhàng

noun (electricity: short circuit) (电路)

Crossed wires produced a short in the system.

短尺寸,个子矮的尺寸 duǎn chǐ cùn,gè zi ǎi de chǐ cùn

noun (garment size) (衣服尺寸)

My coat is a forty-two short.

游击手 yóu jī shǒu

noun (baseball: position) (棒球)

Daniels is playing third, while James is at short.

短裤 duǎn kù

plural noun (short pants)

I'll wear shorts and sandals, since it's hot today.

内裤 nèi kù

plural noun (mainly US (men's underpants) (男士)

除了 chú le

preposition (except)

I don't know what to do, short of leaving.

短路 duǎn lù

intransitive verb (short circuit) (电)

The entire circuit shorted out.

使短路 shǐ duǎn lù

transitive verb (short circuit)

Dripping water shorted the fuse box.

卖空 mài kōng

transitive verb (to sell shares short)

He shorted the stock because he thought the value was going to fall.


transitive verb (US, informal (cheat, shortchange)

My company shorted me two days' pay this month.


(informal (disappoint)

中断 zhōng duàn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (interrupt, finish prematurely)

We had to cut the vacation short when Jim broke his ankle.

达不到(要求、目标等) dá bú dào yāo qiú mù biāo děng

verbal expression (not be satisfactory)

The boy's grades fell short of his father's expectations.

缺乏 quē fá

verbal expression (not be sufficient)

The amount of water in the reservoir falls short of our targets this year.

不久 bù jiǔ

adverb (briefly)

He'd only lived in the apartment for a short time - about two weeks.

缩写 suō xiě

adverb (as an abbreviation)


verbal expression (figurative (lose your temper easily)

很快 hěn kuài

adverb (soon)

I'll have it finished in a short time – please be patient.

短期内 duǎn qī nèi

adverb (within a brief span of time)

In a short time, the fire spread to the other buildings.

不一会 bù yī huì

adverb (soon)

短时间内 duǎn shí jiān nèi

adverb (within a brief span of time)

总之 zǒng zhī

adverb (in summary, in brief)

In short, the film is well worth seeing.

供应不足 gōng yìng bù zú

expression (few available)

在短期内,短期内 duǎn qī nèi

expression (short term)

The strategy is likely to be successful only in the short run.

短期内 duǎn qī nèi

adverb (temporarily, for a brief time in the future)


expression (do [sth] quickly)

The project entailed a huge amount of translation, but Audrey made short work of it.


expression (deal with summarily)

The professor made short work of her student's rather poor arguments.

只有 zhǐ yǒu

expression (with noun: only)

Nothing short of a full apology will mollify him.

十足,简直 shí zú

expression (with adjective: utterly)

His behaviour was nothing short of rude.

短期通知 duǎn qī tōng zhī

adverb (with little warning)

Her appointment was cancelled on short notice. I'm sorry to ask you on such short notice, but I only found out about this yesterday.


verbal expression (have few left)

快用完,短缺 duǎn quē

verbal expression (stocks: get low)

I see the sugar is running short; we'd better buy some next time we go shopping.


verbal expression (informal (underestimate your abilities) (非正式用语)

短暂而甜蜜 duǎn zàn ér tián mì

adjective (brief, concise)

He kept his answers to the police short and sweet.

简答 jiǎn dá

noun (concise reply)

Does he get along with his family? The short answer is no.

短路 duǎn lù

noun (electrical malfunction)

简短描述 jiǎn duǎn miáo shù

noun (brief account)

Please give us a short description of your new proposal.

短距离 duǎn jù lí

noun (brief interval in space)

The taxis are only a short distance from the train station.

短片 duǎn piàn

noun (movie less than feature length)

坏脾气 huài pí qì

(quick temper)

短发 duǎn fà

noun (hair: close-cropped)

短途旅行 duǎn tú lǚ xíng

noun (journey: short distance)


noun as adjective (over short distance)

健忘 jiàn wàng

noun (tendency to forget quickly)

I have a very short memory for people's names.

短时记忆 duǎn shí jì yì

noun (short-term recall)

临时通知 lín shí tōng zhī

noun (little warning)

Supply teachers often have only short notice to prepare their lessons.

除…外 chú wài

expression (other than)

Short of a raid on the cookie jar, we won't have a snack.


expression (other than do [sth])

Short of replacing the whole engine, there is nothing you can do to solve the problem.

不足,短缺 bù zú,duǎn quē

verbal expression (lacking)

I need to go shopping: we're short of bread and milk.

呼吸短促 hū xī duǎn cù

adjective (having difficulty breathing)

快餐 kuài cān

noun (US (food at diner, etc.)

短裤 duǎn kù

plural noun (US (shorts, thigh-length trousers)

The weather's much too cold for you to wear short pants.

短时间 duǎn shí jiān

noun (brief or limited time)

The sale will only last a short period, so we should purchase it now.



热裤 rè kù

plural noun (hot pants)

I like to show off my legs in the summertime wearing short shorts.

短裙 duǎn qún

noun (above-the-knee or mini skirt)

Her short skirt violated the school dress code.

人手不足的 rén shǒu bù zú de

adjective (not enough employees)

短篇小说 duǎn piān xiǎo shuō

noun (written fiction shorter than a novella)

He wrote short stories about people living in rural areas.

短篇小说作家 duǎn piān xiǎo shuō zuò jiā

noun (author of short fiction)

Edgar Allan Poe was a famous 19th-century American short story writer.

急性子 jí xìng zi

noun (tendency to be quick to anger)

短期的 duǎn qī de

adjective (temporary, not long-lasting)

My short-term educational goal is to graduate college.

短时间 duǎn shí jiān

noun (brief period)

During the short time that I knew Anne, she never failed to impress me.


noun (temporarily working for less pay) (多指因工作不多)

缩写版 suō xiě bǎn

noun (abridged or condensed form)

This is just a short version of the full-length movie production.

缩略概括 suō lüè gài kuò

noun (informal (concise account) (非正式用语)

I'll give you the short version now and tell you the full story later.

捷径 jié jìng

noun (little distance)

It's only a short way to the grocery store.

短路 duǎn lù

intransitive verb (malfunction electrically)


transitive verb (cause to malfunction electrically)

The flooding in the basement short-circuited the freezer.


transitive verb (figurative (procedure: not follow)

The construction company put pressure on the council to short-circuit the planning permission process.

阻碍 zǔ ài

transitive verb (US, figurative (impede, thwart)

Bad weather short-circuited our plans for a picnic.

短期的 duǎn qī de

adjective (financial security: under 5 years to run) (金融)


adjective (having short hair)

短暂的,短期的 duǎn zàn de ,duǎn qī de

adjective (brief)

The revolt was short-lived: it was all over within a week.

短程的,近程的,近距离的 jìn jù lí de

noun as adjective (covering a limited distance)

短期的 duǎn qī de

adjective (short period of time)

短袖的 duǎn xiù de

adjective (shirt: sleeves above elbow)

Theodore wore a short-sleeved shirt to the summer wedding.


adjective (accommodation: for short period) (住处)

易怒的 yì nù de

adjective (easily angered)

I can get very short-tempered when things don't go my way.

短时记忆 duǎn shí jì yì

noun (capacity for recall over a brief period)

His short-term memory began to fail when he reached 80 years of age.

气喘吁吁的, 上气不接下气的

adjective (short of breath)


transitive verb (return insufficient money to) (找钱时)

欺骗, 骗取

transitive verb (informal, figurative (cheat out of [sth], deprive of [sth])

小脆皮糕点 xiǎo cuì pí gāo diǎn

noun (UK (light crumbly pastry)


transitive verb (use a shortcut on [sth])

Don't try to short-cut this process; it won't work if you do.

走捷径 zǒu jié jìng

intransitive verb (use a shortcut)

This is such a time-consuming process; is there a way to short-cut it?

人手不足的 rén shǒu bù zú de

adjective (lacking staff)


adjective (US, Can (sports team: lacking players) (体育运动队伍)

决选名单 jué xuǎn míng dān

noun (list: chosen finalists)

The book was on the shortlist for the Booker Prize last year.

将…列入决选名单 jiāng liè rù jué xuǎn míng dān

transitive verb (often passive (choose as finalist)

The author was surprised when her debut novel was shortlisted for a literature award.

近视的,近视眼的 jìn shì de,jìn shì yǎn de

adjective (myopic) (本义)

The test showed that Toby was shortsighted and needed glasses.

目光短浅的,没远见的,鼠目寸光的 mù guāng duǎn qiǎn de,méi yuǎn jiàn de,shǔ mù cùn guāng de

adjective (figurative (failing to plan ahead) (比喻)

Congress' bill to reduce taxes on greenhouse gas companies was shortsighted.

近视 jìn shì

noun (vision clear at short distance only)

鼠目寸光,目光短浅 mù guāng duǎn qiǎn

noun (figurative (inability to plan long-term)


verbal expression (informal (not become)

The SARS epidemic stopped short of a global pandemic.


verbal expression (informal (not do)

I was furious with her, but I stopped short of saying something I'd regret.


expression (UK, informal, pejorative (very stupid)

短吨 duǎn dūn

noun (US (907 kg) (907公斤)

The builder ordered a ton of gravel.

太短的 tài duǎn de

adjective (not long enough)

Your essay was too short for the exam standards.

太矮的 tài ǎi de

adjective (not tall enough)

He was too short to join the basketball team.

非常简短的 fēi cháng jiǎn duǎn de

adjective (extremely brief)

Some of Ernest Hemingway's stories are very short.

非常短的 fēi cháng duǎn de

adjective (not tall)

He's only 5 feet tall. He's very short.

非常简慢地 fēi cháng jiǎn màn de

adverb (abrupt, rude)

She must be mad at me since she was very short with me when I asked her how she was.

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