英语 中的 still 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 still 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 still 的说明。

英语 中的still 表示仍然 réng rán, 至今仍然, 然而 rán ér, 静止的 jìng zhǐ de, 平静的 píng jìng de, 不含碳酸气的,不冒泡的 bù hán tàn suān qì de ,bú mào pào de, 安静下来的 ān jìng xià lái de, 宁静的 níng jìng de, 寂静的 jì jìng de, 平静无波的 píng jìng wú bō de, 定格的,静止的 dìng gé de,jìng zhǐ de, 寂静 jì jìng, 宁静 níng jìng, 静物摄影,静物照片,定格画面,剧照 jìng wù shè yǐng,jìng wù zhào piān ,dìng gé huà miàn,jù zhào, 蒸馏器 zhēng liú qì, 使寂静 shǐ jì jìng, 使平静 shǐ píng jìng, 使静止 shǐ jìng zhǐ, 即使如此 jí shǐ rú cǐ, 为时过早, 保持不动 bǎo chí bú dòng, 使…保持不动, 一动不动地站着 yí dòng bú dòng de zhàn zhe, 静止 jìng zhǐ, 别动, 虽然如此 suī rán rú cǐ, 静止图像,静态图像, 静物 jìng wù, 静物画 jìng wù huà, 更加 gèng jiā, 依然存在,依然矗立,依然坚守 yī rán cún zài, 死水 sǐ shuǐ, 静物画 jìng wù huà, 静物画 jìng wù huà, 一动不动的,纹丝不动的 yí dòng bú dòng de, 更糟的是, 更糟的, 尽管这样,然而 jǐn guǎn zhè yàng,rán ér。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 still 的含义

仍然 réng rán

adverb (as before)

He hadn't eaten breakfast, but he was still not hungry.


adverb (with a negative (yet, even now)

I can't talk to him; we still haven't been introduced.

然而 rán ér

adverb (even so)

He hadn't eaten breakfast; still he was not hungry.

静止的 jìng zhǐ de

adjective (motionless)

The still water of the lake was beautiful.

平静的 píng jìng de

adjective (calm, silent)

The woods were completely still with not a sound to be heard.

不含碳酸气的,不冒泡的 bù hán tàn suān qì de ,bú mào pào de

adjective (drink: not fizzy) (饮料等)

Please bring me some still water.

安静下来的 ān jìng xià lái de

adjective (at rest)

The children were at last still and slept quietly in their beds. The still sleepers snored gently.

宁静的 níng jìng de

adjective (silent)

It was a very still night and not a sound could be heard.

寂静的 jì jìng de

adjective (hushed)

The shocked spectators, so loud a moment before, were in a still state after seeing the champion lose.

平静无波的 píng jìng wú bō de

adjective (water: without waves) (指水面)

The sea looked very still and flat that day.

定格的,静止的 dìng gé de,jìng zhǐ de

adjective (photography) (摄影)

The still shot was beautiful.

寂静 jì jìng

noun (silence)

In the still of the night, he took her in his arms.

宁静 níng jìng

noun (stillness)

The still of the morning was beautiful.

静物摄影,静物照片,定格画面,剧照 jìng wù shè yǐng,jìng wù zhào piān ,dìng gé huà miàn,jù zhào

noun (photography) (摄影)

The art exhibition displayed some of his stills of birds flying.

蒸馏器 zhēng liú qì

noun (alcohol: distilling) (制酒的)

This whiskey still has been used for over 40 years.

使寂静 shǐ jì jìng

transitive verb (to silence)

He stilled the crowd with his shocking speech.

使平静 shǐ píng jìng

transitive verb (to calm)

She stilled the excited children with a calming look.

使静止 shǐ jìng zhǐ

transitive verb (make motionless)

He stilled the camera before taking the shot.

即使如此 jí shǐ rú cǐ

expression (even so)


expression (UK, informal (situation may change)

保持不动 bǎo chí bú dòng

(not move)

The mother told her son to keep still as she tried to cut his hair.


(hold steady)

You need one person to keep the cat still and another to trim its claws.

一动不动地站着 yí dòng bú dòng de zhàn zhe

intransitive verb (not move)

Stand still or the photo will turn out blurred.

静止 jìng zhǐ

intransitive verb (figurative (not change, progress)

Time had stood still: my grandparents' house looked exactly as it did when I was a child.


intransitive verb (remain motionless)

虽然如此 suī rán rú cǐ

expression (US, informal (nonetheless)


noun (static or still-frame picture)

静物 jìng wù

noun (art form)

This artist specializes in still life, but occasionally does portraits.

静物画 jìng wù huà

noun (artwork)

I hung a Cezanne print on the wall: a still life of a bowl of apples.

更加 gèng jiā

adverb (even more, yet more)

Sometimes if you tell someone that they cannot have something, they want it still more.

依然存在,依然矗立,依然坚守 yī rán cún zài

adjective (having survived or endured)

死水 sǐ shuǐ

noun (mineral water without bubbles)

I prefer still water to carbonated.

静物画 jìng wù huà

noun (art form)

The artist specializes in still-life painting.

静物画 jìng wù huà

noun (artwork)

Van Gogh did many still-life paintings of flowers.

一动不动的,纹丝不动的 yí dòng bú dòng de

adjective (completely unmoving)


adverb (even more unfortunately)


adjective (even more unfortunate)

尽管这样,然而 jǐn guǎn zhè yàng,rán ér

expression (even so)

Miranda says she eats a gluten-free diet; yet still, I saw her eating a bagel yesterday.

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still 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。