英语 中的 no 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 no 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 no 的说明。

英语 中的no 表示不,不行,不好,不可以 bù,bù xíng ,bù hǎo ,bù kě yǐ, 不 bù, 不,不行 bù,bù xíng, 什么都没有 shén me dōu méi yǒu, 一个也没有 yí gè yě méi yǒu, 一点也不 yì diǎn yě bù, 禁止 jìn zhǐ, 算不上的, 否定的回答 fǒu dìng de huí dá, 否决票, 锘 nuò, 能剧,能乐, 数字,数目 shù zì,shù mù, 决不 jué bù, 比不上, 与…完全不像, 绝非 jué fēi, 功亏一篑 gōng kuī yí kuì, 无济于事, 不伤害任何人 bù shāng hài rèn hé rén, 不造成任何损害 bù zào chéng rèn hé sǔn hài, 不犯任何错 bú fàn rèn hé cuò, 不做什么不合适的事 bú zuò shén me bù hé shì de shì, 对…没有胃口,对…没兴趣, 没有其他选择 méi yǒu qí tā xuǎn zé, 与…没有联系 yǔ … méi yǒu lián xì, 与…无关 yǔ … wú guān, 毫无希望 háo wú xī wàng, 没有机会 méi yǒu jī huì, 没有做…的机会, 根本无法, 根本没有机会, 没有选择 méi yǒu xuǎn zé, 别无选择只能..., 毫不怀疑 háo bù huái yí, 确信, 肯定, 直到永远 zhí dào yǒng yuǎn, 无休止 wú xiū zhǐ, 没有先入为主的看法, 不指望, 不指望, 没有期待, 毫无了解 háo wú liǎo jiě, 没有限制 méi yǒu xiàn zhì, 不反对 bù fǎn duì, 不反对..., 没有机会 méi yǒu jī huì, 毫无计划 háo wú jì huà, 不打算做某事, 毫不紧张, 毫无顾忌 háo wú gù jì, 对…毫无记忆 duì … háo wú jì yì, 无权, 无权做某事 wú quán zuò mǒu shì, 无耻 wú chǐ, 没时间做… méi shí jiān zuò …, 讨厌 tǎo yàn, 绝不 jué bù, 无论在何种情况下都不能, 马上,立刻,很快 mǎ shàng ,lì kè,hěn kuài, 决不 jué bù, 不懂事, 想尽办法 xiǎng jìn bàn fǎ, 特别 tè bié, 特别的 tè bié de, 就像没有明天似的, 几乎没有的 jī hū méi yǒu de, 好久不见 hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn, 不用再找了, 不浪费时间 bú làng fèi shí jiān, 直截了当地说, 毫不掩饰,对…直言不讳, 毫不掩饰,直截了当 zhí jié liǎo dàng, 相信我!我向你保证! xiāng xìn wǒ wǒ xiàng nǐ bǎo zhèng, 免费 miǎn fèi, 别无选择 bié wú xuǎn zé, 不称心如意 bú chèn xīn rú yì, 行为不正派, 没什么大不了,不要紧 bú yào jǐn, 无法做, 没机会 méi jī huì, 不可能,行不通 bù kě néng ,xíng bù tōng, 不收费 bù shōu fèi, 别无选择 bié wú xuǎn zé, 不做评论 bú zuò píng lùn, 无可争辩, 被告不认罪但又不愿争辩的抗辩 bèi gào bú rèn zuì dàn yòu bú yuàn zhēng biàn de kàng biàn, 不行 bù xíng, 毫无疑问 háo wú yí wèn, 毫无疑问 háo wú yí wèn, 很,非常 hěn,fēi cháng, 很多的 hěn duō de, 无穷无尽的,接连不断的, …无望结束 wú wàng jié shù, 禁止进入 jìn zhǐ jìn rù, 没有出口 méi yǒu chū kǒu, 绝不 jué bù, 不可能 bù kě néng, 不好 bù hǎo, 不好 bù hǎo, 没用的 méi yòng de, 坏的 huài de, 没有限制的 méi yǒu xiàn zhì de, 希望渺茫 xī wàng miǎo máng, 没希望 méi xī wàng, 我不知道 wǒ bù zhī dào, 不得推托 bù dé tuī tuō, 不是好玩的 bú shì hǎo wán de, 没有开玩笑, 说真的!, 没开玩笑, 不是开玩笑吧?, 不晚于 bù wǎn yú, 不是开玩笑的事 bú shì kāi wán xiào de shì。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 no 的含义

不,不行,不好,不可以 bù,bù xíng ,bù hǎo ,bù kě yǐ

adverb (refusal) (表示拒绝)

No, I wouldn't like more coffee, thank you.

不 bù

adverb (dissent)

No, I do not agree with that at all.

不,不行 bù,bù xíng

adverb (denial) (表示否认)

No, I did not get mud on the floor.

什么都没有 shén me dōu méi yǒu

adjective (not any)

We have no rooms available.

一个也没有 yí gè yě méi yǒu

adjective (not one)

There is no clean fork; we'll have to wash some.

一点也不 yì diǎn yě bù

adverb (not any)

There is no denying the truth.

禁止 jìn zhǐ

adjective (forbidding [sth])

There are signs saying "No smoking" all over the construction site.


adjective (not genuine, effective, convincing)

I'm no artist but I was pleased with how the drawing came out.

否定的回答 fǒu dìng de huí dá

noun (saying no)

Their response was a definite no.


noun (votes)

The noes have it, and the bill is thrown out.

锘 nuò

noun (chemistry: nobelium) (化学元素)

No is an element with the atomic number 102.


noun (Japanese theater) (日本戏剧)

Noh theater is a form of classical Japanese drama.

数字,数目 shù zì,shù mù

noun (written, abbreviation (number) (缩写)

For this test, you will need a no. 2 pencil.

决不 jué bù

adverb (never, not at any point)

At no time did Bob leave the house that evening.


verbal expression (not be as good as [sb])


verbal expression (be totally unlike)

The boy bears no resemblance to his father or his other brother.

绝非 jué fēi

adverb (not at all, not in any way)

This handbag costs £300, but it's by no means the most expensive one in the shop.

功亏一篑 gōng kuī yí kuì

expression (informal (nearly, but not quite)


expression (figurative (it's pointless to regret what is done)

不伤害任何人 bù shāng hài rèn hé rén

verbal expression (avoid hurting anyone)

'Above all, do no harm' is part of the doctor's oath.

不造成任何损害 bù zào chéng rèn hé sǔn hài

verbal expression (avoid causing trouble)

It will do no harm to let her have a glass of wine.

不犯任何错 bú fàn rèn hé cuò

verbal expression (make no mistakes)

He believed that the Red Sox could do no wrong and they would win the series.

不做什么不合适的事 bú zuò shén me bù hé shì de shì

verbal expression (do nothing improper)

He was convinced that his daughter could do no wrong.


verbal expression (figurative (lack appetite, courage for [sth]) (比喻)

John had little stomach for the task at hand.

没有其他选择 méi yǒu qí tā xuǎn zé

verbal expression (not have any other choice)

With a crime this serious we have no alternative but to prosecute.

与…没有联系 yǔ … méi yǒu lián xì

verbal expression (not be connected, involved)

Type 1 diabetes has no association with obesity or other lifestyle factors, and is not preventable.

与…无关 yǔ … wú guān

verbal expression (informal (not have the right)

You have no business spreading gossip about me!

毫无希望 háo wú xī wàng

verbal expression (be doomed)

She had no chance, the disease had spread too far.

没有机会 méi yǒu jī huì

verbal expression (not have opportunity)

I saw this article last week and wanted to comment, but had no chance until now.


verbal expression (not have opportunity)

The swimming pool looked nice, but we had no chance to use it.


verbal expression (be unable)

He had no chance of survival in the desert.


verbal expression (be unable)

The patient has no chance of surviving without the treatment.

没有选择 méi yǒu xuǎn zé

verbal expression (be forced to do [sth])

I had to fire him. I had no choice.


verbal expression (not have alternative)

We have no choice but to think that you acted irresponsibly.

毫不怀疑 háo bù huái yí

verbal expression (be certain)

Have no doubt, we'll get in trouble for eating all the cake.

确信, 肯定

verbal expression (be certain)

I have no doubt that he'll be back tomorrow with the same story.

直到永远 zhí dào yǒng yuǎn

verbal expression (be infinite)

无休止 wú xiū zhǐ

verbal expression (figurative (be interminable)

His love for her had no end.


verbal expression (approach without bias)


verbal expression (not count on)

不指望, 没有期待

verbal expression (with clause: not count on [sth])

I have no expectation that he will be able to answer my question, but I will ask him anyway.

毫无了解 háo wú liǎo jiě

verbal expression (not know)

I have no idea how I'm going to get home now my car's broken down. I have no idea how she found out.

没有限制 méi yǒu xiàn zhì

verbal expression (figurative (be unrestricted)

J.K. Rowling's imagination has no limits.

不反对 bù fǎn duì

verbal expression (not be opposed)

Shah said he had no objection if a former member of the armed forces took part in the peace talks.


verbal expression (not be opposed)

I have no objection to your suggestion.

没有机会 méi yǒu jī huì

verbal expression (not have the chance: to do [sth])

I had no opportunity to apologize earlier, but I'd like to say sorry for my rudeness at your party.

毫无计划 háo wú jì huà

verbal expression (lack intent, organization)

Bachmann said that she has no plan to launch another presidential campaign.


verbal expression (not intend)


verbal expression (not be nervous or afraid)

Running my own business is going to be tough, but I have no qualms about my decision.

毫无顾忌 háo wú gù jì

verbal expression (not suffer a guilty conscience)

I had no qualms about reporting him to the police - he was a violent criminal, without a shred of compassion for his victims.

对…毫无记忆 duì … háo wú jì yì

verbal expression (remember nothing about)

He was so drunk that he had no recollection of how he got back home.


verbal expression (not be entitled)

My son was complaining that everyone was controlling his life and we had no right because he was an adult.

无权做某事 wú quán zuò mǒu shì

verbal expression (not be entitled)

You have no right to complain about the situation.

无耻 wú chǐ

verbal expression (not be embarrassed)

How can you see people suffering and do nothing? Have you no shame?

没时间做… méi shí jiān zuò …

verbal expression (figurative (not tolerate)

James has no time for gossips. I have no time for children who won't do their homework.

讨厌 tǎo yàn

verbal expression (informal (dislike [sth/sb])

绝不 jué bù

adverb (not under any circumstances)

In no case should lifts be considered as means of escape in the event of a fire.


adverb (not under any circumstances)

马上,立刻,很快 mǎ shàng ,lì kè,hěn kuài

adverb (figurative (rapidly)

I can get dinner ready in no time at all.

决不 jué bù

adverb (not at all)

The fact that you were a little drunk in no way excuses your behavior.


verbal expression (be uninformed or uneducated)

想尽办法 xiǎng jìn bàn fǎ

verbal expression (figurative (search thoroughly)

In the investigation to find the missing child, the police have left no stone unturned.

特别 tè bié

adverb (literary (incomparably)

Pedro promised to love her like no other.

特别的 tè bié de

adjective (incomparable, unique)

This holiday offers tourists a holiday like no other.


adverb (informal, figurative (in a frenzied way) (比喻义)

几乎没有的 jī hū méi yǒu de

adjective (hardly any)

I haven't done any revising so there's little or no chance of me passing the exam.

好久不见 hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn

interjection (slang (I haven't seen you for a long time) (俚语)

Hey, Andrew! Long time no see!


interjection (used to offer [sth] that is needed)

Look no further; I have exactly what you need.

不浪费时间 bú làng fèi shí jiān

verbal expression (act without delay)

You should lose no time in reporting a stolen credit card.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (be forthright, direct)

I'll make no bones: I don't trust that man.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (be forthright, direct)

The journalist made no bones about her dislike of politicians.

毫不掩饰,直截了当 zhí jié liǎo dàng

verbal expression (figurative, informal (be forthright, direct in doing)

Veronica made no bones about telling her boss exactly what she thought of him.

相信我!我向你保证! xiāng xìn wǒ wǒ xiàng nǐ bǎo zhèng

interjection (believe me, let me assure you)

Make no mistake, their relationship won't last - he's too young for her!

免费 miǎn fèi

noun (written, initialism (no charge)

别无选择 bié wú xuǎn zé

noun (absence of any other option)

You leave me no alternative but to fire you.

不称心如意 bú chèn xīn rú yì

noun (harsh experience, ordeal)

My job is no bed of roses - I'm on my feet all day and the hours are long.


expression (US, informal (morally inferior)

没什么大不了,不要紧 bú yào jǐn

interjection (slang (that is not a matter for concern)


expression (informal (that isn't possible)

没机会 méi jī huì

noun (absence of opportunity)

You have no chance of getting tickets for the game this late.

不可能,行不通 bù kě néng ,xíng bù tōng

interjection (informal (that is extremely unlikely) (非正式用语)

You want to borrow dad's car? No chance!

不收费 bù shōu fèi

expression ([sth] is provided free)

There is no charge for fresh towels; they come with the hotel room. The manufacturer will send you product samples at no charge.

别无选择 bié wú xuǎn zé

noun (absence of alternative options)

There is no choice; we'll have to do it.

不做评论 bú zuò píng lùn

interjection (expressing refusal to speak)


interjection (informal (there is no comparison)

When it comes to cars, I'll take a Porsche, no contest.

被告不认罪但又不愿争辩的抗辩 bèi gào bú rèn zuì dàn yòu bú yuàn zhēng biàn de kàng biàn

expression (legal: plea not to contest charge) (法律)

Stevens answered “No contest” when asked “How do you now plead?"

不行 bù xíng

interjection (US, slang (expressing refusal)

No dice, Joe, you aren't going to borrow my car.

毫无疑问 háo wú yí wèn

noun (total certainty)

I have no doubt that heaven exists. It is better to be quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and leave no doubt.

毫无疑问 háo wú yí wèn

adverb (undoubtedly)

No doubt you have more experience in this field than I do.

很,非常 hěn,fēi cháng

adverb (UK, slang (a lot)

Your visit's cheered me up no end!

很多的 hěn duō de

adjective (numerous)

He has had no end of troubles in his short life.


adjective (continuous)

My teenage daughters cause me no end of trouble.

…无望结束 wú wàng jié shù

expression (continuous)

There's no end to the fun you can have in New York City!

禁止进入 jìn zhǐ jìn rù

noun (no way in)

A No Entry sign indicates that cars must not drive down that road.

没有出口 méi yǒu chū kǒu

noun (no way out)

绝不 jué bù

interjection (informal (certainly not, never)

Me, take up ski jumping? No fear of that happening!

不可能 bù kě néng

noun (complete failure)

It's a no go for skiing today; there's no snow on the mountain.

不好 bù hǎo

expression (informal (of insufficient quality)

He gave up his dream of becoming an artist because his paintings were no good. She plays in a band, but I hear they're no good.

不好 bù hǎo

expression (informal (not effective)

The government's policies to cut the deficit have proved to be no good; the country is now more in debt than ever.

没用的 méi yòng de

adjective (informal (of no use, worthless)

This computer is a no-good heap of junk!

坏的 huài de

adjective (informal (person: bad, dishonest)

没有限制的 méi yǒu xiàn zhì de

adjective (without rules, unconstrained)

You can say whatever you like to me, there are no holds barred.

希望渺茫 xī wàng miǎo máng

noun (grim prospect or outlook)

There's no hope for him, his illness is too severe.

没希望 méi xī wàng

noun (not a chance)

My watch fell into the river, there's no hope I'll get it back.

我不知道 wǒ bù zhī dào

interjection (informal (I do not know) (非正式用语)

不得推托 bù dé tuī tuō

expression (informal (no excuses are permitted)

I need you to finish that report today, no ifs, ands, or buts.

不是好玩的 bú shì hǎo wán de

noun (informal ([sth] serious)

It's no joke when you trap your fingers in a car door.


interjection (informal (I'm serious)

No joke, John, she's really angry with you.


interjection (informal (when the obvious is stated)


interjection (when not joking, etc.)


interjection (to show interest, surprise)

不晚于 bù wǎn yú

preposition (on or before, by)

Full payment must be received no later than two weeks before the start of the course. Rooms must be vacated no later than midday.

不是开玩笑的事 bú shì kāi wán xiào de shì

noun ([sth] serious)

Slipping on the ice is no laughing matter; you could break your neck.

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。