英语 中的 silver 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 silver 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 silver 的说明。

英语 中的silver 表示银, 银子 yín, 银色 yín sè, 银器 yín qì, 银子的 yín zi de, 银色的 yín sè de, 银币 yín bì, 生在富贵之家, 银大马哈鱼 yín dà mǎ hā yú, 胶体银,胶银, 白桦树 bái huà shù, 高招 gāo zhāo, 白枞树, 银狐, 银狐, 银灰色 yín huī sè, 银灰色 yín huī sè, 一线希望 yí xiàn xī wàng, 银牌, 银矿 yín kuàng, 镀银外层 dù yín wài céng, 镀银 dù yín, 轻而易举,不费吹灰之力 bú fèi chuī huī zhī lì, 电影 diàn yǐng, 银幕 yín mù, 银级服务,银质服务, 银勺 yín sháo, 银发网民, 银婚纪念日 yín hūn jì niàn rì, 白发苍苍的,满头银发的, 镀银的, 雄辩的,有说服力的 yǒu shuō fú lì de, 银制品 yín zhì pǐn, 标准纯银,标准银,纯银 biāo zhǔn chún yín,biāo zhǔn yín,chún yín, 银质餐具 yín zhì cān jù。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 silver 的含义

银, 银子 yín

noun (element, metal) (金属)

The earring was made of silver.

银色 yín sè

noun (colour)

I prefer silver over blue for my new car.

银器 yín qì

noun (silverware)

Lay out the silver with the plates for the dinner guests.

银子的 yín zi de

noun as adjective (made of silver)

She loved the expensive silver necklace.

银色的 yín sè de

adjective (silver coloured)

The silver car near the tree is mine.

银币 yín bì

noun (dated (coins) (过时用法)

The merchant went to the pub with plenty of silver in his pocket.


adjective (figurative (have a wealthy upbringing)

She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

银大马哈鱼 yín dà mǎ hā yú

noun (fish: variety of salmon)


noun (liquid metal)

白桦树 bái huà shù

noun (tree with silvery-white bark)

They planted silver birch all around the pond.

高招 gāo zhāo

noun (direct or immediate solution)




noun (tame fox breed)


noun (informal, figurative (attractive man with grey hair) (比喻有魅力的灰发男性)

银灰色 yín huī sè

noun (color: light gray)

银灰色 yín huī sè

adjective (light grey in color)

一线希望 yí xiàn xī wàng

noun (figurative (positive aspect of [sth] bad) (比喻)

Not many people came to the charity auction, but the silver lining was that we raised £11,000.


(second place medal)

银矿 yín kuàng

noun (where silver is extracted)

The silver mine is situated in the south-west of Honshu Island.

镀银外层 dù yín wài céng

noun (thin coat of silver)

Obviously the solid silver cutlery was more expensive than the silver plate.

镀银 dù yín

noun (thin coating of silver)

轻而易举,不费吹灰之力 bú fèi chuī huī zhī lì

expression (figurative (without any effort)

Success doesn't come on a silver platter.

电影 diàn yǐng

noun (figurative (motion pictures, film industry)

银幕 yín mù

noun (screen movie is projected on)


noun (UK (formal method of serving dinner) (正式用餐)

银勺 yín sháo

noun (utensil) (本义)

We gave our parents a set of silver spoons for their anniversary.


noun (slang (elderly internet user)

银婚纪念日 yín hūn jì niàn rì

noun (marriage: 25 years)

They had a party to celebrate their silver wedding anniversary.


adjective (having gray hair)


adjective (coated in silver)

雄辩的,有说服力的 yǒu shuō fú lì de

adjective (figurative (who speaks well, persuasively)

银制品 yín zhì pǐn

noun (silver objects)

The pawn shop sells precious gems and silverware.

标准纯银,标准银,纯银 biāo zhǔn chún yín,biāo zhǔn yín,chún yín

noun (silver strengthened by alloy)

I like these earrings, but do you have them in sterling silver?

银质餐具 yín zhì cān jù

noun (cutlery made of silver alloy)

We were given some sterling silver flatware as a wedding present.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。