英语 中的 smoking 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 smoking 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 smoking 的说明。

英语 中的smoking 表示抽烟 chōu yān, 吸烟的,允许吸烟的 xī yān de ,yǔn xǔ xī yān de, 冒烟的 mào yān de, 性感的 xìng gǎn de, 飞快的 fēi kuài de, 烟 yān, 抽烟 chōu yān, 吸, 抽, 冒浓烟 mào nóng yān, 熏, 烟 yān, 香烟,纸烟 xiāng yān,zhǐ yān, 抽烟 chōu yān, 开枪射击 kāi qiāng shè jī, 连续抽烟 lián xù chōu yān, 过度吸烟 guò dù xī yān, 连续抽烟的 lián xù chōu yān de, 吸烟过度的 xī yān guò dù de, 禁止 jìn zhǐ, 非吸烟的,禁烟的 fēi xī yān de,jìn yān de, 不抽烟的,不吸烟的 bù chōu yān de,bù xī yān de, 吸二手烟,被动吸烟, 戒烟, 吸烟区, 禁止(在公众场合)吸烟 jìn zhǐ zài gōng zhòng chǎng hé xī yān, 定罪证据, 热气腾腾的, 性感的 xìng gǎn de, 男士在家穿的便装,家居服 nán shì zài jiā chuān de biàn zhuāng,jiā jū fú, 吸烟室 xī yān shì, 可吸烟的房间, (供吸食的)烟草 gōng xī shí de yān cǎo, 请勿吸烟,谢谢 xiè xiè。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 smoking 的含义

抽烟 chōu yān

noun (habit: smoking tobacco)

If you give up smoking your health insurance will be cheaper.

吸烟的,允许吸烟的 xī yān de ,yǔn xǔ xī yān de

adjective (area, section: for smokers) (吸烟区)

The restaurant no longer has a smoking area.

冒烟的 mào yān de

adjective (emitting smoke)

The smoking engine made everyone stand clear of the car.

性感的 xìng gǎn de

adjective (slang, figurative (person: attractive)

Damn, she's good-looking. She is smoking!

飞快的 fēi kuài de

adjective (slang, figurative (car: fast)

What a smoking car! What's its top speed?

烟 yān

noun (carbon emitted by a fire)

Smoke poured out of the windows.

抽烟 chōu yān

intransitive verb (inhale cigarette, cigar, etc.)

She stood by the door, smoking.

吸, 抽

transitive verb (inhale: cigarette, pipe, etc.) (指香烟、烟斗及雪茄等)

He smokes a pipe.

冒浓烟 mào nóng yān

intransitive verb (produce unwanted smoke)

You could see the motor smoking.

transitive verb (cure food using smoke) (食品处理方法)

The fishmonger smokes his own herring.

烟 yān

noun (figurative (mist)

Cold smoke rose above the icy lake.

香烟,纸烟 xiāng yān,zhǐ yān

noun (slang (cigarette)

He went to buy a pack of smokes.

抽烟 chōu yān

noun (informal (act of smoking)

I'm going outside for a smoke.

开枪射击 kāi qiāng shè jī

transitive verb (slang (shoot with gun)

The infamous gangster smoked two policemen that night.

连续抽烟 lián xù chōu yān

noun (lighting cigarette with previous)

过度吸烟 guò dù xī yān

noun (figurative (smoking heavily)

The first step to improve your cardiac health, Mr. Johnson, is to cut out the chain smoking.

连续抽烟的 lián xù chōu yān de

adjective (lights cigarette with previous)

吸烟过度的 xī yān guò dù de

adjective (figurative (smokes heavily)

He was a typical fast-talking, chain-smoking, streetwise hustler.

禁止 jìn zhǐ

adjective (forbidding [sth])

There are signs saying "No smoking" all over the construction site.

非吸烟的,禁烟的 fēi xī yān de,jìn yān de

adjective (area: where smoking is prohibited) (指区域)

This is a nonsmoking area - please extinguish your cigarette before entering.

不抽烟的,不吸烟的 bù chōu yān de,bù xī yān de

adjective (person: who does not smoke) (指人)


noun (others' cigarette smoke)


verbal expression (give up cigarettes)


noun (section where smoking is permitted)

禁止(在公众场合)吸烟 jìn zhǐ zài gōng zhòng chǎng hé xī yān

noun (prohibition of smoking in public places)

The smoking ban came into force last year.


noun (figurative (evidence of [sb]'s guilt)


adjective (grill, etc.: heated) (烧烤等)

性感的 xìng gǎn de

adjective (slang, figurative (sexy)

男士在家穿的便装,家居服 nán shì zài jiā chuān de biàn zhuāng,jiā jū fú

noun (dated (gentleman's house coat) (过时用语)

Holmes put on his smoking jacket and picked up his violin to play.

吸烟室 xī yān shì

noun (enclosed area for smokers)

Jim went into the smoking room so as not to disturb the other diners.


noun (hotel: bedroom where smoking is allowed)

The hotel has smoking rooms and non-smoking rooms.

(供吸食的)烟草 gōng xī shí de yān cǎo

noun (tobacco leaves dried for smoking)

Johnny likes to roll his own cigarettes with papers and smoking tobacco.

请勿吸烟,谢谢 xiè xiè

expression (written (no-smoking sign) (禁止吸烟标志)

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smoking 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。