英语 中的 coat 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 coat 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 coat 的说明。

英语 中的coat 表示上衣 shàng yī, 涂上 tú shàng, 用…覆盖 yòng … fù gài, (动物的)皮毛 dòng wù de pí máo, 涂料层 tú liào céng, 外套 wài tào, 层 céng, 石鳖, 外套衣橱, 衣架 yī jià, 盾徽, 锁子甲 suǒ zi jiǎ, 涂漆层 tú qī céng, 外套挂钩, 衣帽架 yī mào jià, 挂衣钩, 燕尾服的燕尾 yàn wěi fú de yàn wěi, 燕尾服 yàn wěi fú, 粗呢外套, 双排扣长礼服 shuāng pái kòu cháng lǐ fú, 皮大衣 pí dà yī, 皮毛衬里的大衣 pí máo chèn lǐ de dà yī, 实验室工作服, 貂皮大衣 diāo pí dà yī, 在…提携之下, 厚呢短大衣, 粗花呢夹克 cū huā ní jiá kè, 白天男士半正式着装, 美化,粉饰,使...变得容易接受 měi huà,fěn shì, 给…裹上糖衣 gěi guǒ shàng táng yī, 燕尾服 yàn wěi fú, 军用雨衣 jūn yòng yǔ yī, 冬衣。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 coat 的含义

上衣 shàng yī

noun (for cold weather)

It is cold out. You'd better put on your coat.

涂上 tú shàng

transitive verb (cover with layer)

You could try using honey to coat the top of the cake.

用…覆盖 yòng … fù gài

transitive verb (cover with layer of [sth])

Coat the top of the pie with beaten egg before baking.

(动物的)皮毛 dòng wù de pí máo

noun (animal hair)

The animal sheds its coat in the spring.

涂料层 tú liào céng

noun (paint layer)

This room needs three coats of paint.

外套 wài tào

noun (US (suit: jacket)

The dress code requires that men wear a coat and tie.

层 céng

noun (layer)

There was a coat of chocolate on the strawberries.


noun (sea mollusk)


noun (cupboard for overcoats)

衣架 yī jià

noun (item for hanging a coat)

If you bothered to put your jacket away properly, on a coat hanger, the creases would drop out and it would keep its shape much better.


noun (heraldic shield) (纹章)

On his 18th birthday, his grandmother, Elizabeth II, granted Henry Prince of Wales his own personalised coat of arms.

锁子甲 suǒ zi jiǎ

noun (historical (chain mail garment)

涂漆层 tú qī céng

noun (layer of paint)

That door needs another coat of paint.


noun (mounted hook for a coat)

At nursery school, each child had his or her own coat peg.

衣帽架 yī mào jià

noun (stand for overcoats)


noun (pegs for overcoats)

On the back of the door, there is a coat rack where you can hang your hat or coat.

燕尾服的燕尾 yàn wěi fú de yàn wěi

noun (usually plural (man's formal jacket: back flap) (常作_s)

燕尾服 yàn wěi fú

noun (men's formal evening coat) (男士)


noun (heavy overcoat) (连帽式)

双排扣长礼服 shuāng pái kòu cháng lǐ fú

noun (19th-century man's coat) (十九世纪男士的一种服装)

His frock coat was worn out and would not do for a night at the opera.

皮大衣 pí dà yī

noun (overcoat covered with animal fur)

Many consider fur coats to be archaic, cruel and anything but glamorous.

皮毛衬里的大衣 pí máo chèn lǐ de dà yī

noun (overcoat lined with animal fur)

Supporters of PETA are against the production of fur-lined coats.


noun (abbr (long white garment worn in laboratory)

I wanted to look like a scientist so I wore a white lab coat.

貂皮大衣 diāo pí dà yī

noun (overcoat made of mink fur)


expression (succeed: thanks to [sb] else)


noun (seaman's navy-blue wool coat)

粗花呢夹克 cū huā ní jiá kè

noun (US (blazer)

Sports jackets are usually made of a different fabric than the pants they're worn with. He wore his sport jacket to school today.


noun (US (man's suit jacket)

Jack took off his stroller as he came inside.

美化,粉饰,使...变得容易接受 měi huà,fěn shì

transitive verb (figurative (disguise [sth]'s unpleasantness)

Although the teacher tried to sugarcoat it, the students understood the seriousness of the news.

给…裹上糖衣 gěi guǒ shàng táng yī

transitive verb (cover with sugar)

The chef sugarcoated some grapes to decorate the top of the cake.

燕尾服 yàn wěi fú

noun (men's dress coat)

军用雨衣 jūn yòng yǔ yī

noun (long raincoat)

There was a lot of rain so he wore his trench coat. That trench coat makes you look like a spy in an old black and white movie.


noun (long thick overcoat for cold weather)

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coat 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。