英语 中的 six 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 six 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 six 的说明。

英语 中的six 表示6,六 liù, 6, 六点钟 liù diǎn zhōng, 六个的 liù gè de, 六岁的 liù suì de, 六个 liù gè, 6号,6日, 6号,6日, 6点, 6点, 置之不理, 放弃 fàng qì, 拒绝 jù jué, 不受欢迎的顾客, 拒绝接待,拒绝为…服务, 丢弃, 丢掉, 扔掉, 缺货的,没货的 quē huò de, 第九十六的, 九十六岁的, 六位规则, 六尺高的, 已入土的,已下葬的, 在墓中, 600个, 晚上六点 wǎn shàng liù diǎn, 早上六点 zǎo shàng liù diǎn, 六千的, 六位数的年收入 liù wèi shù de nián shōu rù, 六位数的年收入 liù wèi shù de nián shōu rù, 六位数的年薪 liù wèi shù de nián xīn, 六位数的年薪 liù wèi shù de nián xīn, 身高六英尺的人, 六发左轮手枪, 六部分的, 六倍的 liù bèi de, 六倍地 liù bèi de, 六种地, 二十六 èr shí liù, 二十六的 èr shí liù de, 二十六岁的 èr shí liù suì de, 二十六人, 26号, 26号。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 six 的含义

6,六 liù

noun (cardinal number: 6) (基数)

Two times three equals six.


noun (symbol for number 6) (符号)

The flanker had a 6 on the back of his shirt.

六点钟 liù diǎn zhōng

noun (time: 6 o'clock)

I get off work at 6.

六个的 liù gè de

adjective (6 in number)

There are six students in the class.

六岁的 liù suì de

adjective (6 years of age)

Hilary learned how to read when she was six.

六个 liù gè

pronoun (people, things: 6 of them) (人、物)

I ordered a dozen eggs, but they have only sent six.


noun (US, written (sixth day of specified month) (一个月的第六天)

My son was born on March 6, which is my daughter's birthday also.


noun (mainly UK, written (sixth day of specified month) (一个月的第六天)

We would like to book a double room for three nights, from 6 March.


noun (playing card: with 6 pips) (纸牌)

I just need the six of hearts for a run.


noun (6 pips on a die) (骰子)

If you roll a six, you get another go.


noun (US, informal (rejection)

放弃 fàng qì

transitive verb (US, informal (get rid of, destroy)

拒绝 jù jué

transitive verb (US, informal (reject)

The President deep-sixed the proposal.


noun (US, slang (unwelcome customer)


transitive verb (US, slang (refuse to serve [sb])

丢弃, 丢掉, 扔掉

transitive verb (US, slang (reject, discard) (俚语)

缺货的,没货的 quē huò de

adjective (US, slang (out of stock)


adjective (96 of [sth])


adjective (96 years old)


noun (UK (group size ban)


adjective (imperial measure: 1.8 metres in height)


adjective (dead and buried)


adverb (in one's grave)


adjective (600: of [sth])

晚上六点 wǎn shàng liù diǎn

noun (time: 6 P.M.)

I should be leaving work around six o'clock tonight.

早上六点 zǎo shàng liù diǎn

noun (time: 6 A.M.)

It's still dark when I get up at six o'clock.


adjective (6000 of [sth])

六位数的年收入 liù wèi shù de nián shōu rù

noun (UK (earnings of thousands of pounds a year) (英镑)

I'll be earning a six-figure income in my new job.

六位数的年收入 liù wèi shù de nián shōu rù

noun (US (earnings of hundreds of thousands of dollars a year) (美元)

六位数的年薪 liù wèi shù de nián xīn

noun (earnings of thousands of pounds a year) (英镑)

I get paid a six-figure salary to sit in an office all day and do nothing.

六位数的年薪 liù wèi shù de nián xīn

noun (US (earnings of hundreds of thousands of dollars a year) (美元)


noun (six-feet tall person)


noun (US, informal (revolver: can fire six shots)


adjective (having six parts)

We propose a sixfold approach to the problem.

六倍的 liù bèi de

adjective (times six)

The country has seen a sixfold increase in gun crime since the law was changed.

六倍地 liù bèi de

adverb (by six, six times)

The population of the town has grown sixfold over the past 50 years.


adverb (in six ways)

二十六 èr shí liù

noun (cardinal number: 26)

二十六的 èr shí liù de

adjective (26 in number)

二十六岁的 èr shí liù suì de

adjective (26 years of age)


pronoun (people, things: 26 of them)


noun (US, written (twenty-sixth day of specified month)

If your birthday is October 26, then you're a Scorpio.


noun (mainly UK, written (twenty-sixth day of specified month)

I am leaving for Paris on 26 May.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。