英语 中的 spot 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 spot 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 spot 的说明。

英语 中的spot 表示污渍 wū zì, 地点 dì diǎn, 青春痘 qīng chūn dòu, 痘,疹子,脓包, 斑点 bān diǎn, 斑点 bān diǎn, 圆点 yuán diǎn, 发现 fā xiàn, 现货(市场的) xiàn huò shì chǎng de, 持续时间短的 chí xù shí jiān duǎn de, 插播的短广告 chā bō de duǎn guǎng gào, 聚光灯 jù guāng dēng, 一点点 yì diǎn dian, 地方 dì fāng, 个人表演时间, 位置 wèi zhi, 沾上污渍的 zhān shàng wū zì de, 掉雨点, 使变污 shǐ biàn wū, 把...借给 bǎ jiè gěi, 把…放在某位置上 bǎ fàng zài mǒu wèi zhì shàng, 放置, 摆放, 监护 jiān hù, 老人斑,黄褐斑, 秃斑, 美人痣 měi rén zhì, 美人斑,美人痣 měi rén bān,měi rén zhì, 美景 měi jǐng, 黑斑病, 事故多发地段, 危险地带 wēi xiǎn dì dài, 盲点 máng diǎn, 盲区 máng qū, 高兴的事 gāo xìng de shì, 恰到好处, 活动中心 huó dòng zhōng xīn, 闹哄哄的娱乐场所 nào hōng hōng de yú lè chǎng suǒ, 无线上网热点, 热点地区, 火灾多发区, 遇到困难,陷入困境 yù dào kùn nán,xiàn rù kùn jìng, 处境困难 chǔ jìng kùn nán, 随叫随到的人,随时能帮忙的人, 夜总会 yè zǒng huì, 当场 dāng chǎng, 在现场 zài xiàn chǎng, 处于困境中 chǔ yú kùn jìng zhōng, 立即的 lì jí de, 停车区 tíng chē qū, 使…处于难堪地位, 艰难时期, (心中的)柔软之处 xīn zhōng de róu ruǎn zhī chù, 抽样检查 chōu yàng jiǎn chá, 准确的,十分对的 zhǔn què de ,shí fēn duì de, 现货价格, 即期汇率,即期利率, 熔焊工人 róng hàn gōng rén, 点焊 diǎn hàn, 熔焊 róng hàn, 最佳的地方, 故障点 gù zhàng diǎn, 动荡的地区 dòng dàng de dì qū, 度假胜地 dù jià shèng dì, 持久的爱 chí jiǔ de ài, 持久的爱 chí jiǔ de ài, 卖酒的地方 mài jiǔ de dì fāng, 嗜好 shì hào, 弱点 ruò diǎn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 spot 的含义

污渍 wū zì

noun (stain)

There is a ketchup spot on your shirt there.

地点 dì diǎn

noun (informal (location)

That's the spot where the murder took place.

青春痘 qīng chūn dòu

noun (UK, often plural (pimple, zit: facial blemish)

The teenager bought a special face wash to treat his spots.


noun (usually plural (disease: blemish) (病症)

Karen has chickenpox and is covered in spots.

斑点 bān diǎn

plural noun (insect: markings) (昆虫身上的)

The most common ladybird in Britain has seven spots.

斑点 bān diǎn

plural noun (animal: markings) (动物身上的)

Cheetahs have black spots.

圆点 yuán diǎn

plural noun (pattern: large dots) (图案、样式)

I prefer floral patterns to spots or stripes.

发现 fā xiàn

transitive verb (detect, see)

The policeman spotted the criminal and started running after him.

现货(市场的) xiàn huò shì chǎng de

adjective (finance: current price)

Currency trades on the spot market and the forward market.

持续时间短的 chí xù shí jiān duǎn de

adjective (TV, radio: short duration) (电视或广播节目)

The group ran a series of spot announcements on local radio.

插播的短广告 chā bō de duǎn guǎng gào

noun (short advertisement)

The Pepsi spot lasted for 30 seconds.

聚光灯 jù guāng dēng

noun (abbreviation (spotlight)

That is when they turned off all the lights and shone the spot on him.

一点点 yì diǎn dian

noun (informal, UK (small amount of [sth])

Would you like a spot of tea? Robert asked Dan if he fancied a spot of lunch.

地方 dì fāng

noun (geographical area)

Tim and Nicola picnicked at a local beauty spot.


noun (individual performance time)

The makeup artist rushed to get the singer ready for her spot.

位置 wèi zhi

noun (position)

Linda is hoping the coach will give her a spot on the team. I think we may have a spot for you at our firm.

沾上污渍的 zhān shàng wū zì de

intransitive verb (become stained)

Your white blouse will spot really easily if you chop those cherries with it on.


intransitive verb (rain lightly)

It's not really raining yet, but it's spotting; you should take an umbrella just in case.

使变污 shǐ biàn wū

transitive verb (stain)

The oil splashed and spotted the tablecloth.

把...借给 bǎ jiè gěi

transitive verb (informal (lend)

Hey man, can you spot me twenty dollars?

把…放在某位置上 bǎ fàng zài mǒu wèi zhì shàng

transitive verb (place)

The mobile phone mast was controversially spotted near the school.

放置, 摆放

transitive verb (sports: place) (体育运动)

The referee spotted the ball too close to the goal after the penalty.

监护 jiān hù

transitive verb (weightlifting) (健身时)

Can you spot me while I do the bench press?


noun (skin blemish)


noun (area of scalp: no hair)

美人痣 měi rén zhì

noun (mole on the face)

One of the the most famous beauty marks is the one that Marilyn Monroe had on her left cheek.

美人斑,美人痣 měi rén bān,měi rén zhì

noun (make-up: artificial mole on face) (化妆方法)

美景 měi jǐng

noun (place of natural beauty)


noun (plant disease) (植物)


noun (UK (hazardous road area)

危险地带 wēi xiǎn dì dài

noun (UK (dangerous place)

盲点 máng diǎn

noun (unseen area in field of vision)

盲区 máng qū

noun (area of road a motorist cannot see) (驾驶中看不见的路况)

When I changed lanes, I did not see the car in my blind spot.

高兴的事 gāo xìng de shì

noun ([sth] positive or cheerful)

The little girl's smile was a bright spot in an otherwise dreary day.


verbal expression (figurative (satisfy craving)

活动中心 huó dòng zhōng xīn

noun (center of activity)

This city is one of the world's great tourist hotspots.

闹哄哄的娱乐场所 nào hōng hōng de yú lè chǎng suǒ

noun (nightclub, entertainment venue)

We went on a date at one of the new hotspots in the city.


noun (venue offering wifi access)

All of the coffee shops in this city are hotspots.


noun (of political conflict)

The country has become a political hotspot due to the increasing civil unrest in its major cities.


noun (where fire may start)

The firefighters investigated several hot spots to insure that they did not reignite.

遇到困难,陷入困境 yù dào kùn nán,xiàn rù kùn jìng

adverb (informal (in a difficult situation) (非正式用语)

We found ourselves in a spot when we missed our train.

处境困难 chǔ jìng kùn nán

expression (informal (in difficult situation)

Stan usually turns to Larry for help when he is in a tight spot.


noun (US, informal, dated (readily available person)

夜总会 yè zǒng huì

noun (late-night entertainment venue)

Gary and his friends decided to explore the night spots near their hotel.

当场 dāng chǎng

adverb (immediately)

He ordered me to do it on the spot because he couldn't wait.

在现场 zài xiàn chǎng

adverb (at the place in question)

Newspapers' foreign correspondents are on the spot when a story develops.

处于困境中 chǔ yú kùn jìng zhōng

expression (informal, figurative (in an awkward situation)

Bill was on the spot because he owed a lot of people a lot of money.

立即的 lì jí de

adjective (immediate, without preparation)

The shy actress hated on-the-spot interviews.

停车区 tíng chē qū

noun (place to park a car)

It's difficult to find a parking spot at the weekend.


verbal expression (informal (challenge, embarrass)

My teacher put me on the spot with a difficult question.


noun (informal (difficult period)

She's going through a pretty rough spot just at the moment.

(心中的)柔软之处 xīn zhōng de róu ruǎn zhī chù

noun (informal (particular fondness or affection) (非正式用语)

I have a real soft spot for my cousin: I'd do anything to help her. I don't particularly like most dogs, but I do have a soft spot for poodles.

抽样检查 chōu yàng jiǎn chá

noun (impromptu inspection)

The ticket inspectors did a spot check to see who had bought tickets.

准确的,十分对的 zhǔn què de ,shí fēn duì de

adjective (informal (precise, exactly right) (非正式用语)

That insight was spot on: you pinpointed the problem exactly.


noun (trading: immediate cost)


noun (trading: immediate price) (交易)

熔焊工人 róng hàn gōng rén

noun ([sb] who fuses metal)

点焊 diǎn hàn

noun (fusing metal)

熔焊 róng hàn

transitive verb (fuse metal)


noun (figurative (most favourable point)

故障点 gù zhàng diǎn

noun (difficult place)

Pakistan and Iran are thought of as trouble spots in the West.

动荡的地区 dòng dàng de dì qū

noun (location of frequent fighting, violence)

That pub's a notorious trouble spot.

度假胜地 dù jià shèng dì

noun (place popular with holidaymakers)

持久的爱 chí jiǔ de ài

noun (warm place)

The cat had found itself a warm spot in front of the radiator.

持久的爱 chí jiǔ de ài

noun (figurative (affection)

There's still a warm spot in my heart for my high school sweetheart.

卖酒的地方 mài jiǔ de dì fāng

noun (slang (bar)

We found the drunk at his usual watering hole.

嗜好 shì hào

noun (special fondness: for [sth] or [sb])

He has a weak spot for German shepherd dogs.

弱点 ruò diǎn

noun (fault, flaw)

Punctuation's my weak spot when it comes to writing.

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spot 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。