英语 中的 skin 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 skin 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 skin 的说明。

英语 中的skin 表示皮, 皮肤 pí, 外皮,果皮 wài pí,guǒ pí, 皮毛,兽皮 pí máo,shòu pí, 葡萄酒袋 pú táo jiǔ dài, 外壳,外表 wài ké ,wài biǎo, 卷烟纸 juǎn yān zhǐ, 奶皮, 软壳, 去…的皮 qù de pí, 擦破…的皮 cā pò de pí, 欺骗..., 裸露的皮肤 luǒ lù de pí fū, 美丽是肤浅的, 勉强 miǎn qiǎng, 深色皮肤 shēn sè pí fū, 植皮术, 干性皮肤, 白皙的皮肤 bái xī de pí fū, 鸡皮疙瘩 jī pí gē dɑ, 令人厌恶, 油布, 防水布, 防水雨衣 fáng shuǐ yǔ yī, 防水服 fáng shuǐ fú, 苍白的皮肤, 活剥…的皮, 严厉惩罚 yán lì chéng fá, 皮包骨头, 皮肤癌, 护肤, 皮肤颜色 pí fū yán sè, 柔肤水,润肤乳, 肤浅的,表面的 fū qiǎn de ,biǎo miàn de, 皮肤病 pí fū bìng, 通气管潜水者, 通气管潜水, 植皮手术, 皮疹 pí zhěn, 肤色 fū sè, 紧身的 jǐn shēn de, 厚脸皮 hòu liǎn pí, 薄脸皮,不禁批 báo liǎn pí,bù jīn pī, 白癫风。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 skin 的含义

皮, 皮肤 pí

noun (external covering of the body) (人)

His skin is so red from too much sun.

外皮,果皮 wài pí,guǒ pí

noun (fruit peel) (水果)

The skin of an apple is usually red or green.

皮毛,兽皮 pí máo,shòu pí

noun (animal pelt) (动物的)

That is a beautiful lion skin that you have in the living room.

葡萄酒袋 pú táo jiǔ dài

noun (container for drink)

He brought a skin with him to drink out of on the hiking trip.

外壳,外表 wài ké ,wài biǎo

noun (figurative (exterior of a plane or ship) (船或飞机的)

In the museum I saw how worryingly thin the skin of an aeroplane is.

卷烟纸 juǎn yān zhǐ

noun (UK, slang, often plural (cigarette paper) (卷烟用的)

I've got tobacco and dope; have you got any skins, so that I can roll a joint?


noun (surface of milk)

I left my mug of hot chocolate for so long that a skin formed over the top.


noun (technology: protective vinyl)

I bought a skin for my phone with sunflowers all over it.

去…的皮 qù de pí

transitive verb (remove skin from)

The hunter skinned the rabbit he had caught earlier that day.

擦破…的皮 cā pò de pí

transitive verb (scrape)

The kid skinned his elbow when he fell off the bike.


transitive verb (swindle)

That market trader skins his customers.

裸露的皮肤 luǒ lù de pí fū

noun (unclothed body)

I wear shorts and a T-shirt in summer so I can feel the wind on my bare skin.


expression (physical beauty is superficial)

勉强 miǎn qiǎng

expression (only just, barely)

深色皮肤 shēn sè pí fū

noun (brown or olive complexion)

African American mothers often have difficulty finding dolls with dark skin.


noun (medical: skin grafting)


noun (skin condition: lack of moisture)

The dry skin on my elbows is very annoying and painful when it catches on the inside of my sleeves.

白皙的皮肤 bái xī de pí fū

noun (pale complexion)

She had to wear sun cream as her fair skin burnt easily. Fair skin is prone to freckles and sunburn.

鸡皮疙瘩 jī pí gē dɑ

noun (skin's response to cold, fear)


verbal expression (disgust, unnerve [sb])

Something about that man makes my skin crawl.

油布, 防水布

noun (uncountable (waterproof fabric)

防水雨衣 fáng shuǐ yǔ yī

noun (waterproof raincoat)

防水服 fáng shuǐ fú

plural noun (waterproof outfit)


noun (white complexion)

In Victorian times, it was fashionable to have pale skin.


(flay while living)

The Inquisition had prisoners skinned alive to make them confess to supposed sins.

严厉惩罚 yán lì chéng fá

(figurative (punish)

My mum will skin me alive for losing my school bag.


adjective (figurative (person: very thin) (人)


noun (melanoma: malignant tumour)


noun (cosmetic products and treatments for skin)

皮肤颜色 pí fū yán sè

noun (tone of complexion)

White and black are the two common skin colours.


noun (moisturizing cream or lotion)

肤浅的,表面的 fū qiǎn de ,biǎo miàn de

adjective (figurative (superficial)

皮肤病 pí fū bìng

noun (condition affecting the skin)

Melanoma is a dangerous skin disease.


noun (person who explores underwater)


noun (in water)


noun (transplant of skin)

The firefighter was burned and needed a skin graft.

皮疹 pí zhěn

noun (red or spotty patch on the body)

肤色 fū sè

noun (light or dark colour of the complexion)

紧身的 jǐn shēn de

adjective (very close-fitting)

The girls were all wearing skin-tight shirts and short skirts.

厚脸皮 hòu liǎn pí

noun (figurative (insensitivity to criticism)

If you want to make it as an actor, you're going to need a thick skin.

薄脸皮,不禁批 báo liǎn pí,bù jīn pī

noun (figurative, informal (sensitivity to criticism) (比喻,非正式用语)


noun (medicine: skin disorder)

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skin 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。