英语 中的 singles 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 singles 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 singles 的说明。

英语 中的singles 表示仅有的 jǐn yǒu de, 联合成一个的 lián hé chéng yí gè de, 单身的 dān shēn de, 单向的 dān xiàng de, 为单身者的, 单人的 dān rén de, 单人的 dān rén de, 只有一圈花瓣的,单瓣的 zhǐ yǒu yì quān huā bàn de,dān bàn de, 单个的东西 dān gè de dōng xī, 单人房的 dān rén fáng de, 单程票 dān chéng piào, 单曲唱片 dān qǔ chàng piàn, 一垒打,安全打 yì lěi dǎ,ān quán dǎ, 一元纸币 yì yuán zhǐ bì, 单打 dān dǎ, 单身的人, 上第一垒 shàng dì yì lěi, 认出 rèn chū, 挑出 tiǎo chū, 排成一列纵队地 pái chéng yí liè zòng duì de, 一个也没有 yí gè yě méi yǒu, 没有一个人 méi yǒu yí gè rén, 单程票 dān chéng piào, 单人床 dān rén chuáng, 单细胞的 dān xì bāo de, 稀奶油, 简式记账 jiǎn shì jì zhàng, 单式记账的, 单次入境的, 单行, 单身女孩儿 dān shēn nǚ hái er, 酒店单人间, 单身女性, 单身汉 dān shēn hàn, 单身母亲 dān shēn mǔ qīn, 单单…某人, 单亲 dān qīn, 单身人士 dān shēn rén shì, 单人间 dān rén jiān, 单程票 dān chéng piào, 单身女人 dān shēn nǚ rén, 单管的, 单排钮扣的, 单细胞的 dān xì bāo de, 单层公共汽车,单层公车,单层公交车, 单引擎的, 独栋的, 独户的, 单烧结的, 单枪匹马的, 单枪匹马地 dān qiāng pī mǎ de, 单桅的, 专心的 zhuān xīn de, 专一, 单亲的 dān qīn de, 单相的, 男女分开的, 单层的, 单轨的, 单线的,偏狭的 piān xiá de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 singles 的含义

仅有的 jǐn yǒu de

adjective (only one)

I just have a single beer left. Who wants it?

联合成一个的 lián hé chéng yí gè de

adjective (united)

The two companies merged to make a single, larger company.

单身的 dān shēn de

adjective (unmarried)

She remained single until she was 24 years old.

单向的 dān xiàng de

adjective (one-way)

He bought a single ticket to Paris and planned to drive home.


adjective (for single people)

She went on a singles holiday to Antigua.

单人的 dān rén de

adjective (serving: for one person)

He ordered a single serving of French fries.

单人的 dān rén de

adjective (room: for a single person) (房间)

I booked a single room, so unfortunately you can't stay with me.

只有一圈花瓣的,单瓣的 zhǐ yǒu yì quān huā bàn de,dān bàn de

adjective (flower: with one ring of petals) (花朵)

This is a single petunia, but I prefer the doubles.

单个的东西 dān gè de dōng xī

noun (single thing)

We have lots of sets and pairs, but not one single.

单人房的 dān rén fáng de

noun (single room)

He was travelling alone, so his room was just a single.

单程票 dān chéng piào

noun (UK (single ticket)

She bought a single to Paris and planned to drive back.

单曲唱片 dān qǔ chàng piàn

noun (record, CD with 1-2 songs)

She loved the song, so she bought the single.

一垒打,安全打 yì lěi dǎ,ān quán dǎ

noun (baseball: base hit) (棒球术语)

He hit two singles in that game.

一元纸币 yì yuán zhǐ bì

noun (US (one dollar bill)

She had three singles and a five in her wallet.

单打 dān dǎ

plural noun (tennis match between individuals) (网球术语)

He played in both the singles and doubles.


plural noun (individuals not in a relationship)

Yeah, there were plenty of singles at the party.

上第一垒 shàng dì yì lěi

intransitive verb (baseball: get to 1st base)

He singled in the eighth inning.

认出 rèn chū

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (identify)

The witness was asked to single out the offender in a line-up.

挑出 tiǎo chū

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (select specifically)

The teacher always singles me out and I never know the answer to her questions.

排成一列纵队地 pái chéng yí liè zòng duì de

adverb (one behind another)

The horses walked in single file along the narrow track.

一个也没有 yí gè yě méi yǒu

expression (not one from a group)

Jackie tried on several dresses, but not a single one was the right size.

没有一个人 méi yǒu yí gè rén

pronoun (nobody, not anyone)

Not a single person was in favour of the price increases.

单程票 dān chéng piào

noun (transport: single-journey fare)

I didn't know when I would be coming back, so I bought a one-way ticket.

单人床 dān rén chuáng

noun (bed for one person)

单细胞的 dān xì bāo de

adjective (organism: having one cell)


noun (UK (dairy product: thin or light cream)

简式记账 jiǎn shì jì zhàng

noun (simple accounting system)


noun as adjective (related to accounting system)


noun as adjective (law: type of visa)


noun (movement: one after another)

单身女孩儿 dān shēn nǚ hái er

noun (young woman without a partner)


noun (accommodation for one person in a hotel)


noun (woman without a partner)

单身汉 dān shēn hàn

noun (adult male without a partner)

Are there any single men here tonight?

单身母亲 dān shēn mǔ qīn

noun (female parent without a partner)

She's been a single mother since her husband died last year.


verbal expression (give [sb] particular attention)

Liam's classmates singled him out for bullying because he was shy.

单亲 dān qīn

noun (mother or father without a partner)

单身人士 dān shēn rén shì

noun ([sb] without a partner)

Sarah created a dating site for single people who are looking for a relationship.

单人间 dān rén jiān

noun (hotel room for one person)

The single rooms here are no wider than the beds they contain. I'd like to book a single room with shower, please.

单程票 dān chéng piào

(one-way ticket)

单身女人 dān shēn nǚ rén

noun (adult female without a partner)

She broke up with her boyfriend and is now a single woman again.


adjective (gun: having one barrel) (枪)


adjective (jacket style)

单细胞的 dān xì bāo de

adjective (organism: made of one cell)


noun (UK, informal (bus: having one level)


adjective (aircraft: with one engine)

独栋的, 独户的

adjective (type of dwelling)


adjective (pottery, ceramics: with glaze and clay fired at one time) (陶器、陶瓷制品)


adjective (done by one person alone)

Clare Francis made a single-handed voyage across the Atlantic.

单枪匹马地 dān qiāng pī mǎ de

adverb (by one person, without aid)

My mother raised five of us single-handed.


adjective (boat: with one mast)

专心的 zhuān xīn de

adjective (determined, focused)

Mandy's single-minded efforts to join the team finally paid off.


noun (focused on one thing)

单亲的 dān qīn de

noun as adjective (with one parent)


adjective (involving single alternating voltage)


adjective (school: girls- or boys-only) (学校)

There are pros and cons to single-sex education.


adjective (building: having one level, floor) (建筑)


adjective (road, railway) (铁路)

单线的,偏狭的 piān xiá de

adjective (figurative (having narrow scope)

That man has a single-track mind; all he ever thinks about is work.

让我们学习 英语

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。