英语 中的 soft 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 soft 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 soft 的说明。

英语 中的soft 表示软的 ruǎn de, 软滑的,细软的 ruǎn huá de ,xì ruǎn de, 软弱的, 易受人影响的, 不坚定的, 柔和的,不刺眼的 róu hé de ,bú cì yǎn de, 轻柔的,低声的,轻声的 qīng róu de,dī shēng de,qīng shēng de, 非烈性的,不是特别有危害的,不容易成瘾的 fēi liè xìng de,bú shì tè bié yǒu wēi hài de,bù róng yì chéng yǐn de, 仁慈的,宽容的,轻的 rén cí de ,kuān róng de ,qīng de, 对…温和, 对...有感觉的, 轮廓不鲜明的 lún kuò bù xiān míng de, 温和的,轻轻的,轻柔的 wēn hé de ,qīng qīng de,qīng róu de, 态度偏软的,可能妥协的 tài dù piān ruǎn de,kě néng tuǒ xié de, 懒惰的,娇生惯养的 lǎn duò de ,jiāo shēng guàn yǎng de, 微湿的,湿润的 wēi shī de ,shī rùn de, 轻松的,容易的 qīng sōng de ,róng yì de, 温和的,暖和的,温暖的 wēn hé de ,nuǎn huo de ,wēn nuǎn de, 和缓的,斜度不大的 hé huǎn de ,xié dù bú dà de, 软性的,不含无机盐的 ruǎn xìng de,bù hán wú jī yán de, 温和的 wēn hé de, 非严肃性的 fēi yán sù xìng de, 没有说服力的 méi yǒu shuō fú lì de, 不可自由兑换的 bù kě zì yóu duì huàn de, 没有担保的,无担保的 méi yǒu dān bǎo de,wú dān bǎo de, 疲软的 pí ruǎn de, 发软音的 fā ruǎn yīn de, 发浊音的,软元音 fā zhuó yīn de, (辅音)不送气的, 容易消化的,软质的, 轻声地,低声地 qīng shēng de ,dī shēng de, 软下疳,软性下疳, 心慈手软, 态度不强硬, 变软, 不能坚挺, 软拷贝, 不含酒精的饮料 bù hán jiǔ jīng de yǐn liào, 软饮料生产厂商 ruǎn yǐn liào shēng chǎn chǎng shāng, 软毒品,软性毒品, 柔焦, 无核小水果, 软家装 ruǎn jiā zhuāng, 纺织品 fǎng zhī pǐn, 软着陆 ruǎn zhuó lù, 软着陆 ruǎn zhuó lù, 软钱, 软腭, 软色情作品, 软推销 ruǎn tuī xiāo, 软冰淇淋 ruǎn bīng qí lín, 软技能 ruǎn jì néng, 讲好话, 讲漂亮话, 劝诱..., (心中的)柔软之处 xīn zhōng de róu ruǎn zhī chù, 易受攻击的人或物, 容易上当的人, 软玩具, 柔和的声音 róu hé de shēng yīn, 软水 ruǎn shuǐ, 溏心蛋, 软性色情的, 隐晦的, 对…轻描淡写,对…低调处理, 使用弱音踏板, 用弱音踏板降低…的音调, 软质材料游戏的, 软壳的, 软壳螃蟹 ruǎn ké páng xiè, 软壳的, 轻声细语的, 软皮的,平装的 ruǎn pí de,píng zhuāng de, 心肠软的,心肠好的 xīn cháng ruǎn de,xīn cháng hǎo de, 富有同情心的 fù yǒu tóng qíng xīn de, 菌幕 jūn mù。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 soft 的含义

软的 ruǎn de

adjective (material: not rigid)

People love our sofa because it is so soft.

软滑的,细软的 ruǎn huá de ,xì ruǎn de

adjective (surface: not rough) (表面)

This fabric is so soft and smooth.

软弱的, 易受人影响的, 不坚定的

adjective (figurative (person: weak) (人)

Don't be so soft. Tell them what you have to tell them and don't be afraid.

柔和的,不刺眼的 róu hé de ,bú cì yǎn de

adjective (lighting: subdued) (指光线)

The room's soft lighting made for a more romantic setting.

轻柔的,低声的,轻声的 qīng róu de,dī shēng de,qīng shēng de

adjective (sound: gentle) (指声音)

The restaurant had soft music playing in the background.

非烈性的,不是特别有危害的,不容易成瘾的 fēi liè xìng de,bú shì tè bié yǒu wēi hài de,bù róng yì chéng yǐn de

adjective (figurative (drug: not addictive) (指毒品)

Marijuana is considered a soft drug.

仁慈的,宽容的,轻的 rén cí de ,kuān róng de ,qīng de

adjective (figurative (response: lenient) (指回应等)

The sentence passed on him by the judge was too soft, in my opinion.


(not strict)

The kids like her because she is soft with them.


(informal, dated (fond of, attracted to) (指人)

I think my brother's a little soft on you.

轮廓不鲜明的 lún kuò bù xiān míng de

adjective (edge: not distinct)

I love the soft edges in this painting.

温和的,轻轻的,轻柔的 wēn hé de ,qīng qīng de,qīng róu de

adjective (movement, gesture: gentle) (动作、姿势等)

She gave the baby a soft kiss on the cheek.

态度偏软的,可能妥协的 tài dù piān ruǎn de,kě néng tuǒ xié de

adjective (figurative (politics: open to compromise) (政治术语)

The congressman was soft on the issue and willing to compromise.

懒惰的,娇生惯养的 lǎn duò de ,jiāo shēng guàn yǎng de

adjective (figurative (person: lazy, coddled) (指人)

While my first son is successful, my second son is too soft and doesn't do anything.

微湿的,湿润的 wēi shī de ,shī rùn de

adjective (figurative (eyes: moist) (指眼睛)

The lady gazed upon the poor children with soft eyes.

轻松的,容易的 qīng sōng de ,róng yì de

adjective (figurative (job, task: easy) (指工作、任务等)

We gave the new employee a soft task for his first assignment.

温和的,暖和的,温暖的 wēn hé de ,nuǎn huo de ,wēn nuǎn de

adjective (figurative (weather: mild) (指天气)

The soft climate in California attracts many people.

和缓的,斜度不大的 hé huǎn de ,xié dù bú dà de

adjective (figurative (slope: gentle) (指斜面、斜坡)

There is a soft incline for the next two miles.

软性的,不含无机盐的 ruǎn xìng de,bù hán wú jī yán de

adjective (water: free of minerals) (指水)

The town was blessed with naturally soft water.

温和的 wēn hé de

adjective (figurative (chemical: not harsh) (指化学制品)

This detergent is soft on the clothes.

非严肃性的 fēi yán sù xìng de

adjective (figurative (news: not serious) (新闻)

The magazine had some hard news, but most of it was soft news like fashion.

没有说服力的 méi yǒu shuō fú lì de

adjective (figurative (based on interpretation not facts)

They only had soft facts, not hard ones to base their case on.

不可自由兑换的 bù kě zì yóu duì huàn de

adjective (figurative (currency: not convertible) (指货币)

Soft currencies are not used in international trade.

没有担保的,无担保的 méi yǒu dān bǎo de,wú dān bǎo de

adjective (figurative (loan: not secured) (借款)

This bank specializes in high-risk, soft loans.

疲软的 pí ruǎn de

adjective (figurative (stock market: not performing) (指证券市场)

The market has been soft for the last two weeks.

发软音的 fā ruǎn yīn de

adjective (phonetics: c, g) (语音学术语)

The soft 'c' in English is pronounced like an 's'.

发浊音的,软元音 fā zhuó yīn de

adjective (vowel: makes preceding consonant soft) (语音学术语)

Some vowels are soft vowels, others are hard vowels.


adjective (consonant: p, t, f, etc.) (语音学)

All of the lines in the poem end with soft consonant sounds.


adjective (food: easily digested) (食物)

My grandfather has lost all his teeth, so now he can only eat soft foods.

轻声地,低声地 qīng shēng de ,dī shēng de

adverb (US, informal (softly)

Talk soft please. I'm not deaf!


noun (venereal ulcer)

心慈手软, 态度不强硬

verbal expression (informal, figurative (be lenient, gentle)

Don't go soft on me, you need to say what you really think.

变软, 不能坚挺

(slang (not sustain an erection) (阴茎)

Men generally go soft pretty soon after they have an orgasm.


noun (digital document)

不含酒精的饮料 bù hán jiǔ jīng de yǐn liào

noun (non-alcoholic beverage)

We've got a choice of soft drinks for the kids, and punch for the grown-ups.

软饮料生产厂商 ruǎn yǐn liào shēng chǎn chǎng shāng

noun (company: makes non-alcoholic beverages)

Schweppes is a major soft drinks manufacturer and they have factories in many different countries.


noun (informal, figurative (substance: not addictive)


noun (photography: diffused effect) (摄影效果)


noun (berries)

软家装 ruǎn jiā zhuāng

plural noun (home fabrics)

纺织品 fǎng zhī pǐn

plural noun (textiles and home fabrics)

软着陆 ruǎn zhuó lù

noun (space vehicle) (航天器)

The Viking spacecraft executed a soft landing on Mars.

软着陆 ruǎn zhuó lù

noun (figurative (economic growth) (经济)

Most economists foresee a soft landing for the economy.


noun (figurative (politics: indirect contribution) (政治捐款)

Because this is soft money, we can't use it directly for the candidate.


noun (biology: velum)


noun (informal, figurative (pornography that is not too explicit)

The actress hid the fact that she had once been in a soft porn movie.

软推销 ruǎn tuī xiāo

noun (gentle persuasion to buy [sth])

The salesman tried the soft sell approach on me, but it didn't work: I just wasn't interested.

软冰淇淋 ruǎn bīng qí lín

noun (frozen dessert with soft consistency)

For dessert we had soft serve ice cream in a cone.

软技能 ruǎn jì néng

plural noun (emotional intelligence) (包括与人交际和团队合作等能力)

He is not the best salesman we have, but his soft skills are proving very useful.

讲好话, 讲漂亮话

noun (figurative, informal (flattery, persuasion) (俚语)

It will take more than a bit of soft soap to convince Jane that Bill isn't trying to trick her.


transitive verb (figurative, informal (persuade, flatter)

Truman felt that Churchill had tried to soft-soap him at Potsdam.

(心中的)柔软之处 xīn zhōng de róu ruǎn zhī chù

noun (informal (particular fondness or affection) (非正式用语)

I have a real soft spot for my cousin: I'd do anything to help her. I don't particularly like most dogs, but I do have a soft spot for poodles.


noun ([sth] easy to hit)

A soft target is one that's easy to hit.


noun (informal, figurative ([sb] who is easy to persuade)

Ask Dad to give you the money. He's a soft touch - he's bound to say yes.


noun (stuffed plaything, plush)

柔和的声音 róu hé de shēng yīn

noun (gentle or quiet speech)

My brother has a very soft voice; sometimes I can't hear what he's saying.

软水 ruǎn shuǐ

noun (water with low calcium content) (钙、镁化合物含量低的水)


noun (boiled egg with runny yolk)

软性色情的, 隐晦的

adjective (erotic, slightly pornographic)


transitive verb (figurative, informal (downplay, try to minimize)


intransitive verb (music: use soft pedal) (音乐)


transitive verb (music: soften with soft pedal) (音乐)


adjective (safe play area)


noun as adjective (zoology: having a flexible shell) (动物学)

软壳螃蟹 ruǎn ké páng xiè

noun (crustacean with edible shell)

Fried soft-shell crab on French bread is my favorite sandwich.


adjective (zoology: having a flexible shell) (动物学)


adjective (having a quiet or gentle voice)

I was surprised when my usually soft-spoken sister began to yell at me.

软皮的,平装的 ruǎn pí de,píng zhuāng de

adjective (book: paperback) (指书)

心肠软的,心肠好的 xīn cháng ruǎn de,xīn cháng hǎo de

adjective (figurative (tender, sensitive) (比喻)

富有同情心的 fù yǒu tóng qíng xīn de

adjective (figurative (sympathetic, generous)

菌幕 jūn mù

noun (biology: tissue of roof of mouth) (植物)

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